School For RolePlay


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Thanks. I guess Eyri and I will get back to healing and... so on."
They continued around the camp, hand in hand to combine their powers to heal faster and better those worth saving. It was horrible, having to choose which people to save, and which to kill, but, well, some had to do it. And Aaron was glad that Eyri was there, she made him feel comforted, and safe. She used her priestess blood magic to calm him, and he loved her dearly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ashbite moans loudly in Aarons pocket sticking his head out a little, when he puts his hand into the pocket he bites his finger
"Felix has deomi, arraon has that person, no one for me!"
I walk around the camp look at Aarons work and helping those who can't be saved
I fly over to Aaron and poke him


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne walked around London. This was a different place before the Industrial Age, despite being as equally crowded and tidy as it would be later, it had a difference, a slight shift int he atmosphere, that signaled that this was a different place, a unique one that would be remembered. This was proven when Byrne walked around the corner to find a square where people were demonstrating their various unique abilities, with neither stigma nor fear present.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"What is it Zan? I'm rather busy here healing people and working out what's wrong with Ashbite."
"Try healing him."
I pour my power into Ashbite, and he immediately begins to feel better. We seem to have developed a connection, and I can feel he's much better, as he falls asleep again in my pocket.."
"So what did you want then Zan?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Can I see your Phoenix?"
"Sure why?"
"Just let me..."
He takes the sleeping Phoenix out of his pocket ,who looks up at him with cute sleepy eyes, he hands Ashbite to me,
"Hello there Ashbite" a flame flickers up in my other hand, the Phoenix stares at it intently, Ashbite moans and tries to move close to the flame
"He just wanted to be warmer.. It's awfully cold here" I move him closer to the flame but not in it but Ashbite is not content and tries to move closer "ako! Shi niako!" Ashbite whines loudly and looks sadly at Aaron, I blow a very warm breath onto him and he makes a chirping noise
I pass him to Aaron and ashbite looks sad


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Oh. What a coincidence. Five minutes of walking and carrying Lewis, making sure he doesn't drown in his own vomit, and we reach Magic's Outcasts. I can't say I'm thrilled. It's been about two hours since I was last there.

"Felix!" Aaron shouts, "why are you here?"

"Long story," I shout back, "tell you later."

Aaron, Zan and an attractive young girl in a white and purple poncho run up to us. I catch myself staring at the girl. Damn. I'm starting to wonder which one Aaron chose, if at all, the witch, or this... I'm guessing Catholic priest.

"Can I help you?" She asks, obviously seeing me staring. She's smiling. I slap myself. Snap out of it, Felix! You have Deomi! She's all you need. I'm right, though. Deomi's perfect in every way. I couldn't manage with anyone else.

"Oh, don't do that!" The girl says, "you could give yourself a headache!"

I see Aaron glaring at me. He shakes his head slowly. I won't, I mouth to him. He seems to be in a relationship with this girl, and I'm happy for him.

"This boy," Deomi says, pointing to Lewis, "is a master summoner. This boy opened a rift in the sky and created a bone snake the size of a town, then killed it with a parasite in its brain when it turned against us. This boy - " her voice cracks, "is very, very ill. "

The girl presses two fingers to Lewis's chest. We wait for the diagnosis. It's tense. So, so tense.


It's all gone crazy. The girl looks terrified. Aaron grabs her, not in an angry way, in a loving, worried way.

"Eyri," he says, "Eyri, listen to me, calm down. Tell me what's up."

Eyri runs her fingers through her hair, stressed out. "Okay," she breathes, "in a nutshell, if we don't get this guy the right drink, the exact right drink in five minutes, he's done for. He's summoned way too much for someone of his age and experience. He's very, very sick. ALEX! HOW LONG ARE YOU GONNA BE?! SERIOUSLY, WOMAN, WE'VE GOT THREE MINUTES!"

A plump young woman with dyed ginger hair and a lot of piercings runs up with a large clay mug filled with an olive green liquid. She wipes Lewis's mouth with a cloth and pours the drink into it. She rubs his throat and he swallows it. Minutes pass with no movement. His eyes suddenly flutter open. He groans, and slowly gets up. He's unsteady, but he gains his balance.

"He's going to need to recuperate for a bit. Felix, I know you want to leave, but you all need to stay here. You've proved invaluable to the camp. We need you, Felix. I need you, Aaron."

Aaron smiles, and they kiss. I turn away and roll my eyes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I could say I didn't warn him but that would be a lie... I warned him everyone had limits they must maintain or the magic in them recoils and builds up blocking pathways and causing magic heartattacks!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After an hour of leaving Lewis to rest, Felix walks over to the small, almost flat tent he is in.
J: "What is it Felix?
F: "Lewis is gone!"



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I sit against the edge of the outer camp fence. I need some time to rest. So much has happened since I lost my mum. I discovered my powers, met a girl, lost a girl, made some great friends.
Deomi rushes toward me
D: "Guys, I've found him!"
They all ce rushing to me.
J: "Dude we were so worried!"
L: "Sorry, I just needed some time alone. I've been thinking. We need somewhere safe to go, and from what I've found out about the ether, it sounds just right. I've heard about how its not actually a place but I don't believe that crap."
F: "No way are you opening another portal alone"
L: "But, I wont be alone. You have Maddies summoning power.
F: "Shit, I forgot all about it"
We both ready our hands, but instead of pointing at the sky, we point at a rough ground. Instead of thinking of some beast, I just think of an amazing place. We release the magic surging from inside us and a smaller portal forms like a door on the side of the camp gate.
L: "Well, wait here!"
I jump in. I spin round, up and down and land with a thud on some very soft grass. Without even looking around I jump back through.
We all jump in. The same spinning feeling and the same thud. We stand up. The sky is magenta (LOL Calum) and the grass is so green and there are amazing beasts of all shapes and sizes all around us. It amazing.
L: "Welcome to the Ether"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm the last one, I stand next to the gate they created, "I'm scared.." "just jump zan!" felix shouts up I walk forwards expecting to fall through to the soft grass but I don't the portal seems like it is not there although I can see it " I can not... come through?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

If you're wondering why he said LOL Calum, it's because we have a running joke where I insist on magenta being a manly colour.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The grass is a kind of green you don't get on earth. It has a magenta-ish tinge to it. The trees are huge, taller than sequoias, with a smooth, maroon bark and leaves the size of my head. There is sap seeping from one near me. I dip my finger in it and lick it. I shudder. Not meaning to be rude, but if tongues could have orgasms, it would feel like this. The nearest earthly taste to it is probably honey-dipped cherries. Eyri and Aaron both taste it. What happens next is... Out of my comfort zone, to say the least. The sap apparently works on some as an aphrodisiac. The sky is also magenta, with no sun or moon, but somehow lighting up the land like a fire. A bright purple fire... Hmm. Plants I've never even seen before cover the landscape, vines with beautiful flowers wrap around the branches of the trees. Huge bugs with long legs, long heads, pincers or stingers or fangs, clambering up and inside the tree trunks. A black lizard snatches a bug off of a tree. It's as big as my hand with bioluminescent purple-orange dots on its head resembling eyes and horns protruding from its cheeks. I pet its head and it chirps and nuzzles my hand. I pick it up and put it in my blazer pocket.

"What?" I say, noticing Deomi looking at me strangely, "if Aaron can have Ashbite, I can have... Ah... Blake. Yes, Blake's a good name. Hello, Blake! Hello! Who's a good boy? You's a good boy! You want a berry?"

I reach into my other pocket and pull out a small berry I got from the camp. I toss it into Blake's mouth and he gobbles it up happily and starts chirping again. I stroke his head and keep walking.

"What about Aaron and Eyri?" Zan asks.

"Leave them to it," Lewis replies, "It usually lasts about ten minutes."

"And you know that HOW?"

"I... I have my reasons..." Lewis pats a rectangular bulge in his pocket which looks a lot like an iPhone. "Oh, internet," I hear him mutter, "don't ever change."

I bury my head in my hands and sigh. That boy... Oh, lord, does he need therapy.

"Come on," I shout, "we need to set up our own camp somewhere. It's getting dark. Let's find somewhere good."

"Already on it!" Shouts John, halfway up a tree. We all start climbing up the same tree, I using shadow spikes to stop myself from falling off. I look down.

"OH, CHRIST, AARON, PUT SOME PANTS ON!" I scream, looking up and climbing up as fast as I can. I am the first one to reach the top, and so I pull open some branches. The inside is completely hollow, and the size of an average-sized living room. The branches curve out, upwards and inwards like a huge pinecone. The floor is just wood, and the trunk abruptly stops flat except for a thick wooden spire dead in the centre. I lay down the blankets I brought with me all over the floor. They're thick and warm and fluffy, so we won't have trouble sleeping tonight.

Zan is second to arrive, then Deomi, then John, Lewis, Aaron, then finally Eyri. I place down my laser stereo and press the indentation.

"Guys," I announce, "I'm gonna shuffle the songs. Just tell me if you want to skip one."

At one point a Justin Bieber song comes on. Everyone looks at me funny, and I skip it. "I don't know how that got on there," I mutter.

Eventually, we fall asleep to the sound of scarlet spinkbirds and Lana Del Rey.

It's a peaceful night.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wake up to thee feeling of vibrations.
Oops. I forgot to take the vibrator off when I was with Maddie.
Wait no,
I look over the edge of the tree.
A pale white Dragon is slowly climbing up the tree towards us
"Guys, WAKE UP! We have company!"