School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the cage melts away "Sorrry I have been locked in a training place my whole life i have no idea what its like to be free!"


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Wait what? Why 'thank god' he can't use that power? And why put us in a cage in the first place?"
"I don't trust this guy." I tell Felix, telepathically.
"Neither do I. Let's just see what he says though."


Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Screw reading 4 pages. I have an hour on the computer before my dad decides to unplug the router. -.-

Byrne ventured into the shadow realm. The moment he stepped through the rift, it vanished behind him. This was followed by someone who attempted to mug him with a knife. Byrne flipped around, pulled the knife out of his back, and smashed the handle into the neck of the person who stabbed him. Byrne sat down, lit a small fire and examined the knife. It was of good make, and appeared to be poisoned. Byrne cleansed the knife in fire, and laid it next to the man's comatose body. It would never do to take a defenceless man's weapons, especially in such a dangerous place as this seemed. Byrne held out his arm and concentrated. A soft orange glow flowed out from the lines on his arm, lighting up the dim area slightly. He walked over to a plaque on the wall, that said "British Alchymical College, founded since 1829". Byrne walked over to the door, and examined it, since it was made of solid stone, with a few carvings on the wall. On the wall, was written that a blood offering was required to open the door. Byrne was a little stuck, since he had no blood, being what he was [OOC: Not a vampire... >_>]. Byrne then examined the lines in the wall. On a whim, he put his hand above the circle with the three dots inside. Byrne, concentrated and plunged his hand into the circle. Golden light fountained out, burning away the undergrowth, and shining like a beacon for miles around. The door creaked open. Byrne removed his hand from the symbol, which was rotating at top speed. he gently patted the door. It was nice to see you, my dear. I hope we will meet again. If not, you know the way out. You have known for long enough. It is in the last place you look, after all. Byrne picked up the lost creatures that were gathering by the door, and nudged them through, before stepping through. The door ground shut behind him, and the plaque faded, as if it was never there.

Byrne popped out into the floor of the institute, just to see the last of the rift fading away. Byrne was holding a small pheonix in his arms. He gently put it next to Flare, in his bag, to recover. When he moved, the was a creak, a groan, and a giant stone door fell from the ceiling. Byrne gave it a soft pat, and the door gave a gently shimmer in return. Byrne gathered everyone together. Can anyone tell me what happened, and what we do now?

OOC: the_j495, if you do not want Ashbite, just say so, rather than leaving him to rot. :-:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

"Ok, well, I opened a door to a really dark dimension, a bunch of weird goat skull lizards came through and got massacred by a WWE pig, then I discovered that the alchemist governor for Britain was a blood alchemist, not long before he killed himself, then I found out I was Shadow Jesus, and became this snake-cat-me thing and killed Zan's aunt. Well, actually, I didn't kill her, the centipede thing that was the WWE pig's next opponent did. Oh, and the centipede died too. So, now this weird guy who looks a bit like Zan came along after Zan ran off and trapped us in an earth cage. But we're fine now."

The robot stands dead still. It tilts its head a bit. "What?" It says.

I sigh.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Hey, what that in your bag?" I asked Byrne.
"Oh, that's Flare's brother, Ashbite."
"What? what did you call him?"
"Ashbite? Holy shit man!" Said Aaron, diving into the bag, grabbing Ashbite, and plopped him on his shoulder. Ashbite began to nuzzle his head affectionately.
"So you have met before?"
"Yeah, when I was little. Can't believe he still hasn't grown up, funny little guy."
"Indeed, phoenixes have very long infancy periods."


Jul 29, 2019

"Ok, well, I opened a door to a really dark dimension, a bunch of weird goat skull lizards came through and got massacred by a WWE pig, then I discovered that the alchemist governor for Britain was a blood alchemist, not long before he killed himself, then I found out I was Shadow Jesus, and became this snake-cat-me thing and killed Zan's aunt. Well, actually, I didn't kill her, the centipede thing that was the WWE pig's next opponent did. Oh, and the centipede died too. So, now this weird guy who looks a bit like Zan came along after Zan ran off and trapped us in an earth cage. But we're fine now."

The robot stands dead still. It tilts its head a bit. "What?" It says.

I sigh.
Byrne processed the information, after asking for a few re-iterations, in order to match entries with his internal database, and scanning unknown entries for future reference (Human equivalent of; I'll look this up later).

"Hey, what that in your bag?" I asked Byrne.
"Oh, that's Flare's brother, Ashbite."
"What? what did you call him?"
"Ashbite? Holy shit man!" Said Aaron, diving into the bag, grabbing Ashbite, and plopped him on his shoulder. Ashbite began to nuzzle his head affectionately.
"So you have met before?"
"Yeah, when I was little. Can't believe he still hasn't grown up, funny little guy."
"Indeed, phoenixes have very long infancy periods."
OOC: Finally... Except you realise that Flare is a female hell-hound and that Ashbite is a phoenix. Other than the fire, it is difficult to see how they are related, unless Flare is part Avian and Ashbite is part canine, which would lead to some interesting results...
Byrne gently took Ashbite from Aaron's shoulder, and cupped his hands over Ashbite. There was a momentary orange flare, and when Byrne opened his hands, Ashbite was no longer grey and caked with Ash, rather a bright golden-orange. Ashbite leaped onto Aaron's shoulder and started vigorously pecking.

Byrne looked at his hands. They were blackened, mostly from the heat. Byrne went over to some rusting pieces of metal in the corner. Breaking off a piece, he appeared to absorb it, before the scorch marks faded away. Rummaging in his bag for some Brimstone, Byrne took out a large lump of the stuff and made sure to move the water bowl before he did so. Some water dripped from the ceiling and landed on the Brimstone, causing a few sparks to fly and the water to evaporate in a loud hiss. Byrne walked over, took Ashbite from the stone where Aaron attempted to feed Ashbite all sorts of things, most of which were inappropriate diet for a young phoenix. Byrne, with a hungry Ashbite clining onto his arm, dug around his satchel until he found what he was looking for. Here. Byrne gave Aaron the 'Encyclopædia of Flame-Based Organisms' to read. Despite the name, the book itself was quite small, stretching only a few hundred pages. Byrne left Ashbite and Flare with the Brimstone, allowing them to absorb it, or eat it, depending on what either of them felt like.

Byrne gently laid his arm on the stone door, which no-one else had appeared to see. He then noticed a perculiar sheen to it, and he knew what had happened. He sat against it, and murmured something to it. There was a grinding of stones, and to everyone else, a giant stone door had appeared where the portal was. It had no handle, just a series of marks and a silver plaque. Byrne gave the door a fond pat. The door itself exuded some kind of ancient energy, but it was comparable to that of a tree, or the ocean. Unstoppable and just there, as if it had always been. Byrne gave it a fond pat, and a map began to etch itself on the opposite wall. As the lines unfurled, a map of the institute began to gain shape. Byrne started marking the map with a piece of charcoal, preparing to draw out whatever plan people came up with.

OOC: The door will not go anywhere... much. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
suddenly felix shivers "Felix you have to help me! My brother has taken my body! You need to make him sleep for a day or two so i can get back into it!!!"