Redpower 2 future in FTB?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do agree that people are over complicating things. Regardless, I think RP2 should be removed.

As for how long FTB waits for updates, it depends on a lot of things. Such as, the size of the mod, the history of the mod, the importance of the mod, the owner of the mod. As for the size, RP2 is relatively large. But not IC2 or GT or BC large. History? That speaks for itself. Importance, well it's rather important to most people. Owner of the mod? IMO this is the main reason RP2 should be dropped. No communication. As far as we all know Elooram is MIA. Completely gone and as far as I can tell, doesn't have time for modding. And if that is the case then it should definitely be dropped. Ain't nobody got time for waiting! (I apologize for that terrible meme.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In case you haven't noticed 1.6 is rumored to be here next month. 1.5.1 is out within a week. So no I am not over exaggerating.

Main thing to pick up is as far as we know. As far as we know Elo has been chatting with Sengir, Covert, Greg, RichardG, someone else. Just because she doesn't make her life public doesn't mean no one knows.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do agree that people are over complicating things. Regardless, I think RP2 should be removed.

As for how long FTB waits for updates, it depends on a lot of things. Such as, the size of the mod, the history of the mod, the importance of the mod, the owner of the mod. As for the size, RP2 is relatively large. But not IC2 or GT or BC large. History? That speaks for itself. Importance, well it's rather important to most people. Owner of the mod? IMO this is the main reason RP2 should be dropped. No communication. As far as we all know Elooram is MIA. Completely gone and as far as I can tell, doesn't have time for modding. And if that is the case then it should definitely be dropped. Ain't nobody got time for waiting! (I apologize for that terrible meme.)

I don't think RP2 should be removed *yet* I think it's a conversation that should be going on, though. I think it should be *considered* removing it if no one hears from Elo in the not too distant future. 35% of the existing mods have a NO status in the 1.5 compatibility list. That means the majority are either ready or working on it. If RP2 should be dropped now, then you might as well drop the remaining 35% as well, because that would be fair. Keep everyone to the same standards. It's also only been a month since 1.5 was released, so I'd say it would be completely fair to give Elo (and the others) more time to respond. That time will eventually run out, though, and they should be ready by then.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh yea. I'm with you on that. RP2 shouldn't get the boot yet. But it should be considered. If she's been chatting with those guys why don't they inform the users of the mod that, don't worry it's getting updated. Better yet, why doesn't she do it herself? It's her mod. She needs to take responsibility.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In case you haven't noticed 1.6 is rumored to be here next month. 1.5.1 is out within a week. So no I am not over exaggerating.

Main thing to pick up is as far as we know. As far as we know Elo has been chatting with Sengir, Covert, Greg, RichardG, someone else. Just because she doesn't make her life public doesn't mean no one knows.

Where are you seeing 1.6 information? They don't even have a pre-release available for that yet. The latest snapshot is 13w11a and that's 1.5.1.

I totally agree with you on the other point - we don't know if Elo has been chatting with anyone else, but don't you think that any of them would have mentioned it if she had? Considering the frequency of these threads, I find it highly unlikely that anyone has heard from her at all, because the sheet would have been updated to say it's in planning or something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe she doesn't want people to know? *Shrug* Maybe she has her own reasons. Maybe she asked them not to say anything until she is ready? Who knows.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If that's the case, then the mod should be dropped. There is no reason she would want her mod to be kept a secret if everyone else is waiting for her to update it. That's just dumb.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To those who keep whining about RP2 and Eloraam:

There is such a thing as "Real Life" and "Priorities".

My opinion: I don't think RP2 would stay in the FTB modpacks if Elo didn't communicate with the people in the FTB team.

Like most mod devs, they make their mods not for the community, but for themselves. Sounds selfish? Try coming up with ideas that will please a ton of people. They all have a need. They make their mods because they're not satisfied. They need something to complete their Minecraft gaming experience.

Just look at RP2's Sortron: why, of all the things, do you have to program that thing in Forth in order to use it? It's a reflection of what she does in real life. Did she even think if the community will like it? I don't think so. Heck, I doubt that 70% of the Minecraft Community can program.

Communicating with the community is a choice for a dev. There is no obligation. You can argue all you want, but that's reality. If you want that kind of person, try hiring a professional and make it part of the job description, and manage the dev's time and deliverables.

Bottom line: mod devs are not Mojang employees. They are not paid to write mods. They are not community managers that need to keep in touch with everyone. Be grateful you get to play with their creations. They are not legally bound to do such stuff. Get that into your heads.

I wrote a Bukkit plugin once to address a problem we've been having while we were recreating Winterfell in our server. Published it, released the source, and was not able to update it due to "Real Life" and "Priorities". There were a few requests to add certain functionality, but I got into a large project at work.

Life sucks that way, but that's how it is.

If you can't accept that, why don't you make your own mod and replace RP2? Or why not boycott RP2 by not playing with it? Or why not disable it from your server?

Whiners are all bark and no bite. If you think you can do a better job than Elo, I challenge you to do so.

If you still don't understand that, try having Real World Responsibilities.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then please go write to those in charge and bring up your points. You feel strongly enough on it. Me I am fine with waiting.

Ty dlord.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
See you're just using the same argument we've heard before. I understand she has real world responsibilities. But it literally takes 10-15 seconds to post a tweet. Yea. I'm alive. Not working on RP2. But alive. There's no possible argument against that. I understand it's a choice to communicate with the community. But if she doesn't communicate then she can't expect to be respected. She should at least give us a tweet or something to go on. I have real world responsibilities. Can I find 10 seconds to tweet? Yes. If you have time to walk, you have time to tweet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To those who keep whining about RP2 and Eloraam:

There is such a thing as "Real Life" and "Priorities".

My opinion: I don't think RP2 would stay in the FTB modpacks if Elo didn't communicate with the people in the FTB team.

Like most mod devs, they make their mods not for the community, but for themselves. Sounds selfish? Try coming up with ideas that will please a ton of people. They all have a need. They make their mods because they're not satisfied. They need something to complete their Minecraft gaming experience.

Just look at RP2's Sortron: why, of all the things, do you have to program that thing in Forth in order to use it? It's a reflection of what she does in real life. Did she even think if the community will like it? I don't think so. Heck, I doubt that 70% of the Minecraft Community can program.

Communicating with the community is a choice for a dev. There is no obligation. You can argue all you want, but that's reality. If you want that kind of person, try hiring a professional and make it part of the job description, and manage the dev's time and deliverables.

Bottom line: mod devs are not Mojang employees. They are not paid to write mods. They are not community managers that need to keep in touch with everyone. Be grateful you get to play with their creations. They are not legally bound to do such stuff. Get that into your heads.

I wrote a Bukkit plugin once to address a problem we've been having while we were recreating Winterfell in our server. Published it, released the source, and was not able to update it due to "Real Life" and "Priorities". There were a few requests to add certain functionality, but I got into a large project at work.

Life sucks that way, but that's how it is.

If you can't accept that, why don't you make your own mod and replace RP2? Or why not boycott RP2 by not playing with it? Or why not disable it from your server?

Whiners are all bark and no bite. If you think you can do a better job than Elo, I challenge you to do so.

If you still don't understand that, try having Real World Responsibilities.

We're not saying that the mod authors don't have real lives. In fact, look and you'll see I've said the exact opposite quite a few times. What we are saying is that it is unfair to the other mod developers to be kept waiting on a mod in a pack to be updated if the rest of the mods are ready.

There is no obligation? You're right. And FTB isn't obligated to keep the mod in their pack either. It works both ways. Remember that. If you want your mod in FTB, then you need to update and support it. If you don't want to update and support it, then it's the FTB teams right to remove it. Plain and simple.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And the FTB team can choose to wait because they know Elo delivers on quality. And yes it may be easy to tweet she doesn't have to. She has earned respect because of her work not because she is social.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then please go write to those in charge and bring up your points. You feel strongly enough on it. Me I am fine with waiting.

Ty dlord.

I'm fine with waiting up until a point. Obviously there are people here who have already run out of patience. My point was never ZOMG UPDATE NAO! My point was that I think there should be a standard set for inclusion, that's all. Keep everyone on the same page, updates at regular intervals, as well as communication with the teams responsible so that they can relay the information to the rest of the community. I don't see why that's such a bad thing. It's not a jump on Elo thing, she's just an example because of the total lack of communication and everyone is left wondering what's going on. That doesn't help anyone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not a matter of being social. It's a matter of showing the community respect by showing that she does listen to the community and that she does see where we're coming from.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well from what has been said before Elo has gotten some major threats aimed at her. If you got threats would you want to talk to a community? I know I wouldn't.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-_- Really? Every relatively famous person gets threats. If you don't respond to a community just because a small percentage of the community hates you then there's something wrong with you. You're either bothered by people too much and you're too sensitive or you assume that the minority is the majority.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well from what has been said before Elo has gotten some major threats aimed at her. If you got threats would you want to talk to a community? I know I wouldn't.

Agreed on that. I've heard she's had death threats and that's definitely not cool. But that doesn't mean she couldn't release information through someone else. If *anyone* got word from her that she's working on it, then none of these threads would appear. But it's been 2 months since anyone has heard from her at all.

Let me ask you a simple question - how does it help anyone when a mod author is completely out of touch with everyone? That's the key issue everyone has with Elo. Not the bugs in RP, not the time she takes updating (though some are pissed at that). It's that no one knows what's going on and everyone is left sitting on their hands. Why is it so unbelievable that people would like to know what's going on with a mod they love to use?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It isn't unbelievable at all but is it so unbelievable that maybe she just doesn't want to talk to people? Maybe she can't due to real life?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I feel like both sides of the argument of the same:

She doesn't have to talk to the community if she doesn't want to
It's not hard to at least let it be known that she's still alive

Of course, both of these statements are true. So I'm a bit torn on the subject. I think we wait until every other mod is updated to 1.5, and then start asking these kinds of questions. Of course, you'll want to know if RP2 should be in your world. That's a problem. If someone were able to add a mod to temporarily fix RP2 not updating, they could make Marble and Basalt. Make it conflict with RP2's Marble/Basalt blocks (and the pavers, and the bricks), and, boom! Worldgen issue fixed. Nikolite could be kept, maybe given a vanilla use (32 blocks instead of 16 to transmit a signal+not be messed up by vanilla redstone)?
Or just change the name to Blulestone so you don't cross that whole dignity line thing. Same ID, same ability for GT/RC/TE to get diamond dust out of the ore, maybe even change it to cyan. Doesn't matter. If anyone wants to make a quick fix that will help out if RP2 isn't updated, that would probably be the best. Sorry, nothing too fancy (you won't be keeping your sorting system), but at least you'll have two nice building materials and be able to keep the ore if RP2 ever gets updated.

So if anyone's up to making a mod that doesn't look too hard to me (don't know the first thing about java, so I could be wrong), all you need is

And you've fixed the problem with everyone's worlds being corrupted or having big holes and their homes stripped of all walls and ceilings and stuff.
But I won't get into the argument too much, as it's kinda devolved :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys, chillax and eat some pretzels. Maybe she literally is so hard at work coding new features..

Or maybe she died!

"Would you like a pretzel? Try one, they're really good."
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