rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Picture speaks for it self:

Replacing all the metal blocks with Carpenter's blocks applied with metal blocks worked like a treat. So once that was settled I nearly finished the turbine room(probably add a few more details later once I have things like Mekanism production line set up. And I need to fix the lighting, atm it is just the Wrathlamps covered in Iron block covers):






On a different front I have been making myself some new armour:

My oldie but favourite combination: GraviChestPlate, QuantumSuit Helmet and Leggings, and a new addition: Quantum Boots of the Traveler.
This will greatly ease my building with creative style flight, auto feeding, underwater breathing, quick traveling etc.

Lastly I have been repairing the ocean floor of the Ocean Abyss biome I found earlier in preparations for building a underwater satellite base there.

I am definitely going to be using this location for a MFR laser drill farm, and currently contemplating setting up all ore processing at this location as well. RP it that laser drills bring up ores, transport it to processing plants and then transport finished products(either ingots, dusts, crushed ore, whatever) back to base. Hopefully relocating the ore processing off-site will reduce FPS drops at the main base.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Looks great as always rhn. I'm particularly liking your catwalks (grated floor with nice railings)

The detail around the ladders is fantastic. Speaking of which, what are those metal ladders?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
That sea floor looks alot nicer now. I'm not hugely familiar with the mods as they are in TPPI, so forgive me if i accidentally suggest something not there, (like my earlier mana quartz suggestion).

I think they carpenter's ladders with Tin Blocks (or other metal), speaking of carpenter's ladders - I should use more in my own bases, but I just like Elevators too much...
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Looks great as always rhn. I'm particularly liking your catwalks (grated floor with nice railings)

The detail around the ladders is fantastic. Speaking of which, what are those metal ladders?
I think they carpenter's ladders with Tin Blocks (or other metal), speaking of carpenter's ladders - I should use more in my own bases, but I just like Elevators too much...
Yeah the ladders are Carpenter's Blocks Ladders applied with Iron Blocks. Kinda like the effect with the rivets.
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Just thought I would point out something I really like about TPPI(and hope to see a lot more of in future packs).
The mods like IC2, Gregtech, Railcraft etc. have been tweaked to all use the same kind of Iron, Steel etc. Plates. This means that Plates produced by one mod can freely be interchanged and used by another mod. Quite handy.

So for example I have had a Gregtech Plate Bender set up to produce Plates for Steel Machine Hulls and other Gregtech stuff, as well as RC HP boiler and Turbines:

It is the second furthest machine in the back row hidden under all the ME stuff :p

But I am now in need of RC tanks and the speed of the Plate bender is quite slow. So I could either upgrade it with an overclocker(but I dont like the Overclocker system in GT) or I could simply swap over and use the RC Rolling Machine instead!

Downside is you need a Rolling machine for every recipe you wish to automate(will probably only ever be Steel and iron plates and rails), but it is much faster as it produces 4 plates at equal or faster rate.
(As other BC API machines it has a standby power usage. I set it up with a simple BC Gate and Leadstone Energy cell to turn off the power when there is no work to be done).

When (if) I finally figure out where to put my machine shop I will probably do the same for Iron plates(if not use a heavily OCed IC2 Metal former).


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Bit of a copy (though slightly refined) of the setup from the last world, but thought I would show it anyway:




I am using ME interfaces underneath the Assembly tables to store patterns and import the finished products. This allows remote ordering of gates, pipe wires, Facades and other stuff through the ME network.

The BC gate in the middle detects when either of the tables has work(when items have been exported into table by ME interface) and activates an Energy Cell which powers the Lasers(saves standby power). As a bit of "RP" safety feature the door mechanism is also keyed into this so the lasers will not work is the door is open.

The Cage Lamps are also rigged up so the green one is lit when lasers are not firing, but when a job is queued and doors are closed(aka lasers fire) the two red Cage Lamps flashes alternating(done by tiny CC program).

Atm working on the adjoining room which is going to be a kitchen/brewery for potions and food. Going to contain Brewing stations/Auto-Brewers, Ovens(furnaces for food), canning machine for IC2 canned food and what else I can think of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Snipped -

Completely irrelevant and probably unneccesary but my continuous curiosity drives me to ask, how is your username pronounced?

I say it "Ar-Haytch-En" in terms of pronunciation, but you may say it in a fancy way or something, like, I don't know, "Rhaytchen"
While I babble on about not making sense I'll just stick a TL;DR below...

TL;DR How does thou pronounce thy username?
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Completely irrelevant and probably unneccesary but my continuous curiosity drives me to ask, how is your username pronounced?

I say it "Ar-Haytch-En" in terms of pronunciation, but you may say it in a fancy way or something, like, I don't know, "Rhaytchen"
While I babble on about not making sense I'll just stick a TL;DR below...

TL;DR How does thou pronounce thy username?
Lol you can pronounce it however you like :p I was never imaginative enough to come up with something clever, it is just my initials :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lol you can pronounce it however you like :p I was never imaginative enough to come up with something clever, it is just my initials :p
Robert Honduras Numen? Close right? Awesome stuff! Has TPPI come out for 1.7.10 yet? I want to try it, but kept waiting for it to be 1.7.10


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Has TPPI come out for 1.7.10 yet? I want to try it, but kept waiting for it to be 1.7.10
From what I heard mentioned in a thread here on the forum(not really keeping track), it is getting near a release. But I prefer waiting a while and most bugs have been squashed first :p And quite happy with the 1.6 version tbh :p But happy to hear there will be a continuation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From what I heard mentioned in a thread here on the forum(not really keeping track), it is getting near a release. But I prefer waiting a while and most bugs have been squashed first :p And quite happy with the 1.6 version tbh :p But happy to hear there will be a continuation.
I guess 1.6 is fine, love AE much better than AE2. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How would I go about if I wanted your terrain generation in the DW20 pack?

Although the one in DW20 is ok, the terrains you have looks totally amazing and I'd give a high price for such a terrain to build in.

Edit: What I mean, I know that you have mariculture, Bop, highlands and ATG installed, but how do you make use of all 4 simultaneously
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How would I go about if I wanted your terrain generation in the DW20 pack?

Although the one in DW20 is ok, the terrains you have looks totally amazing and I'd give a high price for such a terrain to build in.

Edit: What I mean, I know that you have mariculture, Bop, highlands and ATG installed, but how do you make use of all 4 simultaneously

If I'm not mistaken, Rhn personally edits the config files of ATG and highlands to allow for steeper terrain generation. I too would like to know the exact edits if Rhn would be up for it.
I'm not sure if he does anything to the BOP Config files, but I know I usually turn a load of ones I don't like off.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
How would I go about if I wanted your terrain generation in the DW20 pack?

Although the one in DW20 is ok, the terrains you have looks totally amazing and I'd give a high price for such a terrain to build in.

Edit: What I mean, I know that you have mariculture, Bop, highlands and ATG installed, but how do you make use of all 4 simultaneously
I have indeed added ATG, Highlands and Mariculture to the pack. Other than that all I have changed is the "I:BiomeBlobScale=5" in the atg.cfg config file(this allows for larger patches of the same biomes).

Anything else is already set up thanks to Eyamaz et al and the Universal Configs which is shipped with every FTB pack(configs for ATB, Highlands, Mariculture was already shipped with TPPI). In those configs ATG is already set up to the possibility that BoP, Highlands and Mariculture is there(from FTB Monster), so all you need to do is choose ATG in the world creation screen and it should work from there.

Btw this is for 1.6, I don't know if these configs are set up and distributed for the 1.7 packs.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
No updates for 10 days?
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Hehe. I have been feeling a bit uninspired lately. But that doesn't mean I haven't been doing a bit here and there. I will try and push some update out shortly, maybe later today. :p


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Alright time for an update(and I think it is actually going to be a big one).

Starting with some IC2 power:

Filled one of the nuclear reactor pits with 32 Nuclear reactors(the simple safe 100EU/t setup I used earlier). Not yet covered it all in water. Easier to configure everything this way.

With Nuclear reactors I need a place to refine fuel:

And like previous I decided to RP it in terms of safety and radiation. So build the place with airlocks and this time proper decontamination, washing and dressing facilities :p

Seen from the outside:

High windows so people cant stare in from the outside while you are in your smalls or coming out of the shower :p

First room: Clean clothes area:

Also where I leave my normal gear when going in to manipulate the fuel etc.

Second room: Shower and laundry drop off.

Third room: Suiting up before heading into the decontamination airlock:

(yeah that is really 3 drawbridge doors controlled by Entity detectors and 2 drawbridge doors controlled by buttons(One is always closed). All in that very small space lol :p)

Inside looking back at the airlock:

You can see a ME access "station" for the main base network in the corner. Rest of the ME network in the room is all running on a separate subnetwork to avoid radioactive materials from getting out :p

The IC2E fuel refinery quartet:

Macerator, Ore washer, Thermal Centrifuge and Canning machine. Subnetwork access, storage and controller in the corner. Set it up so the subnetwork can access the main network(so it can pull raw uranium, plates and whatever materials needed), but not the other way.

Close to the fuel refinery I made a large factory hall which I intend to house all the fabrication machinery. So far only moved a few of them there:

Mostly just some TE stuff like Magma crucible+Fluid transposers, Glacial precipitator, Igneous extruders and some EnderIO Alloy smelters and SAG mill. Plan this to house a lot of Mekanism as well as Gregtech stuff. I am still considering whether or not all ore processing should be done elsewhere. More on that later.

Everyone got to eat, right?

So we will need a kitchen!


Made this room to house my canning machine and Auto-brewers/brewing stands.

Also added a furnace to handle all the food related cooking. Rather unsanitary to cook food in the same furnace as you smelt metals and what not.

Kinda just filled the room with all kinds of decorative and non functional stuff.

The big silver "block" is hollow and is supposed to be a freezer. Might make a good place to hide something away later ;)

At the moment I am just doing some touching up of the "hub" in the center of the bunker area.

I really love sandstone and it have been ages since I have used it. So thought this should be a sandstone garden area with running water, tree(s) and flowers. Well if I can make it all fit in :p Having some space issues with some, so far, hidden tunnels running in the walls and floors(also a little hidden WIP :p). But good news is that when out exploring(and manually mining for Quarried stone(pfff at a loss on how to make it spawn in a flat mystcraft quarry world)) I finally found some Sakura trees! Those will surely brighten the place up. Hope I can fit a few into the hub area.
Oh btw: those blue lines are actually Fluid Displays mimicking water(or any other fluid) streaming down a surface. IMO a better effect than those hideous standing cubic meters of water.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright time for an update(and I think it is actually going to be a big one).

Starting with some IC2 power:

Filled one of the nuclear reactor pits with 32 Nuclear reactors(the simple safe 100EU/t setup I used earlier). Not yet covered it all in water. Easier to configure everything this way.

With Nuclear reactors I need a place to refine fuel:

And like previous I decided to RP it in terms of safety and radiation. So build the place with airlocks and this time proper decontamination, washing and dressing facilities :p

Seen from the outside:

High windows so people cant stare in from the outside while you are in your smalls or coming out of the shower :p

First room: Clean clothes area:

Also where I leave my normal gear when going in to manipulate the fuel etc.

Second room: Shower and laundry drop off.

Third room: Suiting up before heading into the decontamination airlock:

(yeah that is really 3 drawbridge doors controlled by Entity detectors and 2 drawbridge doors controlled by buttons(One is always closed). All in that very small space lol :p)

Inside looking back at the airlock:

You can see a ME access "station" for the main base network in the corner. Rest of the ME network in the room is all running on a separate subnetwork to avoid radioactive materials from getting out :p

The IC2E fuel refinery quartet:

Macerator, Ore washer, Thermal Centrifuge and Canning machine. Subnetwork access, storage and controller in the corner. Set it up so the subnetwork can access the main network(so it can pull raw uranium, plates and whatever materials needed), but not the other way.

Close to the fuel refinery I made a large factory hall which I intend to house all the fabrication machinery. So far only moved a few of them there:

Mostly just some TE stuff like Magma crucible+Fluid transposers, Glacial precipitator, Igneous extruders and some EnderIO Alloy smelters and SAG mill. Plan this to house a lot of Mekanism as well as Gregtech stuff. I am still considering whether or not all ore processing should be done elsewhere. More on that later.

Everyone got to eat, right?

So we will need a kitchen!


Made this room to house my canning machine and Auto-brewers/brewing stands.

Also added a furnace to handle all the food related cooking. Rather unsanitary to cook food in the same furnace as you smelt metals and what not.

Kinda just filled the room with all kinds of decorative and non functional stuff.

The big silver "block" is hollow and is supposed to be a freezer. Might make a good place to hide something away later ;)

At the moment I am just doing some touching up of the "hub" in the center of the bunker area.

I really love sandstone and it have been ages since I have used it. So thought this should be a sandstone garden area with running water, tree(s) and flowers. Well if I can make it all fit in :p Having some space issues with some, so far, hidden tunnels running in the walls and floors(also a little hidden WIP :p). But good news is that when out exploring(and manually mining for Quarried stone(pfff at a loss on how to make it spawn in a flat mystcraft quarry world)) I finally found some Sakura trees! Those will surely brighten the place up. Hope I can fit a few into the hub area.
Oh btw: those blue lines are actually Fluid Displays mimicking water(or any other fluid) streaming down a surface. IMO a better effect than those hideous standing cubic meters of water.
The base looks awesome. I'm a sucker for the realistic looking machine (for a lack of a better word) facades.