School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I really didn't want to start, but now that whizz has posted, I feel better. Also, whizz, you can't just jump into the water, the trench is in the middle of the ocean. I'll fix it my having us all get onto a boat though.
IC: *H. Newman*

After traveling for a very long time, almost a full day, we're finally at the Marinas Trench. Deepest part of the ocean, nearby Japan and the like. We had to transfer over to a seaplane, and now we're all on a shoddy oceanliner or something. It seems to be positioned here permanently.

We're receiving a briefing, but I'm not paying attention. I know about places like this anyway, due to my massive stash or useless trivia. So I say nothing, and start to daydream. If I find anything, I can just call it out on the radio, but from what I've gathered, I won't be doing most of the looking. I'll have to stay on the submarine they've arranged for the descent, but one of the guys just decided to jump in. We'll descend faster than he can, so maybe he'll end up hitching a ride on our currents. Or maybe he'll create an undertow for us, as from what I can tell, he manipulates water. I don't know, I wasn't listening.

I feel pretty useless, after all, I'm almost always rendered immobile after I boost someones power. Sure, I can still move and stuff, but it's easier to sleep. I ought to train, but what of it. I suppose I could always go out later by creatively boosting one of my own bodily functions. That never turns out well though.

We're on the sub now, and it'l take awhile to reach the point where we have to stop. Even then, we won't be particularly deep. At most, 1000 feet, although I suppose the institute might have something that allows them to go a bit deeper, but not much. And even then, the trench is six or seven miles deep. We'd still have a way to go, so I assume this mission is a bust.

Only time will tell, and I decide to take a nap to save up on my energy as we descend, remembering to take note if I can feel pressure changes in here. Probably not, a navy guy once said that the pressure changes are opposite of that of an airplane anyway.

That actually wakes me up. I wouldn't want to get nitrogen narcosis, I hope the people thought this out all the way. And going from an airplane to a sub? I think I can feel the walls closing in. Who knew I was claustrophobic. I go over and touch the drug guy, Mark, and go out like a light.

OOC: Even longer! And some info on the trench, for those too lazy to do research :p

I can swim faster than most anything, especially deeper in the ocean.
So as I get deeper, I accelerate.
You should be carried by my currents.
I'm probably the only one that can go miles deep without outside help.
Bella, you should probably tell them whatever you might have planned for the non-water half-gods.
OOC: I thought up a way Whiz can be immune to drugs besides the water thing, by charmspeaking her brain not to feel it's effects. It will eventually build and drug him but he can always "make it go nowhere"
That's exactly how it works!
That way I can allow a cooldown.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can swim faster than most anything, especially deeper in the ocean.
So as I get deeper, I accelerate.
You should be carried by my currents.
I'm probably the only one that can go miles deep without outside help.
Bella, you should probably tell them whatever you might have planned for the non-water half-gods.
That's exactly how it works!
That way I can allow a cooldown.

Good we came to a conclusion over it.

Also it's your turn to RP so.. like..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've created a current for their sinking tube to go down. Hopefully they can go down more than 300 metres, otherwise I'll be the only one searching!
I travel down to about 5 Kilometres (3 miles) and begin looking for the specific "heat signature" as they call it. I call it a heat colour, don't know why it's signature. There's no writing involved!
After exploring the trench quite a bit, I find one document covered in some kind of waterproof surface. I put it in my bag and go on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've created a current for their sinking tube to go down. Hopefully they can go down more than 300 metres, otherwise I'll be the only one searching!
I travel down to about 5 Kilometres (3 miles) and begin looking for the specific "heat signature" as they call it. I call it a heat colour, don't know why it's signature. There's no writing involved!
After exploring the trench quite a bit, I find one document. I put it in my bag and go on.

OOC: wat, you found a document just floating in the water? wouldn't it be torn apart and super wet?
Also, It's Xedra's turn now, so 30 minutes (in which I doubt he'll post.) and then Dgas, then Jess, then me then you then ex then dgas, etc


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: wat, you found a document just floating in the water? wouldn't it be torn apart and super wet?
Also, It's Xedra's turn now, so 30 minutes (in which I doubt he'll post.) and then Dgas, then Jess, then me then you then ex then dgas, etc

Stuck in a crevice, I should have mentioned.
And how else would it have stayed there unless it was laminated?[DOUBLEPOST=1373992432][/DOUBLEPOST]And isn't it Me, Jess, David, Ex, and Tech?
So Jess is next.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can swim faster than most anything, especially deeper in the ocean.
So as I get deeper, I accelerate.
You should be carried by my currents.
I'm probably the only one that can go miles deep without outside help.
Bella, you should probably tell them whatever you might have planned for the non-water half-gods.
I'm guessing you've never been scuba diving. Also, the pressure builds to over 1000atm, 1,086 bars (15,750 psi) So it'd be like moving in sand as you got deeper. Just sayin'. I'm cool with your guy doing that. Also...a random paper, or an unknown age, in one of the most corrosive materials on earth...seems legit :p
Then, you are a demigod, even if you're the only one.

Also, I'm useless for now, drugged up in the sub, so feel free to skip me until I need to boost Ex.

Sorry for my griping, it's just that I feel this mission to be near impossible, as even at just 40 meters, visibility is horrible, and it's cold as hell. In tropic areas. We're trying to go 6 miles down, far beyond the capabilities of any modern submarine. And find stuff in a trench that is 50m wide and 1.5 thousand miles long. I just want an explanation, and one that isn't random luck. :I


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm guessing you've never been scuba diving. Also, the pressure builds to over 1000atm, 1,086 bars (15,750 psi) So it'd be like moving in sand as you got deeper. Just sayin'. I'm cool with your guy doing that. Also...a random paper, or an unknown age, in one of the most corrosive materials on earth...seems legit :p
Then, you are a demigod, even if you're the only one.

Also, I'm useless for now, drugged up in the sub, so feel free to skip me until I need to boost Ex.

Sorry for my griping, it's just that I feel this mission to be near impossible, as even at just 40 meters, visibility is horrible, and it's cold as hell. In tropic areas. We're trying to go 6 miles down, far beyond the capabilities of any modern submarine. And find stuff in a trench that is 50m wide and 1.5 thousand miles long. I just want an explanation, and one that isn't random luck. :I

I suppose teh explanation is Will's godpowers are letting us survive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
'alright, i can do this, just need to...' "hrnnnnnng ugh. It's impossible."
(' = think to self " = talk * = action that i am doing)
"I can't do it." "When can i go home!!!" I scream.
*takes out a picture of his GF* A man walks through the door.
"Who are you?"
Man: "I don't need to tell you anything. But what I will tell you is that opening that box is mandatory for your... shall we say.. Freedom."
Man: Try again.
'This guy is a joke.' *focuses on the box* (nothing is happening) then all of a sudden the box has a mini-explosion (lets say... the explosion of a grenade.)
Man: "Wow. Did you do that?"
"I have no idea." "Did you put a grenade in there?"
Man: No.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's your turn dgdas. 25 minutes!
Well, almost missed it!


*John K.*

They are taking me away of my cell again. I'm getting sick of it. Am I here as a lab rat? it almost seems like it. It aslo seems that my last mission was very weird. The man said that I got there 3 hours after I was taken to. I think something slowed down time. Or I went back in time. I don't even want to know.


Just woke up again. I'm in a submarine. It seems like we're going to the "Marianas Trench". I think that's the deepest place on earth. I don't know why they are taking me. As far as I know, I can only create fire...and I really don't know how. I have to relly on being angry or sad. Maybe they want to test my abilities again? See if I can make all the water evaporate? I don't think so. This time, for some reason, I wasn't the only one comming. We are 7. All boys. One of them dived. I'm kinda afraid I have to, I don't know how to swim that well.

(Blacks out)

We are now going underwater. I think I'll not have to dive after all. I noticed there's this guy, I don't know his name, that doesn't want to touch anyone. I go there and ask him:

-"Why don't you want to touch people?"

-"When I touch someone, that person gets drugged.My name's mark. What's yours?"

-"My name's John. I have the abilitie to create fire. I don't know how to controll it."

-"I can controll it!"

-"Do you know what are we doing here?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm guessing you've never been scuba diving. Also, the pressure builds to over 1000atm, 1,086 bars (15,750 psi) So it'd be like moving in sand as you got deeper. Just sayin'. I'm cool with your guy doing that. Also...a random paper, or an unknown age, in one of the most corrosive materials on earth...seems legit :p
Then, you are a demigod, even if you're the only one.

Also, I'm useless for now, drugged up in the sub, so feel free to skip me until I need to boost Ex.

Sorry for my griping, it's just that I feel this mission to be near impossible, as even at just 40 meters, visibility is horrible, and it's cold as hell. In tropic areas. We're trying to go 6 miles down, far beyond the capabilities of any modern submarine. And find stuff in a trench that is 50m wide and 1.5 thousand miles long. I just want an explanation, and one that isn't random luck. :I

OOC: Aegir of the Ocean. Idk, Tech's the one that suggested Aegir.
But the Ocean is the domain of Poseidon, and his palace is at the bottom of the ocean.
I inherit my powers from Greek Mythology, the parent is just a suggestion.
Anything in the ocean I'm fine with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: wat, you found a document just floating in the water? wouldn't it be torn apart and super wet?
Also, It's Xedra's turn now, so 30 minutes (in which I doubt he'll post.) and then Dgas, then Jess, then me then you then ex then dgas, etc

OOC: That is what you're looking for. Documents of this sort will be protected due to temporal influx. It's all very scientific :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, almost missed it!


*John K.*

They are taking me away of my cell again. I'm getting sick of it. Am I here as a lab rat? it almost seems like it. It aslo seems that my last mission was very weird. The man said that I got there 3 hours after I was taken to. I think something slowed down time. Or I went back in time. I don't even want to know.


Just woke up again. I'm in a submarine. It seems like we're going to the "Marianas Trench". I think that's the deepest place on earth. I don't know why they are taking me. As far as I know, I can only create fire...and I really don't know how. I have to relly on being angry or sad. Maybe they want to test my abilities again? See if I can make all the water evaporate? I don't think so. This time, for some reason, I wasn't the only one comming. We are 7. All boys. One of them dived. I'm kinda afraid I have to, I don't know how to swim that well.

(Blacks out)

We are now going underwater. I think I'll not have to dive after all. I noticed there's this guy, I don't know his name, that doesn't want to touch anyone. I go there and ask him:

-"Why don't you want to touch people?"

-"When I touch someone, that person gets drugged.My name's mark. What's yours?"

-"My name's John. I have the abilitie to create fire. I don't know how to controll it."

-"I can't contoll it either"

-"Do you know what are we doing here?"

Why are you controlling my character?

I'm assuming it's my turn now, so..

IC: Mark stands up tall, glancing sideways at the guy.
"No I don't. And yes I can control it, slightly. So why do they have a fire guy down in the water, eh?"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why are you controlling my character?

I'm assuming it's my turn now, so..

IC: Mark stands up tall, glancing sideways at the guy.
"No I don't. And yes I can control it, slightly. So why do they have a fire guy down in the water, eh?"

OOC: I fought you couldn't controll the amount of drugs, sorry, correcting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guess it's my turn!
That sinking box is really, really slow.
I think I might just find them all before they do!
I tune my vision to look for a specific heat colour and follow it.
I'm deep enough in the domain of my father that I'll travel extremely fast, and so reach the document in a few minutes.
I pull it out of the crevice and put it in my bag.