Redpower 2 future in FTB?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good god, can we get this thread locked for derailment and general flaming.

This is up to SLOWPOKE and the rest of the FTB TEAM. since slow and dire are friends with Elo and might even have her number, they are the only ones who have ANY status of the mod.. honestly I don't think enough are ready yet to care. (TEST BUILDS DO NOT COUNT, there are normaly bugs)

To the example that used Anti-Virus, actually the one I use, avast actually wants complaints when it's free users get infected.

To the one who mentioned paying Elo for the mod.. I did that last time, via the donate button at the bottom of her post on MCF, have you?

In the mean time, why don't we do something more productive with our time, since you don't want to be playing Minecraft. and watch this:

(my PC has bad RAM right now, so I can't play MC /sad)

I mentioned anti-virus. And you're absolutely correct. That was my point - just because it's free doesn't mean it's of poor quality.

I agree, this will never get resolved. There will be people who will take the attitude "I don't have to do a damn thing. I'm not getting paid to make mods" and those that support that attitude and those like myself that feel if you want your mod included in FTB (and make no mistake, it wouldn't BE in FTB if the mod author didn't approve) then you have a responsibility to keep the FTB team aware of what's going on with your mod, if you want your mod to continue to be in FTB.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And you don't know if she has already. She made a tweet in Feb. Said she was working on RP again. Seeing how hard 1.5.1 has been for some modders maybe she is having an issue too. She has told those whom need to know. Deal with it.

It's quite telling that RP isn't on Forgecraft 2, nor is there the promised 1.4.6 update on Forgecraft 1.

This is up to SLOWPOKE and the rest of the FTB TEAM.

Free or otherwise, FTB is fundamentally a marketing platform, and to think that customer voices aren't listened too is ignorant at best.

Also, have you ever though Matter-Energy and Energy-Matter-Currency. Two mods running on the same basic idea of energy and matter. Cool, isn't it.

FWIW, AE is overpowered in the massive way it can store items on disks. But deep storage from MFR isn't far behind that OPness. For sorting and point to point item movement though, I'm not really sure how you can be OP. If you removed disks and the only storage was "mundane" storage accessed through storage interfaces, it would still be 99% of its value.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RetroGamer - well then you should understand why people get so upset that she hasn't been heard from. RP2 is a big mod, and if everything else gets updated except for that, it would be a huge problem for the packs that use it. Nobody is saying she doesn't have a legitimate reason for not being in touch - she may have. But that doesn't change the fact that there is a need for her to give us an answer as to the status of the mod.

jumpfight - there's a huge flaw in that plan - what if Elo IS working on updating RP2? Then whoever codes a replacement is just reinventing the wheel. Without hearing from her, nobody knows if a replacement *should* even be made. That's where the problem lies.
Quote me next time please? ;) I tend not to see it unless it's quoted :)
Also, I don't think it's reinventing the wheel, but I can see exactly why you say so. If FTB updates the packs without RP2 installed, many people will have to start new worlds. I'd only want to reset the nether, for the quartz that appears. Maybe I'd lose a pump or two, but that's all. With this mod, provided it's not hard to add, it will be a quick fix. All someone needs to do is add:
  • Basalt
  • Basalt Cobblestone
  • Basalt Pavers
  • Basalt Brick
  • Chisled Basalt
  • Marble
  • Marble Brick
And your world wouldn't dissolve into a million little pieces. They don't even have to add spawning rates. If someone doesn't have RP2 installed on the world before 1.5 came, they wouldn't see the effects of this mod at all. That stuff with making Nikolite have vanilla properties would be purely for not making it useless while you have it chilling in your chests, waiting for RP2's update to come out. The Basalt and Marble are important, because they're enormously useful building blocks, and I have a house in an SSP made of basalt, and a house in an SMP made with marble. I'm 100% sure that other people have them in their builds too, as I used to make fun of them as the noob building materials (everyone who just started with FTB/Tekkit and played vanilla a lot would use them because it was a new material--why build with wood for the umpteenth time when you could build with two new materials that are cheaper and easier to get, remove, and repair than Snow and Obsidian?).[DOUBLEPOST=1365736760][/DOUBLEPOST]
I always stored my stuff in a few Pedestals and KSO's, and a chest for each of the major mods (RP2, IC2, BC2, RC, etc). I was so scared and confused when I had to begin to make a storage system in FTB :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quote me next time please? ;) I tend not to see it unless it's quoted :)
Also, I don't think it's reinventing the wheel, but I can see exactly why you say so. If FTB updates the packs without RP2 installed, many people will have to start new worlds. I'd only want to reset the nether, for the quartz that appears. Maybe I'd lose a pump or two, but that's all. With this mod, provided it's not hard to add, it will be a quick fix. All someone needs to do is add:
  • Basalt
  • Basalt Cobblestone
  • Basalt Pavers
  • Basalt Brick
  • Chisled Basalt
  • Marble
  • Marble Brick
And your world wouldn't dissolve into a million little pieces. They don't even have to add spawning rates. If someone doesn't have RP2 installed on the world before 1.5 came, they wouldn't see the effects of this mod at all. That stuff with making Nikolite have vanilla properties would be purely for not making it useless while you have it chilling in your chests, waiting for RP2's update to come out. The Basalt and Marble are important, because they're enormously useful building blocks, and I have a house in an SSP made of basalt, and a house in an SMP made with marble. I'm 100% sure that other people have them in their builds too, as I used to make fun of them as the noob building materials (everyone who just started with FTB/Tekkit and played vanilla a lot would use them because it was a new material--why build with wood for the umpteenth time when you could build with two new materials that are cheaper and easier to get, remove, and repair than Snow and Obsidian?).[DOUBLEPOST=1365736760][/DOUBLEPOST]
I always stored my stuff in a few Pedestals and KSO's, and a chest for each of the major mods (RP2, IC2, BC2, RC, etc). I was so scared and confused when I had to begin to make a storage system in FTB :p

I always screw up multi-quotes, sorry :p

Do gems/ingots/etc remain even after a mod is removed? I thought everything goes away, but I've never removed a mod before after using it, so I couldn't tell you from experience. Why would people have to start a new world? There would be holes in existing chunks where ore generation was, but the world itself would be intact still, no?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I always screw up multi-quotes, sorry :p

Do gems/ingots/etc remain even after a mod is removed? I thought everything goes away, but I've never removed a mod before after using it, so I couldn't tell you from experience. Why would people have to start a new world? There would be holes in existing chunks where ore generation was, but the world itself would be intact still, no?

Yes, there'd be big holes, but the world would be intact. That's what I'm trying to fix with this idea. Everything's gone and turned into air. Instead of having big air spots in caves where marble should have been, big air spots where your house should have been, and big air spots where the base of the volcano was, someone should just make a mod that used conflicting ID's with RP2. Not a ton of work if you know how to do it, and there'd only need to be the 7 blocks listed above. It's just to be considerate to those who like RP2 Marble and Basalt, and those who built their house on a volcano or something like that.

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
She doesn't need to give us, the users, a damn thing. If anything she could talk to other modders or modpack makers but there is no "need" for her to do jack squat.

No need - sure - but her reputation within the community (users and fellow modders alike) is very poor and is reflected by mod-makers recent comments and our current reservations about relying on her work product for our enjoyment (which is building worlds and playing modded minecraft, yeah?)



+1 on locking this thread, as obviously some people don't really get the point of it all.

Uppercase AND Bold? Wow, chill out bro! You've made your point so why not sit back, relax and listen to some other points of view? It can be enlightning :)

The FTB crowd is a very diverse community and I for one am impressed we can come together to DEBATE (upper case, bold) any issue we like, from so many interesting standpoints. Gregtech excepted.

Where were we? Oh, yeah! Kill the wich, Kill the wiitch ....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, there'd be big holes, but the world would be intact. That's what I'm trying to fix with this idea. Everything's gone and turned into air. Instead of having big air spots in caves where marble should have been, big air spots where your house should have been, and big air spots where the base of the volcano was, someone should just make a mod that used conflicting ID's with RP2. Not a ton of work if you know how to do it, and there'd only need to be the 7 blocks listed above. It's just to be considerate to those who like RP2 Marble and Basalt, and those who built their house on a volcano or something like that.

What about all the other stuff, though. Sorting systems would be missing pieces, mob grinders, lighting systems, turtles made with the gems. It's a whole lot more than 7 blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At the risk of feeding the trolls.....


Please, DO NOT CONFUSE DONATING WITH PAYING. PAYING means that you are exchanging money for goods/services. DONATING is when you give money away without anything in return.

When you PAY, the seller is obliged to provide a good/service on time with good quality.

When you DONATE, there is no obligation. YOU are giving money for FREE. Nothing is expected in return.

Let me correct you, I did not donate, I PAIED for her to make the update last time, like many other people. I got what I expected. I'm just not doing it again. And to clear it up. It was also mentioned once on forgecraft (DW20 episode) that she had more free time because of the money. Like I said, I got what I expected.

And the most likely reason RP is no longer on forgecraft (something I did not know) is because of the issues it caused (Elo don't like her bugs showing) and he rage it cause on her MCF thread, people were pissed that they couldn't play with the toys that they were watching DW20 play with. (after 3 months of it, I just stopped watching)

There's no real reason for this thread to continue, It's not up to us, it's up to the FTB team.

Still think this thread should be locked, I did like the conversation between King Lemming and KirinDave, it was interesting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
At the risk of feeding the trolls.....

Let me correct you, I did not donate, I PAIED for her to make the update last time, like many other people. I got what I expected. I'm just not doing it again. And to clear it up. It was also mentioned once on forgecraft (DW20 episode) that she had more free time because of the money. Like I said, I got what I expected.

And the most likely reason RP is no longer on forgecraft (something I did not know) is because of the issues it caused (Elo don't like her bugs showing) and he rage it cause on her MCF thread, people were pissed that they couldn't play with the toys that they were watching DW20 play with. (after 3 months of it, I just stopped watching)

There's no real reason for this thread to continue, It's not up to us, it's up to the FTB team.

Still think this thread should be locked.
Wait, you paid?
Like, with an invoice, or a signed contract?

Let me clear this up.
If you have nothing like an invoice or a signed document engaging Eloram to work on her mod, this is not what is called paying for something.

Sure, you might have given her money so that she can take more time to work on it, but that is exactly what a donation is, giving money, hoping that it will make the person work on what you want them to work on, but with no contract or guaranty.

Plus, I kind of doubt that she got enough money out off it to really be at the level of the pay of a senior developer, but whatever.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Good god, can we get this thread locked for derailment and general flaming.

This is up to SLOWPOKE and the rest of the FTB TEAM. since slow and dire are friends with Elo and might even have her number, they are the only ones who have ANY status of the mod.. honestly I don't think enough are ready yet to care. (TEST BUILDS DO NOT COUNT, there are normaly bugs)

To the example that used Anti-Virus, actually the one I use, avast actually wants complaints when it's free users get infected.

To the one who mentioned paying Elo for the mod.. I did that last time, via the donate button at the bottom of her post on MCF, have you?

In the mean time, why don't we do something more productive with our time, since you don't want to be playing Minecraft. and watch this:

(my PC has bad RAM right now, so I can't play MC /sad)

Actually, apparently no one has contact with her:

Yeah, this situation is...interesting, in the way a train wreck in progress is interesting. Awesome to watch, from as far away as you can get.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Paying for something is giving someone money and getting something in return. You must be in school to be a lawyer or something...
To be specific, paying is when there is a transaction where both parties give something to the other party and acknowledge the transaction.
That is usually what the invoices are.
A contract is for when one party gives it's share in advance, giving the other time to complete their side.

From what you said, a bunch of people got some money and sent it to her, and she did complete what they were hopping, but I doubt she acknowledged at any point that you were entitled to anything, at all.

Anyway, no I am not a lawyer, just someone that happens to know that throwing money at someone is not the same as paying.

Yep, I don't trust you, as well as I don't really trust anyone for being always correct.
Hell, I don't even trust myself on quite a lot of occasions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, I don't think it's reinventing the wheel, but I can see exactly why you say so. If FTB updates the packs without RP2 installed, many people will have to start new worlds.

If FTB updates the packs without RP2, some people will have to start new worlds. Others will refuse to update.

If FTBwaits forever, nobody updates.

  • Basalt
  • Basalt Cobblestone
  • Basalt Pavers
  • Basalt Brick
  • Chisled Basalt
  • Marble
  • Marble Brick
This is pretty trivial. Somebody has already posted a general block-holder mod which can (and I think was) be configured to replace these blocks. The only issue would be getting the textures. Normally an end user could just follow some instructions to copy a png file around (which is legal, regardless of the wishes of the author) but with the change to 1.5 the format has changed and would be more involved. That's resolvable with a willing artist to create new textures though. It's not like "Basalt" or "Marble" are unique ideas in the world. The mod Underground Biomes has both.
With the forge dictionary it should still be possible to make rubies and emeralds work as they do in GregTech now, but tools would require slightly more than "placeholder" status.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What about all the other stuff, though. Sorting systems would be missing pieces, mob grinders, lighting systems, turtles made with the gems. It's a whole lot more than 7 blocks.
They're the 7 blocks that could make a huge impact in your world. Would you rather be missing a piece of your sorting system, or missing your entire house, except for a few floating machines. It's more of a quick fix. If people aren't too far into RP2 (oh, you have some Blule-solars and a powered furnace or two, nice), then you're not losing much. But if your world lives on RP2, then you'd end up waiting. Once I tried AE, I didn't use RP2 that much at all. I used a few filters and timers and transposers, but that's really it, and it was to pump Basalt (yes Basalt) out of a furnace when it was done cooking.
This is pretty trivial. Somebody has already posted a general block-holder mod which can (and I think was) be configured to replace these blocks. The only issue would be getting the textures. Normally an end user could just follow some instructions to copy a png file around (which is legal, regardless of the wishes of the author) but with the change to 1.5 the format has changed and would be more involved. That's resolvable with a willing artist to create new textures though. It's not like "Basalt" or "Marble" are unique ideas in the world. The mod Underground Biomes has both.
With the forge dictionary it should still be possible to make rubies and emeralds work as they do in GregTech now, but tools would require slightly more than "placeholder" status.
Well, that placeholder mod would work nicely, textures couldn't be too hard to add. And you could edit the ID numbers of UB's Basalt/Marble to fit with RP2's (if that's possible). Tools would be tricky, but tools are one of the easier things to code. Everyone starts with "Obsidian tools", why not use gem tools?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They're the 7 blocks that could make a huge impact in your world. Would you rather be missing a piece of your sorting system, or missing your entire house, except for a few floating machines. It's more of a quick fix. If people aren't too far into RP2 (oh, you have some Blule-solars and a powered furnace or two, nice), then you're not losing much. But if your world lives on RP2, then you'd end up waiting. Once I tried AE, I didn't use RP2 that much at all. I used a few filters and timers and transposers, but that's really it, and it was to pump Basalt (yes Basalt) out of a furnace when it was done cooking.

Well, that placeholder mod would work nicely, textures couldn't be too hard to add. And you could edit the ID numbers of UB's Basalt/Marble to fit with RP2's (if that's possible). Tools would be tricky, but tools are one of the easier things to code. Everyone starts with "Obsidian tools", why not use gem tools?

Or missing your entire sorting system, you mean. And mob grinder, and lighting system, etc... etc... RP2 is a whole lot more than 7 blocks. Honestly, I'd rather lose that and keep the rest, but it's either all or nothing, obviously.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
If FTB updates the packs without RP2, some people will have to start new worlds. Others will refuse to update.

If FTBwaits forever, nobody updates.

This is pretty trivial. Somebody has already posted a general block-holder mod which can (and I think was) be configured to replace these blocks. The only issue would be getting the textures. Normally an end user could just follow some instructions to copy a png file around (which is legal, regardless of the wishes of the author) but with the change to 1.5 the format has changed and would be more involved. That's resolvable with a willing artist to create new textures though. It's not like "Basalt" or "Marble" are unique ideas in the world. The mod Underground Biomes has both.
With the forge dictionary it should still be possible to make rubies and emeralds work as they do in GregTech now, but tools would require slightly more than "placeholder" status.

Yeah, the machinery is a sticking point. I'm a hack programmer at best, but I think I could placeholder all of RP2's worldgen in a day. The frames, and sorting systems, and tubes and such...that would get ugly.

What FTB needs to do is start forking their mod packs. Leave the 1.4.7 mod packs as is, under the stipulation they will update to 1.5.1 as soon as Schrodinger's mod resolves its dead/alive status in some definite way, and then create 1.5.1 packs without RP2 as soon as the rest of the mods come on-line. Those that want to wait, can wait forever if they like with their own packs, those who want to move forward have their own packs, everyone wins.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or missing your entire sorting system, you mean. And mob grinder, and lighting system, etc... etc... RP2 is a whole lot more than 7 blocks. Honestly, I'd rather lose that and keep the rest, but it's either all or nothing, obviously.
But for people who haven't used the lights, or the sorting system, or use other automation techniques for their mob grinders (Obsidian pipes, anyone?) won't be missing it. It's a quick fix, like I said, in no way will it replace RP2 for more than a small amount of time for someone who doesn't use it much and doesn't want their worldgen ruined and places looking ugly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, the machinery is a sticking point. I'm a hack programmer at best, but I think I could placeholder all of RP2's worldgen in a day. The frames, and sorting systems, and tubes and such...that would get ugly.

What FTB needs to do is start forking their mod packs. Leave the 1.4.7 mod packs as is, under the stipulation they will update to 1.5.1 as soon as Schrodinger's mod resolves its dead/alive status in some definite way, and then create 1.5.1 packs without RP2 as soon as the rest of the mods come on-line. Those that want to wait, can wait forever if they like with their own packs, those who want to move forward have their own packs, everyone wins.

I kind of suggested that before. I think it's a totally viable solution. And not just for RP2, but any of the mods that lagged behind after a certain time period. There are still 20 something mods that we don't know the status of yet. It's only been a month though, so this wouldn't happen for a little while yet.[DOUBLEPOST=1365740398][/DOUBLEPOST]
But for people who haven't used the lights, or the sorting system, or use other automation techniques for their mob grinders (Obsidian pipes, anyone?) won't be missing it. It's a quick fix, like I said, in no way will it replace RP2 for more than a small amount of time for someone who doesn't use it much and doesn't want their worldgen ruined and places looking ugly.

Honestly, I think they would be in the minority. You either use RP2 a lot or not at all. At least from my experience. I could be wrong. A quick fix wouldn't really help, I don't think. Not with all the different pieces to RP2. It's too diverse a mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, I think they would be in the minority. You either use RP2 a lot or not at all. At least from my experience. I could be wrong. A quick fix wouldn't really help, I don't think. Not with all the different pieces to RP2. It's too diverse a mod.
It's better than nothing. In my SSP world, I had a powered furnace, an alloy furnace, 9 solar panels, 6 filters, two timers, and about 16 pneumatic tubes. But I live in a basalt house 50 blocks away from a volcano. If my home were to disperse into thin air, I would be quite annoyed, and if a big hole was left in the place of the volcano, I'd be annoyed too. But if I were missing everything else I was missing, I'd replace it. Powered Furnace? Check. Alloy Furnace? Gregtech? Check. Solars? Unnecessary now. Filters? AE? Check. Timers? Turtles? Check. Tubes? AE? FZ? BC? Check.

Almost everyone's worlds have RP2's worldgen in it, regardless if they use the mod heavily or not. So it will affect a lot of people.
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