School For RolePlay

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"I just realised." Said Aaron. "Aside from this priestess person, all I remember is a turquoise light from when I lost John. It must have been a sorcerer."
"But yeah, who are you exactly?" He asked, turning to the priestess cloaked in white.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Zan's eyes are glowing. Usually a bad sign.

He gets up and starts walking towards me in an unnecessarily threatening manner. Them an even brighter glow materialises between us. It's a very pale red, but not quite pink. Like I can't quite make out that it's red with my eyes, but I know that it is.

A woman in a white robe with a hood and a red cross, the type that Christians use as their symbol, steps out of the misty glow as it dissipates.

White magic. She is a pure, divine, holy magician. A priest. The peacemaker, the governor, the ambassador of the magical community. She is here as a messenger. I don't know how I know this, but I do. She must be here to bring peace of some sort, right?

*steps back in surprise*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
turns around and stares at Aron "You! Light master you did this to this druid! The power cast through this man through the ages should remove your power, but it shall not! Burn the body for it to rest in piece burn it now!"
zans eyes stop glowing and he falls over coughing, "HEre comes the sle-"his voice raspy thantos catches him before he falls onto the ground


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The priestess says, "I will remain anonymous for now. All you need to know is that I am the British ambassador for the Magician's Government. I am here to talk to a person by the name of Aaron. Is there an Aaron here?"

Aaron steps forward, his movements uneasy.

"Aaron. I'm sure you know why I'm here. I will not hurt you, but I cannot promise anything from my colleagues back at the Government. We have reason to believe that you are the culprit of a murder of one of our most vulnerable tribes. You killed a Druid, Aaron. Why?" She sounds genuinely dismayed, like the boy was someone she was close to.

"Well, he was going to kill Felix." Aaron says shyly.

"Oh. I see..." The priestess looks away. She obviously did not know this. "Well, I will inform the Government of this news... And then fact that they need a new updater..."

The faded red mist swallows her up, and, after a couple of seconds, dissipates once again.

Aaron looks at me. I raise an eyebrow.

"I suppose you don't know about the Magician's Law, then.' He says. I shake my head. "In a nutshell, one magician is not allowed to kill another magician deliberately, without a logical reason."

"So, basically," I say, "the Druid is in the wrong."



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The body catches on fire as Zan stands up his eyes a pure white the room fills with a magic "ukhakano or thantos as your called here, do not do you bidding to this body! Let it be handled by the Druids as it should be for Druid kind!" "Shai hei ki" a tear rolls down zans cheek and lands on the Druids body which vanishes

A white line of energy and magic pulls Felix and Aaron close to Zan " watch it! The Druids will not allow this," In the odd voice. " no he was corrupt! It was not there fault!" Normal voice

"You are pardoned by me zanla rikardo muka orsbourne born of the high priest Druidic line, who harnessed the powers to begin with, who gave birth to all magic!" Felix and Aaron get dropped to the ground as Zan sits

"It's not my fault the council made me do it! I'm sorry felix! Sorry Aaron!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Uhm, guys..."
Everyone turned to look at James.
"What is it?"
"I think it would be better to put it this way: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"
There were colored pieces of magic circling arounds James, like magical wind. 9 of them.
Purple, turqouise, blue.
Black, yellow, red.
Orange, green, white.
His clothes, eyes, hair, glasses, everything he had was shaking from those colors.
"I never thought I would live to see this!"
"Neither would I!"
"You're a warlock, James."
"Don't worry, keep calm."
"How am I going to keep calm, these things are scarying me!"
"James, magic is not a bad thing."
The lights entered James body.
He blacked out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nami turned his head and looked down at the paper in his hands. Staring at the numbers and equations they started to turn and conform into something that he could understand. While he looked on in bewilderment he realized what he had been searching for all along. Everyone was going to die.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nami turned his head and looked down at the paper in his hands. Staring at the numbers and equations they started to turn and conform into something that he could understand. While he looked on in bewilderment he realized what he had been searching for all along. Everyone was going to die.


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne sat up. Picking Flare's slumbering body up, he watched stared at the ruins around him. One of the remaining relics was a bit of wall the Byrne was in front of. Byrne spotted a small grenade by his foot. Picking it up, he primed it, and threw it at the source of the random explosions.

The throw was far from accurate. The grenade skittered off, and exploded, punching a somewhat round hole in the remains of the hall. Byrne gathered what he had left, making sure not to trip over the slabs of plaster. Byrne scanned the plaster, checked that everyone was alive, and set up some kind of shelter for the injured. Byrne had Flare gather the water, and started dragging the unconscious around so that they wouldn't be in so much danger. Making sure that the canvas would hold, Byrne left a bowl of water on the side, for people to wake up to, while he went and explored the source of the explosions. Just in case, Byrne picked up a revolver. SO\ome of the chambers were loaded, except that there was no ammunition, and Byrne had no idea how to reload a gun, anywho. Although, he could load a Cannon. It was only reloading pistol-class weapons that eluded him. Just in case, though, Byrne fired the gun into the back of his hand. The first bullet slammed into the back of his hand and fell to the ground, where the second ended up jamming the barrel. Byrne placed the gun inside the water bucket, picked up a steel rod, and cut it in half. Conducting some electricity through it, Byrne was rewarded with a spark. Frowning a little, he put the steel rods into the bottom of his bag. Byrne then snuck out before anyone woke up.

OOC: For the unconscious/sleeping people, you are, all of a sudden, under a dusty canvas canopy. There is a tub of water on the floor. It looks clean. Now avoid killing each other. ;P


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My head is spinning like a flying frisbee. So is everything else, for that matter. I can make out an old-fashioned wooden panelled room. There's a long table in the middle, and blurry people of different colours sitting at it; purple, turquoise, blue, black, yellow... Uh... Red, orange... Ehh... Green and white.

Everything calms down after a while. I see the people clearly. The red one has long, dark hair and a bit of stubble. He's fiddling with some vials of whatever. The orange one is short, with a satchel of mechanical parts in front of him. The blue and yellow ones have different wands, the green one wears a leafy crown and robe, a large staff rests on the purple one's chair, the turquoise one is young and distracted by the little fire in his hands, the black-dressed woman is rather large and peering into a dissected eye (I decide to avert my eyes from her), the white one has a stern, unimpressed look on her face, and they're all looking directly at me and Aaron.

"Well?" The orange man says, "We're waiting."