Redpower 2 future in FTB?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fair enough, but you have to take into consideration that for every x = easy to give your userbase an update, there is at least an y=>x = reasons for not giving your userbase an update.
In other words, there might be an imaginable amount of reasons for her to just go an post something on twitter, there might also be an imaginable amount of reasons for her to be incapable of doing so. Alas, only time will tell. And until it does, the FTB team decides.

I actually agree with all of this. However, the only people that suffer if a mod author doesn't communicate in a timely manner are the FTB users. That's why I suggested a set of standards. Like some form of communications once every two weeks, or something like that.

We all know real life gets in the way. I don't think anyone will argue that. But either give to the community or don't. The choice is entirely theirs. But when other people are relying on at least hearing whether or not a mod is going to be updated so that they can work on releasing an updated pack, then you have a responsibility to keep the rest of the team aware of what's going on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where do you set your standard though? Of course 2 weeks might seem long when you consider relatively normal lifestyles. 2 weeks seems awefully short when considering travelling abroad (where internet might not be available) for whatever reason, or sitting in a hospital with family.

In an infinite amount of possibilities, trying to restrict where boundaries lie seems incredibly hard.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If everything in life has a cost why are you wasting it here on a forum? Go out and do something that can benefit the world. Find a cure for a major disease, end world hunger, wolve the puzzle of Stonehenge, find out what caused Bloop but don't sit in front of a computer talking about cost.

Maybe benefiting the world doesn't satisfy my personal needs? That's all fulfillment is, after all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fair enough, but you have to take into consideration that for every x = easy to give your userbase an update, there is at least an y=>x = reasons for not giving your userbase an update.
In other words, there might be an imaginable amount of reasons for her to just go an post something on twitter, there might also be an imaginable amount of reasons for her to be incapable of doing so. Alas, only time will tell. And until it does, the FTB team decides.

Sure I can accept that, I can see that there might be mitigating circumstances, as to why she won't post or hasn't posted anything. It'd still solve a lot of these silly problems though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Looks at the title*

Yay, yet an other thread on RP2 not being updated yet!

Strange, because when we look at the update sheet (, we see quite a lot of other mods that are in "NO" status.

Eloram took months once, and everyone now says that she always is the last one to update and all.
There were quite a few instances where she updated faster that IC2, and a lot more where she definitely beat most of the IC2 and Buildcraft addons.

Is it too much to ask to wait for every single one of the other mods to be updated before going "Hey, RP is yet again stalling the release"?
Why not hit on Railcraft? Or on Extra bees?

Yeah, yeah, people are going to say that I am doing moderation again...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where do you set your standard though? Of course 2 weeks might seem long when you consider relatively normal lifestyles. 2 weeks seems awefully short when considering travelling abroad (where internet might not be available) for whatever reason, or sitting in a hospital with family.

In an infinite amount of possibilities, trying to restrict where boundaries lie seems incredibly hard.

That's for the FTB team to decide, ultimately. My whole argument is that there should be a set standard, though, that everyone has to adhere to. This way everyone is always on the same page as far as the development cycle goes and we can do away with posts like these because we'll know it will be x days until the cut off point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Looks at the title*

Yay, yet an other thread on RP2 not being updated yet!

Strange, because when we look at the update sheet (, we see quite a lot of other mods that are in "NO" status.

Eloram took months once, and everyone now says that she always is the last one to update and all.
There were quite a few instances where she updated faster that IC2, and a lot more where she definitely beat most of the IC2 and Buildcraft addons.

Is it too much to ask to wait for every single one of the other mods to be updated before going "Hey, RP is yet again stalling the release"?
Why not hit on Railcraft? Or on Extra bees?

Yeah, yeah, people are going to say that I am doing moderation again...

24/67 are in NO status. That's 35%. Clearly the majority are either ready or working on it. I don't think that's really the issue, though. I think the problem is that Elo is always MIA so we have no idea where the future of RP is at. That coupled with the fact that she has a history of being incommunicado often makes people worry, and I don't blame them.

Have the authors of Railcraft or Extra Bees been like that as well? If they have been silent (or have a history of it) then they are just as valid targets of people's ire as Elo is. I just know that I have seen a ton of posts about how this is how Elo normally operates, but I have never heard anything about the others, so I can't say. I'm not singling her out, though. I would be saying this about any mod author that doesn't keep everyone updated on their mod.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh for the love of that is unholy. If you set up "standards" it may have mod makers leave. Why should they have a time table set up for them. Many could be like Lemming where they can only mod on weekends. Maybe they can do so much. Maybe, even if they have library access, can't make it all that often. There are a lot of reasons. Again just remove the mod and install what you see fit. FTB will lose some people but gain more. I will laugh when Elo puts out a red hot new Red Power with a lot of cool stuff. Maybe she says only FTB can use it and only sets up the download links to it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Looks at the title*
Is it too much to ask to wait for every single one of the other mods to be updated before going "Hey, RP is yet again stalling the release"?
Why not hit on Railcraft? Or on Extra bees?

Because there is really no question that those mods would be dropped, albeit temporarily, if they were holding up the update.

All the other mods that would hold it up (IC2, BC, etc) are in alphabetawhatever. In other words, there is progress.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh for the love of that is unholy. If you set up "standards" it may have mod makers leave. Why should they have a time table set up for them. Many could be like Lemming where they can only mod on weekends. Maybe they can do so much. Maybe, even if they have library access, can't make it all that often. There are a lot of reasons. Again just remove the mod and install what you see fit. FTB will lose some people but gain more. I will laugh when Elo puts out a red hot new Red Power with a lot of cool stuff. Maybe she says only FTB can use it and only sets up the download links to it.

Except that King Lemming's TE is already 1.5 compatible AND he is always speaking to the community. So yes, more mod authors should be like King Lemming.

You can't just remove the mod and install what you see fit. If the rest of the mods all update to 1.5, then the ones that aren't can't even be included in the same pack because they won't work. That's *exactly* why you have a timetable for when a mod should be done by so that all of the mods can be included. You're also not taking into account that some mods require other mods to be updated before they can be updated themselves.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think Railcraft would be temp dropped if it was holding up an update. Extra bees is even iffy as it adds a lot to Forestry. Unless a mod author says go ahead we can put it in next patch then there isn't a big deal. To me it seems people want instant info the moment they wake up. I am use to people work on their own time. Do I expect say Total Biscuit to pump out something when I know life can happen or he is traveling. No I don't. Everyone has their own pace, especially if it is a hobby. Chill.


No offense but no. Other mod authors shouldn't be like Lemming. They can be who they are. Not everyone conforms to one mold. And as far as I know RP2 doesn't have any mods under it that re waiting. They wait because they want to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think Railcraft would be temp dropped if it was holding up an update. Extra bees is even iffy as it adds a lot to Forestry. Unless a mod author says go ahead we can put it in next patch then there isn't a big deal. To me it seems people want instant info the moment they wake up. I am use to people work on their own time. Do I expect say Total Biscuit to pump out something when I know life can happen or he is traveling. No I don't. Everyone has their own pace, especially if it is a hobby. Chill.


No offense but no. Other mod authors shouldn't be like Lemming. They can be who they are. Not everyone conforms to one mold. And as far as I know RP2 doesn't have any mods under it that re waiting. They wait because they want to.

Personally, I would be saying that Railcraft should be dropped if the author was MIA too. I'm not trying to single Elo out, don't misunderstand. My point is that without standards, then the authors update "when they want to" like you said. That's not good when you can't release a pack until all the mods in the pack are updated. There's leeway, of course. If you say, okay guys, you all get 3 months to update to the latest MC core, then they have 3 months. If they can't finish it in time, then it gets dropped. No hard feelings, but there is a deadline. Not having a deadline means that we could be stuck on 1.4.7 until Minecraft 2.0. Would you rather it be like that? Because afterall, the author of [insert mod here] just didn't feel like updating it. I'm sorry, but that's not acceptable.[DOUBLEPOST=1365725980][/DOUBLEPOST]At the very least, I feel the authors should all be in touch with the FTB teams and give them a timely status update. Even if the update is "I have no plans of updating at this time." Because then the FTB teams knows what's up and they can plan ahead instead of waiting and waiting for something that may or may not ever come.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally, I would be saying that Railcraft should be dropped if the author was MIA too.

That's the job of modpack creators. To select and reject mods based off the interests of the modpacks. No one is sacred, but it does have to be done with due consideration for the users.

I'd add and remove more stuff from the modpacks I maintain were it not for the consideration of the users that use it. My personal minecraft instances flux around a ton as I add and remove things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's the job of modpack creators. To select and reject mods based off the interests of the modpacks. No one is sacred, but it does have to be done with due consideration for the users.

I'd add and remove more stuff from the modpacks I maintain were it not for the consideration of the users that use it. My personal minecraft instances flux around a ton as I add and remove things.

I guess it's a matter of who is truly in charge of the mods that are in FTB - the modpack creators or the FTB team. Whomever it is, I think the mod authors should be in communication with them in a timely matter. That was my point. It's not my decision no matter how you slice it. I'm just saying that my opinion is that no mod is sacred, and they should all be held to the same standards.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess it's a matter of who is truly in charge of the mods that are in FTB - the modpack creators or the FTB team. Whomever it is, I think the mod authors should be in communication with them in a timely matter. That was my point. It's not my decision no matter how you slice it. I'm just saying that my opinion is that no mod is sacred, and they should all be held to the same standards.

In practice it's a very fluid situation. I could probably publish the modpacks I don't have permission for and never receive any legal action, but I don't. FTB could probably do more than they do, but they don't. The UE folks could probably make a bigger modpack that is more popular, but they don't.

It's not even morally clear what obligation we all have to each other is. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In practice it's a very fluid situation. I could probably publish the modpacks I don't have permission for and never receive any legal action, but I don't. FTB could probably do more than they do, but they don't. The UE folks could probably make a bigger modpack that is more popular, but they don't.

It's not even morally clear what obligation we all have to each other is. :D

I think you get the point, though. Whatever is the most widely accepted "right" and legal way to do it. I don't want to make this a semantics argument. The point is, there's no standards and I feel there should be. I think we would have fewer of these kinds of problems if there were. Putting in change controls, a certain level of communication, a soft and hard deadline, would make for a smoother experience for the players, and at the end of the day, isn't that the point of FTB?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay. Say they say you have three months. 1.6 drops and then in one and half months 1.7 then 1.8. All of them big changes to Minecraft. Do you then say after three months "You up to date on 1.8??" "No I am on 1.6" "Sorry but have to drop you". That fair? If it is then if it is a rough patch for modders and most can do it in said random time limit drop them and go out with a half assed pack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay. Say they say you have three months. 1.6 drops and then in one and half months 1.7 then 1.8. All of them big changes to Minecraft. Do you then say after three months "You up to date on 1.8??" "No I am on 1.6" "Sorry but have to drop you". That fair? If it is then if it is a rough patch for modders and most can do it in said random time limit drop them and go out with a half assed pack?

The time period before a mod must be ready would have to be longer than the update cycle, obviously. Whatever it is that the FTB team agrees upon. There is no way that Mojang would be releasing a full version update every month and a half. Smaller revisions, yes, but not a full version release. So it would be more like 1.5, then a month later they are at 1.51, a month after that, 1.5.2, so three months and the core would still be at 1.5. Any mods that were compatible with 1.5 should still be compatible with 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3 because the core hadn't changed. Look at the dev cycle. Most of the updates were bug fixes or adding small things. You're giving a ridiculous example that wouldn't happen in real life.
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