School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Deomi you have a experiment, report there not you are to make Zan kiss you even against his sexuality (power test up to you to decide if he will or not) If you don't we'll kill Tim take felixs stone and separate you both!"

"They're going too far"I say

"Well, they always are"says Felix

"Do I have your authorization sir ?"I ask

"Well, I guess you do..."

"There's just something. They said it was against his sexuality. Do you think Zan"I ask

"Maybe, I don't know. Maybe it was all a "mission"maybe it wasn't. Anyway, I know he's kinda hot, I know you don't mind..."he replys

"I do mind. He is hot, indeed, but you're my boyfriend, you're even better then him. I love you. I do mind."I say

"Well, you have to do it. So do it. Kiss him. I know you will want to."He says

"I have to do it anyway..."I say...

"Well, I love you Deomi, and as long as you know that, I'm happy"

"I have to go. I love you."

I open the door and start heading to the same room. I hate this speaker man, he's always messing with me and Felix...

I get to the room. Zan is already there. I really don't like him, but, I have to do it, plus, he's kinda hot, so...

"So, all I have to do, is kiss Zan?"

"Yes, indeed, that's all" says the speaker man

I look at Zan.

"Come her sweatheart!"

"First I'd like to say that I'm homo--"he starts

"Not after this kiss!"I immediatly say

"I thought you were Felix's girlfriend..."

"I am, I love him, but he's OK with this, specially if you're gay"

"Okay then...I guess..."

I start walking in his direction. I have to kiss him. I know I have to. And he's so, so, hot...But not as much as Felix. I do it. He kisses me back. He's not that bad! I keep doin it.


Oh god. I knew it was more than just a kiss , it's always more. Anyway, I'm kinda enjoying it. Felix is way better, and a bit more hot, but Zan is not bad!

" can let it go now..."

Good. I was hoping for this. I get out of the room. And go to my "room" with Felix. He was waiting for me.

"How was it?"he asks

"Honestly, I liked it. But I have a boyfriend. And you're a way better kisser."

He comes to me and kisses me. I kiss him. I love him. I know I do.


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne sat back... Watching the invasion come... There was not much to do, but to shore up defences... Now... how warn people, and not-people... it though for a few moments, than had an idea. It walked into a lab and returned, carrying a rusted circulaw saw.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My name is Lili Träumenweber. I'm fifteen years old. I live in Dorset. I moved here from Munich, and I've lived her for eight years. I like travelling, acting and playing video games.

And I fucking hate the Institution.

I was taken here a couple of years ago. I've been kept in solitary confinement, and no one's allowed to come within a ten metre radius of me. It's very boring. Sometimes I'm allowed to go out to meet other anomalies, but they're usually more powerful than me. I couldn't possibly try to hurt them. They'd just hurt me first, more. I don't stand a chance. I did hear of this boy who can control shadows, and he sounds kind of familiar. But I try not to think about that.

Today is one of the free days.

I walk into the corridor. Men in suits walk past me, everywhere I go. A young man with a little flame in his hand in a room next to me looks over at me. I look at him and smile. He starts laughing nervously behind the glass. Strange person. A lot of people have called me beautiful over the years. It's flattering. Maybe he'll be one of them. I'd honestly rather not. He looks about twenty. It would be rather creepy.

My stomach feels cold. It probably wasn't the best idea to bring a crop top to such a cold place. Plus, it's the only top I brought, along with my hot pants, flip-flops, and underwear.

I guess I'm going to be staying here a while, so I'd best get to know some of the other anomalies. I pass a door saying:


I take a peep in. What I see...


He killed Mister Peregrine. It's him!

Felix Dessin (said 'deh-san'). It can't be his real name. He must have chosen it. I never knew his given name, and God knows what would happen if he found out his true name. He'd level cities, burn the land, destroy the human race. And he'd laugh all the way.

I knock on the door. He looks over to me.

'Oh, shit,' I see him say.

I hear him faintly scream something. I don't know what it is. 'Tree homie'? I'm not sure. He runs the other way.

'He's weird,' I think, 'but really hot.'

As I walk by more rooms, I think about Felix more and more. Suddenly I can't take it any more.

I run back to the door, and hammer my fists onto it. Felix comes over and opens the door.

"Lili, what do you - "

I cut him off with a kiss. After about a second he breaks off, saying "Lili, are you crazy? I have a girlfriend! She's right over there!"

I look behind him, and see a very pretty, very angry girl.

"You get away from my boyfriend." She says, walking towards me in a threatening way. Her movements are graceful, but dangerous. A real 'femme fatale'.

I back away, stammering "I-I-I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't know! P-p-p-p-please don't hurt me!"

"If you stay away from my Felix, then maybe I won't ask him for the stone."

"Okay! Okay! Please! Just leave me be!"

I run away, looking behind me to see them kiss, and go back to my cell and cry. I wish there was just one boy my age who wasn't in a relationship... Just one...

A purplish gas fills the air. "Scheiße," I mutter, as the gas reaches my face, and I fall backwards, my vision fading to black.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i run to my cell and wash my mouth out blargh blargh why why why did she have to do this.
"I hate kissing girls"
i flop on my bed and think about everything.
"Why do they keep making felix and Deomi do things but not me? They just keep training me, its so odd"
"Deomi Zan felix you have a experiment to do Zan you are to see if you can charge either Deomi's or Felix's powers then Felix you are to see if you can make other people change form."
really! Really!
"Go now Zan"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Also, I would like a mission with just Deomi and Lili (How is it pronounced? Is it like lilly?) just so Deomi and Lili can figure out each otheres powers. And FYI, Deomi really is a "femme fatale", like, she is not super-strong, but, she is really strong in a fight.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


After that proper kiss with my proper girlfriend, we go back to our room. I get a fanta and a pack of skittles from the fridge, and then lie down with Deomi and share them with her. Halfway through the skittles, the tannoy man speaks up.

"Felix! Deomi! You have an experiment! Report to experiment chamber 7 immediately!"

"Aw, SHIT!" I shout.

"Calm down, honey," Deomi says soothingly, every syllable an aural massage, "how bad can it be?"

"Pretty damn bad."

"Fair enough."

"Come on."

We get off the bed, and make our way to the experiment chamber. We walk inside. I run out again.

"What's wrong?" Deomi says worriedly, "it's only Zan!"

"This room... This was the room I saw Aaron..."


"Bad memories, Deomi," i say, waking back in, "bad memories..."

The tannoy man speaks again, saying "okay! You're all here! That's good! Now, Zan. I need you to - "

"Yeah, yeah, boost Felix's powers," Zan impatiently says, "I get it."

"And you, Felix? You have to try and change the form of these two. But you have to make sure they can change back! You don't want to be screwing a great big spider, do you?"

I'm shocked. "How did you - ?"

"Oh, please! We have security cameras everywhere!"

"Oh, God, no."

"Shall we get back to the matter at hand?"

Zan squeezes his eyes shut, raises his hand to me and curls his fingers. His head lowers, and my heart rate increases tenfold. I feel static all over my body. I look down to see my shadow bending towards me.

I open my mouth in shock, and the shadow comes flying down my throat. I cough violently. The shadow splits at the end into little legs, I can feel it. It then crawls out of my mouth, and flies towards my hand.

Honestly, I don't know how or why that happened, but it did. I try to forget it.

The shadows start flying towards my hand, joining the spherical circulation of darkness. New knowledge of necromancy and its tricks rush into my head, and I finally figure out what to do.

I lay my right hand on Deomi's forehead. The shadows start wrapping around her and I. We fall onto all fours as the shadows halve, halve again, and again. Our ears move upwards and reshape into triangles, and our coccyxes reshape into long, bushy tails. Our faces fall forward, as our noses fuse with our mouths. Our irises cover all of the visible parts of our eyes, our pupils dilate, and our limb bones morph and shift. We grow claws, and our necks grow furry manes, though hers is neater and less shaggy than mine. Deomi screams all the way. I'm sure it'll get better the more we do it.

I see Zan look on, gobsmacked, as he sees Deomi change into a big black ragdoll cat, and I change into my usual Maine coon.

I look at Zan, and say "your turn."[DOUBLEPOST=1375281901][/DOUBLEPOST]
(How is it pronounced? Is it like lilly?)

Yes, it is. I just found the name by typing in 'German names for girls'![DOUBLEPOST=1375281936][/DOUBLEPOST]Whoops! Missed out a bit!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not fealing good. My beautiful body is all compressed. I just hope I keep my curves after this. Felix is his usual cat. And zan is still transforming. I quickly look at felix and star staring at him. There's a power I need to try. I think I can do it. I concentrate in Felix's brain and in my own. And I do it.

-"CAN YOU HERE ME?" I say, projecting my voice in his brain. I thiink that this way I can talk to Felix without saying a word. And hopefully Felix can do the same.

-"Yes Deomi."says felix normally. Zan looks at him, while transforming.

-"I'm projecting my voice into your brain, I'm not talking normally, you're the only one that can hear me. Try saying some kind of sentence, so I can do the same with me."

The moment after, I feel that felix's brain transmited a signal. I conect that signal to my brain.

-"It's done. I'm doing the same with images. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work with fealings. I'm sorry."

-"So, what do you think Zan is going to be transformed in?"

-"I don't know, let me guess...a cat?"I say sarcasticly

-"Yeah, I like cats, I think that's why"

-"I just hope I keep my body and my face"

-"I kept mine. Actually, I even think this shadows give a small healing effect"

When Felix stops talking, Zan stops transforming. He's a ...[DOUBLEPOST=1375282646][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'll let you finish, Darklord.

I kept some space for someone to finish


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not fealing good. My beautiful body is all compressed. I just hope I keep my curves after this. Felix is his usual cat. And zan is still transforming. I quickly look at felix and star staring at him. There's a power I need to try. I think I can do it. I concentrate in Felix's brain and in my own. And I do it.

-"CAN YOU HERE ME?" I say, projecting my voice in his brain. I thiink that this way I can talk to Felix without saying a word. And hopefully Felix can do the same.

-"Yes Deomi."says felix normally. Zan looks at him, while transforming.

-"I'm projecting my voice into your brain, I'm not talking normally, you're the only one that can hear me. Try saying some kind of sentence, so I can do the same with me."

The moment after, I feel that felix's brain transmited a signal. I conect that signal to my brain.

-"It's done. I'm doing the same with images. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work with fealings. I'm sorry."

-"So, what do you think Zan is going to be transformed in?"

-"I don't know, let me guess...a cat?"I say sarcasticly

-"Yeah, I like cats, I think that's why"

-"I just hope I keep my body and my face"

-"I kept mine. Actually, I even think this shadows give a small healing effect"

When Felix stops talking, Zan stops transforming. He's a ...[DOUBLEPOST=1375282646][/DOUBLEPOST]

I kept some space for someone to finish



New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Oh, God! OH, MY GOD, NO!

This wasn't meant to happen! This wasn't meant to happen at all!

Zan was covered in shadows, and was turning into a cat fine, but I suddenly thought of a random sabre-toothed Smilodon. And then that was all I could think about. He started to grow foot-long canines, and he got bigger, and bigger, until he was about a tiger's size.

He growls at us both, and then cocks his head to one side.

"What?" He says. "My teeth feel funny."


"OH, MY GOD, YOU'RE A SABRE-TOOTHED TIGER!" Deomi blurts. If I could facepalm, I would. I really would.

"And I thought I couldn't look any more suspicious..." I sigh.

"Oh," Zan says, "shit."

"Well. Felix!" The tannoy man exclaims, "you seem to have done your part... Relatively well. You did fall at the final hurdle though, but I didn't exactly specify what you had to turn them into. And Zan... You obviously boosted their powers, because if Felix could turn others into animals before, he probably would have. You may all return to your rooms now!"

And we do.