Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: IXMessyXI
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Quite strong.
Goals On Server: To assist and inspire others to make creative things within the server.
Unique Skills?: Very fast learner, strong patience.
How Active are you?: Very active. I'm frequently at the computer.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech
The twilight forest will be scheduled for deletion and a new one genned in this upcoming Friday
so please ensure all belongings are removed.
Thank you
In Game Name:Infernomage39
Banned Before:No never been banned.
Experience with modded MC:Mostly alot of my time i've played Minecraft i've played modded and just fooled around either with Aether 1 and technic and tekkit and Just usually play modded.
Goals On Server:Just to be able to play and have fun.
Unique Skills?:I'm able to learn alot of things quickly and come up with new contraptions sometimes and i can be very Space Efficient with some machines.
How Active are you?:Active often maybe every day besides from the Upcoming Monday Tuesdays and Fridays due to Driver's Ed.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:I'm more of a Social Person IMO because i'd rather have these huge open worlds played with other people rather than just play by myself.
In Game Name: Vortex27
Age: 20
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I played about 6 months on a Tekkit Server, after that I got to know FTB and I am playing it for about 3 months now :)
Goals On Server: Building something epic, meet lots of new ppl and make friends, help new players to get used to FTB, and the most important part: Have Fun :D
Unique Skills?: I am very good in solving problems (ofc it will take a while, but I wont give up until I found a solution). Furthermore I am quite patient when it comes to building difficult contraptions or to explaining stuff to new players :)
How Active are you?: About 1-2h a day :/ Ye I know its not much, but I am working at the Red Cross and I often have to work long hours :/ But I will do my best to be as active as possible :)
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech
Thank you for reading my application :)
Have fun,
In Game Name:

Real Life Name:
CHristopher R. E. (Thats where the Chre comes from :) You also can call me Chris

Will i continue to write in Colors?
My eyes saying No!


Banned Before:
Who would answer "Yes" here? No i was never banned on any kind of Multiplayer Server. (BF3 Servers of 14 Year olds don't count)

Experience with modded MC:
I installed my the first mods long before FTB was released but it where never so many Mods like FTB has in it. That's why i love Feed the Beast <3
I still miss the Zeppelin Mod :'( R.I.P.

Goals On Server:
All the Public Server i played on, where Grief till the death of my Fun playing on there and all the Whitelisted ones where slowly dying due to inactive Members.
So i am looking for an active Server with many nice (and Mature) People to play with.
I have currently no plans in Building something specific. My last project was a 128 Blocks big Sphere out of Glass, and i finished the whole Sphere and the Land in it, but after so many hours of building i lost my inspiration and interest in it.

Unique Skills?:
I have a Technical Mind and a good spatial awareness (Just Googled for a Translation, i hope this means what i mean :p )
Nothing else comes to my Mind that would help with Minecraft.

How Active are you?:
Mhhh, i would say very, but it varies. After finishing The Witcher 2 i feeled like i need some Minecraft again :D
In other words, it would be some hours a Day when i feel like it.

But i have to say i am in Germany, GMT+2. I play mostly later in the Day. 17:00 till 01:00 is usually when i have time to play.

(I also have not the best English, but it is ok, i can Communicate)

Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:
Technical Builder. I am not the most Social Man on this World so i hope you guys let me get into the Super Squirrel Fanclub :D
Vortex27 Chre903 Infernomage39 added to the white list. Welcome to the server.

Working on New arena like game any takers for the build? I'll go into specifics when we have a team lined up for it
In Game Name:
Banned Before:
Never been banned.
Experience with modded MC:
I have been a fan of tech mods since Tekkit. I learned to assemble mods into my MC games without the use of a launcher when I discovered that some of the mod authors did not wish their mods to be part of that pack. I was very happy when FTB came along to make life easy again.
Goals On Server:
I really want to delve into the world of bees and become a Master Apiarist. Would like to eventually have bees providing most of my resources for me.
Why do I want to play on a server and not just SSP ? SSP gets boring quickly. In SMP, I can go visit people's cool builds in person, and people can check out my base too. External feedback on what you're doing is a great thing.
Unique Skills?:
I wouldn't say that there's anything unique about me, but wrangling mods around without using a launcher is somewhat of a special skill perhaps? I generally just get along with people and I don't pester people with questions. I know how to use google and can look up most things on my own.
How Active are you?:
I am returning from a break. I tend to be very active for 3-4 months, get burned out, take a break and find other things to do, then return to my MC crack addiction.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:
When I am on a SMP server, I try to divide my attention between trying to make my builds pretty and techie. In SSP I don't focus on beauty so much because their's nobody to show it off to or work on it with.
Additionally, what I am looking for in a server is a community I can enjoy lag free for the most part. I have been looking for newer servers that don't already have a ton of people at "end-game" already. The server-age of SquirrelCraft made me shy away at first, but I am ready to dig-in after seeing the activity of the admins and the fact that it is on Hard(Fun)-mode.
In Game Name:
Banned Before:
Experience with modded MC:
Started to play with mods on minecraft for a while now, enough so that i won't bother anyone with question related to mods and even help if someone needs.
Goals On Server:
Just to play with diferent people, is always nice to be in a good community.
Unique Skills?:
Guess i don't have any, at least i'm pacient, so dealing with players and builds isn't going to be a problem for me.
How Active are you?:
2-4 hours a day most of the time, i need to start studying for some tests, but it should be alright.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:
Something more like a builder that likes a good adventure, except of course, when i die on it.
In Game Name: JonnyH13
Age: 15, almost 16
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I have played Tekkit, Technic, and Universal Electricity (Voltz) several times in the past and have tried a few mods not in them.
Goals On Server: I hope I can master most of the technological mods in FTB and play on a server that is stable and active.
Unique Skills?: I can do some of the tech stuff and build well but I am not really good at either. Mining is a necessity to all players so I don't really think that is a unqiue skill.
How Active are you?: I try to be on at least an hour a day and two hours on weekends, but since I am on break I can be on for several hours everyday
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I am a builder/tech more than the others.
In Game Name: Jemjem787
Age: 16
Banned Before: A couple times
Experience with modded MC: A lot, know almost everything about it except thaumcraft and beecraftt, learning them though
Goals On Server: Make a huge base powered by biomass
Unique Skills?: Can make cool automatic macines
How Active are you?: Quite Active
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder and Tech
n Game Name: Soulfuris
Age: 18
Banned Before: Never been banned before.
Experience with modded MC: Months of experience with FTB, small amounts of Tekkit
Goals On Server:Try to master many of the technological mods in FTB and play on a server that is stable and mature.
Unique Skills?: Building/design is my specialty
How Active are you?: Try to be on at least once everyday. Some days for several hours, some days not as often
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder/ Adventurer
JonnyH13 added to the white list. Welcome to the server. =)

Jemjem787 denied. Thank you for applying.
In Game Name: Deviant210
Age: 29
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: I'd say Beginner/Intermediate. I've played with the DW20 pack for a bit before taking a break from MC. Now I'd like to really get into the Ultimate pack and see what I can do.
Goals On Server: Id say one of my biggest goal would be to really get into Greg-tech and everything that it can do. Because of the DW20 pack I haven't had to really get into it. I'd also like to jump into Bees as well, haven't really used that all that much.
Unique Skills?: Nothing that really jumps out at me. I tend to do a lot of research on any build that I'm doing to make sure its feasible before I start anything. Making diagrams in paint.net and getting material counts and such.
How Active are you?: I can range anywhere from a few hours a week to a few hours a day. My job tends to have a pretty random schedule so when I can get on I try to for at least a few hours.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder/Adventurer.
In Game Name: Nezeramon
Age: 23
Banned Before: No, at least not to my knowledge.
Experience with modded MC: I've been playing MC since late Indev, so I've had a lot of time to mess around with mods. As for the mods in FTB0, I've played around with the older ones quite a bit, so I know how to work through them rather well.
Goals On Server: My goals are to be part of a good community where I can build and have fun.
Unique Skills?: Not really any unique skills. I'm more of a Jack-of-Many-Trades.
How Active are you?: When I find a good community, I'm usually pretty active. I can't really be very active in forums or other text-based chat due to some recent damage to my optic nerve, which makes only reading slow. I can see shapes just fine, though.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'm mostly an Adventurer with a bit of tech to take care of the small things.