School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(His aunt is white) "my aunt is plotting things!" He speaks it through wills mouth before thinking "she wants to kill you Felix and me." Will starts to feel pains in his chest "will we need to get out of here, the shadows are realising I'm in you" the pains become worse expanding to his legs and arms, Zan jumps out and lands on the floor shadows grow tall around him "Felix tell them to stop!" Felix looks worried but does nothing.

Zan stands up, "the treaty said my family is allowed to enter if its an emergency! Oh and your fucking prophecy is coming true!!!!!" The shadows laugh "yes Zan it does seen like an emergency but that does not mean you should be here! Your disturbing the balance of our realm, it's no longer twilight"
"We are leaving.. Now.. At least it's rava not vantu"
The shadows laugh again "yes at least it is"
"Felix I need you to let me in your body to get me to the gate"
"Uhhhhh okay"
Zan attempts to go in Felix but fails, "my powers have weakened already :(...." He stands tall air spinning around him his eyes glow the shadows hiss he lands on the ground and walks into will "hurry will I'm part of your spirit if I stay too long we will merge forever, ask Felix to pick up the ring that's on the floor"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nami walked down the hallway and towards the door. As he approached it he thought "This is it." and turned the handle to reveal what was within.

Greeting him were two large mahogany chairs. Nothing else was in the room. Slowly, Nami approached the chair and sat down. At first nothing appeared to happen. But then a large cloud of smoke started to gather in the second chair. The cloud of smoke hovered for a second or two before it began to form the shape of a man. Before Nami knew it there was a tall man dressed in a white suit and black tie sitting in the chair before him.

"Ahhhhhhh." Said the man as he stretched out his appendages. "That's much better. You know, these are the only breaks I get from the cage that Mikey put me in." He said leaning forward. A smile formed on his lips before he said his next words. "But I must say that it is quite entertaining to make deals. So Nami, what is it that you want from me? Money? Power? That annoying ticking noise in your head to finally go away?" Nami's face lit up with shock. How could the man know about this. Nami knew that he was powerful, but this... this was unexpected. Nami wondered if he should actually go through with this. "Don't look so surprised Nami. I know everything about the person that sits in that chair. It's both a blessing and a curse. At least it gives me something to think about while I'm in the cage."

Nami returned his face to the blank expression that he had grow so used to. "I wouldn't expect any less from you. But let's cut to the chase. You know what I want, all I need to know is what you want."

The man gave out a small laugh before looking deep into Nami's eyes and saying "I'm not sure you can afford it."

"Trust me. I'm prepared to pay anything to take care of this. It has to end already. One way or another I'll make sure it ends. With or without your help, and if the world ends... then so be it."

The man stared at Nami for a second longer and then sat back in his chair. "I like your resolve. Tell you what, I'll give you what you want for free. However... when one of my "friends" comes knocking and asks for a favor, you have to do whatever she tells you. No questions asked. Got it?"

"I've got it." Nami said turning his head upwards to look at the ceiling. "But how will I know who your friend is?" He looked down to see if the man answered. When he did, the man was gone and in his place was a small scroll.

OOC: Still open for guesses.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
a screen, lying on a table in a finely furnished room, shows Varlow hunting around the facility.
"as you can see, he, and by extension the rest of the IR, thinks i'm still there." says Chyzz, alone in the room with a man in robes and a golden mask, with an engraved silver X over one eye.
Observing the screen, the man says: "I see. are you sure it would be wise to attempt to invade this place?"
"Yes, while i was there i heard and read things about what this place stores, and they were very impressive. all of the strange and most powerful secrets of that world contained and documented in one organization. Plus, that particular location is in total chaos. We could go in under a pretense of alliance, help them regain control over it, and then dominate them and take what we want. I'm confident the Ex-Core could put them down without much difficulty."
"Well, if things are as you say, i thi-" cutting short, he suddenly touches the screen, bringing up some controls. Using them, he focuses the view on an image of Nami, in the chair looking at the scroll.
"...sir?" asks Chyzz.
"I sense this is someone pivotal to that world. Depending on Him, it could live, or die."
Looking at Chyzz, with his one startlingly blue eye visible, he asks: "Did you say that those in other worlds are still 'connected' to their own?"
"u-um, with the IR's version of the technology, yes, on a..." he waves his hands, searching for a word, "...on a 'spiritual' level, lets say."
Regarding Chyzz a moment longer, the man looks once more at the screen. "Chyzz, prepare a machine to bring him back to our world at a moment's notice without leaving a hole behind. If this turns out to be a doomed world, i don't want to risk our world's well-being, even if he is one of our most persistent adversaries. stopping Chyzz from speaking with a raised hand, he says "I know the huge amount of power and resources that will take, but it's well worth avoiding the risk."
Bowing, Chyzz leaves the room saying "yes sir, Lord Maranivorn."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I pick up the ring that just appeared somehow. I don't even know. I put it on and the shadows swirl around me, tightening around my head, I feel them forming a shell around me. Tendrils sprout from the shadows at my temples, forming dark viper heads. They thicken at the back, lengthen, four huge dark snakes grow out of my head and form makeshift feet as I lift off of the ground. My pupils dilate and my head grows cat-like, but my body is plated with shadowy armour. My fingers grow claws and the snakes hiss.

"QUIET!" I say angrily, "BE STILL!"

Will's eyes are wide and moist. Zan's whimpering. The shadows shrink down to mist on the floor. The mist then dissipates in a large area surrounding us all.

"Zan, Will, leave me. I have my own problems to deal with."

I can't control myself. It feels like some higher power is guiding me. Oh, plus I quoted Jesus!

Zan and Will back away slooooowly...

The gates open behind them and they walk back through into the Institution.

"Aaron. My, my Aaron, what have you gotten yourself into? I don't want to kill you. That Priest bitch wants to get in your brain and wiggle her fingers around a bit. She's addling with your brain, she wants us dead. I hate to quote shitty films, but we're all in this together. We have to work together to - oh, God, the cliches are killing me inside, I'm going to stop now before I vomit. In summary, I don't want to kill you, you don't want to kill us. Alright?" I reach out and ruffle his golden hair. He stays still, evidently terrified.

"Mmhm," he mumbles.

"Seriously?" I say, "I've already made it quite clear that I'm not going to hurt you. Now go. I'll catch up."

Aaron runs through the gates. I slither along to the gates and let the shadows go. I fall to the ground, panting. My blazer is caked in dark goo. Once I've composed myself I walk through, brushing myself off.

Then I see the wrestler pig fighting an even bigger centipede thing.

Here we go again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(i already said her name)
zan falls onto the floor coughing "Thank... you WIll....." raah Looms over zan
"zanla upon breaking the treaty of magic i here by sentence you to the REMOVAL"
"You can't do that!"
she stares at him intently will and felix notice her eyes flash black "You will go through the removal zan because you have no choice!"
"I have to go through the removal.... I have no choice?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just a quick heads up to all of you:
I'm the one doing most of the base writing of the summary in techno's document. if it weren't already obvious...
so if you see something that needs changed, a plot hole you can fill, or some other thing that needs to be bothered with on there, private message me on this website. note that i'm trying to keep my snideness in the comments and not the summary itself. Also, if the 'why i'm not here writing' message at the bottom is different, it means i did some writing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I'm sorry, Raah," I say, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

"You have a tendency to quote popular culture, don't you, child?" Raah says.

"Child? I have probably lived as long as you and then some. You have no power here."

The shadows pull away from the walls, I form into that snake thing again.

"This is actually quite fun!" I say happily to myself. I notice that my voice deepens when I become this being.

Scared, Raah puts her hands in front of her and sends out a pulse of faint red energy. It hits me and reflects, throwing everything back.

"Wooooow, how very uneducated of you, Raah. You assumed that I am a demon, solely because I am a Necromancer. You need to read up on morbid magic before you make prejudice."

She throws herself at me and I bat her away with a wave of shadow.

Raah summons balls of red energy and hurls them at me. They hit me and throw me back. Shit. I didn't know that she could do that. She's gaining confidence. She throws more energy balls. AAAGH THAT BURNS.

I feel weak... Guuuh... The shadows... They... They're leaving me... This... Is... The end...

She lifts up a brass dagger pulled from her belt...

And then?

"Well, I'll be damned..." I breath.

"Yes, you will!" Raah bellows right before the centipede thing's extendable jaw punches through her torso in a shower of blood. The creature's sword-like tongue impales the back of her head, too, for good measure. The centipede sucks her into its mouth and the wrestler pig's fist comes down on its head, crushing it and presumably Raah. I stand up.[DOUBLEPOST=1384088403][/DOUBLEPOST]The wrestler pig looks at me. It nods, and walks off.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
zan spazams on the floor black light floats around him, white light bashes into the darkness, there is a hint of red in the conflict
"nnno my powers. Hhhheeellp, do sooommething, take me to the shadow realm again.. it will stop there, what ever the people- do to me- its better- then this!"


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Aaron flicked up the light without hesitation, and threw Zan straight into the shadow dimension, just as it began to close.
"Zan! We'll look for another way in!" I shout as the door becomes the size of a football.
He looked up at Felix and Will, guilt all over his face.
"I'm so sorry I did this... She was controlling me, I thought you guys hated me... I'm so sorry..."
"It's alright." Replies Felix. "Bro hug?"
"Bro hug."
As they gave each other said bro hug, Aaron's hand began to glow.
"What the fuck?"
"Oh I see what's happening. It's alright, let it happen."
As he marvelled at his glowing hand, Aaron realised that a band was forming around his wrist, with the Diamond which gave him his powers set in both the band and his skin now.
"Damn, that's cool. Do I get to be a snake monster thingy now?"
"Try it out, I have no idea."
I focus my power into the band, and I feel my whole body change shape. My feet and legs become that of a lion, as does my body. My arms become huge wings, covered in shining feathers of light, and my mouth grows hard, long, and hooked. My vision improves a thousandfold, and I can pick out the tiniest of objects in the distance.
"Ok, I don't thing I'm a snake. I reckon I must be some kind of huge griffon. That is badass!"
I give a screech, and fly a little bit, I've never felt so free in my life as now. This is awesome.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I feel weak... Too weak to go snake again. I guess I can open the shadow gates...

Shadows stretch from the walls, latch on to one another in an irregular linking pattern. I will the gates to open. They do.

"Go..." I croak, "quickly... I... I can't go with you... Too... Weak..."

The world tilts and I feel the smack of my head hitting the ground.

'They will never know... We're not done with you yet... Grrrrrll... Deomi... Deomi... Heeeeelp...'

I see many faces in my mind. Deomi, Aaron, Zan, Will, even Raah. Then... I see myself...

Armani glasses, dark eyes, freshly shaved upper lip. Damn, my hair looks good today. My face goes smoggy and dark, and when it dissipates...

Cat head, deep red eyes, furry everything, hair's still alright. My mouth opens and I see a forked tongue and viper fangs. My head turns into smoke and drifts away. Another face comes into my head... A girl... She has a crazed look on her face, eyes wide, pale face. The shadows come again, wrapping around her face, and pulling taut.


'You killed me... I loved you... Murderer... MURDERER!" She yells underneath that dark helmet. She's German. I know her name. Lili. Lili Träumenweber. It means Dream Weaver. She's dead. She can't hurt me... Can she? Can she?

I slowly drift off to waking state. I'm in the same bed that I was when I last as Deomi and Tim. It was a dream. I smile, relieved, and turn onto my side. I see a bed over across the room. Aaron's in it. He's shivering, eyes wide open. "Hey, Aaron," I say.

"GAH!" He shrieks, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" And hides under the sheets.

Feeling guilty, I close my eyes and go back to sleep.[DOUBLEPOST=1384095815][/DOUBLEPOST]GODDAMN IT I GOT NINJA'D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
zan spazams on the floor black light floats around him, white light bashes into the darkness, there is a hint of red in the conflict
"nnno my powers. Hhhheeellp, do sooommething, take me to the shadow realm again.. it will stop there, what ever the people- do to me- its better- then this!"
No, Zan!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
zan stands up tall men approach him
"My aunt is corrupt you must help me! She will destroy twilight and you will all die!"
"Destroy twilight?"
he stares at them
"Shadow master will come back for us if we send you home?"
"Ill try and get him to come back for you!"
a pit appears under zan then he appears on felixs head
"Okay so the shadow men want to see you sometime!"