School For RolePlay

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ooc are we still animals? aslo i go on holiday today i will be on sometimes so juist keep the thread going i think bella will be back but the only thing is TIMEZONES!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no one bella told me he/she would be back[DOUBLEPOST=1375286504][/DOUBLEPOST]carry on :p no really you are both good rpers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment no. (Insert number here)

Participants: Lili Träumenweber, Deomi Jonson.

Lili and Deomi are to place images and thoughts into each others minds, getting increasingly frightening until one of them gives up and/or asks to leave the room. You cannot leave the room whenever you want. Only when you are frightened enough that you want to not only leave the room, but run away from it screaming.[DOUBLEPOST=1375291261][/DOUBLEPOST]
Experiment no. (Insert number here)

Participants: Lili Träumenweber, Deomi Jonson.

Lili and Deomi are to place images and thoughts into each others minds, getting increasingly frightening until one of them gives up and/or asks to leave the room. You cannot leave the room whenever you want. Only when you are frightened enough that you want to not only leave the room, but run away from it screaming.
There is nothing at stake here. It is just a test of your abilities.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If this devolves into twilight imma choke somebody... But yeah, I'm not back yet, I'm just heading out the door for the long drive back from Canada. Border people's be cray :p but while I'm gone, pudding may take over.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
power: he can hack any basic machine (camera,normal laptop phone that sot of stuff) when he can see it and harder machines (banks N.A.S.A computers al the stuff better than a basic computer) when he touches it further he is a criminal so he can fight not abnormaly just on a human level he is a good fighter
personality: coold blooded killer motto: dont attach to anything you cant walk out on in 30 seconds will do anything ly to anyone kill anyone to reach his goal also he is a sadist but he can control his urges exept when he sees violence or blood then he needs to satisfy hs urges by killing people or torturing them
how did he get in the insitute:agents have been hunting at him for a while now but he killed them all and then he decided he wannet to find and kill the person thaqt was sending these persons at him so he founf the insitute but in there he was cuacht after killing lots of agents
important things that happened in his life: his parents where killed by a gang wich made him ho he is now

aditionally:he always wears a brown long coat and a hat he has a belt where he has two guns in the front and a knife in the back

for some reason he is very attached to his coat and hat

My char is going to like you.. they just might become friends... o_O


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Data log #35: So, today i made a rubber ball and i'm continuously bouncing it off the wall. I'm very bored. They put me back here after they found out that i couldn't even find 'Jeremy' as he was called. I wish i could talk to someone. Feel the open air of the facility. I'm getting claustrophobic and it is getting worse every day. I know the walls are sinking in on me. I made a tape measure every day for the past week to see the width of the door. It's getting smaller, and smaller. Going to try and manipulate my atoms. Might be painful. Might not work because of my regeneration. Somehow I have this tape recorder thingy-ma-jig. I'll look into it. Someones coming. *Static*[DOUBLEPOST=1375297752][/DOUBLEPOST]That's all in IC btw.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


That girl... Her and Felix... Kissing...

It can't be. How can a dork like him, hot as he is, have a girlfriend like her? It makes no sense! It makes no god damn -

"Lili Träumenweber, you have an experiment in experiment chamber 4! Please report there ASAP!"


When I get there, I find the girl that Felix was kissing.

The voice from my cell speaks again from a tannoy in the corner.

"Okay, you two! What you have to do is use your powers to put images in each other's heads, scary enough to nearly, but not quite, cause a mental breakdown. I can see you people don't like each other, so I decided that this should be perfect."

We both sigh. And then I see something in my head. Something... Awful.

It's a man, with a suit on, but his face is strange... Or his lack of a face, should I say. His head is blocky and square, jutting outwards like an 8-bit velociraptor man. He has a mouth, but his head is white and otherwise featureless. He talks to me.

"Hello, Lili," he says in a thousand voices and a thousand emotions, all Deomi's, "ready to give in yet?"

"No!" I say out loud. "No, I won't submit to you! I won't run away!"

"What?" Deomi asks, looking genuinely puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

"I know what you're up to, Deomi! You're trying to scare me away! I won't back away from the likes of you!"

"Lili, you're paranoid - " she says, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I scream as I pull away from her.
I think really hard about that faceless block man. I transfer it to her mind, and think about him decomposing. His face begins to flake, his teeth begin to crumble and fall out, and dents appear in his cranium, until his entire head caves in, and the weight of itself just makes it collapse into dust. His bare neck spurts blood and his whole body starts to sag. Flesh folds in on itself, like folds of fat on a really fat person, as the neck melts into the body, the fingers drip off, and the body falls to the ground, turning into a liquid of many colours, most if them variations of red.

Deomi just looks at me, unimpressed.

She passes her thoughts onto me now. The liquid that used to be faceless blocky drips upwards, onto the unseen ceiling. I can't seem to look up.

I hear a ghostly wail. Everything goes dark.


A horrible, half-rotted, bloody face appears from above, and screams like one of those awful Internet videos, bringing me back to the real world. I scream in pure, concentrated terror, and hammer my fists on the door.

"LET ME OUT!!!" I scream. "LET ME OOOOOUUUUUTTT!!!!!!"

"Ah, good," the tannoy man says, "You have submitted. You may return to your rooms now."

And I do. And I curl up in the corner and cry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That girl...She's pretty I'll admit. Short black hair. Tall. Normal chest. About my age, 16. Cute face. Not as cute as mine (*insert bunny face*) but cute enough. My lesbian side (OOC: Because every girl has one, right?)tells me she's hot.

She better not mess with me! No one messes with an Irish girl! Re-living memories, in this case, old of the best things you can do...I think she was supose to do something to me, but she didn't. She just transferred the memory to me...begginer thing...I already seen that memory *****!

I saw her cying in the corner. I go to her mind. I put myself with a gostly voice and augment the volume 20 times.


-"Stop..please...stop..."She beggs to me

She got to my heart. Poor thing. She just commited a mistake. As long as she is away from Felix, it's Okay to me.

-"OK, I stop"

-"Thanks"she says with a calm voice"I'm sorry about that thing with Felix"

-"No problem. I know how hot he is."

No problem?!I love to fool people. I've done it several times. She's just one more. I'd never do it with Felix, of course, I purily love him, nor I would do it with John, he's my friend, but with this girl, with a small german accent...this is going to be difrent....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Daddy's home!

The ongoing trials of Namiasdf continue!


The two guards picked Namiasdf up by the sides of his t-shirt. They punched in the combination for Namiasdf's cell and slowly dragged him up to his feet.

"How... long?" He croaked out attempting to form words with his dehydrated lips.

"You've been in there for thirteen days, without food, water, or entertainment, and you've done nothing but sulk. I guess the society finally decided that they were fed up with you being useless. For 343's sake, you didn't even try to escape even once!" Yelled the guard on his right.

"Psst, man they said we shouldn't refer to 343 like that or else we'd get decommissioned." Spoke the guard on the left.

"I don't care, it's gonna happen at the end of the month anyways! Why'd we even come to this place anyways? We were better off at prison, at least there we weren't guaranteed death in thirty days." Replied the guard on the right.

"I don't know what prison you were in, but where I was I begged for death. At least this way I go out doing something that matters, and with some god damned dignity!" Retorted the guard to Namiasf's left.

"And please tell me what prison you were in that was SO bloody horrible that you just HAAAAAAAD to get out of?" Questioned the guard to the right.

"Alkatraz." The left guard said solemnly as if he feared the very mention of it's name.

"Don't give me that bull shit man, that place has been shut down for years!" The right guard said.

"It has. I just got demoted from tester, I was doing a test with 006 before I got demoted." Replied the left guard.

"But doesn't that mean that they can't decommission you?" Inquired the right guard.

"Nope, just means that I live longer, the thing makes me young, not invincible." Answered the left guard wishing all the while that it did make him invincible.

"Wow, say there were a lot of famous people in Alkatraz, were you one of 'em?" Asked the right guard, and he would have gotten his answer too, had Namiasdf not spoken up just in time.

"Excuse me sirs." Said Namiasdf. "Isn't.... there some.... kind of... test... that you're... supposed to..." He erupted in a fit of coughing before he could finish his sentence.

"Get him a glass of water, he can't even talk in the state he's in. I'm amazed the society even allowed him to get like this. Didn't they used to treasure their precious "anomalies" way back when?" Said the guard to the left.

The guard on the right let go of Namiasdf's shoulder and headed down the corridor. Namiasdf would have made a break for it had he not been in such a horrid state. When the guard came back he carried with him a cup filled to the brim with sparkling clear water. The guard was having quite a bit of trouble keeping the water from spilling over the edges of the cup and he looked quite silly doing so. Namiasdf started laughing, and then coughing as his throat was still quite dry. The guard handed him the cup of water, and he drank. Then he began to speak again.

"Isn't there some kind of test that you're supposed to be bringing me to? If you don't mind..." Said Namiasdf.

"Why yes, there actually is. Hope you did your math homework because this one stumped even those people down at Harvard." Said the guard to his right.

"I never did my math homework." Replied Namiasdf sarcastically.

With that, they walked down the corridor and to the anomaly hub.