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Here are the finished medium configs:
Balanced the TE machines to match their IC2 equivalents! Also, I removed all blaze rod to blaze powder and bone to bone meal recipes that give more than 3 that way EE3 stops some of the dupes. Also disabled the chunk loader turtle just in case. IF i were you i would remove chicken chunks if possible due to the nasty memory leak it has.
Let's look at this. It will be anyways better than the official one, as the other is really messy.[DOUBLEPOST=1367226771][/DOUBLEPOST]Wait... where is the greg-config?
It's the most awesome story i've ever written. It confirms that adding explosions make things better.[DOUBLEPOST=1367227362][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm going to make my version of the config and post it here, with a full devlopper commentary.

It is an amazing story :D
Got my visa. By the way, it's cut in 2 for an unknown reason.


My config is done.

Config time : 10 min

Commentary time : 7h

I still have to break it in some posts, as it's far over the max post size

It comes. please not post before i get to the end of it, as there is 5 posts. posting between will mess it all up.

You're going to feel the power of the multipost.
[DOUBLEPOST=1367260530][/DOUBLEPOST]Here's my config.

I completely disagree with Chrissy's config. They told me about a easy config. I wasen't thinking about this. There is easy config, and too easy. Basically, evry single thing wich could be set to easy have been set to it.

So here's my version, with a full devlopper commentary.

Stuff like this is from the banned items part of the poll.

I tried to make a "medium" difficulty config, with stuff wich should be cheap being cheap, and stuff wich should be expensive being expensive. I ended with a "medium-hard" one, wich will probably be changed into a medium one with feedback.

A big part of config is done. For configs like the gregtech one, they will change a lot probably, so i'll wait a bit for feedback.

Evrything is sorted and in spoilers (open them all at the same time only if you like walls of text). I go from the stuff i have the less things to say about to the stuff i have the most, wich means i keept Gregtech at the end.

Configs where i have nothing to say about, and wich have been keept as default ultimate config :

Advanced Machines
Applied Energistics
Charge Pads
CodeChicken Core
DIAdvancedCompatibility (better not touch to that. It may screw up evrything)
Ender Storage
Forge and other forgestuff
Gravity Gun
Immibis (Tubestuff)
InvTweaks (but it's a client based config, so it don't change anything here)
Iron Chests
NEI (client based config again)
Nuclear Control
Obsidian Plates
Petroleum Generator (called : drceph.petrogen)
PowerCrystals core
Secret Rooms
Thaumic Bees
Thermal Expansion
Twilight Forest
Wireless redstone

ExtrabiomesXL :

Re-activated all the biomes, as the admin wanted to (and it's better this way). Activated villages only in flat biomes.

Full list:

biome {
B: pineforest.allowvillages=true
B: pineforest.enablegeneration=true - Added spaces because the forum turn the : p into smilies (screw you forum)

Xeno reliquary :

Some pepole says it's OP. I don't find it OP, as it cost a crapton of random expensive ressources, mostly gold and glowstone, so it have a default config right now.

And you can't change anything in the config anyways.
IC2 :

Not much to say about this one. I use default config, with sounds enabled (but i think this is a client side feature, so it won't change anything). I just want to know if i should leave or remove the possibility of burning scrap in generators. I also removed the possibility to craft the industrial credits, to prevent counterfait (see part on money at the end of the post).

Railcraft :

Not much to say again. I'm going for a default config, i just wanted to know if i should re-activate the furnace cart reciepe. It's just a fairly cheap engine, wich is a bit OP now we have the locomotives.

If nobody cares, it'll be default config (and it is right now).

Redpower :

Not much to say here too. It'll be almost default config (and there isn't much things wich can be changed), the problem is the max frame size. The default size (1000) can become quickly small when building machines, as evry cover count for 1. I suggest so to set it to something between 2500 and 5000. On the other side, they can be quite laggy. Maybe a admin authorization should be needed to build large ones.

Forestry :

When i oppned the "official" (Chrissy's) config, it looked like the default one. But the bees had been set to Easy. (Other forestry stuff too, but it's in easy by default, and other values are much harder).

I'm not a bee specialist, but i know they can produce evry ressource in the game, if you give them enough time, or have enough bees, and for no other maintenance than replacing the queen sometimes. Getting the mutations should not be a too easy thing, and queens lifes shouldn't be too long too. I'm not asking to set it to hard or insane, just to normal, the default value, wich is already easy enough.

It have a default config now.

Computer Craft Turtles :

Seriously, Chrissy?

There was only 1 thing changed in the config. The turtles had been set to no-fuel mode (maybe because the default mode, with fuel, was called "hardcore mode"). Aren't they already enough OP? Even with fuel, they can already do what evry other mod does, with a smaller fuel consumption. Without the need of fuel, they are just the most OP thing ever, and i think evryone will agree about that.

Back to default config in my version.

Nether Ores :

Chrissy, what are you doing? Why did you changed all that?

The point of the nether is to be dangerous. But you set B:AngryPigmenEnable=true at false, lowered at minimal probability the explosion chances (1/1000, 75/1000 by default). On the other side, you made the explosions more powerful. So we were with some explosive ores, wich make pigmens angry, and got almost safe ores, wich have only a small probability to defend themselves, but wich will kill you for sure. I don't get it. The nether ores give much more ressources than the normal ones, so it is normal they are a bit dangerous. On the other side, explosions don't need to be that powerful.

I'll go for a default config. In fact, it's the first time i see someone changing it, or finding it too hard.

You also disabled the possibility to smelt them (the ores have reduced output in this case). But players can go in the nether before having a macerator or any kind of grinder. And there are players wich don't use tech-stuff. They should be able to use the ores too.

Default config was good.

Portal Gun :

Chrissy, not again !

The portal gun is a really powerful thing, but it is balanced as it costs a nether star to craft it. Chrissy used the easy recipes on the config. I think it is worth it's nether star and the default reciepes were good. Also, boots wich negate all fall damage (and dosen't get damaged, unlike the rubber boots) are worth the diamonds in the craft. So default config for that.

The portal guns and portal spawners can also be found in dungeons, relatively easily.

I disabled their spawn in dungeons, but i wait feedback and i will re-enable them if evryone asks to.
Mods wich have features wich shouldn't be removed, but keept under control.

Thaumcraft :

Right now, it's a default config. But i'm not sure pepole will agree about leaving the warded blocks, as they are indestructible by evryone else than the player wich put them. On the other side, i don't think that a griefer will go trough all the thaum research necessary to get them, and farm all the zombies brains. It's too time-consuming, and pepole can just call mods to remove the blocks using creative mode. I'll go for leaving them, they allow to make cool nukeboxes, mostly the warded glass. Eventually the players should ask the mods/admin before placing some of those blocks.

EE3 :

Lots of pepole find it OP. And it is. But as a in-devloppement mod, i suppose that most of balancing will come with future versions. So i ask to keep it, and assign it a default config (where you can't change anything anyways).

Soul shards :

For some pepole, it's OP, for other, it's not. I don't really care if it is or not, it's a cool mod. It can be laggy, so i think the players should ask the mods/admin befor making a mob farm, and the mods/admin should supervise the building of the trap, to be sure that there will not be too much mobs alive at the same time, to prevent lag.

By the way it's default config. What would you change in it anyways?

Chicken Chunks
Misc Peripherals
Steve Carts

All those have default configs. There aren't any problems with the configs, but those mods add chunkloaders of different kinds, wich cause lag. (and also, Buildcraft quarry. See at Gregtech part.)
As i said :

But chunkloaders are essential for some stuff, like pumps or quarries in the nether or an age, with tesseracts to move the liquid/items to the overworld. If you don't have chunkloaders, you'll need a player in the overworld and one in the nether/age (and the one in the nether/age will be quickly bored). Also, giant automated factories, if they are bigger than the chunkloading radius of a player, can't work without chunkloaders.
I'm thinking about not banning chunkloaders, just making that you'll need a governemental (admin) authorisation to place one of any kind, and the admins will keep an eye on it.
They aren't disabled right now, but we need to think about that.

Power Converters :


It's a nice mod, but it can be OP in some designs :

Also, can the server not have power converters it feels out of place becuase there is a steam to eu converter ( and others) when we already have the railcraft steam turbine for that.
It would suck to build a massive stirling engine power plant and be beaten in power output by another company who just has a bunch of solar panels and a power converter
There is a 25% loss anyways, and it is the only way to convert factorization energy to another kind of energy.
I think we need a poll about this one. Or making that a admin authorization is necessary to use them.
There is nothing to configure in the config anyways. And changing the conversion values would screw up evrything, as they had been made with balance in mind (source : Power converters MCforum thread).


A great mod, and nothing to change in the config (Default one), but it must be keept under control by mods and admin, as it can create a lot of lag, and giant mess around, with links and stuff (wich remove purpose of roads and railways). I suggest to have to ask the mods/admin before doing anything mystcraft-related.

Then comes the big one : Gregtech, and related stuff (Advanced solars and Modular Powersuit)

Let's start with Advanced solars:

I will not touch to the power outputs. They're good.

B:"Enable hard recipes"=false

This is the "hardmmode of Advanced solars. The hard reciepes cost just some uranium and more glowstone. I think we can leave the easy ones. they are costly enough to be balanced.

Crafts here.

B:"Enable simple Advanced Solar Panel recipe"=false

Wait... what does this one when set to true?


It just replace the plate wich cost a irridium ingot, some UUM, a diamond, some advanced alloy and a bunch of other stuff by a advanced machine block.

I don't know about this one. We'll need a poll here too i think.

Modular powersuits

Banned Items (If Any)?
Modular Power Suit (I just think it's incredibly overpowered)

And you're right. It's because the default config used in FTB is from a really old version of the mod, wich have :

general {
B:"Gregtech Recipes"=true
B:"IndustrialCraft Recipes"=false
D:"Joules per IC2 EU"=50.0
D:"Joules per MJ"=1.0
B:"Thermal Expansion Recipes"=false
B:"Universal Electricity Recipes"=false
B:"Vanilla Recipes"=true

As you can see on the craft page, there is a giant difference between reciepes sets. A modular powersuit is from nano suit to quantum suit level, depending on the modules you have, so gregtech reciepes are at the nano or quantum suit level, depending of modules, while the vanilla ones allow to craft it in the first hour after you started playing. The IC2 and TE ones are still fairly cheap, but already more balanced than the vanilla ons.

My config is just the default config of the last version of Modular Powersuits, wich use most costly recipes wich can be installed, depending of the other mods you have installed :

general {
B:"Gregtech Recipes"=true
B:"IndustrialCraft Recipes"=false
D:"Joules per IC2 EU"=0.4
D:"Joules per MJ"=1.0
B:"Thermal Expansion Recipes"=false
B:"Universal Electricity Recipes"=false
B:"Vanilla Recipes"=false

(The lasts versions of Modular powersuit also fix the EU/MJ conversion ratio, when charging the suit.)

I won't change it. It's too OP if you use cheaper reciepes.

And again, Chrissy's version of the config use only the vanilla reciepes.
Gregtech :

Note : added some spaces around, as the forum add smilies.
We'll need a poll for a bunch of stuff here.


Evrything is set to true in here for technical reasons.

Greg tech.cfg

# addonrecipes

Evrything enabled in here. It's Greg stuff only.

# basicmetalblastfurnacerequirement

The advanced metals. Evrything to true too, like in the "official" config and the default one.

# dungeon

dungeon {
B :DungeonICredits=false - To prevent counterfait (see part on money at the end).
B :DungeonLoot=true
B :DungeonMusicDiscFix=false - I'm not sure of what this does. If someone knows, i will change it eventually.

# features

Lots of stuff in here :

features {

makes that you can have 2 dragon egg generators at the same time, using dragon eggs from mystages. When at false (default value, as mystcraft isn't supposed to be installed), any additional dragon egg generator placed explode when activated. We have mystcraft, so i set it at true, but i'll change it depending of feedback.


Don't know what it does, better not touch to it. (it's not the one wich make that machines need continous energy to work)

I :DigitalChestMaxItemCount=32768

512 stacks, default value. For more storage, there is the quantum chest.

B :DisableEasyMobGrindersInRecycler=false

Default value.

B :DisableStoneInRecycler=false

Default value.

I :DragonEggEnergyPerTick=128

Default value.


Default value.


Default value.


it isn't the line wich actually controls it.


Energy needed for the matterfabricator to make 1 UUM. This is default value. I may remove a 6 (value of the IC2 massfabricator) depending of feedback, but UUM is really powerful anyways.


Huh? Default value.


Huh? Default value.


Huh? Default value.


Huh? Default value.


I don't know what this one does. Default value.


Read : Infinite. Default value.


The cheap one is good. Default value.


Why remove them? Default value.


I don't know what it does, and i don't want to. Default value.


Default IC2 and Gregtech value.


Default value.

# general

Let's keep all that on true.

general {
B :Debug=false
B :Online=true

# machines

machines {

I may change this one depending of feedback, but it makes that you can run a gregtech machine on any generator, even a solar panel, you'll just need some more time.


Nah. Noob death cause.


I may change those depending of feedback. But fire should make stuff explode. It seems realistic.


Noob death cause too. May change with feedback.


This is the thing wich make that a exploding machine will blow up evrything connected on the same cable when exploding if you use glass fibre evrywhere. I find it fun, but i will probably disable it with feedback.

Anyways, if something explodes, whatever the config is, it's your fault.

# quantumsuit

quantumsuit {

Default values. Invincibility is disabled as it is cheat (the armor is still very protective), and th lamp is too as it would remove the purpose of the light helmet.

# unificatortargets

Better not touch to that. I don't know what it does.

# worldgeneration

Evrything at true. Irridium is at 20. Default values.

Seriously, Chrissy, you put the irridium probability at 200 on your config version? It removes the purpose of UUM and of making it in the fusionreactor.


# centrifugeelectrolyze

All on true. Default value.

# cheaperrecipes

All on true. Default value. it's good this way.

# circuitry

All on true. Default value. It makes a lot of compatibility between mods.

# ic2recipes

ic2recipes {

Well... The IC2 mass fabricator is fairly cheap, and removes all purpose to the matterfab, as it makes UUM cheaply. I may re-enable it depending on feedback. If i do, the energycost of the massfab will be buffed, to make it an upgrade of the massfab. Default value.


Why shouldn't we craft them? Default value.

# silktouchrecipes

All on true. Macerate all the ores. Default value.

# uumrecipes

All on true. Default value.

# usefullrecipes

I'm going to finish with the flamewar-ish one. Most of things here may change with feedback.

usefullrecipes {

It's cheaper than the IC2 one (with a dense cooper plate) anyways. Default value.


I'm for crafting the blocks. May change with feedback.


Well... There is no difference in the materials cost, but you need the implosion compressor, and some TNT. But i like the implosion compressor. It's just putting stuff in a box and blowing it up. Only fun stuff. Will probably change with feedback.


Don't tell me you can't go in the nether and get some netherrack, smelt it into nether bricks (Vanilla 1.5), crystalize some slimeballs with factorization, get some blaze powder in a desert with thaumcraft flowers, and you have your blast furnace. It wasn't that hard. You can do this in really few time. I think steel is worth tools wich are that durable.


It's the most powerful existing mining machine. With buildcraft reciepe, you only need 11 diamonds, some gold and iron. you can get all that in your first mining expedition. Power it with a bunch of combustion engines (some more iron), and oil (you can find some evrywhere), and you end with all the ressources you can want. I think they should be accessible only at mid game. With the expensive reciepe, you need a diamond drill (still 3 diamonds), for wich you need some titanium and steel. I already talked about steel before. Titanium is electrolysing bauxite, wich is found easily. the electrolyser is made mostly of iron. Then you'll need a steel blast furnace for smelting it. But, as i said, you already have steel. Getting the power for the blast furnace must be the hardest thing, but by charging a MFE before with any kind of small generator before, you can still do it easily. It's more a matter of time than mining and finding ressources. May still change with feedback.


Another powerful tool. The only things it cost more are 2 titanium (but you should have some, if you already have a quarry, and you often make a quarry before a laser gun), a ruby (you should have lots with redpower), and a helium coolant cell, wich may be the hardest part to get, but you can do it with a bunch of glowstone. The cheap recipes allow you to make it a bit after you have started with IC2 (some iron, cooper and tin found evrywhere, 17 of redstone, a advanced circuit (but you should have some after starting in IC2) and 2 diamonds). I think it's worth the hard reciepe. May change with feedback.


Meh. It isn't worth it's 3 diamonds, i suppose.


It kills in almost 1 hit any base mob. The default IC2 reciepe allow you to craft it with some iron, cooper and tin, a bit of coal, a diamond, and some redstone and glowstone. On the other side, the Gregtech reciepe is expensive for what it does. We need a intermediate reciepe. I don't know wich choose. Give feedback.


I'll never let you use cheap nukes. Ever. It's a grief security.


The passive generators. The easy reciepe allow to craft them cheaply, and get free power easyly. The hard one cost carbon plates (coal) for the wind one, aluminium for the water one (but no one use it anyways), and silicon plates for the solars. There are a lot of stuff wich can be electrolysed for silicium, and the most basic industrial blast furnace, with lava in the empty space inside (+250 heat capacity each source block) can smelt it into plates. May still change with feedback, as lots of players like cheap renewable energy (but it remove the purpose of the regular generator).


The rolling machine is for making metalworks, wich is realistic. And it's fairly cheap (8 iron and some worthless stuff).


Crush all the blocks ! Dosen't remove the possibility to uncraft them.


Default value, and tin is cheap anyways.


Read at -quarry- a bit higher.


Recycling metals is nice. Default value.


Never used this one. Default value.

i'm done with you, Greg.
About the money of the server :

The poll says that pepole want ICs. That's a good thing, as they can't be used for anything else than money. To prevent counterfait, all the crafting reciepes of them have been removed, and they can't be found as loot in dungeons. I can't find the config for removing the crafting of coins of lower values to a coin of higher value, and of a high value coin into low value coins, and i don't know if it still exists (the config option), but i've seen that it will not be necessary.

Full explaination :

First, the default values of the coins are kinda weird (it's 2^something). There is a logic behind it, but it's not really pratical.

I suggest to have those values:

Cooper : 0.1
Iron : 1
Silver : 10
Gold : 100
Diamond : 1000

Then, we need a name for the money. Whatever you want (poll?).

And you use NBT tags to make some coins with names and values.

I didn't did it correctly here, i should have added color codes to have white text, or of the color of the coin.


Yep, the Greg-values are hardcoded. If you do your coin correctly enough, pepole sould understand it's value.


Use Tubestuff duplicators to make new coins with the old ones. The NBT tags are keept. (then, put the money printer in some secured building, to prevent players to make coins for them, or using the duplicators with diamonds)


Crafting coins to higher/lower value coins will make the default (invalid on the server, and easily recognizables) coins, without the NBT tags, and they don't stack with the real ones, so it prevent counterfait.

I'll need to think about those coins a bit more, but most of the idea is here.

Done. It took all my day.

Give feedback on that config. I think the Greg-one is too hard for what the players want, but it can be changed.

Config here :


0_0 GoldenSpamfest 2013 today it seems. xD
This is excellent. Thank you.

EDIT: You wouldn't mind if I uploaded it to my Google Drive and posted a link in OP, would you?
Why disable compressing of ingots into storage blocks? I quite like that change. You can keep compressing in in the storageblockcompressing section and re-enable vanilla crafting at the same time in the storageblockcrafting section.

I agree with the moderately difficult recipes, although I will keep campaigning for the fact that doubling all your ores is well worth 2.5 diamonds (with the pulverizer also set to use the expensive recipe).

Well... The IC2 mass fabricator is fairly cheap, and removes all purpose to the matterfab, as it makes UUM cheaply.
If you re-enable the IC2 massfab, the GT matterfab will automatically adjust itself to require less energy to make UUM than the IC one, to make it worth having. In either case, I really think that the default IC massfab rate is stupidly fast for servers, you end up really quickly with diamond chests full of purple goo. We want a working economy, not everything made out of light.

Evrything at true. Irridium is at 20. Default values.
From experience, it doesn't really hurt to increase the default iridium spawning rate. I play on a server with 25, and iridium is still rare as heck. I think 50 or even 100 wouldn't be gamebreaking, it'd only mean that you have a chance to return with say one iridium from a day's mining trip. You'd still need a massfab/fusion/end ores to produce iridium in any reasonable quantities.
Why disable compressing of ingots into storage blocks? I quite like that change. You can keep compressing in in the storageblockcompressing section and re-enable vanilla crafting at the same time in the storageblockcrafting section.

I agree with the moderately difficult recipes, although I will keep campaigning for the fact that doubling all your ores is well worth 2.5 diamonds (with the pulverizer also set to use the expensive recipe).

If you re-enable the IC2 massfab, the GT matterfab will automatically adjust itself to require less energy to make UUM than the IC one, to make it worth having. In either case, I really think that the default IC massfab rate is stupidly fast for servers, you end up really quickly with diamond chests full of purple goo. We want a working economy, not everything made out of light.

From experience, it doesn't really hurt to increase the default iridium spawning rate. I play on a server with 25, and iridium is still rare as heck. I think 50 or even 100 wouldn't be gamebreaking, it'd only mean that you have a chance to return with say one iridium from a day's mining trip. You'd still need a massfab/fusion/end ores to produce iridium in any reasonable quantities.

I agree with all this stuff. Waiting for more feedback.
The macerator is at easy because lots of players hate the diamonds in the cost.
0_0 GoldenSpamfest 2013 today it seems. xD
This is excellent. Thank you.

EDIT: You wouldn't mind if I uploaded it to my Google Drive and posted a link in OP, would you?
Go for it.
It will still be subject to changes.
Another thing I would do is limit the number of chunks one player can load through ChickenChunks to 9 - 10. Any more will have to be loaded with Anchors, and thus consume fuel, and thus get disabled when the player goes inactive for a long time. I think this is a nice halfway point between no loaders and everyone loading everything all the time. Or just disable CC completely and stick to the fueled anchors.
Another thing I would do is limit the number of chunks one player can load through ChickenChunks to 9 - 10. Any more will have to be loaded with Anchors, and thus consume fuel, and thus get disabled when the player goes inactive for a long time. I think this is a nice halfway point between no loaders and everyone loading everything all the time. Or just disable CC completely and stick to the fueled anchors.
Wait how do you fuel anchors? o_o