School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right, guys, I have to go to bed, but don't stop posting! I like waking up and checking out what's new. dgdas, I give you permission to use Felix in your posts, just be reasonable, 'kay? BAI!!!!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right, guys, I have to go to bed, but don't stop posting! I like waking up and checking out what's new. dgdas, I give you permission to use Felix in your posts, just be reasonable, 'kay? BAI!!!!!

YOu're not the only one going to bed soon...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow... Just wow. 7 new pages since I left. That's bloody amazing. Whelp,bwe've definitely surpassed spambots in both quantity and quality. I'm wondering if anybody wants to get pregnant and have their children transformed into tree kids, then go bat shit crazy? No one? That was always a dream of mine... It's also the new featured SCP.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
name:nico (not his real name he got it on the street) (its a small reference to GTAIV)
age:22 (better?)
power: he can hack any basic machine (camera,normal laptop phone that sot of stuff) when he can see it and (like in watchdogs) harder machines (banks N.A.S.A computers al the stuff better than a basic computer) when he touches it when he does he basicly becomes one with the network that he is touching he can control it see trough it and so-on when he does he cant do anything with his body and when he is hurt while one with the network he will return to his body further he is a criminal so he can fight not abnormaly just on a human level he is a good fighter
personality: coold blooded killer motto: dont attach to anything you cant walk out on in 30 seconds (the movie heat) will do anything ly to anyone kill anyone to reach his goal also he is a sadist but he can control his urges exept when he sees violence or blood then he needs to satisfy hs urges by killing people or torturing them
how did he get in the insitute:when he tried to rob a high level agent he got cuacht
important things that happened in his life: his parents where killed by a gang when he was 4 he was kidnapped and joined that gang and later started working on his own

aditionally:he always wears a brown long coat and a hat he has a belt where he has two guns in the front and a knife in the back

for some reason he is very attached to his coat and hat

so yeah is this better :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yh it is!
I wake up its pitch black a red dim light is on I hear screaming. "What happened?"
"You fainted"demoi replied
I lung for the power cord but they both pull me back. "I need to get the power back up!"
I grab it the light flickers on in the room and I see how badly hurt I am but that does not matter. "Gragh must put more power" I start to slip my legs give way so I slump against the wall.
I hear deomi say something like "please stop your hurting yourself"
(Maybe Felix can see like death coming to him so you stop him)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yh it is!
I wake up its pitch black a red dim light is on I hear screaming. "What happened?"
"You fainted"demoi replied
I lung for the power cord but they both pull me back. "I need to get the power back up!"
I grab it the light flickers on in the room and I see how badly hurt I am but that does not matter. "Gragh must put more power" I start to slip my legs give way so I slump against the wall.
I hear deomi say something like "please stop your hurting yourself"
(Maybe Felix can see like death coming to him so you stop him)

OOC: I could make that happen.


Zan is slumped against the wall, gripping the power cord with his bad hand. Le sigh.

The lights are on, but they're flickering wildly.


I suddenly get a weird feeling inside my head. A tingling, which slowly turns into an aching as each moment passes. I've had this feeling before. I get it when someone near me is about to die.

I quickly signal to Deomi what we need to do and we do the conga pull. It works again, but we all go flying backwards as the electricity cuts out in a beautiful fireworks show that could kill anyone who touches it. So a beautiful fireworks show, then. That Zan is very resistant.

I feel so dizzy... Guuuuurgh... So... So tired... Uuuuurgh...

My legs give way. I fall to the ground. I feel myself losing consciousness.

"Felix?" Deomi calls. It sounds like she's speaking from a mile away. "Felix, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

"Uuuuurgh..." I groan, "I'm great. Really... Really great... Uuurgh... I felt... I felt Zan's fate... He was about... To die... Uuuuuuuuuuurgh... I changed that, and now I'm paying the price."

"NO! Felix, do not die on me! DON'T DIE ON ME, DAMN IT!"

I laugh weakly, then cough. "At what point did I say die? I'm just going to sleep for a couple of months... Wake me up when September ends... Hahahaha... No, seriously, wake me up in about fifteen minutes. Just need a nap."

I then slip away into sweet sleep, and dream about Tim vomiting cookies onto Harrison Ford. I am not kidding.[DOUBLEPOST=1375174603][/DOUBLEPOST]
So am I :p are we like all English here?

I am, I'm from sunny ol' Essex! Or at least it was... It's raining now. Sad face.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
after 15 minutes and felix is awaje
"*cant make words form so he makes various noises*"
"I failed i had to, why did you stop me! You both hate me anyway i know it thats why i did not want to stay for pancakes or anything else i don't fit in and you don't like me same as everywhere else. But here it's different they want me here im finally wanted and liked and i failed them its your fault i could have finished getting the power back"
he stumbles into a corner and rips off his shirt as he's hot and exhausted from using his power.
"I'm sorry , sssso sorry."
he faints[DOUBLEPOST=1375175954][/DOUBLEPOST]

your only like a hour away :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
after 15 minutes and felix is awaje
"*cant make words form so he makes various noises*"
"I failed i had to, why did you stop me! You both hate me anyway i know it thats why i did not want to stay for pancakes or anything else i don't fit in and you don't like me same as everywhere else. But here it's different they want me here im finally wanted and liked and i failed them its your fault i could have finished getting the power back"
he stumbles into a corner and rips off his shirt as he's hot and exhausted from using his power.
"I'm sorry , sssso sorry."
he faints[DOUBLEPOST=1375175954][/DOUBLEPOST]

your only like a hour away :p

I know. I've gone over the Dartford Crossing countless times.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Zan, we don't hate you!"I say

"You do and I know it!"he replies

"It's just..." My words are disappearing I don't know What to say "We love each other, and you're trying to be in the midle!"

"I'm's just...I love you Deomi, I'm very jeaolous of Felix, a younger boy, that already has your heart..."

"Friends?" I ask

"Friends."He answers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
he does not love you anymore his mind is not screwed up
"you hate me you hate me so much and everyone always has"
I must get power back on but they won't let me.
"Please let me do this, if i die then fine it does not matter!"