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IGN: iBootleg
Age: 23
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing since ultimate (1.4.7) with minecraft ive been playing for a couple of years. Recently decided to come back after being away for a few months
Playstyle: Im a bit of a hoarder, i like stuff. Im not much of a builder but I try to make interesting looking builds.
What is your favorite mod?: Applied energistics but lately has been ender io
What is the main rule?: Use common sense! use common sense! and a side of use common sense!
If the server is going to be reset in a couple days if im accepted i probably wont log on untill the 9th
IGN: DjScorsy
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing it since they released the first build, followed direwolf20's packs back in the day as well.
Playstyle: "Let's set up a town and automate some things and have people doing individual jobs!" or "I BUILD HOUSE GOOD."
What is your favorite mod?: Ender IO. Or carpenter's blocks, depending on what kinda favourite you're going for.
What is the main rule?: Admins law is final, and USE common sense.
IGN: Penguin926
Age: 40+
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing minecraft for a couple of years started playing modded in 1.5 and never went back to vanilla
Playstyle: Play daily but quiet in chat unless someone needs help or advice
What is your favorite mod?: Thaumcraft by far
What is the main rule?: Don't be dumb (i.e common sense)
IGN: N0Name2
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Started playing vanilla in the early beta and switched to Mods/ Modpacks between 1.2.5 and 1.4.7(Mindcrack/Ultimate...)
Playstyle: I´m not the greatest builder but pretty much play with every tech/mage mod and try to automate everything
What is your favorite mod?: Pretty much all tech mods, especially the new AE2
What is the main rule?: Use common sense and your brain
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I have run a few servers and also played on several. Mostly Direwolf20 packs
Playstyle: Tech and builder
What is your favorite mod?:Ender IO and AE2
What is the main rule?: Use common sense!
IGN: NurseMissy Age: 24 Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I have played on a lot of servers but I always come back to direwolf Playstyle: Im not a great builder mostly I just like to play round with the mods and see what I can do What is your favorite mod?: Thermal Expansion What is the main rule?: Use common sense!
IGN: Marcrin
Age: 21
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Fair bit of experience, haven't played in a while though
Playstyle: casual/experimentation with mods
What is your favorite mod?: Any of the magic style mods
Whats is the main rule?: Use common sense and don't be an ass.
IGN: Merelia Age: 24 Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing modded minecraft for years now so I guess I am pretty experienced when it comes to your average stuff. Plenty of mods I don't know though as it been a few months since I last played. This is mostly with the direwolf pack. Playstyle: I like to start with building a decently automated base so I actually have resources to draw on, I usually like to combine forces with somebody else when doing that. That is the fun of MC multiplayer after all. Then I usually move on to making public stuff people can use, I might get into mods like railcraft since I don't know much about those yet and then make a transportation system for fun. What is your favorite mod?: I would probably go with thaumcraft. It is just such a well done mod in every respect, especially with the latest additions to it. What is the main rule?: Common sense. But I would add to that; Treat other people with respect.
IGN: TheNecromage
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I have quite a bit of experience with most of the mods. I used to play tekkit and soon switched to modded when direwolf20's 1.6.4 modpack came out. I'm interested how the mods changed in 1.7.
Playstyle: I am a tech styled player, though I am getting into making decent looking bases. I plan on trying out botania as well.
What is your favorite mod?: Tinker's Construct, hands down.
What is the main rule?: Common Sense.
IGN: Deviancy Age: 19 Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I've been watching almost every DW20 video for the past couple years. I've played a few of the FTB packs and I have a general understanding of most of the mods (AE2 y u so complex?) Playstyle: I like to have a sort of small base with random automations. I would like to get more into pretty builds now that i've seen what can be done with chisel and carpenter's blocks. What is your favorite mod?: Tinker's Construct is my favorite early game mod and AE1 (don't know how to use AE2 yet) was my favorite late game mod. What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: played modded for years and minecraft for about 3 years.
Playstyle: like to get get my house build asap and make rooms for every mod got a bit of ocd like that
What is your favorite mod?:AE2 Best type of storage you cant beat it, plus now its hard, that makes it more fun
What is the main rule?Use common sense. If someone did a minor quality of life troll on you, don't spawn a hungry node in their base
IGN: ENGx Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Played modded minecraft for about a year now, started off with technic/tekkit then moved on to ftb a few months later. Know all the big mods like IC2, TE and Buildcraft, still learning a few of the newer ones like blood magic.
Playstyle: I prefer having a basic house with advanced machines and systems.
What is your favorite mod?: Big Reactors
What is the main rule?: Use common sense
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing FTB for about 2 years now. I know Tech and magic mods. I can also defend myself in Computercraft.
Playstyle: Automate and learn at least 1 new mod every play through.
What is your favorite mod?: Probably Thermal Expansion since early game it really helpful.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.