School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: I wake up to a strange whispering in a strange language. Parseltongue, maybe. That flickering shadow is still there, shaking wildly.

Suddenly, the shadow starts to raise off of the wall. It grows arms and legs, a head and a tail. The shadows unravel to reveal a suit, with a hole in the back for a blackish-blue tail like that of a shaved monkey. But blue. The head unravels. My jaw drops as I see a stunning (blue) teenage girl's face with luscious red hair. Her body is stunning, her legs are stunning, her posture is stunning. She's just... Stunning.

She giggles. "Yeah, I get that a lot," she says. Her voice is cute, too. "I'm a succubus. A demon of lust and seduction. It's not the most dignifying job, but the pay is good, and I get to see a lot of guys."

"Uh..." I mumble.

"Take my hand."

I comply all too enthusiastically.


Now we're in a field. The succubus looks at her watch.

"The war should start in about three."

"Three what?"


"Oh, shit"


"Wait, war?"

The air in front of us shimmers, and a legion of people with giant white dove wings and golden armour step out of nothing. At the front...


I summon the shadows around me, and hear a beeping sound.

I step back a few paces, and an explosion throws me backwards. A light detector. Those sly bastards.

The succubus taps me on the shoulder, I turn, and she forces my mouth open and shoves a small shadow down my throat. A cold feeling grabs me and I turn back to the army. I click my fingers and the ground behind me parts. I don't see it, but I sense the army of demons behind me, and a familiar voice whispers in my ear.

"You missed me, honey?" Deomi says in a sultry manner. I smile.

"Yep," I say, "I missed you."

The shadows curl around my hand as I signal for the army to follow me and run at the angels, ready to fight.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nami heard a loud banging outside the testing chamber. Then a low rumbling, some screaming, growling, and more screaming. Then silence. The footsteps of a clawed beast echoed into his cell. He hoped to god that it didn't know that he was there. Eventually they quieted down until Nami heard nothing. Either the beast was gone, or it was just really good at hiding. He really hoped it wasn't the latter.

OOC: Wait where are the bases?

(Don't worry I'm going to reply as soon as I know)

|Angels are in Memphis ,Tennassee and Demons are in British Columbia, Canada. The university to be exact. The people there are too damn nice. Nobody is that nice without someone having made a deal. Nobody.|


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne opened the door, only to be knocked over by a hound made of blazing, green fire. The drops of saliva sizzled as they fell, burning through the floor and a little of Byrne's arm. Byrne pointed his blade at the hound, focusing his will, and charged up the blade. When the blade touched the hound, he let the electric shock ripple through the creature. What followed was a resounding explosion that ripped the containment door from its hinges, and shattered what was left of the wall opposite. Completely spent, Byrne staggered back, and shut his eyes.

The hound, faded, and became ash, to be blown away in the wind. A young pup, literally blazing with youthful energy came in. Seeking a warm place to hide as of the present, it found Byrne, and snuggled under his arm, since Byrne, being fuelled by reactions, had a higher core body temperature than most organisms. This was the perfect place to hide, for the moment.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: The shadows form twin katanas in my hands as adrenaline courses through me while I run, the demon army right behind me. The angels stand statue still. We reach them, I bring my blades down on the frontmost angel. The air shimmers, and the entire angel army is swallowed up by it.

"The fuck?" I say. This can't be right. Angels are brave and just. Not cowards.

I look over to the hill to my right, and gasp, dropping my swords.

"DUCK!" I scream, but it's too late. The archers on the hillside release their strings, and half of our army get headshotted like some medieval Call of Duty game.

I flex my fingers again and again, sending a barrage of shadow bullets speeding towards the archers, and hitting every one of them point blank in the heart.

I hear a scream from behind me, and I look to see them fighting off another wave of angel knights without me. I run in to help.

I notice Aaron out of the corner of my eye, and dash towards him. He's busy fighting off a famine demon. I sneak up behind him, and wrap my arm around his neck. He claws at my arm, trying to get it off, but to no avail. He passes out within about thirty seconds.

A large shadow looms over me, and I turn and see a large muscle-bound angel with dark crew-cut hair swinging a big spiky flail at me. I dive to the left, and throw a shadowy fist into his gut. He doubles over and I jump on his back, slamming shadows into the back of his head. He falls flat on his face and I jump off, starting to walk away when my legs are taken out by the flail. I fall into a patch of mud, turn onto my back and see a slightly hunched over but VERY pissed off angel tank. I didn't want to do this, but I have to.

I whistle the opening four bars to We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus, and the ground behind the tank ignites, the flames turning black besides the tips and morphing into the shape of a great big fiery black Rottweiler with blood red eyes.

The hellhound growls and leaps on top of the tank. He yells in agony as the hound's claws and teeth rip into him. A strange feeling of empathy sneaks into my brain, and I throw a shadow into his neck, beheading him. I leave the hellhound to play with the tank's severed head as I go on to find Deomi.

OOC: Let's hear from someone else's point of view now!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Asking someone's permission to kill them? Hmmmmmm... No, the answer that they give will always no. Thefore that rule is bullshit. You can kill who you want if it makes sense. If you die, it's your problem. Just make a new character.

I kill the Great Master. Yay! You're dead! THere's no turning back! Or it would be GOD MODDING :D...

No. At least just warn you are going to kill someone. At least.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I kill the Great Master. Yay! You're dead! THere's no turning back! Or it would be GOD MODDING :D...

No. At least just warn you are going to kill someone. At least.

I would think that it would be obvious that you are about to kill someone. Since it seems to matter quite a bit to you, I shall make up a new rule :)

If in the event that you have the desire to kill someone, or the plot has put you in a situation in which you are required to kill someone (I.E. Hunger Games) you are under the obligation that you must do two things before killing them:
1. End the post off. This is so that they may reply properly and attempt to prevent their death. If there is no reply within 24 hours, you may continue your post and kill them.
2. Notify them that you are doing such. You should also notify via PM that they are dead after the killing.

That is now in the OP :)

Not always.

Usually though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Marvin Varlow --goes by Varlow most of the time.
Age: 20s-30s, he stopped caring a while ago.
Power: Fusion. he posesses the ability to 'absorb' things about those he has killed. this is a very tricky thing, as it can only be one physical aspect, and the process is and takes about 1 hour to finish. this is further limited by a total of 4 absorptions. he can 'shed' one to make room for another if need be. so far he has: 1) claws and sharper teeth from some kind of big cat. 2) agility from a monkey. 3) somehow, he "killed" a mech made of an extemely hard alloy and was able to integrate some metal into his skin. most of the density was concentrated around his hands and feet though, so the rest of him is still vulnerable to most things. 4) a bat. being able to locate prey using sound is useful.
Personality: flippant of authority, he has little respect for anyone with power. he enjoys fighting, violent, savage fighting.
Important Experiences: he is a mercenary with rising infamy. he has no preferences for who hires him, but likes jobs that allow him to engage in bloodshed. his rising infamy got him noticed very fast as someone with strange abilities.

(i'ts my first time doing one of these, please dont yell too much if i made him OP :p)
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
They fell for our trick, the fools. We halve their numbers, but not before our archers are destroyed by shadows shaped into knives.

Suddenly a famine demon leaps onto me, and I throw her off my back with the light, then grapple with her, punching with fists of light.

I feel an arm round my neck, and Felix grabs me and pulls me back. I am soon knocked out by asphyxiation, and Felix leaves me alone.

I wake up, and the battle is still undecided. I see Felix battling a sleek angel, fighting using knives, Felix with his shadows. I whip up a blade of light, and start cutting away at his shadow-hardened sleeve. As I almost finish cutting, he notices me, and sends a wave of shadow at me. I block it, but this gave the angel time to cut him across the chest, making him gasp in pain, as a red line appears across his chest.

I attack him with all the pent up fury I have ever had through my life, and slash at him with the light. He can barely block it, and every now and then it gets through his guard. I bring up a huge hammer of shining luminance, and bring it down on him.


A huge war hammer, swung by a massive demon, knocks me off my feet, breaking a few ribs, but my adrenalin makes the pain non-existent, thankfully.
Another angel manages to get the demon away from us, and me and Felix continue fighting. I tear into him, as he is still weakened, and his adrenalin was running out, so I quickly finished cutting off his dark stone, leaving him powerless. He looks up at me, knowing this is his end. I bring up a blade of light, and slice open his neck.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Marvin Varlow --goes by Varlow most of the time.
Age: 20s-30s, he stopped caring a while ago.
Power: Fusion. he posesses the ability to 'absorb' things about those he has killed. this is a very tricky thing, as it can only be one physical aspect, and the process is and takes about 1 hour to finish. this is further limited by a total of 4 absorptions. he can 'shed' one to make room for another if need be. so far he has: 1) claws and sharper teeth from some kind of big cat. 2) agility from a monkey. 3) somehow, he "killed" a mech made of an extemely hard alloy and was able to integrate some metal into his skin. most of the density was concentrated around his hands and feet though, so the rest of him is still vulnerable to most things. 4) a bat. being able to locate prey using sound is useful.
Personality: flippant of authority, he has little respect for anyone with power. he enjoys fighting, violent, savage fighting.
Important Experiences: he is a mercenary with rising infamy. he has no preferences for who hires him, but likes jobs that allow him to engage in bloodshed. his rising infamy got him noticed very fast as someone with strange abilities.

(i'ts my first time doing one of these, please dont yell too much if i made him OP :p)

Very nice, very nice. You'll be in the institution. There's a bunch of escaped experiments and SCPs running amuck. Here's the site if you need it:
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They fell for our trick, the fools. We halve their numbers, but not before our archers are destroyed by shadows shaped into knives.

Suddenly a famine demon leaps onto me, and I throw her off my back with the light, then grapple with her, punching with fists of light.

I feel an arm round my neck, and Felix grabs me and pulls me back. I am soon knocked out by asphyxiation, and Felix leaves me alone.

I wake up, and the battle is still undecided. I see Felix battling a sleek angel, fighting using knives, Felix with his shadows. I whip up a blade of light, and start cutting away at his shadow-hardened sleeve. As I almost finish cutting, he notices me, and sends a wave of shadow at me. I block it, but this gave the angel time to cut him across the chest, making him gasp in pain, as a red line appears across his chest.

I attack him with all the pent up fury I have ever had through my life, and slash at him with the light. He can barely block it, and every now and then it gets through his guard. I bring up a huge hammer of shining luminance, and bring it down on him.


A huge war hammer, swung by a massive demon, knocks me off my feet, breaking a few ribs, but my adrenalin makes the pain non-existent, thankfully.
Another angel manages to get the demon away from us, and me and Felix continue fighting. I tear into him, as he is still weakened, and his adrenalin was running out, so I quickly finished cutting off his dark stone, leaving him powerless. He looks up at me, knowing this is his end. I bring up a blade of light, and slice open his neck.

Ah, shit.
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Jul 29, 2019
Byrne woke up, and still feeling groggy, he looked down to find a small bundle of fur lying on him. He shifted himself, to be more comfortable. He was still to weak to do anything but sit there, and recuperation was a slow process.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I got teleported again.

"Hey! What are you doing? I need to go back so I can help Felix." I say!

"Sorry, not possible, they are comming in every direction. You need to stop this one."

And then someone gets teleported just in front of him. A well known face.

"John."I say "Are you in the Angels?"

"Yes. I am. I guess we will have to fight each other."

"No. I refuse. Kill me if you want to. I won't fight you. You're my friend. I would never forgive myself."I say

"So, why don't you join us?"

"I can't."


"THey told me. They explained why I have this "power". It's because I have satanic background. From Lucifer itself. That's why my brain is so evolved. That's why I am so pretty."

"Than I only have one option"He says. He walks up to me. He is going to kill me. I guess this is it. Goodbye world. "I am in your side now." He says. I feel good.

"Welcome to the Demons, John. But we have to hurry up, it seems like Felix is in some kind of trouble" says the Demon behind me. He then teleports us out.

We get there. Aaron is about to kill Felix. I, controlling John, run up to Felix and Point my hand at him. And then I remember. John can't control his power. This means that I have to get out as quick as possible. I start running out, while he's mind stars closing too. I did it! Yay. I look at John. He's hands are full of fire. I think he's killing Aaron. I step back. I close my eyes. It's getting hot. Real hot.

(OOC: While John is in this mode, he uses his power in a very powerful way. Be carefull.)