School For RolePlay

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Right, let's see if we still exist to them."
Thanatos waved a hand in front of Felix's face, and Felix had a confused look, then went back to normal.
"Ok, we're completely invisible to them, as far as I can tell... let's go."
"I wonder if it's something to do with my training which caused this..." Pondered James.
"Maybe. But I think I know what's happened."
"Go on." Said Byrne, curious.
"There was a guy here, Marshall Sanchez. He had visions of his own future. But one day, something weird happened. He started existing one nanosecond behind everything else. This had the effect of nobody being able to see him, except for through a camera of something which slowed down or sped up the picture in some way."
"You think that's what happened to us?" Asked Zan.
"Yeah, I do. Now, I have a little plan on what to do. First, we find Marshall, I think he's still walking these corridors, I saw him the other day, just I didn't believe my eyes. I could have sworn he died, but, evidently not. Then we see what he can do to help us."

OOC: Techno, despite being a vivomancer, I'm now necromancing your character, Marshall Sanchez.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Woa! Scary. Also, I've downloaded taptalk, how do i add this forum
OOC: Indeed. The little girl that Nami's with gets a class B every three times 110-Montauk is performed on her so that she won't go batshit crazy after a while. Is it necessary? No. But it is humane. Despite the image most people have, the foundation is not heartless. It will only do what it has to do to keep the world spinning.

"So Elizabeth, I notice that you are pregnant. Would you mind telling me about that?" Asked Nami.

"I don't think it's a normal baby. There were men. They did... things to me. Then I was pregnant. I'm scared of giving birth." Said Elizabeth.

"Well Lizzie, fortunately you won't have to. I'm going to get rid of the thing inside of you for good. Then nobody will hurt you ever again. Does that sound good?" He said as he pulled a large wavy dagger out of his pocket. "I'm going to pull it out of you now. It will hurt quite a bit. Are you ready?"

"I'm scared Nami." Said Elizabeth.

"That's okay Lizzie. It's fine to be scared. But you have to be brave for me." He said to her as he cut into her stomach. Lizzie screamed as he continued to carve away at her. "It's okay Lizzie. Being brave doesn't mean that you're afraid." He said continuing to cut away at her stomach. "It means doing what you have to even if you know it's going to hurt." He put down the dagger and reached inside the wound. Slowly, he pulled out a small black creature.

This creature had the general form of a human baby. But it looked as if it had been mutilated at birth. Black goo oozed off of it's skin like oil as it cried. Nami lifted it up, grabbing his dagger as he did so, and plunged his dagger into it's chest. Then he threw it to the ground like one would throw a rock. At long last it appeared to be dead.

From his pocket he pulled out a needle and thread and walked down to the injured Elizabeth. "Thank you Lizzie. You did what you had to do, and now no one will hurt you ever again." He said as he stitched her chest back up once again.

"Yeah... no problem..." She said between heavy breaths. "It wasn't all that bad." She said.

"Didn't sound that way." Said Nami giving out a laugh. Once he was done stitching up Elizabeth he hoisted her up onto his shoulder and walked towards the elevator.

However as the door closed and the elevator began it's slow climb upwards the body of the monstrosity began to move and conform into something... else.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Uhm, sure."
Suddenly, James becomes a wolf.

I can see you put A LOT of work into this. Such clever, so magic, wow, total swagtasticalness.

But seriously guys, put just a tad bit more than two sentences into your stuffs. For example, GPuzzle's post could be tranformed into something swagtacular like this:
"Uhm, that sounds like a great idea. It's probably give us a bit more of a competitive edge."

Suddenly, James's body began to tremble and he screamed in pain. His bones spread out at strange angles as his body slowly compressed itself into something smaller. His face spread out and the shape of a muzzle began to grow. Before Thanatos knew it, there was a small black wolf standing before him.

Not exactly Shakespere, but it's better than two sentences.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uhm... It's Druid instincts kicking in. Short sentences, you know? Didn't you read the Druid chapter?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Marvin, take caution" Alex suddenly cut into Varlow's thoughts.
"Readings indicate that the Malevolent presence has been separated form the female, and they are moving away form it."
"Is that a bad thing, Alex?"
"Not particularly, but the presence is changing rapidly, I don't think it can mean anything good. Hurry, they might need your help."
Varlow increased his pace, barreling into a room in time to see a set of elevator doors open at the end of a corridor....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can see you put A LOT of work into this. Such clever, so magic, wow, total swagtasticalness.

But seriously guys, put just a tad bit more than two sentences into your stuffs. For example, GPuzzle's post could be tranformed into something swagtacular like this:
"Uhm, that sounds like a great idea. It's probably give us a bit more of a competitive edge."

Suddenly, James's body began to tremble and he screamed in pain. His bones spread out at strange angles as his body slowly compressed itself into something smaller. His face spread out and the shape of a muzzle began to grow. Before Thanatos knew it, there was a small black wolf standing before him.

Not exactly Shakespere, but it's better than two sentences.
JESUS, DUDE! But I can't complain. That is essentially how I described Felix's first transformation into a cat.


Jul 29, 2019
The war is outside of the institution, but when we get out we'll either see it happening or the aftermath.
OOC: Can't it go inside? :p

"Right, let's see if we still exist to them."
Thanatos waved a hand in front of Felix's face, and Felix had a confused look, then went back to normal.
"Ok, we're completely invisible to them, as far as I can tell... let's go."
"I wonder if it's something to do with my training which caused this..." Pondered James.
"Maybe. But I think I know what's happened."
"Go on." Said Byrne, curious.
"There was a guy here, Marshall Sanchez. He had visions of his own future. But one day, something weird happened. He started existing one nanosecond behind everything else. This had the effect of nobody being able to see him, except for through a camera of something which slowed down or sped up the picture in some way."
"You think that's what happened to us?" Asked Zan.
"Yeah, I do. Now, I have a little plan on what to do. First, we find Marshall, I think he's still walking these corridors, I saw him the other day, just I didn't believe my eyes. I could have sworn he died, but, evidently not. Then we see what he can do to help us."

OOC: Techno, despite being a vivomancer, I'm now necromancing your character, Marshall Sanchez.
Marshall Sanchez is not my character. .-. I only have Ahsbite, Flare, Byrne and a stone door for mine, as well as a few nameless, but no more, unless you mean Technician. Also, Byrne isn't a vivomancer, he just works with his own electricity... so... don't go near a pool with him, unless you want unpleasant things happening, least of all electrocution. :p Oh, and Byrne can't speal. :p I changed that so he communicates with Telepathy, so... be careful with what you're thinking while you're chatting with him, or your thoughts may leak into the link. :3

The shift didn't go to well on Byrne. He reformed and returned to normal time, bouncing backwards and crashing into the wall. After making sure he didn't just fry all the clocks on his system, Byrne resettled, and tried it again, this time adjusting everything to cope with that. Instead of meeting a flying cannonball, it was like pushing through slime, difficult at first, but slightly easier if you let it flow around you. Byrne pushed his way through, and once he felt more synchronised, he stood up. He turned around, and found that the stone door had followed him along. Then again, it always followed him, and there was no exception, not in most cases, at any rate. So, where shall we begin looking?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I peek around a corner, out of boredom more than anything else. I see...

A skull-head. I've heard that they're really called faceless ratlizards, but they don't look like either. They just look like skinny humanoid things with leathery, muddy green skin, a long, tapering tail, and what seems to be a sheep's skull in place of a head. In comparison to other members of its species, it looks quite muscular. Nowhere near as muscle-bound as the WWE pig, by any stretch of the imagination, but still...

It hasn't seen me yet, so I slowly back away... Slowly... Sloooooowly...

"JESUS CHRIST, WHAT IS THAT THING?!" Screams the shrill voice that could come from only a sixteen-year-old girl in underwear too revealing to even be called underwear.

"Shut up, Maddie, shut up, shut up, shut up!" I whisper to her, she is now beside me. The skull-head turns around and somehow sees us even though it has no eyes, and presumably no brain. It bounds towards us like a bloodthirsty puppy dog. Ugh, I hate dogs. I really should run. And I do, pulling Maddie along with me.

I hear the heavy footsteps of the leap-running skull-head far too close behind me. Oh, God, it's catching up!

It's now running beside me, trying to snag a bite. My thought process is going something like:


I take potshots with shadows and miss every time. I resort to sending spears of darkness flying at its head. some of them actually hit, but fail to penetrate the bone. This thing was made to last, I see. I go Wolverine on the skull-head, making a claw out of shadows and letting Maddie run away on her own while I engage the beast myself in good old-fashioned melee combat.

I rake my claw across its belly, causing a fair amount of blood loss, but not nearly enough for an insta-kill. In reply, the skull-head drags its claw across my face, nearly blinding me in the right eye. My glasses come flying off in the process, but there is no time to find them now, and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

I scream as the skull-head clamps its jaws around my side and holds on pretty damn tight. I sink to my knees as the blood seeps through my shirt and stains my blazer. But then, my saving grace appears.

A spear of light impales the beast through the neck, and implants itself into the ground. It then splits in half and pulls outwards, beheading the skull-head.

I lay on the floor, bleeding heavily. My vision is going fuzzy, and I can only just make out the hourglass frame of Deomi, the light curling around Aaron and the uncomfortable amount of skin colour which must be Maddie and Lewis. I hear Deomi scream something like "GET HELP! QUICK! BANDAGE! HAS ANYONE GOT A BANDAGE?!"

The last thought that passes through my head is 'that was my best suit... Tosser..."

OOC: Guys, for the record, I am NOT killing off Felix. Not for a while yet. A looooong while...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Being a phantasmagoric gray wolf wasn't really James' preferred form.
But after the light came out from him, he didn't choose his next form.
Which was a tucano.
Bloody hell, being a big nosed bird was worse than being a wolf.
At least wolves are badass.
"So, guys... Where do we find him?"