School For RolePlay


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, and Whizzball1, I may have a tendency to be invisible sometimes, but that still means you have to ask for my permission before using my characters.

Not RP'ing today. Have to figure out why someone tried to turn a Google Doc into a bomb of some sort... :(
OOC: I was only using James because he was a warlock and creating a new character would involve a lot of backstory and nonobliviousness and all kinds of other rubbish.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC (since no one else seems to be doing anything):

Damn, that dinner was good. I got so hammered, but in a good way. The roasted heavy hog was great, and the drakeberry gateau was just unbeatable. The witches really know their stuff.

I walk into my teepee, to see a new arrival.

A small, smooth cuboid, deep red in colour, with a long black oval embedded in the side. In the centre of the oval, a circular indentation coloured red. A note lies on top of it.

In apology

In confusion, I place a finger on the indentation. A beam of red shoots out, surprising me. It splits into four and they extend into a rectangle. A laser menu comes up. It says, 'what song would you like to play?', and it has a list of songs. All of them I love... Okay, then. I put a finger through 'I Need A Dollar' by Aloe Blacc, and it starts playing. I put a finger through the x in the corner, and the menu goes back into the dent.

"I see you like it," a deep voice says. I turn around to see a skinny man with bright red hair in the doorway. He's wearing an orange shirt and cargo shorts. "It's just to say sorry for the camera bug I put inside you while you slept."

"Wait," I say, "that was you?"

He looks down.

"Don't worry about it, mate. If I can handle a skull-headed lizard nearly ripping my spleen out, I can handle that."

He looks up, a smile on his face.

"If you're wondering what happened to the bug," the man says, "I burned it as soon as it came back. I swear I was forced to do it."
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Felix?" I stand at the entrance to his tipee "what about deomi and those people who want to kill me and now you, what do we do about that?" He comes and and sits down a ball of fire appears in his hands "it's odd here! I don't like it I feel like someone's watching me all the time and I don't want to use my powers" he looks at Felix with sad eyes "you love deomi and yet your leaving her for this?"
In Aaron's pocket Ashbite stirs he nibbles on the lining between Aaron's leg and him with it he whines a little


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Deomi... Sigh...

"We won't stay long, Zan. Just let me recuperate a bit. I've had a rough few weeks. We all have. A couple mor nights, and we'll go."

Zan looks at me gratefully, and walks away.

Deomi... I hope she's okay... In shame I get into bed. I fall asleep in a matter of seconds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Which you could no doubt handle. :p
OOC: I don't have time for that. I'd have to do something the likes of which I did for not one of my other characters. Anyway, James's setting is perfect. He knows about what he is, and about the otherworldly, so I don't have to do all kinds of rubbish to get him ready.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Aye, I need to rest too."

Aaron was alone in his tent, and it made him realise something. Other than little Ashbite, he had nobody other than Felix, whereas Felix had Deomi. He felt rather depressed by this thought, as super-hot girls don't exactly come by the thousands where they were. He wondered if there were any nice girls in the camp-hamlet-thing, maybe he could go out. But he, unlike Felix, had been hard-working at school, he didn't really go out on the pull or bunk off lessons to do so.
So he went over to Felix's teepee, and asked him if he could help in his predicament.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ashbite nibbles against Aaron more and whines louder wanting attention from him
-- I walk in to find Felix and Aaron talking about girls "I can help!" I walk in sit Down Felix says "but I thought you were gay Zan"
" so? I look good still girls hit on me all the time, I was a stripper for a little bit too, I know my stuff and come on I did not spend like 3 hours a day in gym for nothing!" Felix thought about this


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Well, if I do say so myself, I'm fairly handsome, and strong enough, so that's not really the problem. I just don't know what to do when I go up to them..."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

"Eeeeh," I say, "All I did was see Deomi, did her a good deed, told her how much I love her and hoped for the best. I can't guarantee it'll work for you, Aaron, but if you have no other choice, just straight out let the feelings spill out."

Aaron contemplates this for a while. "Have you actually ever loved someone? You know, romantically?" I ask.

Aaron looks at me. A minute passes. I turn over in my bed. "Come back when you're actually in love," I say wearily.

Ashbite whines. I open the drawer and take out a bag of little berries. I put a couple in Aaron's pocket and the whining stops.

I finally get to sleep and dream of Deomi...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Felix is falling a sleep and Aaron's leaving I have no clue what to do "Felix, do you ever think ill find someone?" I look at him with sad eyes that speak for me. "Zzzzz" shit i fell asleep in Felixs room!


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne walked out into a snowstorm. Putting on an old helmet, the surrounding area lit up inside the interface. The helmet was old beyodn its looks, but it most certainly still worked. Byrne walked forward and collided with an obelisk. It should not have belonged there. In actual fact, it should not have belonged anywhere.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: At breakfast there is a lovely plateful of spicy amphithere sausages and cockatrice egg. It's like some wonderful Dungeons and Dragons banquet. I guzzle mine up, but Aaron doesn't seem to be very hungry. I look round to him, to see him staring, mouth agape. I look to where he's looking, to see a young woman, about our age, wearing a poncho with a black stripe, a green stripe and a black symbol, similar to the alchemist symbol but with a cauldron instead of a test tube. She is stupefyingly beautiful, with a very attractive physique. She's no Deomi, though...

I lean over to Aaron. "Sir," I say, "you have admirable taste." He doesn't reply, just keeps staring. She looks over at us, and winks at Aaron. His breathing gets heavier. I place a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says, "fine. Just... Just... Wow."

"Eat up. It's lovely. A real kick to the sausages and the egg yolk is so creamy. Mmmmmm..." And he does. And he likes it. I look at Elijah. He seems worried. I walk over to him.

"Rumour has it," he says, "that a thaumaturge nearby has developed an immunity to taint. He got a big vat of it, and dunked someone in it. Lord only knows what monstrosity came out."

All I can say is "Hmm."

I walk back to my seat and see that Aaron has gone. I look over to the witch girl. Aaron's there too. Oh, God, here we go...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wal away from my sleeping body still in Felixs tent and fly to the common tent I see Felix and sit next to him; well actually I more stand but yeah.. I poke his arm; he moves it a little bit. "What was that?" He says
I move closer to him my spiritual body very close to his physical body I stare at his hand and move my right hand into his he jolts his arm up "who's messing with me?" I move my hand away and push my head into his my spirit overlaps with his and I hear his spiritual thoughts "Felix can you hear me?"
"What's going on!"
"It's Zan! I'm in your uhh spirit.."
"Dunno was just messing around"
I focus energy onto his hand I slowly and shakily lift it up to his face
"Damn Felix!" I leave his body and walk to my own
I gasp as I wake up, wash my face and go meet Felix


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I've got a better idea than a boat"
It feels the same as last time I tried but a bit harder, because Maddie helped me last time. I open the same black hole in the sky, and a Hyppogryph come flying through. I whistle and it comes and lands in front of us, and kneels down. I stoke its head and it licks my hand in reply.
L: "Its safe"
J: "Lets get going!"
We all climb aboard. I dig my heels into its belly
L: "Hold...On...Tightly!"
The Hyppogryph soars upwards at a 90
degree angle. I feel the weight on the Hyppogryph decrease and it gets faster.
D: "HELP!"
L: "SHIT! Deomi has fallen off John"
There is water below but I wont be to sure she survives. I can't risk is. I take both hand off the Hyppogryphs fur and one again, open the black hole in the sky. This time, a large eagle creature comes through. It swoops down and grabs Deomi in its claws and brings her back up onto the Hyppogryphs. Back. Then it flies away. Not back into the black hole but into the wild. We are now on a straight, non-stop course to America