School For RolePlay

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I'm walking down a corridor alone, and suddenly, in front of me, a black doorway opens up. I look around, and it's one-sided, one dimensional, and I decide I may as well go through it.
I step through, and on the other side, I see Felix, that bastard, fighting through these weird beasts with skull-like heads, and some kind of pig man is killing them, and then another door. Through the door are Zan and Will, I'll bet Will's in on the plot to kill me too, I'll bet they all are, even Felix.
I use the little light there is in this world to propel one of the skull beasts through the door, and it knocks over Will, Zan seems to have disappeared. Felix stops dead, and a skull beast jumps on his back, which is helpful for me, when I plan to kill him.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

"Hey guys," I say cheerily, "wanna see a wrestler pig man fight a horde of lizards with skulls for heads?"

Will and Zan look at me strangely. I gesture for them to come with me, and we walk to the shadow gate.

"Aw, bollocks," I dejectedly say, the pig killed all of the skull heads.

Will is looking a bit green, and Zan just always has a greenish tinge to his skin, being a Druid and all. I don't say I can blame them, there's blood, guts and shit everywhere. I feel a bit nauseous myself.

The gates are made of some substance, blacker than coal, stringy and smooth. They don't look sturdy, but they hold, and only necromancers can open them. Beyond them is a smokey region, like a black fog with an ashy, gravelly ground.

We stand before the gates, smoke curling around us like tentacles pulling us into the shadows beyond.

"Three..." I breath, "two... One!"

And in unison, we run through the gates.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also a bit late.[DOUBLEPOST=1384017784][/DOUBLEPOST]
*is dazed, but gets up and water freezes the creature, and then enters the door*

I guess you guys didn't picture it as I did. I meant for Felix to be still in the Institution, outside the gates. The wrestler pig was one of the anomalies.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I hate the shadow lands, It's a good thing I WAS NEVER MEANT TO GO IN THEM AGAIN!!!!!!!!! IN MY OWN BODY!! BUT NO THE MASTER OF SHADOWS HAD TO TAKE ME THERE! NOW THERE BLOODY AFTER ME AGAIN!" Tall men run over to you "We look for you for thousand year, finally zanla will be kille- shadow master is here?" The people bow then grab zan and run off


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Darklord, you know Felix isn't not the only Necromancer in the world, right?[DOUBLEPOST=1384018406][/DOUBLEPOST]...or the most skilled...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I hate the shadow lands, It's a good thing I WAS NEVER MEANT TO GO IN THEM AGAIN!!!!!!!!! IN MY OWN BODY!! BUT NO THE MASTER OF SHADOWS HAD TO TAKE ME THERE! NOW THERE BLOODY AFTER ME AGAIN!" Tall men run over to you "We look for you for thousand year, finally zanla will be kille- shadow master is here?" The people bow then grab zan and run off
OOC: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Zan is in Will's body. No one knows that he's even in the Shadowlands. Only that Will, Felix, and Aaron are.