RedPower for FTB 1.5

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I have to ask where you got this information about RPs testers? Tweet was May 28th (If i remember). Then one August 21st (ish) so I say 2 months. Potahto Potatoh ya know. Calm down. Your anger is visiable from here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
June 28th = 1 month
July 28th = 2 months
August 28th = 3 months, so one week shy. That's closer to three months than it is 2 months.

And on the reddit post, they said outright that they have not heard from her at all. I'll see if I can find the link for you, but she has been totally out of touch according to them.[DOUBLEPOST=1366149814][/DOUBLEPOST]

I have to ask where you got this information about RPs testers? Tweet was May 28th (If i remember). Then one August 21st (ish) so I say 2 months. Potahto Potatoh ya know. Calm down. Your anger is visiable from here.


"Even her testers don't know what's going on."
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not saying Elo is a shining example of modding's best practices, or that we can't complain about it. There's really two situations:
  • Option 1: Try and remove RP2. This means most people will have to restart, those that don't will have to make significant changes to their world or just not update. The primary means of mining for a lot of people will be gone, and the tubes you used to use for machines will also be gone. Until another mod replaces redpower 2, you're left with still good but not quite as much so buildcraft pipes (remember, no logistics pipes yet). A lot of people will simply not update. Additionally, this creates a ton more work for the pack creators who now have to run around finding replacement mods in the hopes of rebuilding what they can of RP2's functionality, or on mod makers to try and add features. Chances are an RP2 update will come out anyway after this process is done.
  • Option 2: Just wait and see, because it's still too early to tell. You can always go through the above process later if it becomes clear that RP2 updates are such a significant problem, and you can update some smaller packs without it if such a strong demand for instant updates is there. Some impatient people will complain, but everyone gets to keep their save, or if RP2 is ultimately replaced, can keep using FTB confident that the modpack will only be changed if absolutely necessary, so restarting / remaking will be a one-time ordeal.
Of course the best of all worlds is that Elo either releases an update sooner than expected, or finally announces that she has in fact retired and passes on the mod to a new person who is more communicative, updates more frequently, open-sources the mod, and adds an API.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I highly doubt she would pass on the mod. Something tells me she will let it pass on and leave MC modding or just keep the mod to herself. Smart for her imo.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@13552, Eloraam will never pass on Redpower 2. It will die with her.

lol. I can still dream...

Eventually it will get replaced. I don't think now is the time yet though. At least, not until we have another pipe system like tubes (and/or logistics pipes), and a full replacement for frames (closest thing is Ugocraft, but it's out of date and doesn't offer as much functionality)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its a nice dream but she has always taken the position that it is her baby and she would never let anyone else touch it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ty for the link.

No problem.

I'm not saying Elo is a shining example of modding's best practices, or that we can't complain about it. There's really two situations:
  • Option 1: Try and remove RP2. This means most people will have to restart, those that don't will have to make significant changes to their world or just not update. The primary means of mining for a lot of people will be gone, and the tubes you used to use for machines will also be gone. Until another mod replaces redpower 2, you're left with still good but not quite as much so buildcraft pipes (remember, no logistics pipes yet). A lot of people will simply not update. Additionally, this creates a ton more work for the pack creators who now have to run around finding replacement mods in the hopes of rebuilding what they can of RP2's functionality, or on mod makers to try and add features. Chances are an RP2 update will come out anyway after this process is done.
  • Option 2: Just wait and see, because it's still too early to tell. You can always go through the above process later if it becomes clear that RP2 updates are such a significant problem, and you can update some smaller packs without it if such a strong demand for instant updates is there. Some impatient people will complain, but everyone gets to keep their save, or if RP2 is ultimately replaced, can keep using FTB confident that the modpack will only be changed if absolutely necessary, so restarting / remaking will be a one-time ordeal.
Of course the best of all worlds is that Elo either releases an update sooner than expected, or finally announces that she has in fact retired and passes on the mod to a new person who is more communicative, updates more frequently, open-sources the mod, and adds an API.

Agreed that it's not time yet, but it's been long enough that it's time to start thinking about it. There are many mods that are already replacing pieces of RP2. And yes, just pieces. There is no one mod that replaces all of RP2, because frankly, RP2 is a huge mod that covers a lot of ground. However, it's one mod. One mod does not equal all of FTB. It would suck, but if the choice was stay at 1.4.7 when MC is at 1.6, let's say, or drop RP2, then there is no question that RP2 should be dropped. I even say drop RP2 if everyone else is ready for 1.5.1. That hasn't happened yet, though - but it looks like that's the way it's heading.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It maybe one mod but imagine the mess it would cause in worlds with built up cities, all those microblocks disappearing .....

Anyway you're all jumping the gun, sit back, relax and let FTB worry about it, people need to stop getting so wound up over this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't bother reading much of the bile and vitreol that has gone on in the last couple of pages... but just to say this: a canvas bag duping trick is not a game breaking bug, nor is a blockbreaker/autocrafting table.
If you've found "GAAAAAME BREAKIN BUGS!!!" then either put name to them or shut the fuck up about them
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didn't bother reading much of the bile and vitreol that has gone on in the last couple of pages... but just to say this: a canvas bag duping trick is not a game breaking bug, nor is a blockbreaker/autocrafting table.
If you've found "GAAAAAME BREAKIN BUGS!!!" then either put name to them or shut the fuck up about them

Dupe bug is not a game breaking bug? For real? Then what it is? A feature? Just like right clicking the timer with a block? Or the FPS lag?

Why are there so much question marks in this reply?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it's a bug, but hardly game breaking. I didn't even know it existed until I saw someone mention it on these forums and even since then I have not used it. There is more FPS lag to be found in Railcraft and Gregtech than there is on Redpower and yeah I'll grant you that you should be careful when using timers but once you actually know that the bug exists you shouldn't be retarded enough to do it again.

I'd not call any of those game breaking.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you are just arguing semantics, over the definition of game breaking, to be precise. It's certainly a bug, but as to whether it ruins the game or not, well that's for each person themselves to decide.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is what I call a REAL mod maker:


This too (look at the time of the quote and the time of the response + bugfix)


it's a bug, but hardly game breaking. I didn't even know it existed until I saw someone mention it on these forums and even since then I have not used it. There is more FPS lag to be found in Railcraft and Gregtech than there is on Redpower and yeah I'll grant you that you should be careful when using timers but once you actually know that the bug exists you shouldn't be retarded enough to do it again.

I'd not call any of those game breaking.

I'm not here to remember every 5 seconds not to have a block in my hotbar when clicking certain blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then someone that sings a song is automatically a singer? By your logic, call me fireman, singer, actor...