In Game Name: Fallouttec
Age: 16 (will be 17 this July 28th)
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Since Minecraft 1.7.3 Beta, Been playing heavily modded iterations of Minecraft since, also ran a Small time private FTB server at one point for me and a friend (logged a lot of time during that period)
Goals On Server: To provide Free (or pay to use) public resources such as Materials, Bee Products, Fuel etc. As well to build awesome looking base and do the general FTB mod pack things like creating awesome looking (Yet server efficient) builds
Unique Skills?: I'm not really spectacular in any sorta way, mostly just honest, want to play on a good FTB server, I am very good at most of the FTB mods and are familiar decently with them (Big fan of DireWolf20, so I've gotten lots of insight on the mods and what they can do)
How Active are you?: Occasional/Common, may disappear for days at a time without notice as i shift between games a lot. Lately Ive been feeling the need for some modded Minecraft so i may be one for hours at a time for a while but afterwards may not show again for a while dependent on how enjoyable my experience has been.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'm mostly a Miner/Hoarder kind of guy, collecting a metric ton of resources before i even start working on projects, I'm also what you would call a Tech guy and also good at building (More function over style though). Overall if i had to pick one id be split between Builder and Tech but for the simplicities stake ill go with Builder.