School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"You know, the explosions have been happening since I woke up. I'm just going to hope I don't have a explosion summoning power or something like that."


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"I suppose I could explain..." Replied Thanatos as he woke up. "Basically, we've all been accidentally let out of our cells, except me, I kind of broke out before when ... I ... I think someone killed me, or tried to... I don't know... But yeah, we all met each other along the way, and Zan here has been taking us along the energy lines. looking for a way out. no luck I'm afraid."
Deomi looked at him guiltily, not daring to say anything about when she killed Thanatos, in case his memories came back, and he made an attempt on his life again. The rage produced from him... she couldn't control that...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Huh." I say.

This is confusing. Surely the workers would keep a tight security on each and every cell. How did these guys get out? How... How did I get out? I just opened the door and walked out as if I was allowed. Well, if I'm going to get along with these guys, I'd best tell them a bit about myself.

"Okay guys," I announce, "for those of you that still may not know, my name is Felix Dessin. That, of course, is not my real name, it is my chosen name. For those of you who practise in magical arts, I suggest you get one of those too, for reasons that will not be explained at this particular time. But I'm getting off-track. I am a necromancer. This means that I can do this," and I summon a shadow. Jaws drop, except for Aaron, "this," I curl my hand at the ground as a small patch crumbles, and a skull rises up, "and for some reason, this," and the shadows wrap around me and I turn into a large black Maine Coon cat. "Stroke me and you're dead. Or, more likely, very badly scratched." Thanatos takes away his before-outstretched hand. I let the shadows go, and get up. "I could teach you, but it would be - "

KABOOOOOOM! The wall shatters.

" - very painful at first." I finish nonchalantly. "I am fifteen years old, I lived in Charmouth, Dorset, I am currently in a relationship with Deomi Jonson here," Deomi blushes, "and, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like my blazer back."

Deomi hands my my blazer, and I put it on. "Thanks, sweetheart," I say and give her a little kiss on the forehead.

"So, shall we take a look at what's making these fuck-ugly holes in the walls?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Name's James. My girlfriend's down here somewhere. I sometimes have visions - it's weird. And I had a weird life, that, if you guys don't mind, I could share it any day."
Suddenly, an explosion comes out of nowhere.
"And I seem to attract explosions."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
zan moans a little bit but remains in a deep sleep "save yourselves... more bomb.. coming.. self destruct... sector 4... if no kill you.... leave to die me..."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Ah, I hate to worry you, James," I say nervously, "I don't think the explosions are coming from us. I think they're coming FOR us."

As soon as I finish this sentence, a twirly double helix of green light singes the top of my hair. My eyes widen and I whimper. A growling comes from behind me, and I slowly turn around to see a hunched shape crawling out of a blast hole.

It's a human, about my age, with dirty, messy blond hair and a torn, robe-like leaf garment on his body. He's wearing weird thick, furry trouser-boots, like tights, and a hat painstakingly made from weaved grass. He crawls towards us like an animal, a branch on his back, adorned with twigs at the top, and a green pebble embedded in the side.

He leaps at me and I bring up a shadow wall to block him. He slides off and leaps up again. He manages to fall off of the edge behind me and pulls me down to the ground. I see his face, contorted with bestial rage, and his teeth, filed sharp and bared at my neck like a vampire. His head lunges towards my throat and then...

The boy's eyes widen, and roll upwards into his head. He slumps on top of me and I see a translucent yellow shard sticking out of his back. I look at Aaron. He gives a little smile, and I have a nice big relieved sigh and lay my head back and look up at everyone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Huh." I say.

This is confusing. Surely the workers would keep a tight security on each and every cell. How did these guys get out? How... How did I get out? I just opened the door and walked out as if I was allowed. Well, if I'm going to get along with these guys, I'd best tell them a bit about myself.

"Okay guys," I announce, "for those of you that still may not know, my name is Felix Dessin. That, of course, is not my real name, it is my chosen name. For those of you who practise in magical arts, I suggest you get one of those too, for reasons that will not be explained at this particular time. But I'm getting off-track. I am a necromancer. This means that I can do this," and I summon a shadow. Jaws drop, except for Aaron, "this," I curl my hand at the ground as a small patch crumbles, and a skull rises up, "and for some reason, this," and the shadows wrap around me and I turn into a large black Maine Coon cat. "Stroke me and you're dead. Or, more likely, very badly scratched." Thanatos takes away his before-outstretched hand. I let the shadows go, and get up. "I could teach you, but it would be - "

KABOOOOOOM! The wall shatters.

" - very painful at first." I finish nonchalantly. "I am fifteen years old, I lived in Charmouth, Dorset, I am currently in a relationship with Deomi Jonson here," Deomi blushes, "and, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like my blazer back."

Deomi hands my my blazer, and I put it on. "Thanks, sweetheart," I say and give her a little kiss on the forehead.

"So, shall we take a look at what's making these fuck-ugly holes in the walls?"
*watches* After what I have seen in this place, I am not at all surprised by this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I dip my finger in the blood of the boy and lick it.

"Hmm," I mutter, "tastes like magic to me."

Will looks as me, unamused. "Really? Magic comes in flavours now?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, who's the sorcerer here? Don't you think I know about this sort of thing?"

Deomi walks towards me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. "Calm down, it's not worth it."

"Sorry, guys," I say, "I... I'm a bit cranky after being asleep for close to a month."

I taste the boy's blood again. Minty, with a hint of salt. Not vampirism-inducing, by any stretch of the imagination, but not unpleasant either.

"Yeah, tastes like nature to me. My friends, this boy was a Druid."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I dip my finger in the blood of the boy and lick it.

"Hmm," I mutter, "tastes like magic to me."

Will looks as me, unamused. "Really? Magic comes in flavours now?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, who's the sorcerer here? Don't you think I know about this sort of thing?"

Deomi walks towards me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. "Calm down, it's not worth it."

"Sorry, guys," I say, "I... I'm a bit cranky after being asleep for close to a month."

I taste the boy's blood again. Minty, with a hint of salt. Not vampirism-inducing, by any stretch of the imagination, but not unpleasant either.

"Yeah, tastes like nature to me. My friends, this boy was a Druid."

OOC: Will isn't normally sarcastic.
*as Mendelssohn tastes the blood of the boy, Will cringes and generates some water, guiding it to the boy's wounds, healing them* Yes, I know he is dead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
James moved his left hand slightly to the right.
Coming from the left, going to to the right.
He moved is hand upwards.
An explosion blew up the ceiling, from the place where the first explosion stopped.
It went upwards.
"I control explosions..." he whispered...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
James moved his left hand slightly to the right.
Coming from the left, going to to the right.
He moved is hand upwards.
An explosion blew up the ceiling, from the place where the first explosion stopped.
It went upwards.
"I control explosions..." he whispered...

Or it could be numerous coincidences.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Right, guys, we need to find John. I found him earlier, but I lost him, and my memory has gone blank. I remember a turquoise light, and then he was gone. Any ideas where we might find him? James?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
zan suddenly wakes up and walks to the boy, "who killed him?" zan stares at him as his eyes glow, the boys eye lids open as his eyes glow too "I SAID WHO KILLED HIM!"


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
zan suddenly wakes up and walks to the boy, "who killed him?" zan stares at him as his eyes glow, the boys eye lids open as his eyes glow too "I SAID WHO KILLED HIM!"

Thanatos and most of the others raise their hands and pointed guiltily at Felix.
"Hey, come on, he attacked me!" Said Felix in his defense.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Zan's eyes are glowing. Usually a bad sign.

He gets up and starts walking towards me in an unnecessarily threatening manner. Them an even brighter glow materialises between us. It's a very pale red, but not quite pink. Like I can't quite make out that it's red with my eyes, but I know that it is.

A woman in a white robe with a hood and a red cross, the type that Christians use as their symbol, steps out of the misty glow as it dissipates.

White magic. She is a pure, divine, holy magician. A priest. The peacemaker, the governor, the ambassador of the magical community. She is here as a messenger. I don't know how I know this, but I do. She must be here to bring peace of some sort, right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Felix" zans voice sounds like many others are speaking through him "you will say sorry to the one you have killed or the very earth you walk on will hate you for the rest of your life" His eyes glow brighter "Do it now or forever be hated by the druidic kind and cursed.!"