ReactorCraft! Radiation is bad?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have the perfect solution for your problem with people deleting nuclear waste! just do what azanor did on tc2 with taint and add a nuclear waste tube that is the only way to transport it.That way there is no item to void and it's not a forge fluid so you can't void that either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the tube not an item?

I think he means a radiation shielded tube or item transport pipe (aka a lead lined version of your vacuum tubes or buildcraft pipes) that is the only safe way to transport waste. For example you can set it up to where waste spawns radiation into the world if it is not in the players inventory, a reactor, or a proper transport pipe. At which point you will have complete control on what someone can do with it and what machines said pipe can interact with.

Grant it someone can still manually remove the waste and put it into a void chest, however they will most likely die horribly from radiation doing so.

Edit: Basically its the do it my way or glow green for rest of your characters short radiated life tactic.
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RotaryCraft Dev
FTB Mod Dev
Sep 3, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I think he means a radiation shielded tube or item transport pipe (aka a lead lined version of your vacuum tubes or buildcraft pipes) that is the only safe way to transport waste. For example you can set it up to where waste spawns radiation into the world if it is not in the players inventory, a reactor, or a proper transport pipe. At which point you will have complete control on what someone can do with it and what machines said pipe can interact with.

Grant it someone can still manually remove the waste and put it into a void chest, however they will most likely die horribly from radiation doing so.

Edit: Basically its the do it my way or glow green for rest of your characters short radiated life tactic.
This is similar to an already-proposed and promising idea, but how does spillage (i.e. idiots deciding to "let it despawn") happen?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is similar to an already-proposed and promising idea, but how does spillage (i.e. idiots deciding to "let it despawn") happen?

Simple when you die your character drops everything in his inventory and if it is not picked up right away that is when the fun starts.

Also if they are dumb enough to try and remove some of the more dangerous waste products by hand bad things will happen.

Basically what would be needed is a system like the frame slots from forestries apiaries. Where it is impossible to interact with them via any form of automated item transport other then what you specify. While naturally allowing the idiots to still be able to manually remove the waste by hand for testing or to simply be idiots. (aka lets dump it into the nearest jungle or ocean)

Edit: Now to keep server owners happy if your willing a config option can be added to make it impossible to manually remove the waste to avoid griefing.
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Oct 11, 2013
Get an ItemVoidEvent added to Forge.

Three months later, crash any mod that doesn't use it correctly. When they complain, tell them their mod is broken, not yours.

Why do I have a feeling someone's probably done that somewhere before?
Honestly one of the funniest things I've ever read. Immibis you're the best.


Lord of the Tumbleweeds
Sep 21, 2013
Where else?
Get an ItemVoidEvent added to Forge.

Three months later, crash any mod that doesn't use it correctly. When they complain, tell them their mod is broken, not yours.

Why do I have a feeling someone's probably done that somewhere before?
Ah, Greg... if only you used your powers for good...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suggestion for handling spillage. Rather than making the waist something that spawns on the ground during a spill couldn't you convert parts of the land into a radiated wasteland biom. Simmaler to thamcraft's taint biom. It couldn't get covered up and there are few mods that could change the biom back. And none that can do it quickly or easily. And it would be so interesting to see the cross mod interaction between reactor craft and thamcraft. Using silverwood trees to clean up radioactive bioms and what ever system you plan on adding if any to clean up taint.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Suggestion for handling spillage. Rather than making the waist something that spawns on the ground during a spill couldn't you convert parts of the land into a radiated wasteland biom. Simmaler to thamcraft's taint biom. It couldn't get covered up and there are few mods that could change the biom back. And none that can do it quickly or easily. And it would be so interesting to see the cross mod interaction between reactor craft and thamcraft. Using silverwood trees to clean up radioactive bioms and what ever system you plan on adding if any to clean up taint.
Or rainbow trees that are meant to reduce instability.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
these ideas sound good. Make radiation a cloud like TC2 taint and when it is in a location too long, make the block under it 'tainted' as well. Having special tubes / blocks that vacuum / clean up the mess


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Simple way: made/make the waste useful :)

if you void the waste -> you loose some interesting ways to get recources (energy, iron, lead etc. )


What shall i do with the Plutonium?

I use Breeder-reactores, (i think they are more effektive than normal reactors) but, at the end i get Plutonium.

The Reactor runs with ME/AE, but this "machine" cant put the plutonium in the fuel-cores. - so Plutonium is a .. "waste" :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Get an ItemVoidEvent added to Forge.

Three months later, crash any mod that doesn't use it correctly. When they complain, tell them their mod is broken, not yours.

Why do I have a feeling someone's probably done that somewhere before?
Anyways, remind me which modder has done that before?