RedPower for FTB 1.5

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Incorrect. Every texture needs decompiling and recompiling. Seperately. For EVERY SINGLE ITEM! The update is huge for something like RP2, so how about instead of blowing smoke up your ass with fallacies you invent and call facts, you actually use your brain and find out real facts.
... decompile and recompile a texture. That's not how they work, buddy. It'd be trivial to slice up the sprite sheet RP2 uses, the real "grunt work" is renaming (to fit the new scheme) and using the new method to assign textures. Which every other mod author who updated their work from 1.4.x to 1.5.x had to do.

Also are you laboring under some idea that each microblock has its own individual texture?

Heres another fact, mods like Soul Shards, Railcraft, Forestry aren't done yet. Why aren't you crying about those?
Soul Shards aside, these mods have 1.5.1 beta versions (Forestry) or have a developer still communicating with the player base (and posting 1.5.1 update progress reports).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
... decompile and recompile a texture. That's not how they work, buddy. It'd be trivial to slice up the sprite sheet RP2 uses, the real "grunt work" is renaming (to fit the new scheme) and using the new method to assign textures. Which every other mod author who updated their work from 1.4.x to 1.5.x had to do.

Also are you laboring under some idea that each microblock has its own individual texture?

Soul Shards aside, these mods have 1.5.1 beta versions (Forestry) or have a developer still communicating with the player base (and posting 1.5.1 update progress reports).
yeah tbh I have no idea about modding at all, just going by what a Mod Author is saying.
Link to vid where I heard this:
Oh and probably used the wrong words, my bad.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could use BC pipes, sure. Or you could use AE and route everything right into the ME system which is exceptionally versatile.

Why does nobody ever mention trains :(

In some of my singleplayer worlds I've actually been using carts and item loaders/unloaders from railcraft to move and sort stuff pretty much to the exclusion of everything else. Combine it with Steve's Carts for even more win.

That said, the feature from RP2 that I'd miss most would be liquid grates. I love being able to move water sourceblocks around automatically, filling my IC2 watermill farms without me having to bucket it all. That said, I've been frustrated with RP2 for a while and if minefactory's new cables are as good as they look from what I've read that might be the final nail in the coffin where my singleplayer worlds are concerned.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as I wrote before: it shouldn't be a problem to split one or two packs into "classic-rp2" and "new". the new package doesn't contain rp2, the classic package does.

there is just the issue, that more and more mods contain own implementations of the original rp2-ideas. so, one day, it could happen, that rp2 is just redundand. everything from rp2 is in other mods, and with active modders and active communities, these ideas evolve.

true, every modder does his mods just as a hobby, and playing minecraft is a hobby too. so, no one should force players to actively wait for a certain mod. everyone has to choose for himself.

so just because a mod doesn't update we need to do a shitload of different packs instead of just dropping it?

People here really think eloraam is some kind of God.[DOUBLEPOST=1365849690][/DOUBLEPOST]
Incorrect. Every texture needs decompiling and recompiling. Seperately. For EVERY SINGLE ITEM! The update is huge for something like RP2, so how about instead of blowing smoke up your ass with fallacies you invent and call facts, you actually use your brain and find out real facts.

then holly shit Immibis is fast, because his shitload of microblocks are already updated...


Forum Addict
Jan 6, 2013
yeah tbh I have no idea about modding at all...
then holly shit Immibis is fast, because his shitload of microblocks are already updated...
Microblokcs dont have individual textures! They use existing block-textures. Textures can be done in few seconds, so there is "just" shitload of coding.(also decompile-compile process is for code=java/class files not images)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While many people will not like what I say next, it is a short list of very simple facts...

1. Redpower is Eloraam's hobby, not her job... she has a very demanding job IRL, and it is totally understandable if she has no time to continue with redpower at the moment.

2. Redpower's code belongs wholly to Eloraam, it's her choice what she does with that code, If she were to decide to throw in the towel, and give up redpower totally, its entirely her right to do so. She does not have to hand the code to anyone else. She does not even have to give us a version of bug free version of redpower for 1.4.6.

3. Eloraam does not owe ANYONE even a single millisecond of her time, beyond what she chooses to grant. If she chooses not to tweet, that is entirely her prerogative.

If, in the sad event, Eloraam has decided to abandon redpower, then I send her my grateful thanks for all the time she has given us, the hours of fun I have been given from using her mod.

If, however, she is out there, quietly working on redpower for minecraft 1.5.1, then I offer her my continued support and quiet patience, and will happily keep a space in my 1.5.1 instances ready for redpower to fill, when Eloraam is ready.


Eloraam, a massive thank you, for all the time you have given us in the past, and please, please do whatever you feel is right and necessary for yourself both now and in the future... You do not owe anyone but yourself your time.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While many people will not like what I say next, it is a short list of very simple facts...

1. Redpower is Eloraam's hobby, not her job... she has a very demanding job IRL, and it is totally understandable if she has no time to continue with redpower at the moment.

2. Redpower's code belongs wholly to Eloraam, it's her choice what she does with that code, If she were to decide to throw in the towel, and give up redpower totally, its entirely her right to do so. She does not have to hand the code to anyone else. She does not even have to give us a version of bug free version of redpower for 1.4.6.

3. Eloraam does not owe ANYONE even a single millisecond of her time, beyond what she chooses to grant. If she chooses not to tweet, that is entirely her prerogative.

If, in the sad event, Eloraam has decided to abandon redpower, then I send her my grateful thanks for all the time she has given us, the hours of fun I have been given from using her mod.

If, however, she is out there, quietly working on redpower for minecraft 1.5.1, then I offer her my continued support and quiet patience, and will happily keep a space in my 1.5.1 instances ready for redpower to fill, when Eloraam is ready.


Eloraam, a massive thank you, for all the time you have given us in the past, and please, please do whatever you feel is right and necessary for yourself both now and in the future... You do not owe anyone but yourself your time.

eloraam's paladin much? we already know all that stuff, but you know, just because its a hobby doesn't mean you need to hate the community you are giving your work to


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
eloraam's paladin much? we already know all that stuff, but you know, just because its a hobby doesn't mean you need to hate the community you are giving your work to

"Commune: A group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities."

Eloraam shares her time, and skill... I share my gratitude and patience... what do you share?

As for your signature... you waited 9 months when there were alternatives... kindly name those alternatives?

I'm currently aware of 4 logic mods, besides redpower, these are:
Power Crystals' Rednet, part of MFR... publically confirmed on april 3rd 2013... 10 days ago.
Brimans Logical Engineering... still being worked on. #LogicalEngineering
Redstone Logic... St Germain and co. seem to have given up before they even got a single block working, let alone any logic.
Greenwire... still 1.2.5, author working on 1.4 version afaik.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
...*sees RP2 1.5 thread*

Forestry is dead!
Such a useless mod and sirsengir doesn't update enough blah blah
Loads of good alternatives that are already updated that can easily replace this mod and it won't really effect much.
Should just be removed from FTB

Oh and rail craft is annoying and stupid. Rather use the vanilla crafting so much more fun.
And, what if there was something in the FTB Launcher that allowed you to easily add and remove mods? Then you could get rid of that pesky Railcraft. Who needs more rails?! And who needs bees and new trees? Not this guy!

Personally, I wouldn't like a mod that added Termites that lived in Termite Holes around the land and were put into Termite Farms that produced things that could get you a ton of items. Because that's what I can see replacing Forestry. And it'd be pretty hilarious.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Commune: A group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities."

Eloraam shares her time, and skill... I share my gratitude and patience... what do you share?

As for your signature... you waited 9 months when there were alternatives... kindly name those alternatives?

I'm currently aware of 4 logic mods, besides redpower, these are:
Power Crystals' Rednet, part of MFR... publically confirmed on april 3rd 2013... 10 days ago.
Brimans Logical Engineering... still being worked on. #LogicalEngineering
Redstone Logic... St Germain and co. seem to have given up before they even got a single block working, let alone any logic.
Greenwire... still 1.2.5, author working on 1.4 version afaik.

Powercraft, more gates than redpower.

immibis microblocks: have more types of microblocks, work with every mod in existence, and if it doesn't, add it to the config, had some bugs here and there but fixed in the next version (aka 2-3 days) instead of the next version (aka 5-9 months)

Applied energestics: better pipes and transportation

what about the second part of my signature? redpower's rellay lags like hell, along with the timer, which if you right click with a block in hand crashes the client, you can clone items with redpower's canvas bags, pick block a block (I don't remember which but was mentiones in the redpower's minecraft forum thread) corrupts your world.

want more?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Even though I share concerns about the future of RP2, making a thread like this is very much pointless though. We can discuss it all we want but the fact of the matter is; noone in the FTB mod making pack squad gives two flying fucks what you say. Slowpoke will do what slowpoke does, no point arguing about it unless you plan to make your own modpack in which case it doesn't really belong on this forum to begin with. For a very long time now i've seen people ( including myself ) making pleas to get the updates version of Logistic Pipes in the pack yet, even though the mod works flawlessly, it will never make it in because Slowpoke decides not to do it.
So.. discussing RP2 and maybe its replacements is just fueling people's despair or rage or whatever emotions they have about RP2 because it will never happen. RP2 will remain in the pack untill Elo announces she quits the mod.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Even though I share concerns about the future of RP2, making a thread like this is very much pointless though. We can discuss it all we want but the fact of the matter is; noone in the FTB mod making pack squad gives two flying fucks what you say. Slowpoke will do what slowpoke does, no point arguing about it unless you plan to make your own modpack in which case it doesn't really belong on this forum to begin with. For a very long time now i've seen people ( including myself ) making pleas to get the updates version of Logistic Pipes in the pack yet, even though the mod works flawlessly, it will never make it in because Slowpoke decides not to do it.
So.. discussing RP2 and maybe its replacements is just fueling people's despair or rage or whatever emotions they have about RP2 because it will never happen. RP2 will remain in the pack untill Elo announces she quits the mod.

The Logistic Pipes situation is different, though. That's a case of there already being an updated version and FTB being behind. Many here are concerned about the lack of communication Elo has had even with her own testers, so the *possibility* of dropping RP2 (and any other mods) that would be preventing a pack from updating. At the end of the day, you're right, and it's an exercise in futility for us to debate it because we don't make the decisions. It would be nice to know that someone who does have a say listens. And if nothing else, expressing our opinions, whether for keeping RP2 or not, also allows developers to get feedback. I know King Lemming is super super receptive to that kind of thing. It's unfortunate that every time a thread like this comes up, people have to get heated. I totally agree with you on that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If King Lemming king, I would be okay with that.:oops:

Then swear fealty to King Lemming! Haha. On a more serious note, I think developers that are receptive to getting feedback from the users is a very good thing. King Lemming is not the only example of that, but he's on here a lot, so he comes to mind first.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then swear fealty to King Lemming! Haha. On a more serious note, I think developers that are receptive to getting feedback from the users is a very good thing. King Lemming is not the only example of that, but he's on here a lot, so he comes to mind first.
Yes! MachineMuse and powercrystals too! King Lemming does spring to mind, too. You could hate KingLemming's mod (nobody...does--I use all the machines except that Glacial Precipitator :p), but you could not say you don't hate him as a person, who comes on these forums and listens to people and helps them out with his mod.
I don't feel that "connection" with RichardG, Eloraam, Anazor, and the others. Even though those are great mods, I can't feel like I am part of the mod.
Heck, that's why I joined these forums! Knowing that people will listen and respect my opinion is great! On the "New Launcher" thread, I made a suggestion that got a bunch of likes. People see it, and they listen, and, who knows, in the new launcher people could see my ideas!

Same thing with the mods. Even if I suggested to KingLemming a machine that turns water into gold at 2 mj/t and he says no because it's not balanced or the point of his mod, I'll feel good because he answered my question, and reasoned with me in why he doesn't want to add it. Now, if I could think of a good idea as an example (too bad he took all the good ones and added them into his mod), I wouldn't be surprised if he added it, or put it on his list of things to add!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes! MachineMuse and powercrystals too! King Lemming does spring to mind, too. You could hate KingLemming's mod (nobody...does--I use all the machines except that Glacial Precipitator :p), but you could not say you don't hate him as a person, who comes on these forums and listens to people and helps them out with his mod.
I don't feel that "connection" with RichardG, Eloraam, Anazor, and the others. Even though those are great mods, I can't feel like I am part of the mod.
Heck, that's why I joined these forums! Knowing that people will listen and respect my opinion is great! On the "New Launcher" thread, I made a suggestion that got a bunch of likes. People see it, and they listen, and, who knows, in the new launcher people could see my ideas!

Same thing with the mods. Even if I suggested to KingLemming a machine that turns water into gold at 2 mj/t and he says no because it's not balanced or the point of his mod, I'll feel good because he answered my question, and reasoned with me in why he doesn't want to add it. Now, if I could think of a good idea as an example (too bad he took all the good ones and added them into his mod), I wouldn't be surprised if he added it, or put it on his list of things to add!

I completely agree. There are some mod authors that are always on here looking for feedback and they listen. There is definitely something very rewarding about having that sort of relationship with someone who made something you use and love. Heck, even for mods that I don't happen to like, I still have a lot of respect for the authors that reach out to the users. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1366064798][/DOUBLEPOST]I should also include that I also agree there are other mod authors that I just don't feel that connection to because they don't seem to be a part of the "community" of FTB, and that's a shame.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I completely agree. There are some mod authors that are always on here looking for feedback and they listen. There is definitely something very rewarding about having that sort of relationship with someone who made something you use and love. Heck, even for mods that I don't happen to like, I still have a lot of respect for the authors that reach out to the users. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1366064798][/DOUBLEPOST]I should also include that I also agree there are other mod authors that I just don't feel that connection to because they don't seem to be a part of the "community" of FTB, and that's a shame.

Yes. Honestly, I've yet to get too far into MFR or even touch MPS (with my amount of mats? No way!). But they both look like great mods, and the people who make them are pretty amazing. Unfortunately, the bigger mods tend to get less...connection. Powercrystals isn't on too much, and TE and MPS feel like more niche mods to me. MPS is only super-tools, and TE is really only awesome automation and machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Powercrystals does pop in now and again. I think he's more active on his MCF thread, so even though it's not here, he seems to listen, which is good, obviously. I understand what you mean, though. Maybe the complexity of a mod does mean that they have to set themselves a little aside because if they listened to everyone, they wouldn't be able to work on the mod :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Powercrystals does pop in now and again. I think he's more active on his MCF thread, so even though it's not here, he seems to listen, which is good, obviously. I understand what you mean, though. Maybe the complexity of a mod does mean that they have to set themselves a little aside because if they listened to everyone, they wouldn't be able to work on the mod :p
Yea, I didn't even realize about MCF. I shouldn't be so biased to these forums, if these modders are conversing with the people who play the mod, I should be there too.
Doesn't greg listen to people, too? I know there's a thread in the IC2 forums he's on very often.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, I didn't even realize about MCF. I shouldn't be so biased to these forums, if these modders are conversing with the people who play the mod, I should be there too.
Doesn't greg listen to people, too? I know there's a thread in the IC2 forums he's on very often.

Not quite sure. There's too much for me to keep up on, so I mostly just hang around here, but I will pop over to MCF now and again. I don't go on the IC2 forums, though, unless I'm looking up info on Nuclear Reactors because they confuse me :p
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