School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The guards dragged Namiasdf out of his cell and down the corridor. They brought him into a chamber, threw him down in the center and then left closing the door on their way out.

The room had padded walls, and the only thing in it was a desk with a single solitary piece of paper. Namiasdf walked over to the desk and picked the paper up. He studied it for a while and then placed it back down.

"What do you guys want me to do?" He asked to no one in particular.

A voice then spoke. It seemed to come from everywhere, however Namiasdf could not identify the source of it. "We want you to solve the equation."

"But it's just giberish, how am I supposed to solve it? Questioned Nami.

"That's why we brought you here. To figure that out." Replied the voice.

Nami sighed, walked over to the desk, picked up the paper, and sat down to stare at it in solitude for the next few days.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(What is fading?)
I'm exhausted I boosted deomi's powers for what 30 minutes and then she just stopped using her power so I had to force myself to stop.
"Uhh" I fall over slightly I grab onto a chair and get back up.
"A bit of warning please would be nice, have you got any batteries or anything?" I swear I saw a little bit of purple gas but it was fine.
"I'm just gonna take a n--n---ap now" I fall onto the floor"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: Felix:




"AH!" I yell in shock. I look around. Nothing's broken. Zan is lying asleep on the floor. Deomi is barely awake, rubbing her head.

"Sorry," she says woozily, "banged my head on the wall."

"I can see," I say, "my back feels funny."

"Yeah... I cut out this growth in your back. The shadows can't control you any more. You can control them, but not vice versa."


I put my hand to where the growth was. I always thought it was a birth mark, or a cyst. The doctors said it was nothing to worry about. I try to summon the shadows. They bend and rise, forming a swirling black globe around my right hand.

I crawl over to the bed, grab the sheet, and then place them over Deomi, and give her a kiss goodnight. She smiles, and drifts off to sleep.

~2 hours later~



"What the hell is going on?!" Yells Zan.

The tannoy man, with his thinning white hair and battle-scarred face, runs in shouting "everyone get outside NOW! We have an intruder!"

We go outside to find...

Oh, no...


"IF I CAN'T BE WITH YOU," she screams, "NO ONE CAN!"

"Lili, I have a girlfriend!" I say, trying to calm her down.


"Lili, stop - "

I hesitate. A voice rings in my mind.

'You want to die... Kill yourself... You're worthless...'

"Nice try, Lili," I say, "but don't you think that having a mind-controller as a girlfriend will have taught me a thing or two?"

Lili screams, and pulls the fire alarm next to her. A section of the wall opens up, revealing a hatchet strapped to the wall of the compartment. She pulls the hatchet out, and swings it wildly, driving us all back. A guard comes at her and she swings it at his neck. Blood splatters everywhere, and the guard's head is severed with an eternal expression of shock on his face. Another grabs her by the shoulders, but Lili drives the hatchet into his chest. He falls to the ground. We all take another couple of steps back, as she comes closer.


"Lili, that's not really what I want in a girl. Maniacal killer is really not on my checklist."

She screams again. I have no choice.

"I'm sorry, Lili." I mutter. I'm going to regret this. I know it.

I summon the shadows, and drive them towards Lili. They wrap around her head, and I can just about hear her muffled screams. A tear falls from my eye as I pull the shadows taut, and her head emits a horrid crack. Blood pours from underneath the shadow mask. Lili crumples to the ground, dead as dead can be, as I let the shadows go. They stay wrapped around her broken head, like a helmet of darkness.

We go back to our rooms in shocked silence, as I hug Deomi. She gives me a calming kiss on the cheek, and when we get to our rooms, we find Tim had got there first. Yeah, he was there when it happened too. He's shaking. I give him a pat on the shell. He whimpers. We move him to the armchair, and we lay on the bed in a huddle. After about ten seconds, we fall asleep.


Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I might refer to Byrne as a male now. :p I'll try that out here and see how it works.
Byrne lent back. And fell through the wall as the chair exploded beneath him. Shadows flew, as well as explosions from a nearby building. It was a cacophony of blaring klaxons and evacuations alarms, intermingled with the shouts of the guards, added with a dash of screaming and a thud. Outside, a building appeared to have exploded, leaving little left but smoldering mass of rubble, with vans fleeing from it, like ants from a collapsed colony. Then Byrne noticed a slight change,. that would normally be imperceptible,. but was made much more easily visible due to the firelight in the distance. That change was visible in the way that the shadows moved. Instead of the normal flickering that you could find that was common behavior of shadows near firelight, these shadows would fade away, or slink around. Byrne went to investigate the cause of this, and went downstairs. He was greeted by a horrific sight. Bodies littered the ground, some slashed to death by Machete, and the one at the end was crushed to death by some unknown force, and was slowly being consumed by the mass of shadows. Byrne slowly bent down picked up the shadows and put them inside the elevator shaft, warning them to behave.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I might refer to Byrne as a male now. :p I'll try that out here and see how it works.
Byrne lent back. And fell through the wall as the chair exploded beneath him. Shadows flew, as well as explosions from a nearby building. It was a cacophony of blaring klaxons and evacuations alarms, intermingled with the shouts of the guards, added with a dash of screaming and a thud. Outside, a building appeared to have exploded, leaving little left but smoldering mass of rubble, with vans fleeing from it, like ants from a collapsed colony. Then Byrne noticed a slight change,. that would normally be imperceptible,. but was made much more easily visible due to the firelight in the distance. That change was visible in the way that the shadows moved. Instead of the normal flickering that you could find that was common behavior of shadows near firelight, these shadows would fade away, or slink around. Byrne went to investigate the cause of this, and went downstairs. He was greeted by a horrific sight. Bodies littered the ground, some slashed to death by Machete, and the one at the end was crushed to death by some unknown force, and was slowly being consumed by the mass of shadows. Byrne slowly bent down picked up the shadows and put them inside the elevator shaft, warning them to behave.

I'm confused. Is this carrying on from my last post, because there are some similarities?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(whats fading!?)
Lili tried to murder Felix,i saw it happen
"Felix! I have something i need to tell you."
I look worried my face is showing it
"tell me zan!"
"I don't she's dead, in the fight she was drawing my power like clawing at the defense wall then breaKING a hole and taking from inside, something still is and i cant stop it, i think you should do the same incase that insane person attacks again.
(might make a new character but i dont know what powers he would have... maybe MAGGGGICCC! like a wand and shit)[DOUBLEPOST=1375463501][/DOUBLEPOST](im going might be able to check in again tonight if not i will tomorrow!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wonder where dgdas is?[DOUBLEPOST=1375475297][/DOUBLEPOST]OOC:

Believe me, this isn't the last we'll see of Lili! Though she's not going to be quite the same...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I *exhausted sigh* have to make you powers stronger maybe you can contain her?!"
I sigh and sit down on the sofa
"I'm sorry that we got off on the wrong foot! Deomi's mind control Messed me up yh your right I'm gay, can I stay in here? I'm exhausted and if she comes again I can boost you both!"
It's bigge then mine there room but I have more things in mine devices testing things and such trying to see if they can take the electrics I make.
"Also your rooms nicer and this little crabs ADORABLE!"
I stroke the crab
Then I don't know either I was more exhausted then I thought or the purple gas hit us. Maybe more security? Moving us away from the danger? I'm pretty sure I heard Felix thud against the ground.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About a week into the test Nami eventually saw a pattern in the question. It kept asking for a variable that could not possibly exist. He had ran through all the formulas he knew in an attempt to find the variable, but all of them ended incorrectly. He constantly ended up with a normal number. But when he plugged the number back into the equation, he did not end up with number he was supposed to.

So he began working on his own formula in order to solve the equation. So far the equation had only proved that there was a missing number, however it did not reveal the number which was missing. Nami kept running through the numbers in his head. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Over and over and over again, Nami wondered if there even was a missing number and why the institution would even want to know what it was.

Humanity had done just fine up until now knowing only those ten numbers. Why would it ever need an eleventh? T would totally put the world out of balance. How would people even react to the news of there being a new number? That everything that they had been thaught in school was wrong? It would put the world in turmoil! What would they even use this new number for? More useless algebra? Teach it in schools? Ugh, the more Nami thought about it, the more he realized that this number would not be good for the worle. Then he saw the way the Institution sees things. Cold, uncaring, and full of pure unrelenting hate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC (sort of):

Lili was dead. Her skull was shattered, and her face was torn and bruised. No one knew this, though. She had retained her shadowy death helmet like is was fused to her broken head. Her mouth was forced open in a scream upon death, and the shadows, a completely different, single-cell life form, had taken advantage of this opportunity. They weren't done with Lili just yet.

The shadows had slithered their way into her throat, puncturing her digestive system and splitting into little shadowy arms. They had then anchored themselves into Lili's arms and legs, fingers and toes, neck and body. They now controlled her body like a puppet. They had made her stand up, take the hatchet off of the ground, and roam around, looking for the one that wronged her.

Felix Dessin was going to pay.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well that's nice no one replied to my post ;(

OOC: No one ever replies to my posts. That's how Marshall became the Forgotten. He did his experiments and no one acknowledged him. Believe it or not, that isn't a complaint. I've enjoyed writing from the perspective of someone who has been pushed to the side and, seemingly, forgotten. It's a lot of fun.

But, really, it would be cool if I could get into something with other people, now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: No one ever replies to my posts. That's how Marshall became the Forgotten. He did his experiments and no one acknowledged him. Believe it or not, that isn't a complaint. I've enjoyed writing from the perspective of someone who has been pushed to the side and, seemingly, forgotten. It's a lot of fun.

But, really, it would be cool if I could get into something with other people, now.
Call on Bella for that. A team experiment or something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The two guards picked Namiasdf up by the sides of his t-shirt. They punched in the combination for Namiasdf's cell and slowly dragged him up to his feet.

"How... long?" He croaked out attempting to form words with his dehydrated lips.

"You've been in there for thirteen days, without food, water, or entertainment, and you've done nothing but sulk. I guess the society finally decided that they were fed up with you being useless. For 343's sake, you didn't even try to escape even once!" Yelled the guard on his right.

What did you mean by {Neilex} bella?