School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Knock knock*

"I'm going..."says Felix "Oh. You. DEOMI!"

I get out of the kitchen. I go there and guess who's there?

"Oh... hey Zan. What is it?" I ask

"Nothing, just checking how were you setling here..."

"We're fine Zan" says Felix

"Ah...Zan. I was making pancakes. What to eat?"

"No, of course not, I have better food in my room" he says. What a dick.

"I insist Zan"

"Ok then" Damn Zan, I was just being polite!

"Felix. Why don't you show Zan the way to the table?"

"Will do" says Felix

I go to the kitchen and continue cooking some pancakes. The silence is disturbing.

All done!

"So, boys, the pancakes are done!"i grab'em and put them on the table. I come back to the kitchen and grab sugar, sugar, lemons, chocolate and bananas.

"Well, thank you, your kindness is greater than the great pyramid!" says Zan "You're a lucky man, Felix"

"Yup. She's my girl."

"I am your girl!" I kiss him "So, Zan, why do you want to work for them ?"

"Because it's the best job you can get!"

"If you think so..." Says felix...

The silence begins again. We all eat our pancakes.

"Well, thank you for the meal! I guess I'll leave now." says Zan

"OK then Zan. Thank you for comming here."

Zan gets up and leaves.

"What a dick"I say

"Yup" Agrees Felix

"At least john ties to be cool..."

"And doesn't tries to kill MY girl"

"I love you Felix"

"Love you too"

"It's getting late"I say"We should go back to check up on mark"

"Ok then"

"But first..." I take off my shirt and my pants.

You know what happens


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why does everyone try to make my character a dick! He's polite unless he's super angry.
ic: I hate pancakes :/
they seem settled in which is good. I did not really want to say why i wanted to work for them... they were the first people who helped me in ages everyone else has hurt me.
I don't really like Felix seems like he hates me but he does not relaise that i don't like Deomi i don't really like her kind.
*lights flash red*
"Warning power failure warning warning"

"sector three members report to the class room straight away!"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: um, dgdas... Dude... Felix is fourteen.[DOUBLEPOST=1375129265][/DOUBLEPOST]Not that I'm opposed...[DOUBLEPOST=1375129301][/DOUBLEPOST]*Perv face*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not that I would want to, but I could kick her metaphorical ass from 10 meters with my vivomancy powers of light and shizzle.

What about Felix? Didn't you get it? I CAN BODY SWAP! I wouldn't do it with you. I would do it with someone else. So I have my hands clean.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sector three is for those who behave and comply with commands and do there assignments not matter what


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Okay, pictures are ready!


So, Felix normal, AND after his encounter with Aaron. You lucky sods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i run to the class room felix and deomi are not there yet. i grab a power cord i scream somethings draining the power from me and the whole base i can't let go "HELP DEOMI FELIX PLEASE HELP" i need to let go but i can't oh god it hurts so much like staying a wake for weeks doing loads of running then being punched loads.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm still preparing to leave, Felix is already done. It's hard to interrupt You Know What, you just want more...But you have to do what you have to do...right? I just hope John is OK...Me, John and Felix are like a family, we like each other. I know John likes me secetly, and Felix knows it too, but he is cool about it! After all, John just doesn't annoy us, at all.

I get to the room. Zan is there. I don't know what to expect


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I feel dirty. So, so dirty in so many ways. She really is good though. You know what I'm talking about. *mental wink*

I hear sirens going off and a voice telling us to go to the classroom. After a great effort, we get up and go to the classroom.

I see Zan clutching the power cord and screaming. I run over to him and try to pull him away, but he somehow holds on involuntarily. I get Deomi to pull me too, like a big deadly electric conga. We pull and pull and Zan finally breaks free, his hand scorched and black. Zan starts to faint, but Deomi and I catch him, and wake him up. The lights suddenly flicker off. We're shrouded in darkness. I strip away some of the shadows, and light is revealed underneath. The shadows curl around my hand in a globe formation, flowing like water. I hear a woman's voice, telling us to keep calm, and that it's only a power cut, but I suspect otherwise...