School For RolePlay

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Suddenly, as the blood starts gushing from Felix's Carotid artery, I feel a warm wave of air, then a blast of fire, burning off my shirt, charring my skin, and throwing me back a couple of metres. The burning sensation is agony, but I manage to keep the air off of it with a sheet of light, making it a bit better. I look up and a guy with fire in his hands and eyes is looking down at me, ready to blast me with more flames.
He fires, and I erect a barrier of light to save me from it, barely in time. I get the light to help me up then, and think back to the time with Thanatos, when I made an explosion of light. Maybe if I made that happen again, but more controlled, and smaller, that would get him off of me for a while, and I could continue battling the demons. I look over at Felix, and, evidently, he is dead. I can tell it by the pool of blood on the grass, his glazed, unblinking eyes, and his pale skin on that expressionless face.
I focus the light, into a ball, making it denser and denser, harder and harder to keep control of, until I push it to the other side of the barrier, and release it.
But the fire guy manages to push it to my side of my barrier, and it explodes, crashing through the barrier, sending him alone twenty metres, and driving me a metre into the solid ground. I feel my eyes closing, but I do not wake up. I, like Felix, am dead.

But it is not the end, for me at least. I feel myself being tugged along a corridor, neither light nor dark, somehow somewhere in between the two, and I come out in a massive cavern, the size of a football stadium, and there are Angels and demons, chanting some ancient language alike, and on the other side of the cavern, someone I certainly did not expect. Felix.

But as we gaze upon each other, I feel myself- no, ourselves- realising, we are allies, and we must be together to accomplish anything. We are lifted up by an invisible force, and smashed together, and all is darkness once again.

We wake up, on the battlefield, somewhere between our two bodies, and we begin to levitate on a platform or dark and light, swirling patterns, and we realise we are doing this. We speak, amplifying our voice to echo across the entire battlefield.
"We are the darkness. We are the light. We are everything you love, and everything you fear, we are good and evil."
Suddenly, we are apart again, facing one another, on the battlefield, but we finally have an understanding of each other, and we are friends again. All the angels and all the Demons are fighting, but in a circle around us, as if they cannot get near us.
"Let's do this." WE say in unison, and we start ripping into angels and demons alike, with not a drop of prejudice.


Also, me and Felix can now combine into the being when in need, and we can transport ourselves to wherever the other is at that time, making for some epic combat moves.[DOUBLEPOST=1378751531][/DOUBLEPOST]First post of page SIXTY-NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah...John doesn't make fireballs. He creates fire. I guess they can be balls once in a while, but I always imaniged it as some kind of super hot flamethrower.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: j485, you should have been a bit more specific! *winky face*

IC: 'HEY!' I yell in pain, a dirty great gash on the side of my neck, "you could kill someone with that!'

Aaron rolls his eyes and swings a club-like bundle of light right at my face. I parry it with a club of darkness, and bring it up into his testes. It's not clean, it's not quiet, but it does its job, and it does it well. He doubles over and I kick him with shadow-reinforced shoes in the head. He falls to the ground, unconscious again. I drag him into the path of the demon of domestic violence and leave it to do its work.

I see Deomi over to my left, and go over to her.

'Hide,' I say to her quickly, 'you don't have to be part of this.'

'But I want to be.'

'What? Why?'

'I don't know. I just feel... Compelled. It just feels like something so important in my life, so - '

I break her off with a kiss so passionate, so loving and true that I forget all about the war, all about the death and angels and demons and monsters. Nothing matters anymore but this kiss. Nothing else. Nothing at all. It's nice. I wrap my arms around Deomi's waist and she wraps hers around my neck. I notice firebombs and light bombs being thrown all around us, limbs and heads and God knows what else being chopped off, but I don't care, and I doubt Deomi does either. This kiss is perfection made real, and I never want it to end. EVER.

But it does, when a demon riding on a fiery crimson horned beast charges right at us, and we have to dive out of the way so that it doesn't trample us. I see where it's charging to.

Goddamnit, Aaron, why can't anything kill you?

Sure, he's scarred all over and soaked in the blood of many different beasts, but he's alive, and he's being targeted by half the damn army. He's putting up a good fight, I'll give him that. The beast charges towards him, and me and Deomi run away to behind the hill while he's not looking, and yet again leave him to the many, many demons surrounding him.[DOUBLEPOST=1378755173][/DOUBLEPOST]
Suddenly, as the blood starts gushing from Felix's Carotid artery, I feel a warm wave of air, then a blast of fire, burning off my shirt, charring my skin, and throwing me back a couple of metres. The burning sensation is agony, but I manage to keep the air off of it with a sheet of light, making it a bit better. I look up and a guy with fire in his hands and eyes is looking down at me, ready to blast me with more flames.
He fires, and I erect a barrier of light to save me from it, barely in time. I get the light to help me up then, and think back to the time with Thanatos, when I made an explosion of light. Maybe if I made that happen again, but more controlled, and smaller, that would get him off of me for a while, and I could continue battling the demons. I look over at Felix, and, evidently, he is dead. I can tell it by the pool of blood on the grass, his glazed, unblinking eyes, and his pale skin on that expressionless face.
I focus the light, into a ball, making it denser and denser, harder and harder to keep control of, until I push it to the other side of the barrier, and release it.
But the fire guy manages to push it to my side of my barrier, and it explodes, crashing through the barrier, sending him alone twenty metres, and driving me a metre into the solid ground. I feel my eyes closing, but I do not wake up. I, like Felix, am dead.

But it is not the end, for me at least. I feel myself being tugged along a corridor, neither light nor dark, somehow somewhere in between the two, and I come out in a massive cavern, the size of a football stadium, and there are Angels and demons, chanting some ancient language alike, and on the other side of the cavern, someone I certainly did not expect. Felix.

But as we gaze upon each other, I feel myself- no, ourselves- realising, we are allies, and we must be together to accomplish anything. We are lifted up by an invisible force, and smashed together, and all is darkness once again.

We wake up, on the battlefield, somewhere between our two bodies, and we begin to levitate on a platform or dark and light, swirling patterns, and we realise we are doing this. We speak, amplifying our voice to echo across the entire battlefield.
"We are the darkness. We are the light. We are everything you love, and everything you fear, we are good and evil."
Suddenly, we are apart again, facing one another, on the battlefield, but we finally have an understanding of each other, and we are friends again. All the angels and all the Demons are fighting, but in a circle around us, as if they cannot get near us.
"Let's do this." WE say in unison, and we start ripping into angels and demons alike, with not a drop of prejudice.


Also, me and Felix can now combine into the being when in need, and we can transport ourselves to wherever the other is at that time, making for some epic combat moves.[DOUBLEPOST=1378751531][/DOUBLEPOST]First post of page SIXTY-NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!
Oh, God DAMN it![DOUBLEPOST=1378755219][/DOUBLEPOST]Looks like we have two different stories. What do?
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
OOC: j485, you should have been a bit more specific! *winky face*

IC: 'HEY!' I yell in pain, a dirty great gash on the side of my neck, "you could kill someone with that!'

Aaron rolls his eyes and swings a club-like bundle of light right at my face. I parry it with a club of darkness, and bring it up into his testes. It's not clean, it's not quiet, but it does its job, and it does it well. He doubles over and I kick him with shadow-reinforced shoes in the head. He falls to the ground, unconscious again. I drag him into the path of the demon of domestic violence and leave it to do its work.

I see Deomi over to my left, and go over to her.

'Hide,' I say to her quickly, 'you don't have to be part of this.'

'But I want to be.'

'What? Why?'

'I don't know. I just feel... Compelled. It just feels like something so important in my life, so - '

I break her off with a kiss so passionate, so loving and true that I forget all about the war, all about the death and angels and demons and monsters. Nothing matters anymore but this kiss. Nothing else. Nothing at all. It's nice. I wrap my arms around Deomi's waist and she wraps hers around my neck. I notice firebombs and light bombs being thrown all around us, limbs and heads and God knows what else being chopped off, but I don't care, and I doubt Deomi does either. This kiss is perfection made real, and I never want it to end. EVER.

But it does, when a demon riding on a fiery crimson horned beast charges right at us, and we have to dive out of the way so that it doesn't trample us. I see where it's charging to.

Goddamnit, Aaron, why can't anything kill you?

Sure, he's scarred all over and soaked in the blood of many different beasts, but he's alive, and he's being targeted by half the damn army. He's putting up a good fight, I'll give him that. The beast charges towards him, and me and Deomi run away to behind the hill while he's not looking, and yet again leave him to the many, many demons surrounding him.[DOUBLEPOST=1378755173][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh, God DAMN it![DOUBLEPOST=1378755219][/DOUBLEPOST]Looks like we have two different stories. What do?

Please, I was thinking of that one for a long time! Please let us keep it!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Declaring that your character is saying something should not have any punctuation on it other than a period :) Sorry, it was bothering my OCD.

>(bella, i need you to get a number and a containment thing. i know what im gonna do, but i need those details...)<

Oh dear, I just realized that this may be a slight problem. Here, lemme fix it :)
Marvin sat in his cage. It was humiliating having to endure being man-handled like this. Nothing could be more demeaning than having those four guards lift the cell up and carry it to the "Institution".

Marvin didn't really know where or what this Institution was, but he really didn't like the sounds of it. The guards said that if he didn't like this, the institution would be a thousand times worse. He had to escape from his containment. But how? He had no tools, weapons or anything! But he did have his powers.

He eventually figured out that they would have to take him out of his cage for a brief moment before placing him in the new cage. That was when he would make his next move. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to execute his finely tuned plan, because before he knew it, he saw it. The Institution. It was so high, like a sky scraper, but even taller. It pushed up farther than he could even see, and it was long too. He tried to look around it to see how far back it went, but it went out so far that it eventually disappeared from view.

Not only was it big, but it was also being over run by a large manner of flying beasts that noticed him and the guards. They swooped down and clawed all four of the guard's eyes out at once causing them to drop the cage in unison. Then, a group of the beasts lifted him up and began to carry him to the Institution. Now not only did he not have an escape plan, but he had no idea where he was going.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In a neutral point of view, I admit, I like J's better, but Deomi wants a good kiss...

I do admit, I like j's idea better. I'm sure we can get the kiss in there somewhere.

Eh, she can get one my way as well.

Why... why must you be so obsessed with romance? Just, just why? I need to vent out my anger with abuse of power.

Castielle stared at the two young children for awhile trying to comprehend what was going through their minds. Eventually he couldn't stand it anymore and had to become visible once again.

He walked over to the pair and ripped them apart from eachother. "Look at you! Aren't you supposed to be attacking her? Sexual encounters with a demon is strictly forbidden! Keep that in mind the next time you have... urges." He said with a look of disgust on his face.

"But... but..." They both spoke, almost in unison. They were so perfect for eachother. But Castielle would not allow for it. Angels and Demons? Big no no, it turned out badly with Sam, and Castielle knew that it would turn out badly here. He teleported Aaron back to the base with a wave of his hand and then cast his gaze on the demon girl.

"And you. I know what you're up to, I know what you're trying to do. This has happened before, and I WILL NOT! I repeat WILL NOT let it happen again!" He said turning around. He was about to head off before he heard her speak clearly for the first time.

"You have no idea what I'm trying to do. You can't win, Angels never do." She said. Those were the last words that he heard before he teleported himself back to the base to have a nice long talk with Aaron.
Also, me and Felix can now combine into the being when in need, and we can transport ourselves to wherever the other is at that time, making for some epic combat moves.[DOUBLEPOST=1378751531][/DOUBLEPOST]First post of page SIXTY-NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!

First off, really? Did you have to point that out? Also teleportation is a big no no if it's not your character power or you're not an angel. But other than that combining into an alternate being is cool :)

Ah...John doesn't make fireballs. He creates fire. I guess they can be balls once in a while, but I always imaniged it as some kind of super hot flamethrower.

Must you be so picky dgas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been hearing noises from up above weapons and horses I might just be going crazy ya know? It feels like I've been down here years in this old cell deep underground with like 5 rubber and then 6 metal doors. They started experimenting on me after the incedebt in sector three. I think they were trying to either use me as a never ending power source or if I could kill... They stuffed me full of electricity made me murder men, powered the institution of off me for two days. The noises are getting louder I think it's time to break out. I touch the metal pad That they take my power from and focus I vanish from the room I leave the powerline up stairs and fall on deomi. Oc: yh I'm not dead!


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne now had a little energy to stand. He staggered onto his feet, and began rummaging through a corner of his former containment area. He was not surprised to find that there was not much to find. Byrne went outside, and found a healer's kit, presumably made of leather. What was inside was very old, but both usable and sturdy. Byrne was more than surprised to look up and find an old lady in front of him. She smiled at Byrne, nodding at the kit he was holding. She then touched two fingers to her lips, and touched the bag, which momentarily gave a faint golden glow, like the woman herself. She hugged Byrne, whispered something to him, and faded as if she never existed.

OOC: Byrne did no summoning. The old lady was the former owner of this kit. She died in the institution, alone, with no-one to pass her skills onto. Byrne has, perhaps unwittingly, taken up her mantle as healer. She told him how to use what was in the bag, and how to replendish the supplies within.

Byrne, now armed with new knowledge, gently scooped up his slumbering companion, depositing her into the bag. He shouldered the bag, and now a little more steady on his feet, barricaded the door, and started growing some plants using some of the water dripping from the windowsill, taking care to filter it, by letting it drip into the rusty can, and allowing it to settle. The can would not survive for too long, but it would last until another liquid container was retrieved. Byrne still had not the strength, but he sat back, closed his eyes, and allowed his dear Flame to crawl into his lap, curl up and fall asleep. Byrne shut his eyes and began to process what he had learnt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First off, really? Did you have to point that out? Also teleportation is a big no no if it's not your character power or you're not an angel. But other than that combining into an alternate being is cool

Ah, but if you'd have read Skulduggery Pleasant, you'd know that necromancers can conjure a wall of shadows, and walk through it to wherever they want.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can Felix kiss Deomi while he's walking through a wall? I guess that would be the greatest kiss in history.