School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
stange? hes the announcment mans favorite :p
anywho get on with the assignment! take it in turns if you dont like what the other says tell them

I probably won't mind what the other says. It might not be what I expect, but the odds are I won't mind.[DOUBLEPOST=1375106508][/DOUBLEPOST]I usually find a way to go with it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is getting weird. Since I came back from the Marianas Trench, I'm fading way too much. It seems like this is the first time I'm awake for more then 15 minutes. I still don't know if someone is making me fade or if it's just me. When I'm fading, sometimes I freak out. I can see and hear my mom. Sometimes she's on fire, the house is on fire. Sometimes, she's trying to kill me.

I'm always trying to create fire. When I wake up, I always ty it. So far, I've done it on purpose twice.The last one was about 4 blackouts ago. I don't know how I do it. I just focus very hard on heat and sometimes I can do it. it's always in my left hand. I came to the conclusion I don't feel heat. I'm starting to think that I'm fading because of this fire. I'm also getting really tired. I don't remember to eat since I'm back. I think that's why.

I'm now hearing voices. There's this Female voice. It seems pretty sweet.

"...I would protect him with my life..." She says.

I know for a fact that there's more people like me, with powers. I've seen some in the Marianas Trench mission. That guy, Marc I think, he was able to drug people. Strange power. All of them had gifts. Maybe this is just an X-men-Like institute, and we're all mutants. But so far, there's no guy with Admantium bones. I think.

"Are they like me?" I ask. I don't know if the speaker guy is willing to answer, but it's worth a try.

"Yes. They are test subjects." He says.

"Are they out of their cells?"

"Some are"

"May I be too?"

"You?! Of course. You can go wherever you want. You're the only one that cannot escape in any way shape or form."

One of the sides of my cell disapears.

"Where are they?"

"Go to your left."

I turn left and start walking. I feel weak. I need to get there. Maybe they have food. Maybe they can help me. I just hope so.

I can see their cell. I see. There's a girl. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's looking at a boy. The boy is asleep. He seems to be about my age. I think she was talking about him.

"Please. Help me. Please. Let me in. I need help." I say

My godness. I was looking at Felix, while he was takin' a nap and my god what just happen. A boy. A good lookin one. Not as good as Felix but still. He's begging for help. I don't know how to let him in. He sure needs help. He loks like he's about to die. I quickly body swap. I need to help him.

I'm in his body. I think he didn't notice he's in mine. I'm about to search for things that can help him inside his mind. I can see. He's...MY GOD! He's parents are dying in a fire and him... he's just watching...OK....He's here...He's now in a forrest...It goes black....He's on the same forest...And it is....BURNING?!...I think he!...Now he is....................!!!

I wake up. He's here. He's staring at me. Felix is with him. They have put some new bars. They look diffrent. Stronger I guess.

I woke up. I'm insidethis cell. It seems like I did some stuff while I was Sleeping(IF that's considered sleeping...). This guy, Felix, just told me the whole thing. The girl switched bodies with me. Then, while she was in my body, I faded. And she faded too. Then, he says that my eyes gone black. I created a very powerfull gire in my hands and melted the Iron Bars. Then I popped in. He says he was pretty scared. But then, I woke up. But the girl, she didn't.

She just woke up. I'm telling the whole story. BUt now I know something. Something bad. Deomi (The girls name...What a wonderfull name...) is Felix's Girlfriend. I'm not happy. She's just...perfect. I don't think she's even human! A human can't be that hot! But she is! I'm jealous. But I don't want to be in the middle of them. I try to respect them. I just hope they're happy.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The man from earlier walks in. A while ago I realised he was the speaker/tannoy man.

"Right, you two, you have an experiment together. Chop chop!"

We get up and make our own way to the experiment chamber, where we find an empty room. The tannoy man has obviously gotten back to his office, and is now telling us the experiment.

"So, what you have to do," he says, "is Deomi tests out her powers of persuasion on you, and you do likewise."

"But I don't have persuasion powers!" I say.

"You'd be surprised how persuasive a boy who can cut someone to ribbons with their own shadow can be."

"Please don't do that," Deomi whispers to me.

"Anyway," the man continues, "you both have to make the other perform a task of your choice."

"Okay," Deomi says, "sure. This sounds easy!"

"Deomi, you're up."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The man from earlier walks in. A while ago I realised he was the speaker/tannoy man.

"Right, you two, you have an experiment together. Chop chop!"

We get up and make our own way to the experiment chamber, where we find an empty room. The tannoy man has obviously gotten back to his office, and is now telling us the experiment.

"So, what you have to do," he says, "is Deomi tests out her powers of persuasion on you, and you do likewise."

"But I don't have persuasion powers!" I say.

"You'd be surprised how persuasive a boy who can cut someone to ribbons with their own shadow can be."

"Please don't do that," Deomi whispers to me.

"Anyway," the man continues, "you both have to make the other perform a task of your choice."

"Okay," Deomi says, "sure. This sounds easy!"

"Deomi, you're up."

*shobs*Where's john?...Where is he?...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The man from earlier walks in. A while ago I realised he was the speaker/tannoy man.

"Right, you two, you have an experiment together. Chop chop!"

We get up and make our own way to the experiment chamber, where we find an empty room. The tannoy man has obviously gotten back to his office, and is now telling us the experiment.

"So, what you have to do," he says, "is Deomi tests out her powers of persuasion on you, and you do likewise."

"But I don't have persuasion powers!" I say.

"You'd be surprised how persuasive a boy who can cut someone to ribbons with their own shadow can be."

"Please don't do that," Deomi whispers to me.

"Anyway," the man continues, "you both have to make the other perform a task of your choice."

"Okay," Deomi says, "sure. This sounds easy!"

"Deomi, you're up."

It seems like I'm doing an expirement again...

A very old man, with scars all over the place and white hair, walked in and said:

"Right, you two, you have an experiment together. Chop chop" He ignored John (the boy's name). Maybe he doesn't know that John is here.

Me and Felix get up. I look back at John. I quickly body swap with him, just to "put a message" in his brain, that we're in an expirement. Then, I catch up with Felix and we continue heading to the chamber. Then the voice (The voice?!) says:

"So, what you have to do," he says, "is Deomi tests out her powers of persuasion on you, and you do likewise."

"But I don't have persuasion powers!" syas Felix.I know I do, but Felix is so sweet, I don't want to use them on him!

"You'd be surprised how persuasive a boy who can cut someone to ribbons with their own shadow can be."

"Please don't do that," I whisper.

"Anyway," the voice continues, "you both have to make the other perform a task of your choice."

"Okay," Deomi says, "sure. This sounds easy!"

"Deomi, you're up."

"Can I body swap?"

"No. if you could, it wouldbe easier and non-painfull"

"OK...Felix...Please...ah...Kiss me!"

Felix quickly kisses me. He's a good kisser!

"Deomi. We both know that Felix would like to kiss you."

Damnit, he got it!

"Okay then...Felix, please...ah... I'm sorry sir, but I don't want to hert felix!"

"But you have too, if you don't, this would be the last time you see him!"

No. I HAVE to see Felix. I love him. But I don't want to heart him! I don't know what to do...

"Felix. Please make 100 push-ups."

Felix quickly starts.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The man from earlier walks in. A while ago I realised he was the speaker/tannoy man.

"Right, you two, you have an experiment together. Chop chop!"

We get up and make our own way to the experiment chamber, where we find an empty room. The tannoy man has obviously gotten back to his office, and is now telling us the experiment.

"So, what you have to do," he says, "is Deomi tests out her powers of persuasion on you, and you do likewise."

"But I don't have persuasion powers!" I say.

"You'd be surprised how persuasive a boy who can cut someone to ribbons with their own shadow can be."

"Please don't do that," Deomi whispers to me.

"Anyway," the man continues, "you both have to make the other perform a task of your choice."

"Okay," Deomi says, "sure. This sounds easy!"

"Deomi, you're up."

It seems like I'm doing an expirement again...

A very old man, with scars all over the place and white hair, walked in and said:

"Right, you two, you have an experiment together. Chop chop" He ignored John (the boy's name). Maybe he doesn't know that John is here.

Me and Felix get up. I look back at John. I quickly body swap with him, just to "put a message" in his brain, that we're in an expirement. Then, I catch up with Felix and we continue heading to the chamber. Then the voice (The voice?!) says:

"So, what you have to do," he says, "is Deomi tests out her powers of persuasion on you, and you do likewise."

"But I don't have persuasion powers!" syas Felix.I know I do, but Felix is so sweet, I don't want to use them on him!

"You'd be surprised how persuasive a boy who can cut someone to ribbons with their own shadow can be."

"Please don't do that," I whisper.

"Anyway," the voice continues, "you both have to make the other perform a task of your choice."

"Okay," Deomi says, "sure. This sounds easy!"

"Deomi, you're up."

"Can I body swap?"

"No. if you could, it wouldbe easier and non-painfull"

"OK...Felix...Please...ah...Kiss me!"

Felix quickly kisses me. He's a good kisser!

"Deomi. We both know that Felix would like to kiss you."

Damnit, he got it!

"Okay then...Felix, please...ah... I'm sorry sir, but I don't want to hert felix!"

"But you have too, if you don't, this would be the last time you see him!"

No. I HAVE to see Felix. I love him. But I don't want to heart him! I don't know what to do...

"Felix. Please make 100 push-ups."

Felix quickly starts.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18...79 80 81 82...

"I'm tired, may I stop?"

83 84

"No" I say.

85 86 87 88 89


90 91


92 93 94 95...

I have a plan. I quickly take my t-shirt off.

98 99 100


"Felix, I'm sorry, but can you please do 100 more?"

He looks bad, but hey, we have to do what we have to do!


He gets up. I go "grab" him and put him back down. I'm now on top of him.

"Sweatheart, 100 is not too much, and look at me, if you don't do it, I'll be very sad..."

I think I got him. I get up. He starts doing 100 more.

He just finished.

"Well Done, Deomi, but now it's Felix's turn..."

I'm scared, I know he doesn't want to hurt me and that he won't hurt me, but I'm still scared...

OOC: No push ups or lif ups!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
voice over man "deomi i'm very dissapointed after felix has done his i want you do something more, more then making him exercise. remember whats at risk never seeing him again. Trying messing with emotions or making have fake memorys or forgetting things or something a long those lines. If you both complete what we ask you will be moved to sector thee the school!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
voice over man "deomi i'm very dissapointed after felix has done his i want you do something more, more then making him exercise. remember whats at risk never seeing him again. Trying messing with emotions or making have fake memorys or forgetting things or something a long those lines. If you both complete what we ask you will be moved to sector thee the school!


I don't know what to say...

"I wouldn't, but, I want to see you, I love you, and I can't stop seing you...Felix, this is for our own good...Do you agree?"

Felix starts crying

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I don't know what to say...

"I wouldn't, but, I want to see you, I love you, and I can't stop seing you...Felix, this is for our own good...Do you agree?"

Felix starts crying


i am exited:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


I shake my head. Snap out of it! It was for the greater good!

Right. My turn. Thinking... Painful... Not too painful, mind... Shadows... Of course!

"Deomi... I'm so sorry about this, but I have to."

She looks at me, puzzled. I summon a shadow, and shape it into a small dagger. I hand it to her.

"The fuck...?" She asks in surprise.

"I'd like you to cut a 1.5 centimetre line in your upper right arm."

I can see it in her eyes. She's scared, but she loves me enough to do it. Commitment. What a perfect girlfriend. I feel so lucky.

"GAH!" She yells as the dagger pierces her delicate skin. Her face contorts in pain as she tries the get the incision as precise as possible. She lets out a brief squeal as she pulls the bloody tip of the dagger out of her arm.

Her eyes are teary, but she wipes them away and puts on a brave face. She walks towards me and kisses me on my broken lips. Yes, my face is still injured. The tannoy man said that I need to go again because TWO HUNDRED PUSH UPS wasn't sufficient. He can be a right dick, that man.
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