School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guess it's my turn!
That sinking box is really, really slow.
I think I might just find them all before they do!
They told me they had a magic box that would show me where the documents were.
I pull it out and look at the odd yellow arrow on the box and go in the direction.
I'm deep enough in the domain of my father that I'll travel extremely fast, and so reach the document in a few minutes.
I pull it out of the crevice and put it in my bag.

OOC: Actually they don't know where the documents are. Otherwise they would have sent a class -03 team.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 29871:
Applicants: 2554 and 106
Experiment: 2554 will attempt to get 106 to return those placed in 106's pocket dimension by controlling his body.
Status: Granted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 29871:
Applicants: 2554 and 106
Experiment: 2554 will attempt to get 106 to return those placed in 106's pocket dimension by controlling his body.
Status: Granted.
So I need to save agents that are stuck in the pocket dimension? IS the pocket dimensin big or pocket-size? how many agents?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Thomas Bittles
Age: Around nineteen
Power: Body manipulation and superhuman strength.
Personality: Thomas is a bold and loud hero, often wrong with a temper.
Important stuffz: Thomas was often a bully in school, and standing up to him earned you a swift beat down, until, at fourteen, a kid shot him in the head. The next morning he was found in an alley, and coughed up the bullet, somehow. He later got hit on his bike, and was hit by a semi. Later on, his arm was broken in a bar and stuck out his skin. He somehow made the bone fell out and using it, he shanked the guy that broke it. That brought the attention of the Institution to him.
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Jul 29, 2019
That's still not willingly. That's joining due to a threat.

In the OP, or in the game? In the OP, I derped and spelled your name wrong. In the game this is where you are:
Experiment proposal 31987:
Applicants: 2002 and 699
Experiment: Seeing if 2002 can manipulate the atoms in the box in order to open it.
Status: Granted.

Not quite... :p They ma join due to a combination of things... Would you rather do something else rather than float in space? In short, Byrne had almost nothing to do. :p People would try to blow him up if he tried to do anything on Earth, so...