Really stupid things that people have said about Modded MC(Off topicness makes moderators tired)

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Well in these cases the people actually are casuing problems. So it's a practical reason after all and not really a personal.

*Some* people are. So let's disallow and punish *everyone*, eh? By shifting it from not supporting those that use it badly to not supporting *any*, Reika shifts from purely practical to personal as well.

It's more like a mix of misinformation and personal reasons.

There's as much logic in what they're doing as what Reika's doing. Both are using personal *and* practical reasons.
*Some* people are. So let's disallow and punish *everyone*, eh? By shifting it from not supporting those that use it badly to not supporting *any*, Reika shifts from purely practical to personal as well.
No, a personal reason would be rejecting support because I disliked joshiejack or stanhebben, neither of which I do (and I hope they feel the same about me). I have nothing against Minetweaker, ModTweaker, or their authors (and indeed, MT has saved me hassle many times). I do not allow modification because the overwhelming majority of people using it on RC have no idea what they are doing and take on a "must be RC's fault" attitude when everything breaks.

Now, I have said before how difficult it is to actually make me angry (for example mentioning that my responses in most of the wall of shame are written while amused, not angry), but you are accomplishing it with how vehemently you are trying to shoehorn my actions into your narrative of "you do the same things you complain about, not so different, are you [you hypocrite!]" and how dishonestly misleading you are willing to be to do it. As said before, dishonesty and discrimination are the only two ways to rapidly anger me (though I must admit willful ignorance ("If I don't read the rules, how can they apply?") comes close).

Related to the above, yes, that is technically your *right* to act like that. It does not make it acceptable. As far as I am concerned, a person does have a duty to be reasonable and honest, and anyone not doing so deserves every criticism they get, which should be all of it. Full stop.
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As a budding mod developer (Still trying to code my first mod by learning from Pahimar's tutorials), I am kinda sad to see this stuff and it makes me unsure about how I should handle this once I make mods for real: Go Reika's way, and attract hate from modpack developers because they want power over my mod, or go the general way and attract every single stupid bug report because someone added dirt to a block recipe via Minetweaker.
I know my comment is redundant at this point, but do it YOUR way. It's YOUR mod, and YOU get to choose what happens. Be willing to take people's advice, but remember that they have NO power over you or your mod's development. When you come across idiots, deal with them in a way that you feel is appropriate, but remember this quote:
Si said:
Hey, look, you can't fix stupid, you can't fix a garage door, you can't fix a neutered dog, and hey, you can't fix stupid.
No, a personal reason would be rejecting support because I disliked joshiejack or stanhebben, neither of which I do (and I hope they feel the same about me). I have nothing against Minetweaker, ModTweaker, or their authors (and indeed, MT has saved me hassle many times). I do not allow modification because the overwhelming majority of people using it on RC have no idea what they are doing and take on a "must be RC's fault" attitude when everything breaks.

Now, I have said before how difficult it is to actually make me angry (for example mentioning that my responses in most of the wall of shame are written while amused, not angry), but you are accomplishing it with how vehemently you are trying to shoehorn my actions into your narrative of "you do the same things you complain about, not so different, are you [you hypocrite!]" and how dishonestly misleading you are willing to be to do it. As said before, dishonesty and discrimination are the only two ways to rapidly anger me (though I must admit willful ignorance ("If I don't read the rules, how can they apply?") comes close).

Related to the above, yes, that is technically your *right* to act like that. It does not make it acceptable. As far as I am concerned, a person does have a duty to be reasonable and honest, and anyone not doing so deserves every criticism they get, which should be all of it. Full stop.

I state that your actions are that way because your actions *are* that way, even if you refuse to acknowledge that fact. I'm not being misleading or dishonest, nor do I condone or support dishonesty. If you recall, I disagree as much as you do with their continued propagation of the lie that you have crash code in your mods.

By calling them on not supporting your mods while you, yourself, don't support certain mods ... yes, there is definitely more than a touch of hypocrisy there. And I'll say it again. It doesn't matter why one chooses not too support a mod. It's well within their rights and there's nothing empirically wrong with it, no matter the reason. It doesn't matter if they don't like how you handle your mods. It's their right not to support your mods as your mods aren't in their pack. And you right not to support ModTweaker as it's your mod.

Do I agree with them not supporting your mods? Yes. I agree that they have the right to. Do I condone their lies? No. That's just wrong. But. That doesn't make their decision to not support your mods any weaker or more 'wrong'.

Do I agree with *your* decision not to support ModTweaker? No, but I agree that you have the right to.

And please cease with the ad hominem attacks. They don't strengthen your case. And I've been nothing but reasonable and honest this entire time.
Just as Reika and other modders don't give tech support when you run ModTweaker, the authors of a mod pack aren't required to give you tech support if you run additional mods on top of the pack. That isn't being whiny or being unjustified. That's not being 'forced' to support stuff you haven't tested.

Does that make their lies about the non-existent crash code okay? No. But they're not wrong or being *in* the wrong for denying support when others add Reika's, or anyone else's, mods.

While it is within the rights of the people over at resonant rise to not provide any support, they based their argument on a lie about crash code that never even existed, and that makes whatever argument they make completely invalid.

On the other hand, @Reika has a good reason as to why he does not support mine-/modtweaker. That reason being that, if someone changed something minor in the mods early/mid-game then you might make the rest of the mod inaccessible, because of his strict progression internally in his mods.

Also, if you try to make it so MineTweaker *doesn't* work then lots of the *good* modpack authors won't touch the mod.

Because of the way they are designed, Reika´s mods requires you to have them centralized, because of their very strict progression, That is more like a learning curve than a “the more resources you get, the more you can do” progression curve. So the “good modpack authors” are not gonna touch reika´s mods unless decide to make a mod fully based around his mods.

If a modpack maker decides not to support any particular mods then that's their full right to do so

Agreed, but if said modpack maker justifies it on a lie, their reasoning falls apart, and they lose all legitimacy

Just as it's your full right to not support players that use ModTweaker. That one goes both ways, Reika.

Again reika has legitimate reason to do so, RR does not.

Just because you disagree with me, doesn't mean I twisted your words

If a modpack maker decides not to support any particular mods then that's their full right to do so. Just as it's your full right to not support players that use ModTweaker. That one goes both ways, Reika.

You twisted his words by leaving out some important information about the fact that reika actually had a reason as to why he doesn’t support players using mod/minetweaker. Unlike the people at RR who don’t actually have a reason to not support Reika’s mods, that is legitimate.

'Moral ground' has no bearing there.

There is no 'moral high ground' when it comes to not providing support.

Why wouldn’t the moral ground matter?

What you are saying is that no matter how stupid/offensive reasons someone might come up with it, it´s valid, because the moral ground of the reason does not matter. I have to be honest but that is an invalid and borderline stupid argument.

They have the right to not support your mods. You may not like their reason, but it's their right to *have* that opinion.

They have the right to not provide any support to Reika’s mods specifically yes, but their reason is based on a lie so they lose all legitimacy by doing so.

You have the right to not support ModTweaker. They may not like that reason, but it's their right to *have* that opinion.

He does not support it, because he has good reasons to not do so.

Again, they do not.

I did because it DOES NOT MATTER why a mod creator or modpack creator refuses to provide support.

It doesn't matter why you or they don't support it. One reason isn't superior to the other.

Correct it does not matter, but if their reason is invalid, which it is in this case they lose all legitimacy.

The only thing that DOES matter is that it's your right, and theirs as well, to support only what you choose to outside of the bounds of the mod/modpack itself.

I feel like I can say the same to all of your posts about this subject.

The reasoning behind them not supporting Reika’s mods are based on a lie so they lose legitimacy on it.

I'm not ignoring the crux of the issue. Did I not say in my post that their decision not to support Reika's mods DOES NOT condone their lie?

You are clearly ignoring the crux of I all since refuse to realise that you are defending a lie that you even know is a lie yourself

What you are saying is that it doesn’t matter whether or not there reasoning is based on a lie it doesn’t matter, because its all a valid reason anyway.

As much as you say your reason for disallowing/not supporting ModTweaker is that it causes issues, that isn't the case. ModTweaker itself doesn't cause issues. People that don't know what they're doing with it are the ones that cause issues. So that shifts your dislike and non-support of it from purely practical to being just as much of a personal dispute with the people using it incorrectly.

Ok, you have a point, but the reasoning behind the disallowance of using mine/modtweaker to tweak Reika’s mods is that his mods have a very delicate progression that breaks whenever you try a change just the slightest bit of it.

As for *them*, the practical reason is likely that your mod *does* introduce issues that they don't care to troubleshoot. They're not required to troubleshoot issues your mod may bring to their modpack as it's not one they include themselves. That's not purely personal. There's practicality there too.

There reasoning is purely beucase they disagree with how reika´s mods work, and that they at some point picked up a lie and used it a reason to deny tech support to anyone using his mods.

*Some* people are. So let's disallow and punish *everyone*, eh? By shifting it from not supporting those that use it badly to not supporting *any*, Reika shifts from purely practical to personal as well.

Yeah some people are, the thing is again that one accidental oversight in your changes and you cant use the mod at all.

There's as much logic in what they're doing as what Reika's doing. Both are using personal *and* practical reasons.

RR hasn´t mentioned any practical reasons, behind what they are doing when they aren´t supporting reikas mods.

Reika had his mods wellbeing in mind when he decided to disallow the use of mod/minetweaker for them.

sorry for the long post everybody i just had to get it out of my system. :)
While it is within the rights of the people over at resonant rise to not provide any support, they based their argument on a lie about crash code that never even existed, and that makes whatever argument they make completely invalid.

On the other hand, @Reika has a good reason as to why he does not support mine-/modtweaker. That reason being that, if someone changed something minor in the mods early/mid-game then you might make the rest of the mod inaccessible, because of his strict progression internally in his mods.

No. That doesn't make their refusal to support it invalid. You may not like their reason, but they are well within their rights to not support his mods. Noone is required to support any mod not in their pack. PERIOD. Just like no modmaker is required to support cross-mod interaction.

Because of the way they are designed, Reika´s mods requires you to have them centralized, because of their very strict progression, That is more like a learning curve than a “the more resources you get, the more you can do” progression curve. So the “good modpack authors” are not gonna touch reika´s mods unless decide to make a mod fully based around his mods.

Yes. And so many other mods have centralized progression as well. Some others have strict progression too. Yes, ones with a learning curve and not being world-resource bound. Reika's mods are not that special and unique. Sorry.

And good modpack authors *could* integrate multiple mods together to keep a strong progression, even if it's not centered around Reika's. Or could if allowed. Instead it's RotaryCraft as the core or else. A bit of hubris, there, to say that one mod has more of a right to it's choice of progression than another. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Agreed, but if said modpack maker justifies it on a lie, their reasoning falls apart, and they lose all legitimacy

No. No legitimacy is lost. They haven't lost the legitimacy to not support another mod. The right to not support a mod does not require moral high ground or anything else. It's their right to not support any mod not in their pack for any reason. Period. They only lost legitimacy in themselves for their lies.

Again reika has legitimate reason to do so, RR does not.

Again, 'legitimacy' doesn't matter when it comes to not supporting a mod. Hell, a reason doesn't even need to be given to not support a mod. Reika could say that he doesn't support a mod because of purple space aliens from Europa and I'd have no right to tell him he's wrong for not supporting said mod. I might think he's *crazy*, but that has nothing to do with supporting the mod or not.

The only reason for needing to support a mod is if you include cross-mod compatibility yourself, such as including their APIs and stuff, or if your mod is derivative of theirs and relies on it. Or, for a modmaker, if it's in your pack. If it's not, then you're not required to support it.
You twisted his words by leaving out some important information about the fact that reika actually had a reason as to why he doesn’t support players using mod/minetweaker. Unlike the people at RR who don’t actually have a reason to not support Reika’s mods, that is legitimate.

I've acknowledged that argument of his ... and I disagree with it strongly. I don't think one should punish everyone for the actions of some. BUT. That doesn't mean that he's not within his rights to not support it. Again, 'legitimacy' doesn't matter when it comes to saying you're not going to support a mod. That is what I'm trying to say.

Why wouldn’t the moral ground matter?

What you are saying is that no matter how stupid/offensive reasons someone might come up with it, it´s valid, because the moral ground of the reason does not matter. I have to be honest but that is an invalid and borderline stupid argument.

Because you're mixing the morals of their personal actions with their right to not have to support a mod that's not in their pack. Yes, they lost moral ground by lying. BUT. That doesn't mean they lost the right to not support Reika's mods. Those two things are *not* linked.

When it comes to supporting another mod, yes. Again, I still think they lost moral ground. I just don't believe that their moral standing has anything to do with needing to support a mod that's not in their pack. Seriously. How many times to I need to say this?

I feel like I can say the same to all of your posts about this subject.

Yes, my stance says that Reika is well within his rights to not support ModTweaker, something I wish he would do. Thank you for finally noticing.

You are clearly ignoring the crux of I all since refuse to realise that you are defending a lie that you even know is a lie yourself

What you are saying is that it doesn’t matter whether or not there reasoning is based on a lie it doesn’t matter, because its all a valid reason anyway.

No. I'm not supporting their lie. I never have. If you check my first post on this issue, I did say that I disagreed with their lie and didn't condone it. I just know that that doesn't suddenly mean that they must support Reika's mods. Those two things are *not* related.

Ok, you have a point, but the reasoning behind the disallowance of using mine/modtweaker to tweak Reika’s mods is that his mods have a very delicate progression that breaks whenever you try a change just the slightest bit of it.

They do. But it's easy to grok if one cares to look. I could easily make it play nice with another mod without breaking the order of progression or un-gating it entirely. It just requires tweaking both mods to progress in tandem. Child's play for one with a brain. It's something I'd love to do when I shift from a magic-based pack to a tech-based pack. But it's one I can't do due to policies. So I'll probably go with GregTech instead as it's more amenable to the needs of modpack creators.

Yeah some people are, the thing is again that one accidental oversight in your changes and you cant use the mod at all.

A good modpack maintainer would fix that shit. A great one wouldn't have broken it in the first place. :P

RR hasn´t mentioned any practical reasons, behind what they are doing when they aren´t supporting reikas mods.

I don't think that that matters. Their modpack. They decide what they support. Just as with Reika's support of ModTweaker. His mod. He decides what he supports. Those two things are equivalent. 'Legitimacy' doesn't matter. The legitimacy is granted by them being the creator of their mod/modpack.

Reika had his mods wellbeing in mind when he decided to disallow the use of mod/minetweaker for them.

I fully agree. Reika is very protective of his mod and looks out for it. It's just a shame that that procludes good integration into modpacks unless Reika adds the options one desires in his own configs.
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I was going to do the quote-respond thing... and then frogfigther went and made a massive one that I don't feel like duplicating and refuting point by point right now.

This is a case of conflicting ideologies. NEITHER SIDE IS WRONG. THIS ARGUMENT IS GETTING SILLY!

Now I feel better. Reika, your decision to not support MineTweaker is indeed a personal one. You don't want people coming to you or blaming you when they break your admittedly delicate/complex balance in the tiering system of ChC, RoC and addons. That's not "my stuff breaks", it's "users are being stupid". Which, is BOTH a practical and emotional reason.

Seriously you two. It's not an argument worth getting that passionate in public over. You both have solid points and good reasons for having them. Do I wish things were different? Yes. Is things going to change if we keep arguing like this? No.

Also, I'm like 95% sure both Synful and Reika get it guys. This has all the hallmarks of an ideological mismatch. Let me second SynfulChaot's motion to just drop this conversation before something explodes?
I remember when this thread was about made up people saying made up things for fun. Now it's become a stab-box where everyone acts like jerks and you start learning all sorts of uncomfortable things about people. I think once we've hit the point where we're finding out about crazy stalkers, we probably need to take a little step back and remember we're talking about digital lego. I know how it feels to get caught up in an interwebs fight, but still. Less hate, more being understanding I guess.

I mean, being smug about being smarter than people who are probably actual children is kind of weird, but I'm still freaked out about that stalker thing. Yikes.

Incidentally, I'm sorry about calling people crazy or other such things. It's insensitive to both the target, and people suffering from mental illness. Ideally, I'd go back and remove such things, but they still appear in quotes so it's kind of impossible to retract them fully.
I remember when this thread was about made up people saying made up things for fun. Now it's become a stab-box where everyone acts like jerks and you start learning all sorts of uncomfortable things about people.
I also kinda dislike how this thread's topic evolved.
The last pages of this thread are really filled with hate and accusations, against people in this forum as well as third parties.
...I can't say I hate learning about this stuff, maybe it's just suited for a different forum board/section... A FTB Mature zone maybe? IDK, I just seem to like being aware of both the good and bad people do, it makes the world feel more... real.
...I can't say I hate learning about this stuff, maybe it's just suited for a different forum board/section... A FTB Mature zone maybe? IDK, I just seem to like being aware of both the good and bad people do, it makes the world feel more... real.
If you want to know more of the bad, I can tell you some of my secret fantasies. (most of which involve my immediate family dying horrible, painful, bloody deaths :D)
If you want to know more of the bad, I can tell you some of my secret fantasies. (most of which involve my immediate family dying horrible, painful, bloody deaths :D)
Again, I mean real things real people have done in reality. Key word: RAL
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