Well bully to them. If you want deinstall RP2 and install them. Nothing is stopping you from doing so.
I haven't added that specifically, no. It's a pretty easy addition, but it can lead to some weirdness if NBT goes wonky. I'll think about it.
Core is meant to serve as a base library; if I do a world gen mod, it will actually be separate, it'll just hook into the world gen handler I already have in Core, which allows for a lot of different options, such as the silver/lead co-generation that TE does.
It is because Rp2 is pretty darn functional. I tried to feed my Infernal Furnace with BC pipes but I kept losing stuff. I use one RP2 item and no more hassles.
EDIT: As I said in another thread. RP2 does a lot. It takes, as of now and to my knowledge, four other mods to even try to compare. It is good for the sake of innovation but think hard on it. Four mods, maybe more or less but at least three, to even start being even with how much RP2 does.
It is because Rp2 is pretty darn functional. I tried to feed my Infernal Furnace with BC pipes but I kept losing stuff. I use one RP2 item and no more hassles.
EDIT: As I said in another thread. RP2 does a lot. It takes, as of now and to my knowledge, four other mods to even try to compare. It is good for the sake of innovation but think hard on it. Four mods, maybe more or less but at least three, to even start being even with how much RP2 does.
not true at all. Frames, computers, tubes, wires, microblocks, sickles, rubies/sapphires/greensapphires, bluetricity, awesome machines, and you think marble and volcanoes are the best?
Lets play what if:
What if her mod is dropped And she still doesn't update. Heck it might even be more freeing for her since she no longer has to worry about rabid players whom are jonesing for updates every time Mojang puts out another. If I was her then I would be elated. I could work on my mod, in my own time, output things on my own, even say no more modpacks and be happy. Win win right?
I wholeheartedly agree with you that it should be in a separate mod. I understand the necessity of a mod being able to generate the ores it needs, but it's a bit of a bummer that FTB relies on TE for ore generation. That role would be much better suited by a good, dedicated mod. I advocate Metallurgy for this, since it's 1.5.1 ready, open source, open license and very flexible. But I hold you as a developer in more esteem and can't help but think you'd make a technically better solution!
I think the FTB team should have a new rule for mod submissions - you are given a reasonable time period to update your mod. If you cannot meet this deadline, your mod will be dropped. If you have an open source mod, it's not a big deal. But if you have a closed source mod, then you would be required to change that to open source or it won't be included.
Or how about people learn to install mods themselves. Take a little time to learn your own computer and system. Maybe the entitled attitude of "ME WANT NAO!!" would stop? Maybe some would see that Mojang's pumping out of updates is both good and bad. Or maybe people will move onto another game and let well enough alone?
but the notion that actively developed mods need to be open "just incase" is ludicrous.
Metallurgy is a great concept, but seeing that their ores still don't work in TE machines, despite having the API for a looong time, ehh.The authors are great though - check out Atum from the Modjam competition, it's a brilliant mod.
I'm not going to pretend to speak for FTB here, but as a general point, the FTB team goes out of their way to work with modders and get permission, and they do not dictate terms.
As far as the open source thing goes, please don't be absurd. There are valid reasons to be closed source. As a modder, I will agree that if you plan on leaving the community, you should either leave your mod in capable hands or open it up, but the notion that actively developed mods need to be open "just incase" is ludicrous.
While I sympathize that it would set you back hours and hours of work, look at the other side of the coin - FTB could be set back months and months waiting on a single mod. How is that fair to any of the other mod authors who "did the right thing" by keeping to a more timely update schedule? To me it's a matter of the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If you want to keep 1.4.7 and RP, there's always MultiMC to do that. But why hold everyone else back over one mod. Granted a robust, and useful one, but still - it's one mod. I just don't see that as fair at all.
Well then maybe people need to learn to do things on their own *Gasp* what a foreign concept. I admit it would take me a bit to relearn how to do so but I am willing to give it a go. Humans these days. *shakes head*
Seen your video, did you ever finish the solar panels on it? Also yeah I bet it would suck to have to lose that, looked like it took a while.