School For RolePlay

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Jul 29, 2019
Byrne finally gathered enough strength to get up. He had a little, and found some food in an emergency rations box for his little companion, both of which he put in his bag. He had managed to fill the stoppered glass bottle inside with water, and he was almost ready. The Emergency Rations would have done little for, or against Byrne. His metabolism, which may have not been a metabolism at all, did not require food to stay active. He gently fed his companion, let her snuggle tightly into the confines of the bag, then closed it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Jim O'Riley
Age: 17
Power: No powers, but he has 4 personalities named Roger, Pete, John and Keith who allow him to see an idea through 4 different views. If Roger, Pete, John and Keith all agree, Jim will agree with their decision. He's also an excellent hacker and coder.
Experiences: He is simply looking for his girlfriend, Sally, and it seemed that she is somewhere in the Sector 7 of the Institution.
How did he get in the institution: Managed to invade the Institution's Sector 1 with nothing but some headphones, a pen, some gum and an empty can of Dr. Pepper.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Jim O'Riley
Age: 17
Power: No powers, but he has 4 personalities named Roger, Pete, John and Keith who allow him to see an idea through 4 different views. If Roger, Pete, John and Keith all agree, Jim will agree with their decision. He's also an excellent hacker and coder.
Experiences: He is simply looking for his girlfriend, Sally, and it seemed that she is somewhere in the Sector 7 of the Institution.
How did he get in the institution: Managed to invade the Institution's Sector 1 with nothing but some headphones, a pen, some gum and an empty can of Dr. Pepper.

Denied, all characters must have a power. It's kind of the theme of the whole RP. Also, nobody comes into the institution willingly, even if they have their uber sexy GF trapped in there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Beale Street. Sounds of pianos and guitars filtered out through open doors of bars and studios mixing into an unending string of blues. Crowds milled about with beers in one hand and phones in the other. They laughed in one bar and cried in another as musicians pulled on one heartstring or another. Above them, clouds gathered, and the Mighty Mississippi churned against its banks in ominous silence. Along the waterfront, a small group gathered.

Some people looked around in confusion, unsure of what exactly they had signed up for. Others shifted from foot to foot or moved from one murmured conversation to the next to work off the nervous energy of the fight to come. A few calmly watched the others, and one stood silently under a tree as though waiting.

Marshall closed his eyes and listened to the speech one more time. The angels made his vision a little fuzzy, but he had refined his ability even more in the time since he captured the Old Man. He adjusted his jacket and looked around. Each person had their own path, but he couldn't see their lives yet. He could follow his own path through the future if he joined each of them on their missions, but they all strayed dangerously close to the edge of the Dark Path. All but one, that is. The woman with the dark glasses and fancy clothes would keep him as close as he could manage in this situation. He had time before the next required action, so he decided to go talk to her.

Layla considered how she had gotten there. She had been awoken by the alarms and the sound of her door flying open. A shimmering figure entered through a wall and explained the situation and why she should come with him. He had been like nothing she had ever seen before. His body was as dark as most people, but he was ringed by a circle of glowing ripples. The others described him, and the others with him, as angels. Layla wasn't sure she could disagree. Now, she watched all the people mill about the courtyard of this small manor on the banks of the Mississippi with their faint glows. Some seemed as normal as any other, but most had some small glow of one color or another. One young man had barely moved, but he shined and dimmed as he looked from one person to the next. He shined brighter than ever when he looked at her, and he walked over.

"Hi, I'm Marshall." Marshall extended his hand. "We'll be working together."

"I'm Layla." She shook his hand. "How are you so sure? We don't even what we'll be doing."

"I do." His smile brightened his face. "Our job will be recon. Our abilities are conducive to such a mission."

"How do you know what my ability is? We've never met."

Marshall laughed, a hollow sound in this place. "I can see the future. I know exactly what we're both going to do." He paused. "Well, mostly. People still have free will, but I can steer events through well-timed actions."

"Oh. So, you see the future, and I see the present." Layla nodded thoughtfully. "Where will we go?"

"The demons are up in Canada, so they're sending us to spy on them. I'll let them know what time is best to attack, and you will tell them the weaknesses in their security. It will be simple." He shrugged. "Trust me. It's going to be a lot more fun than it sounds."

"Here they come." Layla saw the air ripple where the angels would appear.

"Oh, good. I'm up in a couple minutes. See you in a few." He smiled again and patted her knee. "Nice clothes, by the way."

"Thanks." She smiled back as the angels appeared and started handing out assignments.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: Varlow was finally able to balance himself for a good look a the freaks carrying his cage. furry, horned things with bat-wings and the standard fangs and claw-like nails. he counted four, and began instantly formulating a new plan of attack. scrambling to the backside of the cage, he positioned himself in a crouch and gripped the cage wall for support, and waited.

soon enough, they alit on a large platform extending out of the side of the 'institution'. the beasts stood a head taller than a normal man. one of them began fiddling with the lock to the door, on the other side of the cage. that's right, open it. let me at you! thought Varlow, tensing and preparing to tear into them. as soon as the door was open, Varlow made his move. jumping slightly, he planted his feet on the wall, and in quick succession pushed up with his arms and thrust forward with his legs as hard as he could, thrusting his claws forward as well. the lunge caught the first freak off guard, as Varlow buried his metallic claws in its chest. curling them closed, he tore out a large chunk of its innards, killing it. turning, he dodged a swipe by the second one, only to plunge his hand into its neck and jaw, tearing said jaw off in the process.

the remaining two had backed away slightly, seeing the ferocity with which their brethren had been slain. Varlow took aim, and threw the jaw at the head of one of the remaining freaks. it connected, goring one eye out. the thing grasped at its face in pain, squealing and stumbling about. Varlow ran on all fours like an animal, swiftly reaching the distressed beast, before raking his claws through its wings and giving it a firm kick off the edge. as the noisy furry thing began to plummet to its doom, the last freak took flight with a throaty growl. Varlow responded in kind, baring his own teeth in a savage grin. the thing made a noise halfway between a snarl and a whimper, and flew away.

turning, Varlow sighted a door hanging off of its hinges, leading inside. he dashed toward it, thinking: whoever these people are, whatever they do, ill make them pay for bringing me to this zoo.

>(just in case it wasn't obvious, he has had lots of training and experience in fighting, seeing as he is a (professional) mercenary.)<