RedPower for FTB 1.5

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not quite sure. There's too much for me to keep up on, so I mostly just hang around here, but I will pop over to MCF now and again. I don't go on the IC2 forums, though, unless I'm looking up info on Nuclear Reactors because they confuse me :p
yea, I come on here with "20 Alerts" and I'm all *uhgegegege* and then I realize it was multiple quotes or likes from a thread, but I still end up spending hours on these threads :p

power crystals

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Powercrystals does pop in now and again. I think he's more active on his MCF thread, so even though it's not here, he seems to listen, which is good, obviously. I understand what you mean, though. Maybe the complexity of a mod does mean that they have to set themselves a little aside because if they listened to everyone, they wouldn't be able to work on the mod :p
For probably obvious reasons my own thread is a higher priority for me to read than these forums (plus everything relevant to me is conveniently in one place) but I do occasionally read this and the FTB general forums to see if there's anything I should comment on. If you want to get my attention though, my MCF thread or my IRC (I'm around in the evenings) are much more reliable.

Also as someone mentioned it, the MFR logic stuff was entered into the betas last night. It's not done yet, but the basics all work. (If you do try this, make sure you get the beta PC Core too). I only sat on it for so long because I wanted to get the minor stuff in 2.4.x out first.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
People here really think eloraam is some kind of God.
I really would like to know what eloraam did to you. I mean in just about any topic that only as much as mentions Redpower2, one can literally count the seconds it takes you to show up, foaming at the mouth and try to bring everyone and their uncle to install some alternative mods, preferably with a subliminal "That'll teach her!" message attached.

Did she rebuff you or something? Because the way you act, you seem really bitter.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really would like to know what eloraam did to you. I mean in just about any topic that only as much as mentions Redpower2, one can literally count the seconds it takes you to show up, foaming at the mouth and try to bring everyone and their uncle to install some alternative mods, preferably with a subliminal "That'll teach her!" message attached.

Did she rebuff you or something? Because the way you act, you seem really bitter.

I think you're reading more into his messages than you should. He's only reacting to people who somehow feel that RP2 has some kind of status that sets it apart from other mods. Sure it's a core mod but that doesn't mean it can't be removed if it's somehow not updated.

I don't understand why people think it's "respectless" to even suggest that Eloraam might not feel like keeping the mod up to date anymore. Seems rather matter-of-factly to me really. I can't blame her for getting bored with it. But if that's the case it's better for her to just say so and move on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For probably obvious reasons my own thread is a higher priority for me to read than these forums (plus everything relevant to me is conveniently in one place) but I do occasionally read this and the FTB general forums to see if there's anything I should comment on. If you want to get my attention though, my MCF thread or my IRC (I'm around in the evenings) are much more reliable.

Also as someone mentioned it, the MFR logic stuff was entered into the betas last night. It's not done yet, but the basics all work. (If you do try this, make sure you get the beta PC Core too). I only sat on it for so long because I wanted to get the minor stuff in 2.4.x out first.

Yea, that's why I mentioned MCF, and yes, it does make a lot of sense why you would be there the most. Thanks for popping in, though. This is exactly what I was talking about with King Lemming and other mod authors like yourself - you communicate with the community, and I and others definitely appreciate it.

I also agree with Hydra. Elo and RP2 always sparks a debate. It doesn't matter what is said. People look to her with a sense of idolatry for some reason that I just cannot understand. RP2 is a great mod. I'd hate to see it go. But let's face facts - it's currently outdated, full of game breaking bugs, and the author is nowhere to be seen. Let's also keep in mind that she has a history of doing this. To consider dropping RP2 in the future is not unreasonable at all. In fact, it would be unreasonable to think of keeping it if it does come down to RP2 being the hold out for the rest of a pack to update. Splitting the packs to a "classic" version is an option, but also keep in mind that's more upkeep for the FTB team. But we'll see. Maybe she'll finally release an update and/or fix for it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Machinemuse is also a girl, and I don't see people here being paladins of her.
It's not really about being a girl. It's mainly about the popularity of RP2. It's not a fun mod. It's a utility mod that serves to make fun stuff function. It's seen as more important than other mods because of this.

There really isn't any other mod that is in Rp2's position, which is why people have very emotional/dramatic responses.

While people love discussing this to death, the current situation is this:

-Eloraam is MIA, no clue when she will be back or if RP2 will ever be updated.
-People are looking for Rp2 replacements so we can update to 1.5.1.
-PowerCrystals seems to be the only one with a reliable method(And skills) to make a replacement for the functionality that RP2 provides.

Anything else is speculation, and fairly pointless.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am surprised this thead hit five pages. From the looks of things Elo goes about two to three months of being silent then posts. Her last post was in Feb., before that it was Dec. I am suspecting around May to June we will hear from her. Her blog has a space of six months but her twitter shows some decent posts about every month. So it isn't like she poofles for stretches of time. Seems like three months is about average. So hang on little buddies as things will be fine. ^_^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, Retro has a point. Let's have this discussion after 6 months with no updates.

I don't get people saying that "RP2 is outdated" because it didn't instantly update to 1.5, especially considering how 1.5 changed the redstone system considerably. I mean playing with mods (and especially a big modpack) means you're going to be a few months behind vanilla minecraft in updates, deal with it. Is 1.4.7 not fun for you anymore? Do you just need the command block and comparator that bad and can't wait a little bit? Sure other mods have cool stuff in their new versions, but that's still coming: it's not like we're just going to stay at 1.4.7 forever, just a little bit longer.

There's always going to be a mod that is the last to update, and as long as it's within a few months then I don't see the big deal. Especially such an important mod as RP2, with all of the things it adds, there really is no replacement (yes certain parts have replacements, but overall nothing really competes with it, especially for frames). And I would rather wait a bit longer for quality mods and a stable modpack than have the modpack changing (and having to regen / change my world) every single version because some mod didn't update within an arbitrary short timeframe. Or would you prefer modmakers be pressured to rush things out unfinished just to meet a deadline?

I appreciate modders who do update quickly, and I'm not trying to defend Elo (I actually don't like the way she manages her mod), I'm just saying that having the community demand instant updates or constant feedback from modmakers, and being impatient about those mods who do need some time because of significant changes, is probably not a good practice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, Retro has a point. Let's have this discussion after 6 months with no updates.

I don't get people saying that "RP2 is outdated" because it didn't instantly update to 1.5, especially considering how 1.5 changed the redstone system considerably. I mean playing with mods (and especially a big modpack) means you're going to be a few months behind vanilla minecraft in updates, deal with it. Is 1.4.7 not fun for you anymore? Do you just need the command block and comparator that bad and can't wait a little bit? Sure other mods have cool stuff in their new versions, but that's still coming: it's not like we're just going to stay at 1.4.7 forever, just a little bit longer.

There's always going to be a mod that is the last to update, and as long as it's within a few months then I don't see the big deal. Especially such an important mod as RP2, with all of the things it adds, there really is no replacement (yes certain parts have replacements, but overall nothing really competes with it, especially for frames). And I would rather wait a bit longer for quality mods and a stable modpack than have the modpack changing (and having to regen / change my world) every single version because some mod didn't update within an arbitrary short timeframe. Or would you prefer modmakers be pressured to rush things out unfinished just to meet a deadline?

I appreciate modders who do update quickly, and I'm not trying to defend Elo (I actually don't like the way she manages her mod), I'm just saying that having the community demand instant updates or constant feedback from modmakers, and being impatient about those mods who do need some time because of significant changes, is probably not a good practice.

You are terribly misinformed.

In a few weeks we will reach the time where its been one year with only 1 update from eloraam. 05/20/2012 was the last update before the 1.4.6/7 PATCH. Pr6 was released December 20th, 2012. This is roughly 5 months ago. Close to 6 months. This had horrible gamebreaking bugs, multiple duping glitches, and I never even played during this time. Someone (Third party) released an emergency fix and thats the only reason its even working with 1.4.

There is no other mod where the author vanishes for 2-4 months at a time with zero communication why. (Any reasons people have given are pure speculation). If this was thaumcraft there would be zero discussion. It would be removed until it was updated.

6 months? Try rephrasing that. Do you have any day how much can change in 6 months? You really need to adjust the timescale you are working with. No one is demanding "Constant feed, instant updates, or being impatient" - People just want to know if she is ALIVE. If so, if she gives a shit about minecraft. There are 20+ mod authors that handle the average speed of mod development. Many of them with full time jobs. Don't act like this is normal. "there is always one mod" - Yes. With each minecraft update there has always been at least one mod that was slow to update. Very slow in fact.

That mod has always been RP2. You seem to be thinkinking anyone is discussing just discarding Rp2 and moving on. No. No one is saying that. We are here discussing ways to make a functional modpack WITHOUT Rp2.

Does no one fucking understand that? There's about 1 person every page that says this same damn thing. Acting like we are all demonizing Eloraam and shouting for RP2 to be deleted and move on immediately. Its getting extremely annoying.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, Retro has a point. Let's have this discussion after 6 months with no updates.

I don't get people saying that "RP2 is outdated" because it didn't instantly update to 1.5, especially considering how 1.5 changed the redstone system considerably. I mean playing with mods (and especially a big modpack) means you're going to be a few months behind vanilla minecraft in updates, deal with it. Is 1.4.7 not fun for you anymore? Do you just need the command block and comparator that bad and can't wait a little bit? Sure other mods have cool stuff in their new versions, but that's still coming: it's not like we're just going to stay at 1.4.7 forever, just a little bit longer.

There's always going to be a mod that is the last to update, and as long as it's within a few months then I don't see the big deal. Especially such an important mod as RP2, with all of the things it adds, there really is no replacement (yes certain parts have replacements, but overall nothing really competes with it, especially for frames). And I would rather wait a bit longer for quality mods and a stable modpack than have the modpack changing (and having to regen / change my world) every single version because some mod didn't update within an arbitrary short timeframe. Or would you prefer modmakers be pressured to rush things out unfinished just to meet a deadline?

I appreciate modders who do update quickly, and I'm not trying to defend Elo (I actually don't like the way she manages her mod), I'm just saying that having the community demand instant updates or constant feedback from modmakers, and being impatient about those mods who do need some time because of significant changes, is probably not a good practice.

RP2 doesn't even work properly for 1.4.6. It works in 1.4.7 because there weren't many changes to the core, but the fact remains that it still contains game-breaking bugs. That's what I meant by being outdated. And no one is asking for constant feedback - personally I like when authors will do that, but it's certainly not a requirement. Elo likes to disappear for months. That's not cool. If her own testers don't even know if she's alive, that's a problem.

No one is being pressured to do anything - the other mod authors work at their own pace. She is the slowest and more importantly least communicative. If everyone else is updated to 1.5.1, then she would be the holdout. With that said, it's only been about a month, so I definitely agree she deserves more time, but given her history, she will be out of touch and then maybe spring a 1.5 update on us in the 11th hour. There are also other mods that haven't updated yet (Railcraft, Soul Shards, a few more) so she's not the only one behind.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's been two months since elo sent out the tweet on Feb 19th. 5/6 months since PR6, and 11 months since 5b2.

Ideally she's been living in a hole working furiously to make a bunch of improvements, but if that was the case someone would have seen her.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's been two months since elo sent out the tweet on Feb 19th.

Ideally she's been living in a hole working furiously to make a bunch of improvements, but if that was the case someone would have seen her.

At least her testers, you'd think, and even they haven't.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Railcraft is working on textures but for the most part it is 1.5.1 ready. ShadwDrgn posted in March and is probably working on Shards. Elo sometimes posts once a month on twiiter with the longest stretch being Last summer for two months (posted in May but then posted in August). So communication isn't her problem. Beyond that I am assuming that RP is being worked on.

If FTB puts out a modpack without Rp that is cool. I have a good feeling she will be ready before 1.6 hits. Then hopefully Mojang doesn't do much until say..October.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Talking about replacements I see King Lemming maybe adding lamps to TE, either that or he forgot he put that texture in the latest 1.5 version :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Railcraft is working on textures but for the most part it is 1.5.1 ready. ShadwDrgn posted in March and is probably working on Shards. Elo sometimes posts once a month on twiiter with the longest stretch being Last summer for two months (posted in May but then posted in August). So communication isn't her problem. Beyond that I am assuming that RP is being worked on.

If FTB puts out a modpack without Rp that is cool. I have a good feeling she will be ready before 1.6 hits. Then hopefully Mojang doesn't do much until say..October.

1. May to August is 3 months, not 2.
2. Her testers have not heard from her in 2 months. I don't care if she doesn't send out a tweet in a while. I don't need a neon sign either, but to say that communication is not the problem is flat out inaccurate.
3. It has been almost a year since RP2 has been updated aside from a quick patch that didn't fix gaping holes in the mod and even that was 5 or 6 months ago.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Elo sometimes posts once a month on twiiter with the longest stretch being Last summer for two months (posted in May but then posted in August). So communication isn't her problem. Beyond that I am assuming that RP is being worked on..

Elo's twitter history is (From 2012) Consistent communication from January-March. Missing for 1 month, then releases PR5. Missing for 1 month, 5b2 is released. Elo vanishes for 2.5-3 months and says in august that she will be porting RP to 1.3. One tweet then vanishes until September to report that all things are steady. Again, missing for 1 month then says everything will be updated for 1.4.2. Roughly one tweet a month until December 20th, and she updates for Forge 491. Vanishes with zero communication until February 19th with the tweets you see. She says she is back on full time. No beta testers have heard from her since this, and there is no communication since then as to why she is gone. The last real update was the 1.2.5 update almost a year ago.

In the previous times she left the internet she usually gave a reason. If not, there wasn't any panic and no 5 page threads every day on the MC forums. Right now there is a constant discussion about dropping her mod completely and multiple mod authors are replicating her mods purposes/functions.

The main reason people are concerned is because in the past when she was working on a big update she usually posted pictures/beta testers gave feedback/etc. This time it is completely silent.

This is very similar to her last time vanishing for roughly 3 months last summer (Almost identical, actually) so I honestly hope she will come back.