School For RolePlay

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Hey Paddling, I suggest some additions to you magical colours:

Purple: Mage | Turquoise: Sorcerer | Blue: Wizard | Black: Witch | Yellow: Thaumaturge | Red: Alchemist | Orange: Arcanist | Green: Druid | White: Priest | Grey: Lych | Brown: Summoner | Magenta: Psychic

The TWELVE magical colours!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Paddling, I suggest some additions to you magical colours:

Purple: Mage | Turquoise: Sorcerer | Blue: Wizard | Black: Witch | Yellow: Thaumaturge | Red: Alchemist | Orange: Arcanist | Green: Druid | White: Priest | Grey: Lych | Brown: Summoner | Magenta: Psychic

The TWELVE magical colours!
Well, I've already come up with a use for a Lich. Give me a minute while I figure out Google Docs.

Oh, and I think Psychic would go into sorcerer. You know, physical magic and all. Good ideas, though![DOUBLEPOST=1384371908][/DOUBLEPOST]

If you think I should add anything, do say!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(requested access!)
"Let me explain, my brother was not meant to be born, or not known of i was want to meant to inherit both a spiritiual state and control over 4 base elements i got the spirit he got control, now i have both so yay!" a ring of fire circles zan then air and some rocks "NO more electrics for me!!!!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Paddling, if you have the PHB3 of the 4e edition (the one with the runepriest, monk, psionic, battlemind, ardent...) of D&D, J probably means psionic powers, no physical magic.
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I propose yet another amendment to your list of magical colours, Paddling - the SIXTEEN colours of magic! (working out the different colours to use was not easy, and btw: Chartreuse = yellow-green, Noran = colour of the ether). Also, I’ve written up descriptions of all the new types of magicians, and of where magical power comes from, the ether.

Purple: Mage | Turquoise: Sorcerer | Blue: Wizard | Black: Witch | Yellow: Thaumaturge | Red: Alchemist | Orange: Arcanist | Green: Druid | White: Priest | Grey: Lych | Brown: Summoner | Magenta: Psychic | Chartreuse: Shape-shifter | Cyan: Tuner | Noran: Seer | Pink: Shunter

Lych - An accomplished Lych can control armies of undead to do its bidding

Summoner - Summoners are able to conjure great beasts from the ether

Psychic - Psychics have the ability to communicate telepathically with others, sometimes even controlling them

Shape-shifter - Shape shifters rarely show their true form, as they can become anything, from a great beast to a completely different person

Tuner - A tuner’s body is usually that of a normal person, although with their magic they can give themselves incredible speed, or inhuman strength, among other things

Seer - Seers may look into the ether, and see where almost anything is, if it is unprotected from their abilities, and they can also see the use of magic

Shunter- A shunter has the ability to move between dimensions at will, and this ability can be used to hide objects, hide themselves, or even as a form of teleportation.

The ether:

The ether is the source of all magic, it is not exactly a realm, but more of an overlay on the world as we know it. Humans have always lived within its influence, so they cannot normally feel it. However, magicians have the ability to tap into the ether, and draw in its power. This power may then be released in the form of attacks, healing auras, it can form new matter, or even be used to probe for objects and people. It can also be kept inside the body, and then used to repair damage, or enhance abilities.

There is no living being known other than humans that can use the ether, or even do anything with it in the first place. However, some magicians have been able to create devices which can block it, and push it away from an area. In such an area, it would be impossible to use magic, or for any magic get in, such as a summoned creature, the probes of a seer, or the undead of a Lych. However, a shunter can come into such a space through another dimension, providing that there is ether in the other dimension, but they cannot escape by shunting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Paddling, if you have the PHB3 of the 4e edition (the one with the runepriest, monk, psionic, battlemind, ardent...) of D&D, J probably means psionic powers, no physical magic.

I don't have Dungeons and Dragons.[DOUBLEPOST=1384446636][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, wait. Ok, I mean like the brain kind of goes into the body section, and I have no plans to add any colours. Sorry about that. We HAVE already met the British Magicians' Government and there's nine of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I've requested access. Don't ask why my email is what it is. Also, it starts with j, so you'll know it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I propose yet another amendment to your list of magical colours, Paddling - the SIXTEEN colours of magic! (working out the different colours to use was not easy, and btw: Chartreuse = yellow-green, Noran = colour of the ether). Also, I’ve written up descriptions of all the new types of magicians, and of where magical power comes from, the ether.

Purple: Mage | Turquoise: Sorcerer | Blue: Wizard | Black: Witch | Yellow: Thaumaturge | Red: Alchemist | Orange: Arcanist | Green: Druid | White: Priest | Grey: Lych | Brown: Summoner | Magenta: Psychic | Chartreuse: Shape-shifter | Cyan: Tuner | Noran: Seer | Pink: Shunter

Lych - An accomplished Lych can control armies of undead to do its bidding

Summoner - Summoners are able to conjure great beasts from the ether

Psychic - Psychics have the ability to communicate telepathically with others, sometimes even controlling them

Shape-shifter - Shape shifters rarely show their true form, as they can become anything, from a great beast to a completely different person

Tuner - A tuner’s body is usually that of a normal person, although with their magic they can give themselves incredible speed, or inhuman strength, among other things

Seer - Seers may look into the ether, and see where almost anything is, if it is unprotected from their abilities, and they can also see the use of magic

Shunter- A shunter has the ability to move between dimensions at will, and this ability can be used to hide objects, hide themselves, or even as a form of teleportation.

The ether:

The ether is the source of all magic, it is not exactly a realm, but more of an overlay on the world as we know it. Humans have always lived within its influence, so they cannot normally feel it. However, magicians have the ability to tap into the ether, and draw in its power. This power may then be released in the form of attacks, healing auras, it can form new matter, or even be used to probe for objects and people. It can also be kept inside the body, and then used to repair damage, or enhance abilities.

There is no living being known other than humans that can use the ether, or even do anything with it in the first place. However, some magicians have been able to create devices which can block it, and push it away from an area. In such an area, it would be impossible to use magic, or for any magic get in, such as a summoned creature, the probes of a seer, or the undead of a Lych. However, a shunter can come into such a space through another dimension, providing that there is ether in the other dimension, but they cannot escape by shunting.

Bro, you have som REALLY good ideas there, but there are a few problems.

First, there would have to be sixteen members of the government, whom we have already met.

Lich: wouldn't this be just a REALLY skilled necro?

Chartreuse: you mean lime?

Also, I put most, if not all, of the arts from Skulduggery Pleasant into the sorcerer category.

The Ether idea is amazing, but maybe give it a less minecraft-y name?

Summoner, I like, but, depending on how they summon the beasts, they would probably either be a subdivision of mage or sorcerer.

Please don't take this the wrong way, j, I love the ideas, they just had a couple of issues. Sorry, I'm just very nitpicky.
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
A different name for the ether?

How about just call it magic? Or maybe call it Dust, like the weird substance in northern lights/the golden compass. Another idea for it could be dark matter? Like that's the reason scientists can't see dark matter, because it's undetectable without magic.

The summoner would summon beasts by simply putting together particles of ether.

You have said nothing about tuner...?

I'm basically thinking we go about this in a science-magicky way, kind of like Skulduggery Pleasant, maybe with a little bit more technology. As in there are scientific theories behind most magical phenomena, regarding particles and forces etc...

Fair enough on the Lych, I see where you're coming from.

But the psychic, this would be someone with the power to control and read minds how is that not awesome and necessary?

And the seer, that should be on its own, definitely.

Finally: The google document is unreadable to us, please make it public -_-


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A different name for the ether?

How about just call it magic? Or maybe call it Dust, like the weird substance in northern lights/the golden compass. Another idea for it could be dark matter? Like that's the reason scientists can't see dark matter, because it's undetectable without magic.

The summoner would summon beasts by simply putting together particles of ether.

You have said nothing about tuner...?

I'm basically thinking we go about this in a science-magicky way, kind of like Skulduggery Pleasant, maybe with a little bit more technology. As in there are scientific theories behind most magical phenomena, regarding particles and forces etc...

Fair enough on the Lych, I see where you're coming from.

But the psychic, this would be someone with the power to control and read minds how is that not awesome and necessary?

And the seer, that should be on its own, definitely.

Finally: The google document is unreadable to us, please make it public -_-

WOAH, there's a lot to reply to here.

Okay, first, I haven't quite figured out GDocs yet! Wah, mummy.

And I'm not saying the psychic isn't awesome/necessary, I'm just trying to keep to the story we've already set up. Deomi would definitely be a psychic.

And don't worry, we have science in here! That's why we have the Arcanist!

Tuner would be good! I like tuners. Just change the cyan, it'll possibly get confused with turquoise.

What would seers be used for? What is their utility?

And let's just call it the Ether, shall we?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Thaumaturge is also science-y. Anyway, where the hell Bards would fit in?
Cause, ya know, they canalize arcane stuff through the power of music.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, I thought the Arcanist was like Eberron's (a D&D world where elves are badass, there's all kinds of machines that run on magic and halflings ride dinosaurs) Artificer, which creates robots that work due to magic.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Uh well then the tuner could be magenta if we aren't having psychics. If not man up and use Cyan! (or grey)

Seers can find anything that isn't shielded by an ether manipulator (something which can either make more Ether in an area or move it away form an area)

Some skilled ones can even see in the future, because ether is a substance which has no time, it exists in all time at once, basically, and so skilled seers use it to probe at things in the future, finding them, and see what would happen in the future.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
To elaborate on the Ether, it normally goes through everything, but when affected by the magic of a magician, then it becomes whatever they channel it to be. It cannot be stored outside of the human body, and even if stored there for too long it will give the user Ether fever, which starts like a cold, then flu, then kills you. It can only be stopped by removal of the magic from the body by a healing priest, or a tuner can do it to themselves if they are still conscious.

An Ether manipulator (EM for short) can either pull in Ether around it, making magicians in its radius more powerful as they have far more Ether to draw upon, or it can push all of the ether around an area away, rendering magic impossible near it.

They are powered by the energy of a magician, and will need charging occasionally, but how often depends on how much energy is given by the magician in question. Give too much, and they might die, however, so they have to be careful. I''m thinking this is basically like the tempest in Skulduggery pleasant : Kingdom of the Wicked, the one that powers Argeddion's cage and the magical cannon thingy they use to stun him later on so that Kitana, Sean, and Doran can attack him.

Anything else anyone wants to add, I can try and change it and make it science-y.