ReactorCraft! Radiation is bad?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is called multithreading, and has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It is also very dangerous.
Maybe a new thing like a gas or something so like a liquid but a new form that only your pipes can use it in other than this it's impossible to stop people from voiding your waste


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I still want it to be possible for players to make stupid decisions like dumping it in the world.

Also, nuclear waste is not a gas.
I know it's not a gas but what I was trying to say is a separate liquid system just for these wastes so these liquids can only go through your pipes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If it is made into a special martial that can only be transported in a special way you can still enable people to carry it as a item if you apply a resource cost to it. For example allow people to make transport canisters that they can fill with waste manually or automatically. Which said canisters costing some resource to make and may or may not be reusable. That way it will not be cost effective to void them and will add incentive to do things the correct way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm currently playing a "custom" Monster-based FTB pack and running into some serious issues with Reactorcraft.

  • The Radiation Goggles have no recipe.
  • I have radiation coming out of my Breeder reactor and no idea how to clean it up when I can't see it, and there's nothing in the guide to clean it up.

(Using RC v.18)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Upgrade the mod as most likely they were not finished in that version. Also if I am not mistaken it is not possible to clean up radiation beyond waiting for it to go away and rain may speed it up.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
If it is made into a special martial that can only be transported in a special way you can still enable people to carry it as a item if you apply a resource cost to it. For example allow people to make transport canisters that they can fill with waste manually or automatically. Which said canisters costing some resource to make and may or may not be reusable. That way it will not be cost effective to void them and will add incentive to do things the correct way.
That is not compatible with the disposal system.

I'm currently playing a "custom" Monster-based FTB pack and running into some serious issues with Reactorcraft.

  • The Radiation Goggles have no recipe.
  • I have radiation coming out of my Breeder reactor and no idea how to clean it up when I can't see it, and there's nothing in the guide to clean it up.

(Using RC v.18)
Out of date and realism respectively.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is not compatible with the disposal system.

Out of date and realism respectively.

Thanks. Two additional questions -
  • About how long does atmospheric / soil radiation last?
  • (Forgive me if this is in newer versions, but) could you put a page into the ReactorCraft book that details using concrete and steel? I built my breeder reactor on the second-hand reading that 3-deep concrete was enough to stop 100% (apparently it's 4-deep) and now most of the mountain i built it in is irradiated. :p The Youtube videos didn't help all that much since they are all done in Creative.

Otherwise really liking the mod even if I have to use an outdated version. I just need to find another mod item that makes me immune to debuffs and maybe I can work in my reactor room without getting dizzy. :)


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Thanks. Two additional questions -
  • About how long does atmospheric / soil radiation last?
Days to weeks of gameplay, usually.

  • (Forgive me if this is in newer versions, but) could you put a page into the ReactorCraft book that details using concrete and steel? I built my breeder reactor on the second-hand reading that 3-deep concrete was enough to stop 100% (apparently it's 4-deep) and now most of the mountain i built it in is irradiated. :p The Youtube videos didn't help all that much since they are all done in Creative.

Are you sure you did not have a meltdown? Loose neutrons cause little radiation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Days to weeks of gameplay, usually.
Are you sure you did not have a meltdown? Loose neutrons cause little radiation.

I haven't had a full-scale meltdown, but I have had a few minor disasters.
  • Set up buildcraft pipes to remove waste from breeder and sort out Plutonium - sorter pipe wasn't covering all waste and some spilled onto the ground for a bit.
  • Built a waste pool inside my reactor room (dumb i know) - and the book says that the waste chambers produce heat so I thought that meant I could put boilers around them (while also underwater) ... boom.
  • For some reason my Steam Boilers did not accept liquid Ammonia from my setup (only the boilers around my Hot Sodium recycler, nothing touching a reactor) and the boilers exploded. Setup = Synthesizer-to-TE Fluiduct-to-Resevoir-to-RC Fluid Pipe. Ammonia goes all the way through the fluid pipe but never goes into the boilers (from the bottom).
Would using the ExtraUtilities Trash Can be causing it? (like, do you cause radiation to be generated when waste is voided?). I know this probably makes me a scumbag but I'd rather enjoy building and tinkering with reactors than spend 90% of my playtime putting black stuff into barrels.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I haven't had a full-scale meltdown, but I have had a few minor disasters.
  • Set up buildcraft pipes to remove waste from breeder and sort out Plutonium - sorter pipe wasn't covering all waste and some spilled onto the ground for a bit.
  • Built a waste pool inside my reactor room (dumb i know) - and the book says that the waste chambers produce heat so I thought that meant I could put boilers around them (while also underwater) ... boom.
Both of these cause major radiation spillage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both of these cause major radiation spillage.

Thanks. I think I'll leave my RC room dormant for awhile and let it dissipate to make sure I'm not still doing anything wrong.

Also, in the process of setting up this room, I think I've earned both Darwin awards.
  • Got Pulse Jet Furnace running off a Gas Turbine only to promptly feed myself through it.
  • Damage a steam turbine blade not once, twice, or even three - but 4 times - by putting my face to it. Promptly built a shroud for it after that.


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Thanks. I think I'll leave my RC room dormant for awhile and let it dissipate to make sure I'm not still doing anything wrong.

Also, in the process of setting up this room, I think I've earned both Darwin awards.
  • Got Pulse Jet Furnace running off a Gas Turbine only to promptly feed myself through it.
  • Damage a steam turbine blade not once, twice, or even three - but 4 times - by putting my face to it. Promptly built a shroud for it after that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may be an awkward place for me to post this, but I didn't want to post a new thread for one simple question. I am trying to pipe in uranium hexafluoride directly into the isotope centrifuge. I have seen the guide from dalinus on youtube where he filled canisters and manually filled the centrifuge, but I don't want to do that unless I have to. The manual says that the centrifuge takes in fuel from the top, but I cant seem to get that working. I am using the ducts provided by reactorcraft.
Thanks for any help in advance :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may be an awkward place for me to post this, but I didn't want to post a new thread for one simple question. I am trying to pipe in uranium hexafluoride directly into the isotope centrifuge. I have seen the guide from dalinus on youtube where he filled canisters and manually filled the centrifuge, but I don't want to do that unless I have to. The manual says that the centrifuge takes in fuel from the top, but I cant seem to get that working. I am using the ducts provided by reactorcraft.
Thanks for any help in advance :)
1. There is a thread dedicated to simple questions
2. I suspect a certain Reika will answer this...


RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
This may be an awkward place for me to post this, but I didn't want to post a new thread for one simple question. I am trying to pipe in uranium hexafluoride directly into the isotope centrifuge. I have seen the guide from dalinus on youtube where he filled canisters and manually filled the centrifuge, but I don't want to do that unless I have to. The manual says that the centrifuge takes in fuel from the top, but I cant seem to get that working. I am using the ducts provided by reactorcraft.
Thanks for any help in advance :)