RedPower for FTB 1.5


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been hearing rumors that RedPower is being abandoned. I was wondering weather or not his was true as it it one of my favorite mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well, minefactory reloaded will have red alloy wire-like cables, immibis microblocks work with every mod in existance, and if it doesn't exist, add it to the config, applied energestics is the best way to sort items, gregtech has a 0 lag timer, powercraft has more gates than redpower, and I think someone is working on a 1.5 mod like redpower but with no lag.

ps: signature.

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its speculation, arising from a few factors:
  • Elo is a very private person -- though some would argue she is simply poor at communicating with the user community - to the extent there isnt even a feedback channel to report RP bugs
  • There have been several celebrity mod-makers and LP-ers who have expressed doubts about RP's inclusion in future packs, and even encouraged new/existing mods to replace the functionality in RP.
  • She is the sole developer of her product who does not appear to actively engage or collaborate with the development community
  • She has has produced some excellent blocks and systems - which most players rely on in their world/builds. naturally, this single point sensisitivity makes people nervous.
So if the thought of uninstalling Redpower from your world causes distress, imagine how the above factors plays on peoples minds.

IF Elo ever abandons Redpower, most people I speak to doubt she will hand it over to anyone else. It will simply become a side-project that will slowly sink into the quicksand.

I love my RedPower sorting setup, and so many of her blocks ... but the though of having to leave it behind because its no longer keeping up with current versions frightens me a little. What will become of my little Basalt and Marble base *sniff*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't play with RP but I generally am all down for nuking mods that cannot keep up to date. I mean how much can people wait for a single mod to be updated, especially when others mods get updated and add new stuff... Of course I could be extremely wrong since people continued playing the 1.2.5 RP right up until it went 1.4.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm gonna be harsh here, but she doesn't read this anyway so I won't hurt her feelings..
But RP has to go. If other mods can somewhat cover what RP does then i'd be more then happy because many people now depend there builds solely on RP and Elo isn't exactly up to it I feel
and when I look at the progressions on 1.5.1 I can already tell RP will drag the waiting time just like before. And normally I would be ok with this, well, I should be, its bloody free, but you catch my drift,
but now that maybe other mods can handle the same stuff RP offered i'd jump on it mainly because they all work individually, they have less problems and are more keen to polish, all of these people working
' at the same time ' meaning mod updates will happen ' twice as fast '..

I respect Elo wanting a private life, and she wants to keep her product close to her heart, but now, you hear nothing from her for months and that is not really going to work, some public relations would be nice
and maybe even a coding buddy to keep up with the pace, and if she quits release the code which i don't see her doing either. So if other mods can pick up the pieces to make FTB as a whole more reliable..
that would be great. And this all probably sounds like being an ungratefully s.o.a.b. for all the enjoyment she has given us in the past.. but with fame comes some level of responsibility I would argue, and if you
can't do that.. then maybe its time to move on?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This has been discussed before. RedPower, even with all the bugs and shoddy release schedule is still a great mod with ( until now ) unique functionality. The real issue is the fact that this has happened before and we simply don't know how long will it take to update or if the update will fix the various bugs. This lack of communication combined with other mod authors adding new features with the 1.5 update ( which in itself doesn't really add anything worthwhile to modded Minecraft ) puts some pressure on the pack authors since people obviously want to play the new and fresh things.

I don't think anyone who ever used Red Alloy Wires, even if they are the only thing they used from the mod really wants to see RedPower go. But there's a lot of frustration in the community regarding it and since some of the functionality is starting to get replaced only time ( and probably some degree of politics ) will tell if the mod pack creators will choose to pull the trigger on it or wait an indefinite period for any updates or news.

On the other hand, unless one of the packs update and a significant percent of userbase migrates to that, it's hard to see this being too important. This is unlikely to happen ( of course the possibility rises the longer packs wait ) since most mod packs are used by Youtube personalities and their fanbase, there's an established community around each one. Also many people don't know how to make their own pack, so they will have to wait until someone does it for them.

Is there an opportunity for another pack to become massively popular because they dropped RP and updated to 1.5 as soon as all the mods people consider to be "core" are ready? Maybe, if they can get permissions. It's unlikely though and most conversations around 1.5 and RedPower are farts in the wind since it's totally possible to have a an alternate Ultimate version with 1.5 but without RP when the "core" mods are ready.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, I am offended by some of the comments here. Yes, RP2 is slow at updates but also know every mod dev is having a hard time porting their mod over to 1.5. Elo doesnt have to work on the mod at all but she does, even for many ungrateful people that are here right now. To me, I do believe she should make RP2 open source because she would get more support, but would she? I doubt it. She been working on RP2 even after 1.3 broke many of the mods.1.5 broke many of the mods who do alot of heavy rendering and who knows, she may be working on it as we speak. If you all dont like waiting, make your own RP2 replacement and shut up complaining. Be grateful she even made it.

RP2 do require alot do fixes, but even then, the original is better than alternative out there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does no one use the sickle and the project table? I would have a hard time giving up RP just because of those. If another mod implements red wire, gates, timers, and sorting machines that is great, but don't forget about the canvas bags, the sickle, the project table, the marble, and the basalt.

power crystals

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm going to take this moment to be a tease and say that either today or tomorrow I am going to announce somethig related to this that is probably even cooler than the wire. It is in fact so cool that I keep looking at it and going "wow, this actually works". I'm just waiting on the artists to catch up to the pace I code at.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, I am offended by some of the comments here. Yes, RP2 is slow at updates but also know every mod dev is having a hard time porting their mod over to 1.5. Elo doesnt have to work on the mod at all but she does, even for many ungrateful people that are here right now. To me, I do believe she should make RP2 open source because she would get more support, but would she? I doubt it. She been working on RP2 even after 1.3 broke many of the mods.1.5 broke many of the mods who do alot of heavy rendering and who knows, she may be working on it as we speak. If you all dont like waiting, make your own RP2 replacement and shut up complaining. Be grateful she even made it.

RP2 do require alot do fixes, but even then, the original is better than alternative out there.

That argument doesn't hold water when we have a TON of mods that *are* updating for 1.5. Yes, RP2 is a huge mod, and it's very understandable that it is a huge undertaking to update it to 1.5. However, I think the biggest "issue" that people have is that there is a complete lack of communication on Elo's part. If she would tweet that she's working on it, it would definitely extend the amount of time until people become impatient again. Yes RP2 is free, yes Elo works on it (or has) in her spare time, but you know what? So do the rest of the mod makers, yet we have a better idea of where they are at with 1.5 compatibility. That's the key.

Another point that gets brought up often and I feel is a very valid concern - how long do we wait if everyone else is ready? This has happened before, and it dragged the release of packs. I think the FTB community in general doesn't want to see that happen again. If 55/60 mods are all updated for 1.5, do we wait 6 months, 9 months, a year for the other 5? How is that fair to the other mod makers who spent *their* hard-earned time making sure they have a more frequent update schedule and getting things to us in a timely manner? The answer is, it's not. You drop the mods that have not updated in what would be considered a "reasonable" amount of time. Keep in mind, the pack makers have a lot of work to do resolving ID conflicts and making sure everything plays nice together. They need time to do that. If we're waiting for an updated release, that means more time we have to wait, and that's not fair to the community as a whole.

/rant :p

BTW, this is no means a crack at Elo. I'm just trying to be realistic and express what my opinion on what would be fair to the most amount of people.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does no one use the sickle and the project table? I would have a hard time giving up RP just because of those. If another mod implements red wire, gates, timers, and sorting machines that is great, but don't forget about the canvas bags, the sickle, the project table, the marble, and the basalt.

canvas bags? forestry backpacks, ender pouches and alchemical bags of the next updates of EE3
Project table? Fabricator
marble? vanilla quartz
the sickle yes, and the basalt a retexture.

I do like redpower, you know, frames, tube frames, redstone tube frames... and frames!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, I am offended by some of the comments here. Yes, RP2 is slow at updates but also know every mod dev is having a hard time porting their mod over to 1.5. Elo doesnt have to work on the mod at all but she does, even for many ungrateful people that are here right now. To me, I do believe she should make RP2 open source because she would get more support, but would she? I doubt it. She been working on RP2 even after 1.3 broke many of the mods.1.5 broke many of the mods who do alot of heavy rendering and who knows, she may be working on it as we speak. If you all dont like waiting, make your own RP2 replacement and shut up complaining. Be grateful she even made it.

RP2 do require alot do fixes, but even then, the original is better than alternative out there.
Dude.. wow. It's not that it's slow to update, it's that NOBODY has heard from Eloraam, from what I heard, about 2 months ago she said she would be gone for a few days, and nothing has been heard since. Also, being that her permisison is required for anybody to take over the mod. It's dead until she returns. Besides, nobody here is complaining, we're discussing replacement mods. of which there are many, less buggy, more frequently updated variants.
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hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the easiest way is: keep a 1.4.7 modpack available.

in the case that there is NO RP2 update for 1.5:

everyone who wants to carry on, just carries on, the modpacks keep updating, RP2 drops out of the pack.

for those, who like RP2 so much, they can stay at the 1.4.7 pack, with the latest 1.4.7 updates for the other mods (and since there are no further updates, the pack is actually maintainance free)...

if the modpacks stay on 1.4.7 till there is a 1.5 update for RP2 (if there is one someday) it could also mean, that other users who hate waiting just move on to other packs. wouldn't be the first time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dude.. wow. It's not that it's slow to update, it's that NOBODY has heard from Eloraam, from what I heard, about 2 months ago she said she would be gone for a few days, and nothing has been heard since. Also, being that her permisison is required for anybody to take over the mod. It's dead until she returns. Besides, nobody here is complaining, we're discussing replacement mods. of which there are many, less buggy, more frequently updated variants.

Replacing it wont help them who already relies on the world gen. She been gone for months before in the past after the update from 1.2.5 to 1.3 but yet she still kept going. Not every mod have what rp2 have but i do agree that there should be more updates to rp2. No mod currently can replace every machine rp2 has and will likely break (break as in mess up alot of builds, etc) servers and maps that uses rp2 and its machines unless one is willing to start everything over. Yes, we all need to prepare if we would likely have to move on like most did after 1.2.5.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a personal aside here I am going to say this. Take into consideration that it takes what at least four other mods to come close to what RP2 does. Think about that for a moment. Four combined mods, maybe more, are needed to compare to what RP2 does. Yes I know RP2 is several mods in itself but I don't see the four mods joining up, in compatability.

Unless something blows up I am willing to wait for RP2.

hotblack desiato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
but is this because of her unique abilities of creating a mod, or is it because other mod authors usually don't want to copy existing mods (since it is a bit of wasted time, if a someone tries to reinvent the wheel)?

and the usual opinion in several RP2-related threads is: people are sick of waiting for a mod author, who keeps absolute radio silence, when everyone wants to know, if there will be a new version.

yes, there are people, who are willing to wait, like you. but you can't blame the others who aren't willing to wait...