School For RolePlay

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Well, if anybody feels like it, they can combine them into a whopper of a story. :D Failing that, I'll do it, but only if soemone is kind enough to compile all the posts in this thread into a document so I can do it on the train or something on the way to school. :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Well, if anybody feels like it, they can combine them into a whopper of a story. :D Failing that, I'll do it, but only if soemone is kind enough to compile all the posts in this thread into a document so I can do it on the train or something on the way to school. :p
I wanted us to do that in the first place with the spambot thing. All in one Google Document. A compilation of every transmission. But now that there are 95 pages and we didn't start doing it 85 pages ago, that's never going to happen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A bunch of people with supernatural powers and assets have been transported to a building called the Institution. Here, they are made to perform experiments and are contained, keeping them and the public out of danger. At this point, a Necromancer, a Vivomancer, a mind swapper, a being composed of nano bots, a guy who can convert parts of his body into different materials, a Druidic (insert what Zan does here. I'm forgetful), a (OH GOD I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT WILL DOES EITHER I'M SORRY) and a Greek god-ish guy with one-shot-kill swords have been contained. So far, the Necromancer and the mind-swapper have gotten into a relationship, a war between Demons and Angels had been waged (victor undecided), everyone has pretty much been moved to hotel rooms, the Vivomancer has killed a Druid and gotten into BIG trouble with the British Magician Government, and everyone's been living a fantasy. A really, REALLY fucked up fantasy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys. IN jst a few minutes, the forum will be down. Bye. Next time I'll hopefully see you with a new theme.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But I STILL know nothing about Whizz's portals because no one will goddamn tell me.
OOC: Ooh, cool new design. Anywho, I decided to leave the Roleplay for a while and so all of a sudden, Will remembered something about martial arts and then poof he could control fire, earth, and air besides water and so a portal appeared and he left. And then Spirit the werewolf pulled him out of his home world and sent him here. And in an alternate Path dimension of this one, Spirit pulled James out into another Roleplay to teach him how to be a warlock. But that has absolutely nothing to do with this Roleplay because that's in a different Path.


Jul 29, 2019
Meh. It's pink. :3
OOC: Ooh, cool new design. Anywho, I decided to leave the Roleplay for a while and so all of a sudden, Will remembered something about martial arts and then poof he could control fire, earth, and air besides water and so a portal appeared and he left. And then Spirit the werewolf pulled him out of his home world and sent him here. And in an alternate Path dimension of this one, Spirit pulled James out into another Roleplay to teach him how to be a warlock. But that has absolutely nothing to do with this Roleplay because that's in a different Path.
... what. Also, if it's not directly involving this RP, don't mention it. You don't see me slipping witches into here, now do you? :p

Also, Whizz's portals imploded. I made sure of that. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1383894638][/DOUBLEPOST]OOC: Oh, and I'll start. :3


Jul 29, 2019
Well, we have gotten started. You guys might have to add a bit more to your character/s, since I don't know that much about them. :p Also some are redundancies.

Byrne walked back to an interesting mess. There was another druid there. Byrne had never met a druid before, so he greeted her and started asking questions, to which she answered, and Byrne answered her questions about technology. as their discussion went on, they checked over everyone's wounds, making sure that there was no lasting damage.

Byrne gathered everyone together, and dropped the dead shell into the middle of the ground. That was what was causing most of this he said. Don't worry too much, it's a dead shell. It has already been detonated. Byrne followed nearly everyone's gazes, and looked downward, finding that he had a small hole running through his abdomen and that the he was mostly blackened on the front. He closed his eyes, and re-shuffled himself so that he was no longer blackened and the hole through him ceased to exist. Byrne shrugged. He thought they'd be used to it by now, but apparently not, as some of them turned bright green, and looked quite horrified and about to vomit. Byrne shrugged, and went looking for a gas bottle. In order to fight, they needed something to fight with, and it was not going to be pretty. Flare buzzed to life and ran around Anna's (the druid lady needs a name!) feet, whereupon she picked her up, sat her on a ledge, and began working with the magic she possessed. Every now and again, Byrne would sit down in down with her, and she'd teach him, or he would contribute to whatever she was doing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
zans aunt walks into the room that Felix and aaron are in "You better not ruin my plans!Turning all the druids savage and against the earth, I will control the old god!" she though that Felix was sleeping but he was in fact just lying with his eyes closed. "Soon Zan will turn against you *laugh* or I will remove his powers *more laughter* maybe your powers should go two?" she leave the room laughing.

Zan walks in 10 minutes later "What up people?"


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Aaron rose from his bed. Felix looked over and realised his eyes were still closed.
"Aaron? What are you doing?"
"Felix, I'm sorry. She has control over my body and powers."
"What? Who?"
"Her... the druid lady... I'm sorry, just run, knock me out, something!" Aaron moved over to Felix, and grabbed him by the throat. A cloud of shadow enveloped him, and he was on the other side of the room, panting from the exertion of shadow-walking, he really needed to practice.
Aaron had practiced. He appeared next to felix in a swirl of light, and hit him with a haymaker across the jaw, breaking it.

OOC: Darklord you DO realise that Zanla would mean "Son of Zan" in Celtic right? So your dad's name would be Zan...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

As quickly at I can, I turn into a cat and leap over Aaron and turn back in midair so that my feet land on the pressure point where his head meets his neck and he falls to the floor and GODDAMN DAT ADRENALIN BITCH.[DOUBLEPOST=1383930771][/DOUBLEPOST]I got a bit excited there. Sorry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"What is going on!" Zan waves his arms Aarons light drops to the ground and water spirals around him "Bak ching shai ki! Who was controlling you?" He looks confused


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh. I thought that I was right in imagining that Zan was somewhere from the far east. Because I do. And you won't stop me. :p


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Hello? Felix? Guys?"
"Hello Aaron"
"It's ok Aaron, I'm not going to hurt you. Zanla, though, Zanla will. He hates you for killing that druid. He's planning to kill you, but I took you away so I could warn you. He and Deomi are finding a way to do it without Felix knowing. But they don't realise, Felix doesn't even like you, he thinks you're weird, he thinks vivomancers are so rare that there's no point to them. He wishes he'd never met you."
"I... woah..."
"Goodbye, Aaron, stop Zanla or he will kill you at the first chance he gets."
I wake up, and open my eyes a crack, Zan is holding me with some kind of watery thing. She was right! He's trying to kill me! I create a ball of light, but I bend the light around it so it is invisible to him. he doesn't realise I'm awake, that bastard, and I make the ball denser and denser until I can barely hold it. I move it over to near Zan, he still doesn't see it, and I let it explode.
The water around me instantly disappears, and he is blown towards the other wall, and hits it with a sickening crunch. I get up, nobody else is in the room, which is brilliant. I create a mental block in my mind, to stop Felix from reading my thoughts, but I can read his, and he heard the explosion, and all of them are now running towards the guard's dormitory where I am.
I reinforce the door, and it begins to shine brightly, and they're trying to kick it in, and I can feel Felix's shadows lashing against it, but it isn't having any effect, asI know exactly how his magic works, and made sure that he could not gain access.
I light walk down the other end of the corridor to them, and they're hitting the door with all they have, and then they finally break through. I suppose they must have found Zan's body, dead or alive, I don't really care.
I start walking in the other direction, light walking a few times for good measure.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"ughh" zan tries to lift himself up but fails, the shield on the door collapses "Felix, shes controlling him.. Shit he can read your thoughts right? She can read his! Everything we think of she will know!"