Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name:LittleExo_
Banned Before:Nope
Experience with modded MC:I've played Voids Wrath and Aether 2 last few months and I've watched CaptainSparklez's video and saw a suggestion of a FTB and I started play Single Player for FTB and now I wanna try to play FTB, I've joined a few servers and experienced some of the FTB Mods like Thaumcraft .
Goals On Server:To be a Thaumcraft Wizard :b I love thaumcraft so much its so interesting.
Unique Skills?:Not alot of unique skills because I've just started playing Minecraft few months ago.
How Active are you?: I will play about 2-4hours in weekdays and I will maybe play 4-7hours in weekends.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:Adventurer because I love adventuring and mining. :b
Gummy there's 1 more thing to ban , maybe Arcane Bore . Just helping out :)

Arcane Bore takes a little research to do.. I personally don't think a greifer would want to sit there and research thaumcraft completely before breaking into someones house and getting banned. Arcane Bore is not an easy thing to setup and takes a little time.
In Game Name:Tianran
Banned Before:No
Experience with modded MC:Experience of designing and building automatic factory able to produce most vanilla item and blocks for infinite quantity on two servers
Goals On Server:A self sufficient production line, and use acquired materials for building or trading proposes
Unique Skills?:World politics, most subjects of psychology, Chinese language and culture
How Active are you?: ususally very, dependes on the resouce i've been given

Which sums you up? Tech-Builder
In Game Name: arallak
Age: 31
Banned Before: I've never been banned.
Experience with modded MC: I play with mods is two years. I think I have experienced the vast majority of tech mods.
Goals On Server: My goal is to create new friendships and have fun creating new types of construction.
Unique Skills?: What I do best? Castles. But do not think that is a unique skill. I intend to make a castle completely automated.
How Active are you?: Typically get online most of the night. Sometimes I get all day online.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'm an Tech Adventurer. I like to do both.
In Game Name: DarkMagix
Age: 23
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Playing since Industrial Craft 1 (1-2 years+)
Goals On Server: To build massive factories and to help out, and socialize with people around me
Unique Skills?: I can program a fair bit in LUA, normally a coder in c++
How Active are you?: I can be quite active If I find a server to be fun and engaging
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I like to build, use tech and i could say im partially social in that I'll talk to other people around me and get to know them
arallak, DarkMagix added to the white list. Welcome to the server.

In Game Name: BASHOSEN
Age: 16 (Mature for my Age) ( Also just because Im 16 I don't have to be left out when everybody is drunk in voice chat, I can drink apple juice)
Banned Before: On a PVP server because my brother PVP logged and got IP banned, so i did too.
Experience with modded MC: 4 months.
Goals On Server: Completely automate mining and ore proccessing and build a massive Wizard Tower
Unique Skills?: I am like a human encyclopedia, I love knowing everything there is to know about a game I play, so ask away for help or if you need to know how many armor points that chest has
How Active are you?: During the summer I can play really any time I dont have work. So a lot
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: A Tech/Builder, incorporating both into eachother. Here is the base I have had for a few days since I just started Ultimate: http://imgur.com/a/nqqmZ
In Game Name: Abroosky
Age: 17
Banned Before: Nope, i pretty much stay to myself.
Experience with modded MC: Around 6 months...here is some of the latest builds bashoshen and i have done ------>http://imgur.com/a/k2tlB
Goals On Server: To play with friends (my good friend irl just got whitelisted, his name is bashoshen, and i really want to play with him on a reliable mature server).Also make uber builds, i also like to make everything i can automated.
Unique Skills?: Very good builder, good at thaumcraft, unique building style.
How Active are you?:I usually play a few hours every day, but i sometimes play over 12 hours....Normally playing during the night.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:I would say a mix between a builder and adventurer.
IGN: pizzawolf14
age: 15
reason: I want to play on a whitelist server so that new people aren't constantly asking to team :P
Plans: I want to build a massive mob/bee farm!
prior experience: i beat the insanity map and played on 1 or 2 servers and thats about it.
voice chat: no mic, but i may get one :)
recording?: nope
opinion on squirrels: both :P
In Game Name: Kubaaa5
Age: 16
Banned Before: NOPE!
  1. Experience with modded MC: I have a lot of experience with FTB I played Tekkit before FTB came out and when FTB came out I started playing it. I'm addicted ever since! I have a lot of knowledge on all the mods and know what mods to use for what! I love to build complex things and I perfect everything I do!!
Goals On Server: My goals on the server is to make the server enjoyable! I will be active in the chatbox and I will make farms that will shock everyone! I make complex builds and try to help everyone if they need any help!!
Unique Skills?: Some of the skills that I have are, I try to make everything I do PERFECT. I do not make things that are not 100% perfect as I see that as pointless. I make complex things that are automatic because I love automating things!
How Active are you?: I will be active as possible. I have work at 6AM for about 5-7 hours but then I will be on for about 4-8 Hours a day! I LOVE ftb so of course I will be active on this server if I am accepted!!
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I am a builder and a Tech. I love making machines and automating things. I love to build complex builds and machines!
In Game Name: riverzrock2011
Banned Before:Never had the cause to be
Experience with modded MC:Very interesting because of the new recipes added, although my experience has been majorly dulled due to very immature players and admins.
Goals On Server:Progress far into the game (get ultimate hybrids)
Unique Skills?: Thuamcraft
How Active are you?:3-4 hours a day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:Tech, and enjoy minecraft much more while im with someone.