School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
he does not love you anymore his mind is not screwed up
"you hate me you hate me so much and everyone always has"- Zan?
I must get power back on but they won't let me.
"Please let me do this, if i die then fine it does not matter!"-Zan again?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(his mind was all screwey from the experiment he does not love you :p)[DOUBLEPOST=1375177544][/DOUBLEPOST]“(he does not love you anymore his mind is not screwed up)
"you hate me you hate me so much and everyone always has"- Zan?
I must get power back on but they won't let me.
"Please let me do this, if i die then fine it does not matter!"-Zan again?

all zan


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I look on at the two of them talking. I feel bad, but I can't let go of Deomi! These were the best times of my life! I love her so much. If humans were paintings, I would be a five-year old's finger painting, and Deomi? She would be a painting worthy of Michelangelo. That is how perfect she is, looks, personality, the lot. It's a strange analogy, sure, but it's how I really feel. I haven't got a thing on her, with her dark hair, soft, round cheeks, perfect eyes and hourglass body (and awesome tits!) - shut up, conscience - and my great big glasses, unkempt hair and weird moustache. Oh! And my bruised, battered, broken left side of my face! I honestly don't know what she sees in my, but I ain't complaining!

In all honesty, I do kind of see John as a bit of a third wheel, but it doesn't matter. I love Deomi, and she loves me. That's all the knowledge I need.

Deomi comes back. She looks guilty.

"Are you alright?" I ask her.

"Yeah..." She says, "I just feel sorry for him, you know? He thinks we hate him! If only he could get the message..."

"Yeah... He really doesn't listen... Ooh, someone's left a caramel bar over there!"

"Oh, Felix. I couldn't let go of you if I tried!"

"I know how you feel, honey. I can't let go of me either."

She raises an eyebrow, and I chuckle. She starts chuckling too, and we both just burst out laughing. Then we kiss.

It's a nice, passionate kiss, with a bit of tongue here and there. I love it, and I don't care that I still have the shadows from the wall curling around my hand and that the light that was behind them is now letting everyone see us.

"Giggidy." A voice from somewhere in the corner says, as we break off. We laugh again, and hug.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
shakes his head and walks over to the too
"I'm sorry i was really negative im sure you don't hate me well i hope you don't anywho the power will come back in i 50 seconds wait no 3 seconds" the lights come on
"see now you can go back to your cell and finish what you were doing -winks-
felix will you come to the gym with me later?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A million likes for this one. And it seems like you're also with Whizz's syndrome.
No, not the squearky voice
The each word in each line thing.

Thanks, I guess![DOUBLEPOST=1375179922][/DOUBLEPOST]IC:

"Sure!" I say, "would it be overcrowded if Deomi came? I mean, God knows what would happen if I left her alone with Tim!"

I look back at Deomi, and whisper "just kidding".


I'll leave it up to Darklord to decide if Deomi should come.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"all i wanna do is chat and work out if she wants to see to sweaty guys working out then sure" *chuckles a bit* "I'm making dinner later wanna come over? Roast chicken apperently its almost christmas or maybe there lying"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
he walks out to next door a large gym with various equipment is there
he walks over to two treadmills and starts running on one
"we are allowed here for 3 hours"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

As Deomi and I go back to our cell - actually, no, I wouldn't even call it a cell. It's more of a room. Like you'd find in a hotel - we come across Tim.

"Well," he says, "you two certainly had fun."

"What do you mean?" Deomi asks, puzzled.

"Let's just say that I'm gonna need to buy some earmuffs for tonight."

I see Deomi's cheeks go red. "Oh, God." She says. "Were you awake the whole time?"

"You bet your sweet ass I was."

"It's a very sweet ass," I say to her. She looks at me, and is evidently not amused.

"Oh!" I exclaim, "I just remembered I had something to show you guys!"

I summon a crapload of shadows, and they start to wrap around me. The surface of the shadows divide, then divide again, and again, forming hair-like strands all over my body. The hairy shadows on my rear grow and lengthen into a rounded, bushy tail. My legs change and grow, and I crouch onto all fours. My face grows and flattens, my nose forms into part of my mouth and my irises start to get bigger, eventually covering the visible part of my eye. My pupils dilate, my ears move up and grow triangular, my neck grows a shaggy mane of shadows and I stop changing.

"Meow!" I mew.

I look up. Deomi stands there, perfectly still, mouth hanging open. I imagine Tim's jaw would drop too, if he had one.

"You're... You're a cat..." Deomi stammers.

"Yep," I say, "that I am."

I'm not just any cat though. I'm a great big furry black Maine Coon. I'd been practising this in my own cell and when Deomi and Tim were asleep. It hurt like hell at first, but I've slowly but surely overcome the pain, and mastered the trick.

"I need it to look inconspicuous." I say.

"Inconspicuous?" Tim says, "you're a dirty great cat! In here? The institution? You couldn't look any more conspicuous!"

"Well, it's a great trick at parties. Anyway, I'm still me! I'm just wrapped in shadows! And... Well, my bones have kind of morphed to be as comfortable as possible... And I have to wait 45 minutes to take this disguise off..."

"What?!" They say at the same time.

"Hey! I can still use the treadmill, right? And when I speak, they'll realise it's me!"

"I guess..." Deomi says, unsure, "anyway, we'd best get off to the gym. We'll see you later, Tim!"

"Bye..." Mutters Tim, who is obviously still in shock as Deomi walks and I trot off to the gym.[DOUBLEPOST=1375186245][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry I've been away so long! I was making a cake![DOUBLEPOST=1375186278][/DOUBLEPOST]^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"You sure are a hot cat"

"We'll see who mews later..."Answers Felix

"What about tim?" I ask

"Does it really matter?"

"Kinda does"

"He can stay with John..."he answers

"About John, you do know he likes me, right?"

"I do, but he's a cool guy, I see him as a friend, and he's not trying anything on you..."

"Okay, I just wasn't sure. I see him as a friend too, I hope we 3 can be friends forever"

"I hope I can have you forever"

I kiss him. He's so sweet. I just love him...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"You sure are a hot cat"

"We'll see who mews later..."Answers Felix

"What about tim?" I ask

"Does it really matter?"

"Kinda does"

"He can stay with John..."he answers

"About John, you do know he likes me, right?"

"I do, but he's a cool guy, I see him as a friend, and he's not trying anything on you..."

"Okay, I just wasn't sure. I see him as a friend too, I hope we 3 can be friends forever"

"I hope I can have you forever"

I kiss him. He's so sweet. I just love him...

We'll see who mews later...... Just...... Genius.[DOUBLEPOST=1375186868][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, the cat in my profile picture is supposed to be Felix.[DOUBLEPOST=1375186934][/DOUBLEPOST]Meow!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i go back to the gym and see a cat and deomi on the treadmills,
"uhh hi there? who's cat is that?"
I lift some weights and do some situps i'm really hot so i decide to take of my shirt and carry on then i go stroke the cat for alittle before deomi tells me it is..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"It's my cat, Zan"

"Where did you find him?"

"Ah..."I don't know what to answer..."John found him some time ago, he's so cute, look at him"

"Miau!" mews Felix

"He is!"

Felix gets out of my hands and starts biting Zan's leg


"Bad kitty, bad kitty come back to mama" I grab him.

"Well, I think I've to go, I'm a bit hungry"

"Ok, goodbye Zan..."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that was odd, i leave out some food and milk for the cat to eat and look at my cuts and burnt hand
"felix is the cat! felix bit me i knew he hated me! i knew it"
i run to my room and slump on my sofa.
"i i knew it"
i cry gently to myself

Delete that. You're not Batman. I think you couldn't find that out.