School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Oh," I say, seeing the crimson pin stuck in the doll's back, "whoops!" I pull it out. Zan gasps and straightens. I check his pulse. Fast, but at least he's alive.

"Put the doll down," a raspy man's voice says. I turn around slowly and calmly, and I see a trio of people in muddy brown robes. And I mean muddy. They've been trekking for a while. One of them has a dark crew cut. Another is a woman, with a blond bowl cut. The third has a satchel with pins just sticking out from the inside. All of them look angry.

"You really need to work on your threat lines," I say. I take off my hat and lay it on the table. "So, let's get to business."


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Aaron also took off his hat, and put it on the table.
He raised up shards and waves of light, ready to fire them at the people who were presumably voodoo priests.
"Alright, you're voodoo priests right? Well we're the being, so I recommend you leave, and let us do so too."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Anyway, I believe you have something of ours." The satchel man nods towards the doll in my hand. I look at it, and feel a strange feeling between sadness and confusion. I shake it off and hand the doll over.

"Oops. You just trusted a voodoo. Silly you." The crew cut man smirks, snatches the knife out of my hand and plunges it into the body of the doll.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Also why do you have a voodoo doll of me? Were you planning on controlling me?!! If you were you want to regret that" stone clamps around there feet and there. Hands putting them against the wall air surrounds the doll as it moves closer to Zan then a ring of fire then water and then earth za reaches down and pulls out the hair and then burns both "don't mess with me! The lion turtle taught me there ways you know that means I can take your magic" he rushed fowards towards the women "voodoo magic was made illegal by my father you also committed treason to the council!" He puts two fingers on her forhead and his palm on her chest he looks up as his eyes glow the room fills with a blue light and a red light, his whole body glows blue and gets red, the red drains to blue until there is no more red "Your connection to magic is gone." He does the same for all but one who says chained to the wall "your turn Felix do what you will"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Give me a second," I say as I take a shadow, hold my nose and swallow it. I feel a spike of cold stabbing through me. I smile. Ah, it's good to be back. I take a shadow, and slide it into the man's chest. He screams, and I slide it even further upwards, and curl it up into his skull and through his brain and down through his heart. I then rip it out through his stomach. He's definitely dead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The woman laughs, "do you think we would let you come in here with out a backup plan?" zans arms twist back the earth moves away "We have multiple voodoo dolls of you zan, and one of you aaron" zan falls to his knees and bows he opens his mouth but no words come out, he twists his chest is pushed forward, "now zan your going to do some things for us first of all by taking felixs powers away". "nnnnno ffffellliix helllllp memeee"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lewis reaches into his pocket.
"And I have a doll of you woman. You didn't think to hide your own dolls. I grabs the head and twists it all the way round. There is a sharp crack and the woman drops dead
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I look out of the tower. I see six priests. each has a doll. one of me, Felix, John, Deomi, Aaron and Zan. Deomi gets up from healing Zan and Aaron.
"Guys, there's more of them."
Suddenly, we all drop down in pain. Our arms twisting. I feel a pin spike up my anus.
"Guys, get to the bottom and get in a force field. I have a plan."
D: "We are not leaving you"
The five of them crawl down the stairs. When I hear the buzz of the force field activate, I shout to them.
L: "This is for Maddie"
I roll onto my back and draw my hands back
Z: "Shit, he is going to kill himself to save us"
I feel the heat. The energy erupts from my hand, on a straight course to the crystal ball. It explodes like the last one. The priests get crushed by rubble. My body goes flying through the air. This could be the end
My body thumps against the ground. Every thing is black.

I slowly open my eyes.
They all come running in. They all look slightly older.
L: "How long have I been out?"
Z: "Three years and about 4 months!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They all come running in. They all look slightly older.
L: "How long have I been out?"
Z: "Three years and about 4 months!"

<( I wouldn't do that! bellaa has yet to respond with how his devil-child-that-may-cause-the-literal-apocalypse thing turns out. and to be honest, that seems kinda uhm, how to put this.....drastic a thing to do without asking the others. By the way bellaa, hurry up will you? I'm kinda waiting for your move so i can continue. y'know, cuz Varlow is right there as your character is coming out of the door...)>


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne walked Thanatos and James through the doorway. Picking up the comatose Marshall Sanchez, Byrne lifted Marshall onto his back, and gently handed him to Thanatos. Byrne twiddled with something on the side of the door, before walking through into the darkened void that Thanatos, James and Marshall were in. Once the door shut, the room became a blur of colour. They were standing on a obelisk. Surroundign them were voodo priests, who, seemingly annoyed attempted to stab what appeared to be a voodoo doll of Thanatos. She stone towers sourrounding the door came to life in a quiet hum, protecting everyone inside their sphere of influence. As they became brighter the sphere in the room noticeably dimmed. The disciples, now maddeningly angry that their power was being drained and used against them began hurling curses at the stone. Byrne snuck out and was instantly peppered with dozens of curses, and attempts to bind him to a voodoo doll. First they were frustrated by the fact that Byrne had no blood to speak of, and they kept trying to find a vein, eventually attempting to amputate his arm. Failing miserably, they resumed bombarding the barrier with curses of all shapes and sizes, some of which, were, strangely enough, designed to blow worlds up. Most of the spells would rebound and shoot of somewhere else. Byrne gathered some energy, and let it ripple out in a shockwave. The power aftershock caused everything to go quiet and all the curses to momentarily fail as they struggled to cope with a temporary overload.

Raw electricity spiralled down from the sky and struck the tower, several times in quick succession. While they were glowing at the sphere, Byrne put his hand on it. The sphere darkened, then went out completely. Byrne took it and was instantly under fire from several dozen angry priests and priestesses. Byrne moved his hand over the small sphere, and an orange bolt shot up, out and around, wiping out most of the tower. The sphere was completely intact, though that could not be said for the voodoo magic that previously haunted this place. It had been completely obliterated in a single blast, and would not return for some time. Byrne tucked the sphere, which was now the size of a baseball and swirling gold into his bag, which he still carried with him, though Flare was guarding Thanatos. The sphere could be useful later. Now, it was Thanato's turn to lead, and where they went, no-one would know. A final walk through the door revealed open countryside, and another obelisk. The door sunk into the ground and looked like little more than a stone structure.

OOC: There. A story about the coming of stonehenge. :3 @the_j485 You are leading. Dealt with it. And never forget the pheonix on your shoulder. Also, why not have us leave too? :p


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Right. That was fun. I suppose it's a shame for them that gods don't get hurt by voodoo magic."
He led them out of the tower, Byrne still carrying Marshall, who began to awake as they descended.
"Marshall? Marshall! Right, you're awake. Now, we really need your help. As you can ... see ..., we can see you. I believe we're a little bit behind in time, just like you, and we need your help to get out of it. Please, we have friends nearby, and we need to regroup with them."
Marshall, looking thin and aged, coughed, and said: "I cannot help. I have no idea why I was stuck back in time before, neither do I know why you were. However, I will gladly help you find an answer. When I first was stuck here, I found it highly useful, but, as you can see, it has not done me well, and I need to return to real time to get back to a proper state. And yes, this will happen to all of you if you stay here long."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Think, James, think.
The light appeared again through James body.
Now he was back at the human form.
His fist had lightining all around it.
He punched the ground.
A shockwave threw all the priests into the ground.
He started running away from the hordeAnd a very familiar grey wolf started running by his side.
"Thought you needed some help. Seems like I was right."
"Nevermind, Thanatos, just my wolf. Listen, I can find a way out of this 1-nanosecond behind time thing, but we need to get away from the horde first. I'm an arcanist already in the training."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

We climb down the tower and hear a whirring sound. I peer out of the door and see a pile of little wooden clockwork boxes. They're all whirring and ticking. Suddenly, little arms unfold out of them and they grab each other, unravel and connect to each other to form a blocky sphere, about the size of a sofa cushion. The ticking gets louder and louder, slowly changing to a beeping. I walk towards it and carefully open the lid. There's a note.

Ha! You thought you could defuse it. You amuse me, child.

Defuse it? Oh, shit.

"IT'S A BOMB!" I scream. We run as fast as we can, but Zan is lagging behind. I run back to him and grab his arm. He's bleeding from the head. His hair's sticky with blood. We run together until we reach the trees. In the distance wooden poles protrude from the ball. Then, it explodes.

It's big. It's loud. It's... Green? Yep, that's definitely green. A big green fireball BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!

The shockwave finally hits us and it's bloody loud. I cover my ears and it's still loud. When the sound dies down I take a look. The tower is gone, along with a large portion of the land, and I see a red-haired man sneak away into the trees on the other side.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I lie down on the ground it's so hard to cling onto life "Felix." My voice croaks "I don't want to die..." My eyes are so heavy "it hurts so much"