Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: Hanthion
Age: 27
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Probably around 500 hours on a different FTB server at endgame with Gregtech on hardmode
Goals On Server: Endgame PvE, make some FTB friends, and to contribute/learn as much knowledge as I can about FTB.
Unique Skills?: Played on a Tekkit server for awhile, I particularly enjoy redpower so I'm pretty good with that stuff.
How Active are you?: a few hours per work day, serveral hours on weekends...maybe 20hrs per week average.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder/Tech
Denied pizzawolf14. Thank you for applying.
Due to a large amount of applications and a large player base; we reserve the right to deny anyone for any reason. Please do not ask or inquire as to why. Thank you for applying.[DOUBLEPOST=1373252891][/DOUBLEPOST]riverzrock2011 Hanthion added to the white list. Welcome to the server. =)

Wait until you all see the gorgeous spawn that our owner Gummy and admin Kiwi have been working on. It is awesome. They have been working on some great things for the players that I believe they will ALL love!!!!! Lots of fun on the way, come and join us at Squirrellcraft!
In Game Name: Fallouttec
Age: 16 (will be 17 this July 28th)
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Since Minecraft 1.7.3 Beta, Been playing heavily modded iterations of Minecraft since, also ran a Small time private FTB server at one point for me and a friend (logged a lot of time during that period)
Goals On Server: To provide Free (or pay to use) public resources such as Materials, Bee Products, Fuel etc. As well to build awesome looking base and do the general FTB mod pack things like creating awesome looking (Yet server efficient) builds
Unique Skills?: I'm not really spectacular in any sorta way, mostly just honest, want to play on a good FTB server, I am very good at most of the FTB mods and are familiar decently with them (Big fan of DireWolf20, so I've gotten lots of insight on the mods and what they can do)
How Active are you?: Occasional/Common, may disappear for days at a time without notice as i shift between games a lot. Lately Ive been feeling the need for some modded Minecraft so i may be one for hours at a time for a while but afterwards may not show again for a while dependent on how enjoyable my experience has been.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'm mostly a Miner/Hoarder kind of guy, collecting a metric ton of resources before i even start working on projects, I'm also what you would call a Tech guy and also good at building (More function over style though). Overall if i had to pick one id be split between Builder and Tech but for the simplicities stake ill go with Builder.
In Game Name: Mephinox
Age: 26
Banned Before: Never.
Experience with modded MC: Played Tekkit for about a year, have been playing FTB ultimate for about 9 months. Co-ran servers with a friend of mine for both modpacks.
Goals On Server: To build one of my high tech towers, floating cities or underground laboratories.
Unique Skills?: I'm particularly prudent. Very knowledgeable when it comes to mods such as IC2, Gregtech, Redpower 2, forestry and thaumcraft. I'm obviously willing to help out other players if they require any assistance in the form of knowledge, I don't like handing out or receiving freebie items though as I feel that the game is a lot more rewarding if you put hard work into your goals.
How Active are you?: Very
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder/Tech.
In Game Name: imadude1230
Age: 13
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: tekkit, AMCO, no ftb though... (hoping to learn + understand ftb and all the mods it uses)
Goals On Server: Make lots of automated farms and make all the resources that can be, automatically made a collected :)
Unique Skills?: I'm pretty good at making efficient farms
How Active are you?: Every day for 2-6 hours
In Game Name:WillB1fy
Banned Before:No
Experience with modded MC:I have played tekkit and all sorts of other modded minecraft games.
Goals On Server:To have fun making new friend and meeting new people.
Unique Skills?:I am an excellent builder and a friendly person.
How Active are you?:I am on almost everyday just depends on my basketball schedule.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:I am mainly a builder but I am also social and an adventurer.
WillB1fy added to the white list. welcome to the server. =)
[DOUBLEPOST=1373686980][/DOUBLEPOST] imadude1230 denied. Thank you for applying.[DOUBLEPOST=1373687131][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ok it's your lose. Missed a really good opporunity.[/quote

Given the response you just gave. I believe I made the right decision. A mature individual would have accepted his denial and moved on. I wish you the best of luck in your search for a server that you will enjoy.
Im guessing your accepting indiviuals over ages of 16+ according to everyone you accepted and denied. Im guessing you look at quantity and not quality.
--> Towny fully removed resiidence added in , mostly configed, we will explain uses and what not in game, and set up a how-to post on squirrelly site. <--

As for Emrehoops we dont need numbers, we pride ourselves on the players that we have, ask your self this what is a app?
its never really mattered what goes into it, but to get to know someone, if it looks like they wont fit in with the current player base it gets denied, that is all, this server is run the way our players want it run, hence the whitelist and everything that we do to ensure that they get a quality environment in which to enjoy.
if it was quantity as you stated it would be a open server, and promoted in more places than here taking in everyone and everything, but im going to cut this rant off here, i see no need to have to explain how applicants work, im sure you will find out in your travels where ever they may take you.
Age: 20 Name- badboybaker
Since some people are including links to there bases, Heres i guess one of my more look bases, I have most of my pipeing hidden in the leaves around, If you look close you can see it, I use it more for archetecting and its a fully functional base, Power, Fuel, Farms, Bio farms, Ect :D
sorry for any cutoff's btw, Using multiple monitors, So i trimmed to keep it just minecraft. Thanks.



Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Very Very experienced, First hand knowledge on 3/4ths of Ultimate pack
Goals On Server: Build, Automate everything, Upgrade with time, Perhaps make full factory :)
Unique Skills?: Designing houses/Buildings, Wiring, Traps/Hidden Lock rooms
How Active are you?: Would be Every day/Every other
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder, Tech and Adventurer when needing items
In Game Name: rolldawg
Age: 21
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: Been playing with mods since mc 1.3.2

This was my base before my server got closed down. Forgot to take a picture inside my basement :)

Goals On Server: Learn moar about mods and help people when ive settled down on my own
Unique Skills?: i am addicted to automation and bees.
How Active are you?: When i get home from uni / work till 11 midnight or so
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: tech freak
In Game Name: luca2849 (nocaps)
Age: 18
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I've played tekkit, technic and I played FTB since the 1.2.5 Pyramid maps
Goals On Server: To be helpful like if anyone needs help or i could help with community projects
Unique Skills?: Im very good at automation and keeping things neat.
How Active are you?: 2-5 hours most days
Which sums you up? Builder, Social butterfly and Tech
Hope to see you on the server :)
badboybaker,rolldawg,luca2849 added to the white list. Welcome to the server and I apologize for the delay on the white listing. =)

In Game Name: Frenetic_Calm
Age: 35
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: Been running Tekkit/FTB servers for over a year now. Just looking to only play now
Goals On Server: To have fun
Unique Skills?: have run dedicated MC servers for over a year
How Active are you?: cpl hours a day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: All of the Above