Metallurgy is a great concept, but seeing that their ores still don't work in TE machines, despite having the API for a looong time, ehh.

The authors are great though - check out Atum from the Modjam competition, it's a brilliant mod.
I've got a one-off recipe injection mod for this. I'm waiting for them to make metallurgy 3 public before I submit it. I agree it's dumb, but they're busy with Modjam and they've said their opinion is that they made the mod open source so that third party folks can do the inter-mod integration. It's sorta wrong though, I agree.
As far as the open source thing goes, please don't be absurd. There are valid reasons to be closed source.
I am sure there are, but I've never heard one that is good. Can you tell me one? See below for more on this, because I submit to you that' what's valuable to your mod is you, King Lemming. Your code is proof of your accomplishment, capability and intellect, but the actual value is in you. Opening your code and license wouldn't really change that.
Every job I've worked in, I've struggled to make everything I work on open source. I do this because I am selfish. Open source has helped my career many ways and organizationally we can distribute the cost of software engineering across companies without a lot of overhead or legal trouble. It's great! I've had some pretty cool products use my code and I'm proud of that.
As a modder, I will agree that if you plan on leaving the community, you should either leave your mod in capable hands or open it up, but the notion that actively developed mods need to be open "just incase" is ludicrous.
I just wanna be clear: I appreciate your work and I am happy you do it. I just don't see what value you get from it being closed. I certainly am not saying you have done a wrong thing. I firmly believe in software copyright and I have adhered to the terms of every mod license despite it chafing sometimes somewhat badly.
I just don't understand why you value the closed-source part of it. From the perspective of a working software engineer a vibrant github portfolio opens a lot more doors than a line item on a resumé. If you get half as many recruiter calls as I do you might say it's not relevant, but... And of course, there is basically nothing you can do to stop anyone from firing up a decompiler and looking at your code as it stands, and you can never sell it or make revenue off of it save for the most indirect of options; none of which is actually impacted by open sourcing. It's one of those scenarios where the closed source model penalizes thieves and copycats not a bit, but I don't really see how it's anything but a downside for potential users.
But I have yet to actually do more than recipe injection mods, and I am not sure I have the time to do more. So maybe I just don't have the perspective yet. Is there some kind of cautionary tale you'd like to share? I'd really love to hear a cogent opinion from the closed source side.