Aye, but whether that technicality actually matters is up to the individual. For me, it doesn't matter all that much, because the spirit in which its done is the same.
Isn't selling a modpack breaking the TOS?
I thought this was fairly bit to share... but not new in modding exactly...
I assume most of you know who BaconDonut is. If you don't hes a fairly large twitch streamer.
So he came out with SkyFactory2 beta recently and he's giving it out to his subs only. It costs 4.99 to sub to him on twitch and to get into the beta of the pack which according to him is being released on January 1.
He tweeted this
So i pointed out the obvious...
(I saw it from siyliss retweet.)![]()
Apparently making someone sub to you to get the pack early isn't a paywall.
I am EXTREMELY unimpressed with this trend in the twitch community. I hope i'm not the only one...
I was the one who wrote that post, and I stand by what I had said. However, people seem to have the wrong end of the stick as far as the bans go. They where been abusive and he had every right to ban them. People need to grow the heck up and stop been so childish. Yes he was wrong for renaming packages, which I clearly stated and he fixed it. Yes he could have handled the situation better, but so could have everyone else.I swear that this guy likes digging himself into a grave of shit.
He doesn't seem to understand the concept of "Renaming every package = bad"
He then blames me because "I was immature" thats why I and the other persons account got blocked. (Everything was included in the first post I had screenshots of everything.)
On top of deleting the last 3 issues (posted by the other user) none of them were immature at all and on top of that were useful to his acquisition of the mod. (I had re-tested almost all the bugs on the list and put all the active/unimplemented ideas in the other part. The other two issues were of things i found testing the old bugs.) I don't know how that could get any more constructive than that...
If you are reading this whatever the hell your name is don't bother unblocking me as i see no reason to continue helping you as you clearly don't understand what you are doing.
This will be last post about this. Ill just go back to worrying about my own stuff where the only people that can call me an idiot is my self and Dries
If you have any questions about what happened its all logged in the first post link. I have nothing to hide.
I kinda expected something of this sort to happen when you see "Minecraft modder for hire" on their twitter.
Have a great day. I have secrets that aren't so secret to share in the coming days.... DoubleDoorDev 4 Lyfe Where users and developers are treated like people. (PM/Tweet me if you're interested in working with us! We could use another developer on the team :3)
We have these thing called jobs, the thing that pays the bills and keeps us off the streets. That ALWAYS comes first.Let's see, you guys have a great track record for completing things really quickly, right?![]()
We've added a lot of new content that is going to be fun and challenging to use. Our EMC system is more dynamic too.What's going to be the difference between this a project e. Not including textures/models
We plan on having config options, yes. It may not be in the first couple of alpha/beta builds to disable items/blocks, but it will be implemented before a stable release.If you remake it exactly as please god use the new GUI config options in forge.... Also config the hell out of it. EMC per use on items, turn of certain abilities, remove items/blocks.
I have no clue why devs don't build this in automaticly as most options are not hard to add...
If you do the above and don't ignore the project or treat people like poop. I'll be all over that like flies on poop.
Sorry to pick your comment out of the heap to tie my reply in, Ray. Nothing personal intendedAye, but whether that technicality actually matters is up to the individual. For me, it doesn't matter all that much, because the spirit in which its done is the same.
This is an interesting idea, but I do not see a way to utilize it.Second, this one's to @Reika and other mod devs, regarding his commentary about devs having trouble earning anything but ire from fans; to be clear, I'm not for one second saying you're the least bit wrong, but I'd suggest seeing this as an opportunity instead of an issue. They've found a way to get people to donate money without complaining. Use it. Even if you rarely streamed anything I'm sure you could get plenty of subscribers of your own on Twitch. Even outsource the actual stream to someone who enjoys doing it. Game companies have PR managers for a reason, I'm dead certain you could find someone who'd accept a cut to be the official streamer of your mods, or most other "big" devs.
I thought this was fairly bit to share... but not new in modding exactly...
I assume most of you know who BaconDonut is. If you don't hes a fairly large twitch streamer.
So he came out with SkyFactory2 beta recently and he's giving it out to his subs only. It costs 4.99 to sub to him on twitch and to get into the beta of the pack which according to him is being released on January 1.
I don't see why it's such a big deal to some of you guys. I mean seriously... It's not like the guy is charging, it's for beta, early access. Guess you just have to wait for it to hit release? Oh my, the tragedy is real.
Flippin 1st world problems.![]()
If the guy says that none of the mods licenses say he can't do what he's doing, where is the problem? If you guys are hating on him just for hating's sake (like pewdiepie), then by all means, go ahead. Let's not fabricate things though.Almost everything we deal with are first-world problems. That doesn't mean they're not problems.
When someone goes to the effort to make something, and asks very little in return for you to use it, but someone chooses to ignore that anyway, then people should have a problem with that. Encouraging that behavior is discouraging the people who make the things to begin with.
If the guy says that none of the mods licenses say he can't do what he's doing, where is the problem? If you guys are hating on him just for hating's sake (like pewdiepie), then by all means, go ahead. Let's not fabricate things though.
If he's not stepping on any toes, and his licenses for his mods allow what he's doing, there's no need to drag this shit through the forums. So much drama these days, ffs...
People have differing opinions on the matter obviously. Once the pack is released, it will be downloadable to all. No charge. It's hard to foresee all situations when writing your license, and if it bothers you, change your license to suit this circumstance.
There was a big fit thrown when CovertJaguar put up his beta for donors only, anyone remember that? It's not release! for all intents and purposes, it's not out yet. Just a huge kneejerk reaction to "paywalls" and a lot of drama.
Their license should reflect that, then. This is full of grey area, and that is where people tend to stray when they're making money off of (whatever they do).Maybe the authors who have licenses like that wouldn't actually want him to make money in that way.
Their license should reflect that, then. This is full of grey area, and that is where people tend to stray when they're making money off of (whatever they do).
Right now I just see a guy charging donation for subscription to his channel, and then "Ohai, btw I'm building a modpack, you can test it for me if you're a member" Yeah, I get what you're saying about mod devs and their incentive, but where is the incentive for pack builders to do what they do? There's more to it than just slamming a bunch of mods into the folder and hitting play. I personally don't see anything wrong with releasing beta versions of modpacks to donors.
Again just my opinion, but it's all grey areas.