Whitelist Server Skyward Gaming | 1.7.10 Direwolf20 | Dedicated 24/7 Uptime | 18+ No Drama

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IGN: John_Quango
Age: 21
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I played SSP for a long time and started playing on a server recently and thought it was really fun to play with others, share ideas and builds as well as help and get help. Sadly it closed down and that's why i'm here looking for a new group of players to share the fun and exiting experience of playing awesome modpacks. I am familiar with most of the mods in the pack and enjoy the variety. You pretty much never run out of anything to do, build, mess with and every day you discover new features or gadgets.
I'm the guy in the mountain who has loads of everything and has everything automated.
What is your favorite mod?: Thermal Expansion
What is the main rule?: Use common sense!
What is your IGN: DemonicShadow89
Skype (mandatory)DemonicShadow89
Country/Time Zone:USA Eastern
is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:Building with my Friends building epic builds that to weeks to build
What is your experience with modded Minecraft:4 yrs and counting with Direwolf,monster and Ultimate
how often will you play:10 hours a day

What can you contribute to the server:My experience with Running servers and having my own server also help out new players to the mod pack

What is your favorite part of Minecraft:To its legos and to be able to build epic builds that you come up with in your mind
IGN: John_Quango
Age: 21
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I played SSP for a long time and started playing on a server recently and thought it was really fun to play with others, share ideas and builds as well as help and get help. Sadly it closed down and that's why i'm here looking for a new group of players to share the fun and exiting experience of playing awesome modpacks. I am familiar with most of the mods in the pack and enjoy the variety. You pretty much never run out of anything to do, build, mess with and every day you discover new features or gadgets.
Playstyle: I'm the guy in the mountain who has loads of everything and has everything automated.
What is your favorite mod?: Thermal Expansion
What is the main rule?: Use common sense!
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IGN: Afrique617
Age: 27
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing casually since mindcrack 1.4.7
Playstyle: Im into tech mods, slow progression, blood magic is the only magic mod ive really gotten into.
What is your favorite mod?: Id probablly have to say gregtech, but since its not in direwolf20, either ender io or ae2
What is the main rule?: have common sense
You have been approved! Please allow 1 hour for you to be added to the whitelist.
IGN: Artis_is_livebro
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Yes been playing ftb since it came out.
Playstyle: Build a nice pad and get minecraft rich.
What is your favorite mod?: Thaumcraft
What is the main rule?: Use common sense, I feel your pain.
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Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Have messed with a few of the FTB packs, including New World, Monster, and mindcrack. Been a while with Modded, so i wanna give Dire a shot.
Playstyle: I Like Mining and Building way to much.
What is your favorite mod?: Digging on the mods that add extra fluff to MC.
What is the main rule? Use common sense!
You have been approved! please allow 1 hour from this post to be added to the whitelist!
IGN: frito93
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing modded minecraft since the very early days of technic pack and off and on to now
Playstyle: Solo and try to get to the end of every mod
What is your favorite mod?: Thaumcraft
What is the main rule?: Use common sense
You have been approved! Please allow 1 hour from this post to be added to the whitelist.
IGN: Heart_Breath
Age: 25
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Quite a bit. though I have been out of the loop for a while So I am looking to learn the new AE2 and Ender IO Big Reactors etc.
Playstyle: Adventure, Building Nice builds along with a good automatized system for resource gathering
What is your favorite mod?: Thaumcraft
What is the main rule?: Common Sense, Common Sense, and a little more Common Sense.

I am looking to create some fun friends to enjoy playing direwolf together. I first will want to get a feel for who you all are and once i like you I will decided to stay.
You have been approved! Please allow 1 hour from this post to be added to the whitelist.
IGN: Johny_Boy248
Age: 21
Experience: i have mettled with most mods in the pack. Some i am more familiar with than other. Always am trying to learn more and help others.
Playstyle: Like to mess with all the mods available. Build a nice base of operations and expand with a build for each mod.
Favorite Mod: probably Thaumcraft right now but there are others that i am beginning to really enjoy more.
Main Rule: Please just use common sense... please

I was invited to join the server by BrutalChif and i would really like to join this server! He made it sound like a great community i would love to be part of
You where approved! But you already know that.
IGN: Iiinterstellar
Age: 25
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Little to none. I would be playing here with my cousin, he would be showing me the ropes. I am a long time player of other MMOs that involve immense team work and common sense xD
Playstyle: Casual exploration. Logging into this game is my chill time. If I'm accepted I would be spending my time exploring/building with my cousin
What is your favorite mod?: Don't have one yet
What is the main rule?: Respect/common sense.... lol
You have been approved! Please allow 1 hour from the this post to be added to the whitelist. If your cousin hasn't already been added, please have him put in an application.
IGN: Rebecca956
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/modded minecraft: I have played quite a few FTB modpacks such as direwolf,magic farm 2,magic world 2 etc... And will play most modpacks.
Playstyle: I prefer survival to creative so you can actually find and harvest resources instead of cheating
What is your favourite mod?: at the minute it's the morph mod
what is the main rule?: Respect everyone and the rest is common sense to be fair.
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IGN: Rebecca956
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/modded minecraft: I have played quite a few FTB modpacks such as direwolf,magic farm 2,magic world 2 etc... And will play most modpacks.
Playstyle: I prefer survival to creative so you can actually find and harvest resources instead of cheating
What is your favourite mod?: at the minute it's the morph mod
what is the main rule?: Respect everyone and the rest is common sense to be fair.
Your approved!
So... I'm guessing players are having trouble connecting to the server... If you are having trouble connecting to the server please replace the IP with the one below. The old IP should be fixed within the next 12-24 hours or so. Thank you for your understanding.


IP: mccertified.org:25568

EDIT: Good news! The IP will be back to normal around 4pm CDT.
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IGN: Dekutanoth
Age: 24
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: 3-4 servers, TTKami progression, all of my favorite bees in alvearies, full powersuit, big reactors + steam turbines, T5 blood altar, and many more
Playstyle: Mostly tech! But I have a soft spot for magic mods that improve QoL, like Thaumcraft and Blood Magic
What is your favorite mod?: Buildcraft, because of quarries. Second place is Minefactory, for automation of basically anything. Also, translocation is one of the best mods ever, for its ability to regulate items in an inventory.
What is the main rule?: Repetition? Rules 1-3? Okay. I'm a bit of a smartass.
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I have been playing FTB since Ultimate and modded minecraft arround 3 years.
Playstyle: Automate everything and mostly focused on tech.
What is your favorite mod?: Applied Energistics as I'm a bit chaotic.
What is the main rule?: common sense.
IGN: Badlanguage
Age: 29
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft:
Played on a modded vanilla server since 2010 and various FTB packs since 2013.
Playstyle: Off and on casual.
What is your favorite mod?: Tinkerer's Construct.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
IGN: Richard104
Age: 23
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I have been playing modded mincraft since atleast 1.4.7, Redpower 2 and EE1.
Playstyle: Tech and magic guy. Everything and anything, eventual full blown automation.
What is your favorite mod?: IC2 purely because it was my first ever mod.
What is the main rule?: Common sense.
IGN: lincore
Age: 33
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I've been playing modded for a long time but I'm far from an expert. What I don't know I can look up.
Playstyle: I like projects that mentally challenge me, convoluted redstonian contraptions aided by computercrafted programs that do stuff that's so trivial everybody else would just put down a machine from thermal exchange etc. and be done with it.
What is your favorite mod?: ComputerCraft, but I'm trying to tone it down a lot ;~)
What is the main rule?: Don't be an idiot / use common sense.
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IGN: Amagic
Age: 20
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing Direwolf20 on and off over the years.
Playstyle: Strike the earth! Spend a ridiculous ammount of time looking for a scenic location for a base and start mining and exploring is how I usually play. Eventually I spoil the landscape with !!INDUSTRY!!
What is your favorite mod?: IC2, because machines! And industry!
What is the main rule?: Use common sense and don't act like a twat.
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