School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They brought me back. I dunno what happened but I get up, go invisible and carry on with my search. I just wanted to see Felix's face when he found out I'd touched the eagle.
After a good 30 minute search I find the exit and get back to the others remembering my route

"Guys, I've found it. I'll take Maddie and Aaron first"
I grab there hands and we go invisible
"DON'T TOUCH THE EAGLE!" I hear Felix shout.
I turn off my Invisibility, turn round and stick both middle fingers up at Felix. I turn back Invisible and off we go again.
We take the correct route and I get them to the platinum door.
I leave them there and see Maddie create a large shining blue force field around them both.
I go back and fetch Deomi and Felix and take them to the doors. They climb into Maddie's Shield

OOC: I can't remember other characters but I take them to the door aswell

We are all at the door. I've tried opening it but its very heavy
L: "We need to find some way to open this door!"
M: "I can open it!"
A: "Really, and how are you going to do that. Open Sesame was from a fairy tale"
M: "Step Back guys"
We all step back. Might as well give her a chance to help
Maddie rubs her fists together. She places her hands against the giant silvery doors.
She pulls her fist back and lunges it towards the platinum.
There is a gigantic cracking sound and door shatters into a thousand pieces
F: "WOA!"
M: "Told you I could open it"
We all step out and take our first breath of the outside world in ages[DOUBLEPOST=1384972344][/DOUBLEPOST]OOC: That was my longest ever post
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I step out side. This is not how I remembered it. Everything is black and grey. What has happened.
"Somebody explain to me about this war that happened"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We walk around for a bit, but I spot something in the trees. Its arms are long, like a monkey. It has a beak, and a feathery crest on its head, and talons on its feet and hands. It swings through the trees, and lands gracefully on the grass. I see it clearer now. Red eyes, feathery body, legs like a dinosaur. It's quite small. And it's walking towards me. Five feet before it reaches me. I back away.

Three feet...

Two feet...


I wince. But no pain. I look down to see the creature nuzzling me. It's soft, like a nice pillow. I pat its head, and it hoots like a pigeon.

The others come round and tickle and stroke and pet it. It hisses at Lewis though. He takes his hand away swiftly.


Chunks of rubble fly from the corner of the building. A man is running out. I look closer. He's quite old, maybe mid-fifties, but in good shape for his age. He has a shock of white hair, and three claw marks across his face.

Bollocks, I forgot about him. The speaker guy. I never learned his name.

He runs straight past me. Doesn't even notice us. The bird thing scarpers in fright, and a WWE pig crashes through the shrubs, bellowing its low REET! REEEEEET!

It disappears as quickly as it appeared, stomping after the speaker guy.

We keep walking, listening for anything that may be coming our way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I walk forward. This is exactly how I remember it. I lived with my aunt and uncle before I got put here. My parents were both Deamons, and they were in the war. When I went into hiding, I say glypses of the outside world during the war. It was like this but not as bad. I take a step forward, suddenly, a small dog like beast appears in front of my. It has a round snorted nose and a very long tail. I put my hand dow to stroke it and suddenly its tail perks up and sharp spokes stick out. It breathes in and the an enormous colum of fire erupts from its nostrils
It burns my band badly. No problem that a hand job cant fix.Its easy now, I don't even feel weakened. My hand is healed.
"What was that"
F: "I bet that was your summoning power. You have not learnt to control it. That's what the bird and the pig things were"
D: "Lewis, you have summoning to don't you.
L: "Yea, I do actually. We better watch out for anything dangerous that is being summoned accidentaly


Jul 29, 2019
Also, Lyndon, does your question mark key not work?
Looks buggy, like all my laptop letters. :p (The keyboard is slowly deteriorating into non-functionality).

Byrne really didn't like being one nanosecond behind. It messed up his clocks, and he was having trouble enough keeping them working as-is. Apologising to James and Thanatos, Byrne jumped back into his proper reality, and started checking his internal clocks, adjusting them if necessary. He could see them, though it was as though they were projections, and they flickered a good deal. Byrne sat in the middle of a small crater feeling somewhat bemused. There was a new person there, and he was goggling at Byrne liked he had just appeared out of thin air, which, he had done, though only by a technicality.

Byrne checked the door and was surprised to note that it was still behind. He opened the door, and walked in, the door helping synchronise his clocks. Once the door closed behind him, Byrne collided with Thanatos. Careful. Byrne warned. This is perhaps a good idea to avoid collisions. "I thought you had issues with your clocks?" Thanatos replied. They seem to be resolved for the moment. Now let's keep going, just in case the issues return.

Byrne held out his hand into the darkness and lines of orange light came to life on his arm, some of it collating into a small sphere, which Byrne then left floating in the air. Byrne began to walk into the darkness, followed by the Roman God of Death, and James. As he did so, the light followed him, bathing the path in a pale yellow light.

OOC: Byrne is made of nanobots. Millions of them, so he can withstand a bit more than most people. He isn't too much stronger, though, and keep him from electromagnetic, or you may end up with a lump of molten iron for an electromagnet. Being unable to physically speak, Byrne does things telepathically, so you want to keep all the dirty thoughts out of your mind while doing so, or he'll latch onto them and ask you what they are. :p The door is like the Howl's Moving Castle Portal Door, except a good deal more sturdy, and there being little-no choice in where you go. As for the others, ask @the_j485 :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
continue on through the fields of ash
"Where are we actually going?"
A: I don't know, but I'm just glad to be out of there.
L: we need to set up some kind of base somewhere. Maddie and I need to learn how to control our summoning and I doubt we are strong enough to take on any forces of evil if there are any. You guys stay here. I'm going to scout ahead and find a good place to set up camp

I go invisable and sprint onwards. I hear Deomi say something to Maddie and see Maddie put up quite a large force field. Its pretty cold out here and I think Maddie said that her force fields generate a bit of heat. Lucky them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Forces of evil? Wow. He has watched a loooot of over-clichéd films recently.

Anyway, I'm nice and toasty, now that Maddie has her forcefield up. The bird-raptor is nowhere to be seen, nor is the speaker guy or the pig. So I look around for anything else that May have been randomly summoned.

Centipedes? Nope.
WWE pigs? No.
Skull-heads? Nada.
Birds-raptors? Nothing.

But then I see something in the distance. It's not coming towards us, thank God, but I tell the others to stay back as I peer closely at it.

It has two long legs, no arms, a bony hook-like growth for a tail, and a great big dinosaur head. Wow. Whatever the Ether is, it really likes dinosaurs. It's running like a cheetah, really fast. I look to the right of it, and see another, much smaller dinosaur-like creature running away from it. It's feathered, with a beak and long arms. It's my bird-raptor. MY. BIRD. RAPTOR.

I throw a couple of shadows at the big thing. It goes down almost immediately.

I sprint towards the creature's corpse and see that it has no eyes, and a big hole in its... Tail, I guess, that I didn't create. It looks natural. It's huge, too. About a storey tall. The shadow went straight through its brain. Blood everywhere.

Deomi comes up beside me. She looks closely at the beast. She takes out a pocket knife and makes a small incision in its neck. Blue blood trickles out and she catches it in small glass flask. I'm confused, but I don't ask her anything.

Suddenly, Lewis pops up behind me. "Guys," he says excitedly, "you have to see this! I saw the biggest battle EVER! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I sprint back to the others. Most are asleep but Felix and Aaron are still up, watching out.
"Guys, wake up quick! I've found something!"
They groan, but get up anyway
"I was out looking for a place to set up camp and in the middle of nowhere I found a large gleaming tower. It is really massive and up at the top of it there are like 3 spikes and at the centre of them there is a large rotating blue crystal ball type thing. I reckon we should search it. Maybe even set up base in it. One thing, I did see lots of tough looking guys in like shining black amour, they could be good or bad. I was invisible so I got in the door, but they could hear me so I left straight away. What do you say. Shall we take a look?"[DOUBLEPOST=1385059998][/DOUBLEPOST]"And while I was there I saw a battle"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I sprint back to the others. Most are asleep but Felix and Aaron are still up, watching out.
"Guys, wake up quick! I've found something!"
They groan, but get up anyway
"I was out looking for a place to set up camp and in the middle of nowhere I found a large gleaming tower. It is really massive and up at the top of it there are like 3 spikes and at the centre of them there is a large rotating blue crystal ball type thing. I reckon we should search it. Maybe even set up base in it. One thing, I did see lots of tough looking guys in like shining black amour, they could be good or bad. I was invisible so I got in the door, but they could hear me so I left straight away. What do you say. Shall we take a look?"[DOUBLEPOST=1385059998][/DOUBLEPOST]"And while I was there I saw a battle"
Love how you just added that at the end like you only just remembered to read my post!
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Alright, sounds fun. Although, it might be difficult to storm the tower, if there are guys like you say in there. I reckon we'll need a surprise to get in there. Felix, I say that you and me form the being, and distract everyone with our badass awesomeness, while Deomi, Maddie and Lewis go and take out those inside. Obviously Lewis will be making Maddie and Deomi invisible, and Maddie will have to be making a force field around the three of you, so I imagine Deomi will be the only one able to take people out, by getting into their brains and making them shut down."
I took a breath, not having before realised how tactical-sounding I could be.
"Also, once we've killed everyone inside, we're going to need to check out everything inside, disarm any traps, and find out what that blue sphere thing is.
Lewis I reckon you should do a bit more reconnaissance before we take the tower, just in case. You ok with that? And maybe you should take Maddie, just so she can protect you both if all hell breaks loose."