School For RolePlay


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I wake up in a bed. It's not that comfortable, and the many colourful sheets are quite itchy. It's essentially just a mattress on the floor. I shake off the sheets and get up. I'm in some kind of woollen poncho thing, very colourful, and covering what needs to be covered, seeing as someone took ALL of my clothes and put them in the corner of the... Teepee... Um... Okay... Anyway, Aaron's sitting in the middle with a dim ball of light in the palm of his hand. He looks bored, but when he sees me, his face lights up. "Felix!" He beams, "you're awake!"

"So I am. My chest still hurts though. How long was I out?"

"Couple of days. No more than usual."

"Hehehe - " I cough a bit, "heh."

I peer out of an opening I'm assuming to be a doorway. There's lots of other tents too, and a ball of light in the middle, bright as a flame. It's dawn, and there are a few people in different colour ponchos. They each have two wide stripes of different colours on them, along with rather minimalist symbols. An African boy, perhaps about sixteen years old, comes up to me. He, thankfully, is wearing boxer shorts, but nothing else besides the poncho. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers. His poncho has a red stripe, and a darker red stripe underneath it. The symbol looks vaguely like a red test tube with a bubbling liquid inside. I immediately know what he is. He's a blood alchemist.

"Hey," the boy says, "my name's Elijah. Welcome to Magic's Outcasts!"[DOUBLEPOST=1385575446][/DOUBLEPOST]God damn it, Darklord! Y u ninja me?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"So now we are at some magical outcasts camp?" I look around -zan now looks like he is 17- "I don't like it here, its odd..."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After a bit of looking around, we get to a dusty road. Elijah pulls me to the side.

"This is where the practisers of morbid magic go for refuge. Not quite a camp, not quite a shelter, not quite a hamlet, but it's comfortable for what it is. We're all outcasts here. All been thrown out of our communities for our practises, our religions, our beliefs. We live a simple life. Not too much science or technology, but whatever tech there is we leave to the arcanists to sort out. If you're wondering why the elemental and the vivo are still here, they were the ones that brought you to us. They told Isaac, he's the headman, that you'd been injured, and that you guys were lucky that you'd stumbled across us. We welcomed you with open arms. Half the point of this place is to prove that not all morbid magicians are awful people and evil villains. We're just people who don't conform. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Are we still in the Arctic?"

"Oh, no, we're in Canada!"

Fuck. How the hell are we going to get back? Ah, we'll find a way.

We go back to my tent. I look in, to see Aaron fiddling with a guitar. I guess it could be called playing, but I'm not sure. He sees me and gets up, thanks Elijah and we go inside.

"I could get used to this," he says.

"You know, you're not technically supposed to be here." I remind him.

"Well, as long as I'm welcome, I think I'll stay."

"Mm-hm..." I trail off as I hear a song playing. Aaron turns around too, hearing it as well. I think I recognise it.

'But you didn't have to cut me off, make out like it never happened and that we were nothing...'

Yep, that's the one. Elijah strolls past singing it to himself. Aaron and I walk out of the tent towards the campfire, seeing people sitting down. There's a large black cube with orange speakers near us. Zan's already here, and beckons for us to take a seat. A bearded young man hands me a glass of some teal liquid. "Don't worry, it's fine." He says, "made and tested by our finest witch cooks. Hope you don't mind getting a little tipsy."

"Don't mind at all," I say gratefully, "I've had nightclub benders worse than this when I was twelve!"

A collective ooooooh comes from the others. "Clearly," a Bangladeshi woman in her mid-twenties says, "you are a man of experience."

"Oh, if I told all my stories I'd be here all month," I say. The others chuckle. I like it here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You started RP'ing James without asking me, told PADDLING about that but never told me AND I had to find out that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's official, Whizz.
I've joined the RPGuild thing.
OOC: Finally. Took you that long, even if I had to come up with an idea for warlocks and take your character with me to get you into it. (no, it wasn't actually planned like that, but I guess it all worked out)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Ha. Haha. Now that you are there, and I already have control of that character on those forums, I relinquish some control to you. However, your training doesn't involve any of that freaky mind stuff. I'm going to send you the stuffs about training.[DOUBLEPOST=1385600998][/DOUBLEPOST]OOC: Also, too many bad words is frowned upon. 4 of the 8 members (including me) are Conservative Christians.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bloody hell.
Anyway, I've got to deal with my swearing problem, because, apparently, I'm Sir Swears-A-Lot.

EDIT: And I lack time to do that commitment because a) the Quadrophenia play I'm in, b) D&D campaign, c) final tests, d) bass, e) learning Maya due to my apprentice work and f) here and the zombie story - which is in hiatus due to life. And a creativity block too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bloody hell.
Anyway, I've got to deal with my swearing problem, because, apparently, I'm Sir Swears-A-Lot.
OOC: Yeah. Anyway, you should probably come on and introduce yourself. And - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT - No OOC except in PMs. Like, no exceptions. None. At all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bloody hell.
Anyway, I've got to deal with my swearing problem, because, apparently, I'm Sir Swears-A-Lot.

EDIT: And I lack time to do that commitment because a) the Quadrophenia play I'm in, b) D&D campaign, c) final tests, d) bass, e) learning Maya due to my apprentice work and f) here and the zombie story - which is in hiatus due to life. And a creativity block too.
OOC: Hmm. You don't have to come on every day, though. Come on as you have time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We have been under this force field for days now. We cant stay here forever. We have been killing any animals we can and cooking them with Johns fire.
L: "John, Deomi and Will, we cant stay here forever. Felix, Zan and Aaron could be a long long time. I suggest we move out. Find a proper place to set up a good camp. Somewhere where there is lots of animals and a place that's not be destroyed by a war. I suggest we cross the ocean. It sounds stupid, but in theory, if we made a boat and got LOTS of food we could sail across to America.