Whitelist Server Skyward Gaming | 1.7.10 Direwolf20 | Dedicated 24/7 Uptime | 18+ No Drama

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IGN: _Darkraid
Age: 17 (well, soon 18)
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: 3 months
I like tech.
What is your favorite mod?:
Ender IO
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
IGN: Deianaor
Age: 28
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: about 2 years,
Playstyle: Having fun and try new things, helping others where i can
What is your favorite mod?: tough one, translocators is a neat one, and there are many new one i'd like to try
What is the main rule?: Use common sense!

IGN: badboybrewer
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: about 5 years
Playstyle: like to build and automate
What is your favorite mod?: there is so many in the last 5 years that i liked it's really hard to pick 1 and most you combine with others to automate and build
What is the main rule?: Use common sense!
IGN: Grydian2
Age: 34
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I actually started with Tekkit just because I didn't know better back in 1.2.5 Then I found this guy on youtube named Direwolf20 and the rest is history.
Playstyle: Industrial automation with terrible building skills :)
What is your favorite mod?: EnderIO seems to be king right now but TE for a long time has been my fav and before that ic2.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense!
IGN: Olfington
Age: 31
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: playing since 1.5.2 and never stopped since then
Playstyle:Community based, helpful, sometimes to chatty :)
What is your favorite mod?:Blood Magic in combination with Botania
What is the main rule?: Use common sense
IGN: hol0
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing on the FTB launcher for like 2 years now.
Playstyle: More magic than tech.
What is your favorite mod?:
ender io
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.


I posted here yeasterday and made a mistake i wrote my name wrong .... sry its written hol0 instead of holo
Age: 45
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Since the first DW20
Playstyle: cooperative tech
What is your favorite mod?: TiCon
What is the main rule?:
Use Common Sense!
IGN: MKBGaming82
Age: 23
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I run my own DW20 server but its small and people don't seem to stay long.
Playstyle: I love making farms and machines.
What is your favorite mod?: AE2
What is the main rule?:

Use Common Sense!
IGN: Sadderdaze
Age: 21
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Played since DW20 1.5
Playstyle: Building and mining.
What is your favorite mod?: Thuamcraft
What is the main rule?:
Use common sense!
IGN: th3niiinja
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I've played with mods since back when Industrial Craft came out. And have just come back from not playing for a while, but have had a refresher since.
Playstyle: Helping others, and making all the machines I could need for anything I want to make :D
What is your favorite mod?: Pretty much all of them, except for IC2 now lol
What is the main rule?:
Use Common Sense!
The server is being brought offline for some Maintenance. It will be down for roughly one (1) hour. We are sorry for this inconvenience, and hope for it to be rectified shortly.
The server is back up. Thank you for sticking with us during these laggy past couple of days.
IGN: Xman10101
Age: 24
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: If i remember correctly it has been 6 or 7 years now that i have been playing the game with some years inbetween. i played a lot of FTB but also Techit and resonant rise aswel
What is your favorite mod?: Ender I/O is a beast for me since it keeps me from making a mess of my house :)
What is the main rule?:
Use Common Sense!
We are bringing the server back down for some more maintenance. Hopefully we can squash this lag.
IGN: Vauny1
Age: 39
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: About 5 years.
Playstyle: I'm still influenced by good old vanilla so I try to make good looking bases and fill them with all the cool mods.
What is your favorite mod?: AE2 and Ender io
What is the main rule?: The best one...Use Common Sense!!!
The server is back up once again. I don't know how long for this time. Just be easy to her, she's been through alot.
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: 3/10. Learning as well as trying to teach :)
Playstyle: Mine, Create machines, Self-sufficiency
What is your favorite mod?:Tinker's construct, Thermal expansion, AE
What is the main rule?:Common sense.
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