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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

"GAH!" I scream, "Get off of me, you pervert! Jeez!"

"Yeah, that's Felix" Deomi says, stifling an obvious laugh.

"Oh, God," I shakily say, "You touched me in places I've never been touched before, and never want to be touched again."

I shudder. That was awful. Ugh.

Honestly, I can't blame him. I never knew that about cats before I became one. I doubt he did either. I run back onto the treadmill. Ooh, this feels good. Painful, but in a good way. It warms up my furry body, which makes me thinks: what if I forget I'm a cat tonight? I'm assuming we're gonna do the nasty, and if we do, and I forget I'm a cat, will Deomi remind me? Will she do it anyway? If she does remind me I'm a cat, will the transformation be a turn-off? Deomi called me a hot cat, which is a bit weird, but hey, if she thinks I'm sexy as a great big cat, I must be doing something right.

All these thoughts swim around in my head for the next five minutes until I get thoroughly exhausted and lay down on the still-moving treadmill, sliding off onto my back on the floor. Deomi picks me up and hugs me, and I put my arms around her neck and nuzzle her face. I like being a cat. I can use my own neck as a headrest. Life is good.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Right, I think I have it.

[DOUBLEPOST=1375194916][/DOUBLEPOST]*Angelic choir*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Back! THe movie was great, unfortunatly, they messed up big time, in "Weapon X". I also got a bit disapointed, they killed Jane :(. Tha means no Saga of the Phoenix movie...

I also don't know what to write about, we have no expirement going...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess. I tried to think of an original power before, but came up with nothing.

Oh, and not to be rude, but it's 'paddling'. Thanks.[DOUBLEPOST=1375199954][/DOUBLEPOST]I'll see what I can come up with.[DOUBLEPOST=1375199991][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey, paddling, why don't you create a second Character?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess. I tried to think of an original power before, but came up with nothing.

Oh, and not to be rude, but it's 'paddling'. Thanks.

I read padding so....But from now on, I'll try to say Paddling. Also, just because, when Felix comes back to non-cat form, his face gets back to normal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe. The only problem is, Felix is still Felix. The cat is just a guise of shadows, and his bones have just morphed into that of a cat. It's like wearing a shadow onesie. When he transforms back, he'll just go back how he was before

Actually, because I control the character, and I can do what I want with him, maybe the shadows could have minor healing powers. Yeah... That sounds good.[DOUBLEPOST=1375200382][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, forgot to say, cat Felix is about as long as an average adult male is tall.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm thinking of a girl... A-ha!

Name: Lili Träumenweber

Age: 15, going on 16

Power: White magic: can appear in dreams to communicate, and induce thoughts. A lot like Deomi, but with a longer duration. She can also warp minds to cause distraction, fear, and other unwanted feelings and sensations. She can also speak fluent English. She's very pretty, but not enough to put Felix off of Deomi, so don't expect that to happen!

Important events: Moved from Germany to Dorset when she was 8. Her parents were killed by a mugger at twelve years old, and she warped the mugger's mind to shoot himself in the mouth. She's known her powers since she was 4 years old. She was raped by her English teacher in year 9 (13 y.o.), and went to the same school as Felix and Aaron. She was in the year above them.

How she got here: She convinced her English teacher to turn himself in. The police were concerned how this happened, so they turned her in to MI5. They conducted mind experiments on her and found out her power. MI5 then handed Lili over to the Institution.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm thinking of a girl... A-ha!

Name: Lili Träumenweber

Age: 15, going on 16

Power: White magic: can appear in dreams to communicate, and induce thoughts. A lot like Deomi, but with a longer duration. She can also warp minds to cause distraction, fear, and other unwanted feelings and sensations. She can also speak fluent English. She's very pretty, but not enough to put Felix off of Deomi, so don't expect that to happen!

Important events: Moved from Germany to Dorset when she was 8. Her parents were killed by a mugger at twelve years old, and she warped the mugger's mind to shoot himself in the mouth. She's known her powers since she was 4 years old. She was raped by her English teacher in year 9 (13 y.o.), and went to the same school as Felix and Aaron. She was in the year above them.

How she got here: She convinced her English teacher to turn himself in. The police were concerned how this happened, so they turned her in to MI5. They conducted mind experiments on her and found out her power. MI5 then handed Lili over to the Institution.

Lil VS Deomi
Who wins?

I'm assuming lili is pretty, but not aspretty as Deomi