School For RolePlay


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Zan... No...

"Listen to me, Zan, you hang on to that little life of yours as tight as you god damn can, because you're going to live, because I'm going to help you. Here, take this tissue, and hold it to your head."


"I'm helping, Zan, just give me a minute!" I say frustratedly as I turn into a cat. I lay my paws on him and the shadows wrap around his body. He screams as his bones snap and crackle and his shape morphs into a capuchin... Ooookay...

He finally stops screaming and sighs in relief. I let go and the shadows transfer back to me. I stand up, breathing deeply.

"Woooooaaaaah... Triiiiiippy..." Zan groans, distantly.

"You okay?" I ask, "can you stand up?"

"I think... I think so." He stands up, wobbles a bit, then stabilises himself. We keep walking on.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Zan come here, I'm a vivomancer. Felix deals with the dead, I deal with the living."

Aaron puts his hands on his tiny, ridiculously cute back, and Zan begins to glow faintly. He becomes human again, and fully healed, rather Exhilarated actually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"What did you do felix?" I look around " I knew my Dad should not have turned against them, it only spells bad news for me, and you guys now.. How bad do I look felix?" I had not thought about my looks for a while, it's been a rough time, "felix... they wanted me to take your powers, they still do... It would kill me to do that, I mean it, I have to have a true reason or else it will consume me"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Zan come here, I'm a vivomancer. Felix deals with the dead, I deal with the living."

Aaron puts his hands on his tiny, ridiculously cute back, and Zan begins to glow faintly. He becomes human again, and fully healed, rather Exhilarated actually.
I'm the one with the healing powers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Thanks you Aaron" I limp a little "NO!!! THEY CAN'T DO THAT!" I start to form a whirlwind to carry me to the North Pole but I fail and it collapses, "help me! We have to get to the North Pole!" I limp over I Felix and Aaron "please!"


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"All right, Felix, I'll start carrying him, you can teleport to us when we get there."
I surge my magic into the band on my wrist, and my body changes. I grow wings out of my back, and as they unfold, my mouth hardens and lengthens, as do my nails. I become a great majestic griffon, wearing armour of gleaming gold.
"Climb on my back Zan." I say, sounding slightly screechy, but Zan understands and groggily complies.
I begin to fly, and I coat us in a bubble of light, to protect Zan from the harsh temperature and winds which could kill him. I fly at supersonic speeds, and we, after a while, reach the north pole.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"there the forest go there!" ahead is dark empty forest three people in red stand at the entrance to it, aaron lands and i dismounts the people in red stand there awaiting for us to approach.

"come with me aaron I'm too weak on my own" i lurches forwards to them
"Zan you know what we want you to do, if you don't do it- don't worry about that because you will"
i whisper in to aarons ear "They want me to open a portal to the spirit world" I walk over to them with Aaron close behind "Fine I will open it" I walk into the forest "Aaron, I can't open this one on my own, I need you to help me." I wink a little then turn around there is a large wall behind us now I jump over using air and land on one of there heads piushing them itno the ground earth traps them then the other women, "I'm removing your powers for treason against my wishes" after removing there powers my hands start to jerk "Aaron come here"
Aaron walks over "IIII can't hhhelp it TTThhher MMMMMaking mmmmmmmmmee" I put two fingers on his head and my palm on his chest "Getttt away befffore I killl us both" a shadow hits me in the back of the neck I fall to the ground "open the portal and put me nnnnext to it..."


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne laid Marshall next to james. James could take good care of both of them. He was certainly resourceful enough. Byrne walked through and picked up a small gauntlet from inside the obelisk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Ok, so me John and Deomi are together alone...THREESOME!!! Joking

Some kind of portal thong appears next to Felix Apparently, this is how he is getting to Aaron. He waves and jumps through. It is night time and we are all cold so John puts up a force field. The warmth ripples through my veins.
L: "Ahhhhh, Lovely"
Deomi drops down, squirming in pain
J: "Shit! More Priests!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Ok, so me John and Deomi are together alone...THREESOME!!! Joking

Some kind of portal thong appears next to Felix Apparently, this is how he is getting to Aaron. He waves and jumps through. It is night time and we are all cold so John puts up a force field. The warmth ripples through my veins.
L: "Ahhhhh, Lovely"
Deomi drops down, squirming in pain
J: "Shit! More Priests!"
OOC: Actually, Will's with you, he just hasn't spoken.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Kinda need you to teleport to Aaron So Zan does not kill them both now let's go!)
Blue light bursts out of me with Aaron emitting white light "I'm removing you powers for" the sound of a thousand voices rolls through those words "there is no reason, we will be consumed, then they can not do what they planned. "


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A shadow wraps around Zan's neck. "Calm down, child," the Shadow Messiah says, "let's negotiate. What is the problem? I see you're trying to take away Aaron's powers. Now why would you do that?"

The vipers around my neck hiss and snap at Zan. I rise higher to keep them away. Blue light pulsates from Zan's body. "Keep trying," I say, "maybe one year you'll make a crack."

His eyes glow. It's a bit bright for me, a guy who lives his life among shadows.

"Now, they, whoever 'they' are, will not prevail in their plan, I assume, because we're going to stop them, hopefully." Aaron looks at me strangely. "What? I can't really make a big lecture of how we're going to stop some guys if I don't know who they are - oh, lovely, more beasties come to bite me and break things."

"Where?" Aaron and Zan say in harmony. Then two big furry taloned arms snatch Zan up from the trees above. He yells, effing and blinding, and I sigh. Here we go again...


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
I form back into a griffin, and fly straight up, breaking through the tree line. Zan's being taken away by a huge eagle, with snakes for a head. Like a medusa eagle I guess, and also huge, bigger than a fighter jet.
I come along side it, and try to get at Zan, but the snakes on its head snap at me, and I'm willing to bet that those fangs had some nasty poison in them.
I use the light to cut off the heads, and keep cutting as they grow back quickly, snatching Zan from the eagle. Zan is then able to float down and land safely on the ground.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"They still have a voodoo doll of me!!! Get it from them!" zan glows air surrounds him then a ring of fire and water and rocks float to him "Never mind I have got this shit!" zan throws fire at them then waters there burns causing them more pain air pushes them into the open and earth pulls them to the ground "Your sentence is death, not by me by felix and aar-" my eyes flash red "nnnno your right you were not in the wrong Felix and Aaron are on-" i scream but no sound comes out my mouth my body goes limp it falls to the floor..

I awake on a cloud "Great lion turtle? what do you wish of me?" (dun dun dun! Felix or Aaron please look after my body)