School For RolePlay


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wonder what happens if I summon something from the ether to the ether.
This cant be good but its worth a try. Felix would kill me if he saw me summoning on my own. Good thing he is asleep. Well here goes.
I put my hands up and open the portal, but instead of being a magenta hole, it is black
We all start floating upwards. The others wake up
F: WTF, what is going on. LEWIS!
L: Umm, I'll explain later.
We spin through the portal and land with a bang on some very black, rough stone. Everything here is either gray or black.
J: Uhh, guys!
D: Yea
J: This is limbo, there's no way out
L: Yes there is, we have to find the lowest point of limbo.
D: This place is infinite, we will never find it
L: Actually, this place is no bigger than a large ocean liner, its just when you reach the end, you are actually back at the beginning. Its like a loop. This should be easy.
(Touch wood)


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne walked into the institution. As he did so, time leapt forward with him until he was in present-day. He walked into the lobby of the institution, picked up a good book and started poring over it.

OOC: Lost confused, and goodness knows what. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As he was running down the hall, seeing those two in the elevator doors, Varlow fell through nothing. It was as if space itself had just ceased around him. then he suddenly appeared in another place in the institution, which was suddenly much worse for wear. The place was overgrown with deathly-looking plants and in a very advanced ruined state. there were large holes in the walls, and outside he could see the sky a crimson red color.
"AAAAGH-SHITSHIT-DAMMIT" he screamed, having been shocked by the sudden shift.
in his head: 'ALEX. WHAT. THE. HELL. WAS. THAT.
Alex:'I DON'T KNOW. It's like the place you're in suddenly dissapeared for an instant, as in erased from existence, and then came back.
Varlow:'how? what? WHY?'
Alex:' must have been to do with whatever used to be housed there. you should leave. just run away from that area as fast as you can.
Varlow was about to do just that, when something resembling a man walked in through a gaping hole in the wall.

<(that would be you, techno. i'm excusing what happened by saying that the facility was removed from existence for a moment, and returned aged by a few hundred years, this being caused by a mix of the more powerful reality-warping things from the foundation. Think of it like the aperture science from portal 2, before it gets fixed back up.
ASLO, i'd like to remind everyone that all of the things escaping the foundation quite literally means the world is in the ABSOLUTE APOCALYPSE, as there were approximately 2000 things, with more than a fair share being capable of ending the world as we know it ON THEIR OWN.)>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Damn..." I say, "you really ballsed it up this time, didn't you, Lewis?"

Lewis glares at me and I pretend to not see it. I walk off, seeing something shiny in a cave.

In the cave, there is a black liquid. It had a red mist hanging above it. Suddenly, the mist rises along with the liquid, and the liquid forms into an upright rectangle, the size and shape of a door. There is a faint but seeable carving in the top third of the rectangle. The red mist fills the carving and liquified. It doesn't spill out, but it flows through the carving like a stream, making it fully visible. A simple but ominous eye shape, looking at nothing, but looking at me. It's a strange sensation, when you're not in something's line of sight, but still feel its eyes on you, boring into you like a drill.

I hesitantly reach out to the rectangle, the monolith, and hear Lewis scream "FELIX, NO!" But it's too late.



I go flying out of the cave at breakneck speed, rushing past the others and slamming into a rocky cliff. I fall to the ground, my limbs convulsing every now and then.

"Felix!" Deomi screams, "Felix! Speak to me! LEWIS, CHECK HIS PULSE NOW!"

Heh. Hehehe. I love Deomi. Hell hath no fury like a woman whose boyfriend has just been attacked by a door with an eye on.

Or something like that.

Lewis runs over to me and checks my pulse. He frowns.

"Guys..." Lewis says, "he's alive. But... Really, normally alive. His pulse is fine, he's breathing normally, the convulsions has stopped, and he's working perfectly. It's like he's awake, walking, talking, just like normal... But... He's not. He's here, on the floor knocked out cold."

Only now I realise I'm not there. I'm here, right beside them. But I am there. My body, my physical form is there. But me, my self is here. An out of body experience, I think they call it. I jump. I don't land, but float. Nice.

I fly through Deomi. I suddenly think thoughts I don't understand and don't really want. Something about Tim liking dog food, something something Professor Green. These must be Deomi's thoughts. I try and get my thoughts through the barrage.


What? Who said that?

Oh, sweet, I'm telepathic!




Pipe down! Right, I'm in an out of body experience, and I think I can find a way out of here. I can't go through anyone else though. If I do, I won't be able to talk to you until I go through you again, and their thoughts will become my thoughts and my thoughts will become your thoughts and it'll become really awkward and confusing.

O... K...

Right, give me a couple of minutes. I'm off.


Right, I've found the way out. Pick up my body and follow my directions!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Guys will uhh uhh one of you knock me out?" (taking one of mah powers aye?) lewis hits me on the head with a large rock and a slump to the floor my mind goes hazy and my spirit slips out of it I wonder over to lewis body and puts my hand into his Instantly our spirits merge "Lewis carry my body for me" I step out and he coughs loudly, "Felix where are you? It's not safe to stay out of your body while you are in limbo! Your mind will go hazy and you will join the lost spirits find your way back now!" I enter lewis again "Put me down!" then i enter my own body "


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Guys, I'm thinking about writing a book. I want it to be basically what has happened on this roleplay since I joined. Do you mind me using all of this stuff. If I become rich and famous for it I will tell everybody about where i got the ideas


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Guys, I'm thinking about writing a book. I want it to be basically what has happened on this roleplay since I joined. Do you mind me using all of this stuff. If I become rich and famous for it I will tell everybody about where i got the ideas
OOC: You would also have to check in with SCP because we use a lot of their stuff. You have to see if you can make money with it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Guys, I'm thinking about writing a book. I want it to be basically what has happened on this roleplay since I joined. Do you mind me using all of this stuff. If I become rich and famous for it I will tell everybody about where i got the ideas
You're kidding, right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No im being serious
This could make a great storyline. Every now and then I will post a dropbox download link on what ive got so fa for suggestions[DOUBLEPOST=1386879561][/DOUBLEPOST]Any tips for the title